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Hi, everyone. I’m Minh Nguyệt. Good to see you all.

As you can see on the screen, our topic today is Money. In this
presentation, I will concentrate on a few questions to better
understand money.
Let's start with the first question.
1. Why do some people have money problem?
 Money is important,
 Because money is necessary for obtaining the goods and services you
need to survive, an understanding of personal finance is essential.
They need to be responsible with the money them earn and save
enough for the future to ensure they will still have enough leftover
when They can no longer trade their labor for money.
Another way to think of this is
Money will create the socialization of analysis, rich and poor.
Rich people can buy degrees with money even though they
don't need to cultivate( khó tơ vịt) knowledge. People with
money can also own anything they want, although absurd
and(ớp sớt đần) luxurious. People with money can buy
someone else, change the color black.
Money is never enough, so people with more money will still
want more money. They will take advantage of their power
and money to sound wrong to benefit themselves.
So now we come to the next Question, which is
2.What are some good ways to make money:
As you can see, There are more ways to make extra money
than ever before, both online and offline, such as:
 Start an online store
If you're the creative type, you can start up an Etsy shop. Etsy
sellers offer everything from jewelry( chúa rì) and clothing to
artwork, invitations, yard signs and more.
Let's move on to the next suggested job. This is
 Start a YouTube channel
YouTube creators can make a lot of money, and it doesn't
necessarily( néc sơ sé rơ li) require ( rít quái ơ) much
expertise ( ét sờ pơ ti). You can create how-to or explainer
videos on virtually (vớ chồ ơ lì) any subject or go more
personal and put yourself in the videos.
Finally, this is
Searching the web
Interested in ( ín chợt tịt đin) how to make money fast by
doing what you already do online? This has to be one of the
easiest( í zi ịt ) methods of making money online.
It's now coming to the end of the presentation ( ré zơn thấy
sờn) , I have a question for everyone
3.What would you do if you won a million? Does anyone have the
Thanks for your reply, as for me,
I have a younger brother, so If you won a million, I’d put
some into trusts for his educations, invested in a brand, and
I’d use some for a trip around the world with my family. My
parent’ve always wanted to see all those other sights and
cultures(khấu trợt) they haven’t been able to see. Of course
I’d keep a bit for myself, save it for a rainy day.
Don't hesitate ( hé zơ tịt) to ask us any questions about our
presentation. I want to thanks all of you for being such an
attentive audiences (ó đi ờn sịt)

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