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Alize Bowman

Pronunciation: AL-UH-ZAY BOH-MUHN

cell: (480)721-2422 email:

❖ I am a nursing student who will be graduating at the University of Arizona with a BSN
this December 2022. I have had clinical rotations in pediatrics, mother-baby, perinatal,
PICU, ICU, medical-surgical, mental health facility, and public health. I have
experienced leadership positions as a preceptor for a nutrition class and as a
lifeguard/swim instructor in the past. I am very interested in working at the VA, as I have
completed my preceptorship at the Tucson location, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere.
In addition, I feel as though I incorporate similar values of the VA as I believe patients
should be treated with respect and compassion. Furthermore, I know that I will be
committed to providing patients with excellent care to the best of my ability. Overall, I
think that I can do well at the VA due to my preceptorship being on the 3N floor, and I
hope to begin my nursing journey at the Tucson VA.

❖ The University of Arizona (UofA) August 2018-December 2022
➢ Bachelor of Science in Nursing

➢ Classical Civilizations Minor

Work Experience
❖ Preceptorship: Veterans Association Tucson, Arizona
➢ Nursing responsibilities October 2022-November 2022
➢ Working with BCMA and CPRS
➢ Second half of semester
❖ Hostess: San Tan Brewery Uptown Phoenix, Arizona
➢ Communication with guests and staff February 2018-August 2018
➢ Flexibility in adapting to guests needs
❖ Lifeguard and Swim Instructor: Valley of the Sun Scottsdale, AZ
Jewish Community Center June 16 2017- February 2018
➢ Leadership position in teaching swim
➢ Monitoring and caring for swimmers

Clinical Experience
❖ 4th Semester: Veterans Association
➢ Leadership Course: 180 Precepted Clinical/Simulation Hours
➢ Population Health: 75 hours
❖ 3rd Semester:
➢ High Acuity Course: Intensive Care Clinical Rotation 270 hours (Clinical + Lab)
➢ Psychiatric Course: Psychiatric Clinical Rotation 75 Clinical hours
❖ 2nd Semester:
➢ Pediatric Clinical Rotation: 135 hours (Clinical + Lab)
➢ Med-Surg Course: Medical-Surgical Clinical Rotation: 135 hours (Clinical + Lab)
➢ Obstetrics Clinical Rotation: 75 Clinical hours
❖ 1st Semester:
Alize Bowman
Pronunciation: AL-UH-ZAY BOH-MUHN

cell: (480)721-2422 email:

➢ Long-Term Care Clinical Rotation: 112 hours (Clinical + Lab)

Other Experience
UofA Nutrition Department January 2021-December 2022
Nutrition Preceptorship - Volunteer (Spring & Fall Semesters)
UofA Nursing College December 2019-January 2021
SILC Lab - Volunteer (Spring & Fall Semesters)
UofA Nutrition Department Spring 2019-December 2020
Nutrition Preceptorship - College Credit (Spring & Fall Semesters)
Study Abroad January 2020-March 2020
With the Humanities Department (Spring 2020 Semester)

Dorrance Scholar: June 2018-May 2022
UofA - Academic Year Highest Academic Distinction: 05/14/2020
UofA - Honorable Mention: 05/09/19, 12/19/2019, and 05/14/2020
UofA - Dean’s List 2018

CPR Certified
Fingerprint Clearance Card
HIPAA Certification
OSHA Certification

Computer Skills
Proficient with Google Docs, Slides, PowerPoint, and Internet.

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