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1. Who did Buddhist teaching influence?

Ans: Confucian scholars.

2. Before Buddhist teaching, what did Confucian scholars mainly think about?

Ans: They mainly thought about what people did, and how they should behave in their families, and in
their villages and state.

3. After Buddhist teaching, what did Confucian scholars think about?

Ans: They began to think more about knowledge and what happened in people’s minds. This led to the
development of neo-Confucianism in the 12 th century AD.

4. In the 8th century, what did more people want to learn?

Ans: More people wanted to learn Buddhist and Daoist prayers, and to study Confucian writings for the
civil service examinations.

5. How did the Chinese people improve their way of ‘printing books’?

Ans: All the books before the 8th century had to be written by hand, which was very slow. But after the
8th century, the Chinese learned how to carve a whole page on a block of wood.

6. Whom did the Chinese artists copy?

Ans: The Chinese artists copied the Indian way of drawing and making statues of Buddha.

7. What is this picture about?

Ans: It shows a Buddha leading the spirit of a woman who has just died to the Pure Land in the sky.

8. Where were these paintings hung and why was it hung?

Ans: Paintings like this were sometimes hung in the rooms of people who were dying. This made them
feel less afraid of death because they were going to such a wonderful place.

9. The Buddhists were the first people to build what?

Ans: Pagodas.

10. What are pagodas?

Ans: Pagodas were tall temples, often built at holy places or over holy objects.

11. Where did the idea of pagodas come from?

Ans: Buddhist stupa.

12. What did the Buddhist monks want to teach the people?

Ans: The Buddhist monks wanted to teach people about their religion and told them stories.
13. What were these stories about?

Ans: These stories told people how they should behave, but they were also interesting, to make the
people listen to them.

14. What is one of the most famous stories?

Ans: One of the most famous story is about Xuan Zhuang and his disciples, the monkey, the pig and the
sand monk.

15. What did these stories influence?

Ans: These stories influenced the writing of novels in China.

16. How did Buddhism spread in Japan?

Ans: Buddhism spread to Japan from Korea in the 6 th century AD, and soon a very important religion in

17. Write the travel of Buddhism.

Ans: First of all, Buddhism went from India to China. Here it added many Confucian and Daoist ideas to
its beliefs. From China it went to Korea, where it added more ideas. When it reached Japan it took over
some ideas from the early Japanese religion called Shinto.

18. What did people worship in Shinto?

Ans: In Shinto people worshipped nature - the sun, trees, stones and water - and also their ancestors.

19. What were the two kinds of Buddhism that became popular in Japan?

Ans: Pure- Land Buddhism and Zen Buddhism.


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