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Directions: Determine whether the following are primary or secondary sources.

Circle the letter

indicating whether the item is a "P" primary source or an "S" secondary source. For each one,
explain your reasoning in a complete sentence.

1. The story of your grandfather tells you about his experience during the World War
Why: Because he referenced his experiences during WWII on what it is like to live in that
particular time.

2. A letter written by Alberto Dela Cruz to his mother about the latest developments in
the Revolutionary War. P S
Why: Because the letter came from the source and the information was handed down via letters
to his mother.

3. The Diary of Anne Frank - the published diary of a teenage girl who experiences the
Holocaust first hand. P S
Why: Because it was referenced from a diary of a teenage girl that experienced the Holocaust.

4. Your Sociology textbook or an encyclopedia. P S

Why: Because this is a reference from all of the collective research of many authors from their
field of work.

5. Your high school diplomas. P S

Why: Because it is an official document.

6. A photograph of you and your friends at your 8th birthday party. P S

Why: An original photograph counts as a primary source.
7. The information from the museum tour guide who shows you around the exhibit and
shares facts with you. P S
Why: Because the museum guide is referencing the exhibits from previous information hence
why it is a secondary source.

8. A mummy from Cordillera. P S

Why: Because it is an artifact and that is why it is a primary source.

9. Give at least 5 more examples of a primary source.

Primary sources give up direct information and direct proof of the source. Examples of
these are interviews, paintings, data sheets, research documents, and first-hand testimonies.
10. Give at least 5 more examples of a secondary source.
Secondary sources provide us with the analysis or references of the topic at hand.
Moreover, these include the interpretation of the topic, journal articles, academic books, reviews,
commentaries, and treatises
11. list down five (5) example of sources which can either be primary or secondary
depending on the context and use.
Search Engines, textbooks, dictionaries, Encyclopedia, and interview reports. These
examples can be both primary and secondary because they call have references that can be
primary due to having the information direct from the source information itself or it may be also
can be secondary because it references a lot from the source itself

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