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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics 9
By: Grace P. Llorca BSEd 3-Mathematics

At the end of this lesson, the students must be able to:
a. Explain what is quadratic equations.
b. Give example of equations transformable to quadratic equation.
c. Identify the equation that is transformable to quadratic equation.
d. Solve equations transformable to quadratic equation.


a. TOPIC: Solving equations transformable to quadratic equation.
b. REFERENCE: Mathematics Learner’s Module Grade 9
c. MATHERIALS: White Board, white board marker, power point presentation, manila
paper and marker for the activity.
d. VALUES: Team work, discipline, consistency, concentration.



A. Primary Activity

Good morning student’s! Are you ready

for today’s activity?
Good Morning too teacher. Yes, we
That’s good to hear. Before we proceed
to our lesson for today, let me introduce
myself first. I am Teacher Grace and I
will be our mathematics teacher for
Hi, Teacher Grace!
Since you all said that you are ready. Can
I expect a full participation and active
students all throughout the lesson?
Yes teacher.

Before we proceed in our discussion for

today. Let us all stand and ask or he
guidance of our almighty God. Let us
pray everyone.
(The student will pray)

Since this is our first meeting and I am

not familiar to you guys. Once I called
your name stand up and introduce
(The students will introduce their self one
by one)
I’m glad that everyone is present. I hope
that we get along well in this class.

B. Motivation

Group yourself into five groups. Each

group will be given an equations. As I
count 1 to 5, everyone in the group
should help each other to solve for that
equation and identify if it is quadratic
equation by posting it below the word
quadratic equation and if it is not then
post it below the word not quadratic
equation on the board.
(Everyone in the class will participate to
solve the equations)
Okay class. Let’s check your work.
Choose one member of your groupmates
to show the solution of the given
equation to your group and explain how it
become a quadratic equation and if it us
not, why?
(the chosen member will solve on the
board and explain their answer clearly)
Very good, class. Good job!
C. Presentation

Let’s define the word “quadratic

equation”. Anyone who can answer?
Quadratic equation in one variable is a
mathematical sentence of degree 2 that
can be written in standard form
ax2+bx+c=0, where a, b, and c are real
numbers and a≠0.
Very good thank you.

How about “Rational Algebraic equation”

Rational algebraic equation is an equation
that contains rational expressions.
That’s correct. Very good.

Now, we will have an activity. It is call

“View me in another way”. You just need
to transform the following equations to a
quadratic equation in the form of

(The teacher will give an example and

discuss how to compute it.)

Do we understand class? Are you ready

to “View me in another way?”
Yes teacher.

The activity to be answer:

1. x(x+5)=2
2. (t+2)2+(t-3)2=9
3. (m-4)2+(m-7)2=15
2 3𝑡
4. − 2 =7
6 𝑠−5
5. 𝑠+5
+ 2
Okay class I will give you ten minutes to
answer the equations.
(Students will answer the equation.)

Time is up. Let check if your answer is

correct. Who want to solve it on the
Me teacher.
2. 2t2-2t+4=0
3. 2m2-22m+60=0
4. 3t2+14t-4+0
5. s2-6s-43=0
Very good, class. Great job!

D. Discussion

Our topic for today is all about quadratic

equation. At the time end of this lesson,
you will be able to solve or quadratic
equation and transform other equation
into quadratic equation, do we
understand class?
Yes, teacher.

(The teacher will show power point

presentation to the whole class)

(The teacher show an example)

Solving quadratic equations that are not

written in standard form.

Solve x(x-5)=36

Step 1: to write quadratic equation in
standard form, simplify the expression
X2-5x=36 - Distributive Property.
Step 2: write resulting quadratic equation
to standard form.
X2-5x-36=0 - Transposition

Step 3: use any the four methods of

solving quadratic equations in finding the
solutions of the equations.
(x-9)(x+4)=0 - Factoring
X=9 or x=4 -Property of Equality

Step 4: Check whether the obtained value

of x make the equation x(x-5)=36, true.
For x=9
36=36 - True

For x=-4
36=36 - True

If the obtained values of x make the

equation true, then the solution of
equation are x=9 or x=-4.

Did you get it class?

Yes teacher.

Okay, let’s continue our discussion.

(The teacher shows many example and

asked the students about the different
methods in finding the solutions to
quadratic equations)
Are we clear class?
Yes, teacher.

Okay, please answer this activity.

Identify the methods use in this equation.

1. x2+10x+25+x2-4x+4=37
2. 2x2+6x+29=37
3. 2x2+6x+29-37=0
4. 2x2+6x-8=0

Okay teacher
I will give you 5 minutes to identify it.

(Students will answer the activity)

Time is up. Let’s check your answer. Who
want to answer?
Me teacher.
1. Square of binomial
2. Combine like terms
3. Transposition
4. Simplify
Very good class. Let us give and
everyone a round of applause.

E. Generalization

What have you learned today?

We have learned how to transform
different equations into quadratic
equation and different methods use to
solve a quadratic equation.
Very good class.

F. Application

I will divide the class into five groups.

Each group will be provided with a manila
paper and marker. I will give you an
equations to solve using the different

1. x(x-4)=60
2. (x+8)2-9x=52
3 𝑥+2
3. 𝑥 + 5 = 2
8 4𝑥
4. 𝑥 + 𝑥−2 = 1 + 𝑥−2
6 𝑥−3
5. 𝑥 + =2

Direction: Choose the correct answer
1. Find the roots of the equations (2t+3)2+(t+4)2=10.
A. -1 and -3 B. -3 and 4 C. 5 and 2 D. 2 and -3
2. Which of the following equations have extraneous roots or solutions?
𝑥 𝑥
A. 2y2+y=-11 C. − = 6 + 𝑥
2 4
2 1−𝑦 1
B. + = 𝑦 2 +𝑦 D. 2(3x2-1)=11x
𝑦+1 𝑦

3. Which of the following rational algebraic equations is transformable to quadratic

1 4𝑥 3𝑝−1 2 4𝑝
A. + =1 C. −3=
3𝑥 6 2 5
𝑟+3 3+4 5 7 12
C. − =8 D. + 𝑚+4 =
2 4 𝑚−4 𝑚

4. What are the roots of quadratic equation x(x-10)=-21?

A. 3 and 7 C. 2 and 10
B. -3 and -7 D. -2 and -10
5. Express (x+2)2+9=0 in standard form.
A. x2+2x=3 C. (x+5)(x-1)=0
B. x2+4x+13=0 D. x2-5x+14=0
Direction: Find the solution set of the following.
1. x (x+3) = 28
2. x (x+6) = 8 (x+3)
3. (t+1)2 + (t-8)2 = 45
4. (3r+1)2 + (r+2)2 = 65
𝑥 1 2
5. −2=
𝑥−1 𝑥 2 −1

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