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Lucban, Quezon

NAME: DATE: October 21, 2022


Students who will be caught cheating will have an automatic term grade of 5.0

I. Identification
Identity what is being asked on the following question. Write your answer on the space provided. Alteration and erasure of answers will not be
credited. ​(2 points each)

______________1. It is referred to as the fundamental law or the supreme law of the land.
______________2. It consists of those habits and practices which through long and uninterrupted usage have become acknowledged and
approved by the society as binding rules of conduct.
______________3. It includes all those that govern or determine the activities of men as rational being as well as the movement or motion of
all brute creatures, be it animate or inanimate.
______________4. The voluntary management of the property or affairs of another without the knowledge or consent of the latter.
______________5. A contract which can exists only as a consequence of, or in relation with, another prior contract.
______________6. The juridical relation which is created when something is received when there is no right to demand it and it was delivered
through mistake.
______________7. The instrument of the Filipino people in securing for the nation a reliable, trustworthy and progressive system of developing
______________8. The PRC MC that states the roster of allowable brands and models of non-programmable calculators.
______________9. The act of conceptualizing, planning, and projecting a scheme, system and facility using the arts and science of electronics
along with social, economic, financial, and technical considerations.
______________10. The act of putting together parts of a whole in order to build-up; to erect or to form, to set or establish electronics
equipment, systems, or facilities.
II. Fill in the blanks. (2 pts each)
Pledge of an Electronics Engineer
I am an Electronics Engineer. In my profession, I take deep pride, but without ______; to it I owe solemn obligations that I
am eager to fulfill.
As an Electronics Engineer, I will participate in none but honest and legal enterprises. To him who has engaged my
services, as employer or client, I will give the utmost of performance and _______.
When needed, my skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the _______. From my special capacity
springs, the obligation to use it well in the service of ______; and I accept the challenge that this implies.
Zealous of the high repute of my colleague, I will strive to protect the _____ and the ______ of any engineer that I know be
deserving; but I will not shirk, should duty dictate, from disclosing the truth regarding anyone who, by unscrupulous act, has
shown himself unworthy of the profession.
As others before me have vitalized and turned to practical account the principles of science and the revelations of
technology and have rendered usable to mankind nature’s vast resources of matter and energy so do I dedicate myself to
the analysis, ______ and dissemination of engineering ________ and practice. And especially to the instruction of younger
members of my profession in all its arts and traditions.
To my colleagues I pledge, in the same full measure, I ask of them, integrity and fair dealing, tolerance and respect, and
devotion to the standards and the ________ of our profession, with the consciousness, always, that our special expertise
carries with it the obligation to serve humanity with complete ________.
So, help me God
III. Remembering: Enumerate the items below. (20 pts)
A. Elements of Obligation (5)
B. Requirements of Prestation (5)
C. The PRBs of Electronics Engineering (5)
D. Scope/Fields of Professional Services (5)

IV. Essay: Answer the following. (35 pts)

1. Explain and differentiate the kinds of incapacity in contracts. Cite examples (5 pts).
2. Are the graduates of other courses such as computer engineering and information technology allowed to take the electronics technician board
exam? Cite your arguments. (10 pts)
3. Are the registered electronics engineers allowed to take and render engineering consultation service? Why or why not?
(5 pts)
4. Is it necessary and mandated to hire/employ electronics professionals in every municipality in our government? State your argument. (10 pts)
5. Do you think electronics professionals are underpaid? State your arguments. (5 pts)
V. BONUS (5pts): Name 5 specialization societies recently accredited under the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines.

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