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1. On the basis of size, we can classify computers into how many groups and what are they?

Ans: On the basis of size, we can classify computers into five groups- mobile computers,
microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, and supercomputers.

2. What are mobile computers?

Ans: Mobile computers are the smallest computers designed to be carried around by users.

3. What are the examples of mobile computers?

Ans: Laptops/Ultra books, netbooks, tablets, e-book readers, smartphones, personal data assistants
(PDAs), and portable media players (PMPs) are all mobile computers.

4. What are laptops?

Ans: Laptops are portable versions of desktop PCs.

5. What are netbooks?

Ans: Netbooks are smaller than laptops and usually do not have DVD drives.

6. Both laptops and netbooks are capable of doing what?

Ans: Both laptops and netbooks are capable of running the same software.

7. What is an ultra-book?

Ans: An ultra-book is another category of laptops that is slimmer and lighter but built to offer the same
performance as a laptop.

8. What is a PDA?

Ans: A PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is also known as a palmtop computer.

9. What is a PMP?

Ans: A PMP (Portable Media Player) is an electronic device that stores and plays audio, images, videos,

10. What is a game console?

Ans: A game console is an electronic device that can be connected to a TV and is used to play interactive
video games. Examples of game consoles are Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

11. What is an embedded system?

Ans: An embedded system is a combination of computer hardware and software, designed to perform a
specific function within a larger system. Such systems are embedded in cameras, household appliances,
medical equipment, vending machines, automobiles, etc.

12. What is a microcomputer?

Ans: A microcomputer is a small computer that is used by one person at a time.

13. What are desktop computers called?

Ans: Desktop computers are also called personal computers or PCs.

14. What is a minicomputer?

Ans: Minicomputers are larger than microcomputers, typically being the same size as a refrigerator.
Minicomputers first appeared in the 1960s. In the 1980s they got replaced by microcomputers, which
have become smaller and more powerful with time. CDC 160A, MicroVAX 3100, and HP 2100 are
examples of microcomputers.

15. What are mainframes?

Ans: Mainframes are big, powerful, and expensive multi-user computers.

16. What are mainframes mainly used for?

Ans: They are mainly used for bulk data processing in large organizations like government offices,
airlines, and banks, IBM 4381, DEC 10, and NEC 610 are examples of mainframes.

17. What are supercomputers and what are they used for?

Ans: Supercomputers are the biggest and most powerful computers. They can process trillions of
instructions per second. Government organization and large industries use them for work that requires a
lot of numeric calculations, such as weather forecasting. IBM’s Sequoia and Fujitsu’s K Computer are
some examples of supercomputers.

18. What is a computer language?

Ans: A computer language (or programming language) us a system of commands used to develop
programs for computers.

19. What is syntax?

Ans: While writing a program is a particular computer language, the symbols of the language must be
used as per a set of rules known as the “syntax” of the language.

20. Computer languages can be classified into how many categories?

Ans: Computer languages can be classified into three categories.

21. What are the categories of computer languages?

Ans: Machine Language (Low-Level Language), Assembly Language (Middle-Level Language), High-Level

21. What is Machine Language (Low-Level Language)?

Ans: In machine language, each instruction is written in the form of a string of 0s and 1s. Programs
written in machine language can be executed very quickly by the computer because the instructions can
be processed directly by the CPU and no translation of the program is required.
22. Which language was the first programming language using English developed in 1950?

Ans: The first programming language using English was developed in 1950 which is known as assembly

23. Assembly language is what dependent?

Ans: Assembly language is machine-dependent.

24. What is assembly language?

Ans: An assembly language program written for one computer cannot be used in any other computer.
Each processor has its own set of instructions and hence its own assembly language.

25. What is high level language?

Ans: High-level languages are similar to the English language. They are machine independent, i.e. a
program written is a high level language can run on different types of computers with very little or
practically no modification. High-level languages are also known as fourth generation languages.

26. Write some features of fourth generation languages.

Ans: Use English words and phrases, programmer friendly; enhance programming efficiency, use icons,
graphical interface, and symbolic representations.

27. Write an example of fourth-generations languages.

Ans: PROLOG (an artificial intelligence language) is an example of fourth-generation languages.

28. What are language processors?

Ans: Compilers and interpreters are the programs that convert a program written in a high-level
language into an equivalent program in the low-level machine language.

29. Language.

Ans: Programs written is a high-level language are known as source code and converted programs in
machine language are known as object code.

30. What is an assembler?

Ans: An assembler is a program that translates an assembly language program into a machine language

31. What is a compiler?

Ans: A compiler is a program that translates all instruction of a high-level language source program into
a machine language object program at once. A compiled object code runs faster than an interpreted
source code.

32. What is an interpreter?

Ans: An interpreter is a program that translates only one instruction of a high-level language source
program into machine code at a time.

1. What is a file?

Ans: Any picture, document or presentation created on a computer is called a file.

2. What is a drive?

Ans: Every computer has a hard disk which can be divided into different partitions called drives.

3. What does a file management do?

Ans: A file management helps us to organize data better.

4. What is a file extension?

Ans: A file extension is a three or four letter identifier.

5. Write the file extension of Word.

Ans: .doc or .docx

6. Write the file extension of Excel file.

Ans: .xls or .xlsx

7. Write the file extension of an image file.

Ans: .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp

8. Write the file extension of PowerPoint.

Ans: .ppt or .pptx

9. Write the file extension of audio files.

Ans: .mp3, .wav

10. Write the file extension of video files.

Ans: .mp4, .avi

11. What are wildcards?

Ans: Wildcards are special symbols that can be used to search a file or folder whose exact name we do
not know. There are two wildcards supported in Windows Search: * and ?.

12. How can we sort files in Windows 7?

Ans: We can sort by type, size, and date.

13. How can the wildcard character ‘*’ be used?

Ans: The wildcard character * can be used to replace a string of text (i.e. multiple characters) in a search
term. If you enter “im*”, you will get all the words starting with “im”. If you enter “*im”, you will get all
the words ending with “im”. If you enter “*im*”, you will get all the words that contain “im”
13. How can the wildcard character ‘?’ be used?

Ans: The wildcard character ? can be used in place of a single letter or symbol in a search term. For
example, im???, will get you words like img11, img12,etc.


1. What is mail merge?

Ans: Mail Merge is a feature that allows you to send personalized messages to a large number of people.

2. What does a red, wavy underline indicate?

Ans: A red, wavy underline indicates a misspelled word.

3. Any word that is not there in Word’s dictionary is marked as what?

Ans: Any word that is not there in Word’s dictionary is marked as misspelled.

4. What does a blue, wavy line indicate?

Ans: A blue, wavy line indicates grammatical mistakes.

5. The Spelling and Grammar tool of Word 2013 lets you check what?

Ans: The Spelling and Grammar tool of Word 2013 lets you check the spellings of the words in the entire
document or in only a part of the document.

6. What is a Thesaurus?

Ans: A Thesaurus tool provides a list of synonyms.

7. What does the Find command do?

Ans: The Find command can be used to locate a specific word or text in a document.

8. What does the Replace command do?

Ans: The Replace command is used to replace a specific word or text in a document with another word
or text.

9. The Find and Replace command can be combined to do what?

Ans: The Find and Replace commands can be combined to find a particular word or text in a document
and replace it with another word or text.

10. What are the steps to do Mail Merge?

 Creating a data source containing names, addresses, and other variable information.
 Creating a main document with fields from the data source containing the basic letters that you
need to send to everyone.
 Merging the main document and the data source producing the final letters with individual
names and addresses.

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