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Phys. Ed./Grade 8 L#21/Nov.

3, 2022
Thurs. 10:09-10:51 / 10:52-11:34

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson The purpose of this lesson is to integrate students into concepts of wellbeing and
Overview: physical activity through an Indigenous point of view. Students will develop
knowledge about the Medicine Wheel and use worksheets and a padlet to
connect the Medicine Wheel to their own life.

GOs: G.O. B, C

SOs: Students will:

 B8–8 describe and perform appropriate physical activities for personal
stress management and relaxation
 C8–1 communicate thoughts and feelings in an appropriate respectful
manner as they relate to participation in physical activity

Learning Students will: (BPM)

Objectives  Discover (B) what the 4 main quadrants of the Medicine Wheel represents at
how it relates to their own lives (P) during our Medicine Wheel/Padlet
worksheet (M).
 Develop (B) an understanding for whole body connectedness through the 4
main quadrants/dimensions of the Medicine Wheel (P) using a
collaborative/unanimous padlet activity (M).

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Medicine Wheel Worksheet/ Summative None.
Assessment Padlet Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Laptop cart. Resources: Mindful Movement
Lesson: Smartboard.
Speakers. Body Scan
Google classroom
with appropriate links.

Time: Content/Description Differentiation/

2min Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning: Discussion.

Today we are going to discuss about the Medicine Some students can
Wheel and how it relates to your Physical Activity. write it down.
 Who sits and watches TV? Does anyone do
anything while watching TV? Hands up/Hands down.
Phys. Ed./Grade 8 L#21/Nov. 3, 2022
Thurs. 10:09-10:51 / 10:52-11:34

 Who has been eating lots of Halloween Candy?

Does anyone prefer vegetables or fruit over
 Who goes to bed really late?


10min Learning Activity 1: Medicine Wheel Explanation

 There are 4 main quadrants of the Medicine Wheel:

Physical (proper nutrition, exercise, mastery  keep
working on something until you perfect it)
Mental, (if you are malnourished you may not make smart
choices…, or may not have the energy to feel confident,
ready, prepared).
Emotional, (Sometimes without exercise, we tend to
become moody. Our bodies need stimulus and movement
to stay mentally healthy, so that our emotions are not
Spiritual (keeps us in straight line).
 #4 if significant in First Nations Cultures, (4 seasons,
4 main directions, 4 stages of life  born, grow up,
you live, then pass away)
 All 4 have to be in sync to make person

When all 4 elements are healthy, you can get more things
done. First Nations peoples could hunt, fish, build
shelters, or live in the coldest of winters.
*There is a lot more to what the Medicine Wheel means
such as the many circles within the wheel and how it
effects each dimension. For the purpose of this class, it
will be shown through a physical activity perspective.

Hand out Medicine Wheel Worksheet.
5-7min Learning Activity 2: My Medicine Wheel Students can discuss it too if
 Hand out “My Medicine Wheel” assignment.
 Have students individually write out 2-3 things
about their physical activity, fitness, and
wellbeing in relation to each quadrant.
Phys. Ed./Grade 8 L#21/Nov. 3, 2022
Thurs. 10:09-10:51 / 10:52-11:34
“When I say go, quietly walk to the laptop cart and grab
a laptop.”

5min Learning Activity 3: Medicine Wheel Padlet

 Have students share their work or ideas on Padlet.

 A link is shared through google classroom.
 This can be done unanimously.

Have everyone close their laptops, sit back in their
chairs, and close their eyes for the next activity.

10min Learning Activity 4: Mindful Movement Exercise

 Using guided meditation, students will listen to a

guided meditation that focuses on breathing and
focusing on specific body parts and motions as an
attempt to become aware of one’s whole body.

 This will be an exercise where students can tie in

all 4 main dimensions/quadrants of the Medicine
Wheel to one’s own life.

Have students return chromebooks to the laptop cart,
and be prepared to leave.

1min Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
 Students padlets and worksheets will be used as an
exit slip.
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
 Although change from the gym, today’s lesson went really well and students seemed to
be interested in for the most part about the Medicine Wheel.

2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:

 Having students do some research about it right at the beginning went really well.
Gave me some time to get organized and got students engaged.
 All of this was new to them so they were very intrigued.
 Class flowed quite nicely, and the integration of Padlet was an awesome addition.
 Did a good job sharing information.
 Transitions were smooth and quick.
Phys. Ed./Grade 8 L#21/Nov. 3, 2022
Thurs. 10:09-10:51 / 10:52-11:34

3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:

 Call backs/attention getters weren’t as effective in classroom. I have gotten used to my
 I had problematic students clumped together… distracting/very talkative.
 Students were not very responsive during the guided meditation.
 Stereo didn’t work immediately.
 Some student wrote “ur mom is gay” on our padlet. It was addressed immediately.

4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?

 Don’t forget your list (cheat sheet).
 Separate students. I did for three, but there was a big group in the back that could have
been separated.
 Model for the guided meditation and have them stand up.
 Warn students about technology abuse and disrespect.

5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

 Teaching in a regular classroom is a lot different than the gym. It was really interesting
and lots of fun, but required planning and prep in a different form (which was
refreshing). It reinforced my comfort of being in the gym, however, I was confident
and excited about this challenge which I thought really helped engage and maintain
students focus.

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