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Agenda setting:

“This step identifies new issues that may require government action. If multiple
areas are identified they can all be assessed, or particular issues may be given a
Example: a foresight study may indicate that the growing population and steadily
increasing energy consumption per capita will require an increased energy
production. This, along with the need to reduce emissions and limit future climate
change, may result in policymakers deciding to increase solar panel production and

2 – Formulation:
“This step defines the structure of the policy. What goals need to be achieved? Will
there be additional implications? What will the costs be? How will key stakeholders
react to these effects?
Example: Should governments offer tax-breaks to start-up renewable energy
companies? Or should they offer individual subsidies to solar panel buyers? What
might be the effects of these actions?”

3 – Adoption:
“Once the appropriate approval (governmental, legislative, referendum voting etc.) is
granted then a policy can be adopted.
Example: A nation-wide policy to increase solar capacity can be implemented by the
national government, but changing a law will require a vote in Parliament.”

4 – Implementation:
“Establishing that the correct partners have the resources and knowledge to
implement the policy. This could involve creating an external organisation to carry
out actions. Monitoring to ensure correct policy implementation is also necessary.
Example: Administration processes to allow organisations and individuals to apply
for solar energy subsidies / tax benefits need to be created.”

5 – Evaluation:
“This step assesses the effectiveness and success of the policy. Did any
unpredicted effects occur? These assessments can be quantitative and/or
Example: The UK and Germany introduced highly popular solar energy policies.
Energy production at certain times of the day and year have substantially increased.
Occasionally more energy is being produced than is needed, which leads to further
questions about how to handle the ‘excess’ energy.”

6 – Support / maintenance:
“This step studies how the policy might be developed, or provides additional support
for its continuation. Additionally, the policy can be terminated if deemed redundant,
accomplished, or ineffective.
Example: Even if a policy is considered a success, should it be continued? Should
solar panel policies be continued, or should policies now focus on improving national
electric grids, or should energy storage policies be developed instead?”

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