Word Formation Process

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An alphabetism is an abbreviation that takes the first letter of each word of the base
expression, and is pronounced by spelling out each letter.

 EU [i: ju:], IBM [ai bi: em], ALT [ei el ti:] (though the latter is also sometimes taken as an
acronym and pronounced [o:lt]).

A word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form, usually beginning in casual
gas (gasoline), ad (advertisement), bra (brassiere), cab (cabriolet), condo (condominium), fan
(fanatic), flu (influenza), perm (permanent wave), phone, plane, pub (public house)
English speakers like to clip each other’s names: Al, Ed, Liz, Mike, Ron, Sam, Sue, Tom

In educational environments: chem, exam, gym, lab, math, phys-ed, poli-sci, prof, typo

Reduplication is a morphological process of forming new words where the entire or parts of
free morphemes are copied and attached to the base by adding or changing a few syllable
(Brinton, 2000; Haspelmath & Sims, 2010; Lieber, 2009; Nadarajan, 2006; Valli & Lucas,
Examples: In baby-talk which commonly found in English are ‘mama’, ‘papa’, ‘dada’, ‘poo-poo’, ‘bay-
bay’, ‘buh-buh’, ‘bye-bye’, ‘putt-putt’, and ‘choo-choo’

Duplicate root word changing the consonant while the vowel remains the same i.e. ‘super-
duper’ in English
Only English and Russian have many examples of the expression: ‘lovey-dovey’, ‘hanky-
panky’ in English, and plaksa-vaksa ‘cry baby’, kashka-malashka ‘porridge’ in Russian.

This kind of reduplication is the same as the name where it duplicate name of someone, for
instance nickname in English ‘Jo-Jo’, ‘Jay-Jay’, ‘Jon-Jon’

This type of reduplication is used to convey irony, sarcasm, wit, poking fun, linguistic
humour and more by applying shm- (Kauffman, 2015, p. 4; Obrst, 2012, p. 51), and the
examples in English are ‘money-shmoney’ and ‘unbelievable-shmunbelievable’. It always
produces rhyming pairs and the domain of shm- is in the right edge.

the process of the reduplication is formed by changing vowels such as kasa-koso ‘rustle’ and
gata-goto ‘rattle’ in Japanese, reduplication in English: ‘chit-chat’, ‘zig-zag’, ‘mingle-
mangle’, ‘tick-tock’, ‘flip-flop’, ‘mish-mash’, ‘wishy-washy’. Reduplication produced
reduplicated words through two phases: copying the syllable and then change the vowel for
the second syllable.

Onomatopoeia is the process of creating a word that phonetically imitates, resembles, or
suggests the sound that it describes.
English Japanese Tagalog Indonesian
rooster Cock-a-doodle- kokekokko Kuk-kakauk kykuruyuk
cat meow nya niyaw meong

Adding small “bits” of the English language which are not usually given separate listings in
The most common word formation process to be found in the production of new English
Prefixes added to the beginning of the word: un-, mis-
Suffixes added to the end of the word: -less, -ish
English words have either prefixes or suffixes, or both: mislead, disrespectful, foolishness

Examples: Infix is an affix that is incorporated inside another word, not normally used in English except
occasionally used in fortuitous/aggravating circumstances by emotionally aroused English
speakers: Hallebloodylujah!, Absogoddamlutely!, godtripledammit!

Kamhmu: infix -rn- is added to form nouns: see – srnee (drill), toh – trnoh (chisel)

Definition: New words formed from the initial letters of a set of other words
Examples: Pronounce by saying each separate letter: CD (compact disk), VCR (video cassette recorder),
ATM (automatic teller machine), PIN (personal identification number)

Pronounced as new single words: NATO, NASA, UNESCO

Acronyms have become everyday terms: laser, radar, scuba, zip code, snafu

Names for organizations are often designed to have their acronyms represent an appropriate
term: MADD (mothers against drunk driving), WAR (women against rape)

The combination of two separate forms to produce a single new term, but is accomplished by
taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the other word
gasohol (a product used like gasoline but is made from alcohol)
smog (smoke + fog), smaze (smoke + haze), smurk (smoke + murk)
Hawai’ian vog

bit (binary/digit), brunch (breakfast/lunch), motel (motor/hotel), telecast

telethon (fundraising on tv that feels like a marathon), infotainment
(information/entertainment), simulcast (simultaneous/broadcast)
The mixing of languages: Franglais (French / Anglais), Spanglish (Spanish / English)

Few blends combine the beginning of both words:

telex (teleprinter/exchange), modem (modulator/demodulator)

A joining of two separate words to produce a single form
Definition: Very common in languages such as German, English
Much less common in languages such as French, Spanish
Nouns: bookcase, doorknob, fingerprint, sunburn, textbook, wallpaper, wastebasket,
Adjectives: good-looking, low-paid

Adjective + Noun: fast-food, full-time

A special type of borrowing which directly translates the elements of a word into the
borrowing language
Definition: *Borrowing: taking over words from other languages. E.g. croissant, dope, lilac, piano,
pretzel, sofa, tattoo, tycoon, yogurt, zebra
In some cases, the borrowed words may be used with different meanings.
Examples: English skyscraper => Dutch wolkenkcrabber (“cloud scratcher”), German Wolkenkratzer
("cloud scrapper”)

German Übermensch => English superman

German Lehnwort => English loan-word
American concept “boyfriend” => Japanese boyifurendo; Chinese nan pengyu (“male friend”)

The invention of totally new terms
One of the least common processes of word formation in English
Old commercial products: aspirin, nylon, vaseline, zipper

Examples: Recent commercial products: granola, kleenex, teflon, xerox

Most salient contemporary example: google, ebay

A longer word is reduced to a single syllable, then -y/-ie is added to the end
Favored in Australian and British English
movie (“moving pictures”), telly (“television”)
Examples: Aussie (“Australian”), barbie (“barbecue”), bookie (“bookmarker”), brekky (“breakfast”),
hankie (“handkerchief”)

Definition: News words based on the name of a person or a place
hover, spangler

Examples: sandwich (Earl of Sandwich), jeans

Technical terms based on those who 1st discovered/invented things: fahrenheit, volt, watt

A change in the function of a word without any reduction
Also known as “category change”, “functional shift”
Examples: Noun used as verb: bottle, butter, vacation, impact
Verbs  nouns: guess, must, spy
Phrasal verbs  nouns: to print out  a print out, to take over  a takeover
Complex verb combinations  nouns: want to be  a wannabe

Verbs  adjectives: see through  see-through material, stand up  stand-up comedian

Adjectives  verbs: dirty, empty
Adjectives  nouns: a crazy, the nasty

Compound nouns assume adjectival/verbal functions: the ball park  a ball-park figure /
asking someone to ball-park an estimate of the cost
Regularly used as verbs: carpool, mastermind, microwave, quarterback, up, down

Can shift in meaning: to doctor (falsify, tamper with documents, pictures, food, drinks), total
(amount in number to, damage), runaround (deceptive or delaying action especially in
response to a request)

Definition: A word of one type (usually a noun) is reduced to a word of another type (usually a verb)
televise (television), donate (donation), emote (emotion), enthuse (enthusiasm), liaise
(liaison), babysit (babysitter), opt (option)
Examples: Assumption: if there is a noun ending in -er (or something close in sound), then we can create
a verb for what that noun -er does
edit (editor), sculpt (sculptor), burgle (burglar), peddle (peddler), swindle (swindler)

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