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Q2 Q4 Qs Practice Test 1 - by M4 Sir [STRAIGHT OBJECTIVE TYPE] If fy) = (max(x,y))"%_ and g (x, y) = max(x, y)—min(x, y), then f (<(-. -3} a4, 179) | (A)-0.5 (B)0.5 ©l (@)15 e* nx 5°(x? -7x +10) ‘The range of the function f(x) = eae 3 (A) (20, 20) (B) (0,0) olf) ‘The graph of the function y= g (x) is shown, ‘The number of solutions of the equation ||g(x)|-1| (A)4 (B)5 (6 (D)8 Which of the following best represent the graph of function y= || x-2|-2|? y y a> x ®) — x y y © x ©) se sit x24 ‘The function f (x) is defined as wo-| . f(x4l) if x<4 then the value of i(2+1e,3)) is equal to at 7 au a ( 6 0 12 © 24 48 Q6 Q7 Qs Q9 Qu0 Qu For x R*, if x, [x] and : are in harmonic progression then the value of x is cou 1 . 1 iT ee 1% ea ATs (B) on Op™p () $ [Note [x] and {x} denote largest integer less than or equal to x and eee x respectively.] ‘The domain ofthe function, f(x) (x 40,5 J's" o(B22) is B) [1,3] © Ga 2) ©) (5 F4)-Ga)-G-) [REASONING TYPE] A mapping'S' is defined on the set ‘A’ consisting of first four prime numbers as = (2.2), 8,3).6,5), 7.7, 2.3)G.2)} Statement-1: Sis an equivalence relation on A Statement-2: S isa function from AA. (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1. (B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1. (© Statement- is true, statement-2 is false. (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. [MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE TYPE] Which of the following function (s) is/are Transcendental? (A) £0) =Ssin Je (B) f@)= Pe © f= \Pe2xe1 (@) £@)=(07+3).2% Which of the following are identical functions? (A)£()=sen(|x|+1) @)g@= e (Inx) + cos? (In x) Oho = (in "fx} +e05""fx) (D) k (x) = sec” [{x}] tan? { [x] } (where [ x ] denotes greatest integer less than or equal x, {x} denotes fractional part of x and sgn x denotes signum function of x respectively.) Which of the following function(s) have the same domain and range ? 1 CA)TO)= yi-x?_ B)s@=y (One = vx (D) I) = Va-x Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Q6 Q7 ~ Practice Test 2 [STRAIGHT OBJECTIVE TYPE] ‘The domain of definition of the function, f(x) = arc cos 4] where [*] denotes the greatest +x integer function, is (A) CL, 6) (B) [0, 6) (©) [0,11 (D) (-2,5] Which of the following function is surjective but not injective (AE:ROR fs) =xt428-x2+1 B) F:ROR f(y) =x 4x41 (© f:R>R* £0) = Vax? (D) f:RR F(x) = x34 2x2-x 41 0 if xis rational 0 if x is irrational Late) =[ and e@=[ x if x is irrational x if xis rational Then the function (f—g)x is (A) odd even (©) neither odd nor even (D) odd as well as even Given f(x) is a polynomial function of x, satisfying f(x). f(y) =f(x) + f(y) + flxy)—2 and that f2)=5. ‘Then f (3)is equal to (A) 10 (B)24 ©is ()none ‘Which of the following best represents the graph of f(x) =e"? (Note: {x} denotes the fractional part of x.] i x © 4xy (D) none 2 (®) 4 If f(x) =px+qand f(f(f(x))) =8x+21, where p and q are real numbers, then p + equals (A)3 (B)5 ©7 ou Qs Qs Q10 If[x] and (x) denotes the greatest integer function less than or equal tox and fractional part function respectively, then the number of real x, satisfying the equation (x—2)[x] = {x}— I, is (ayo 1 ©2 (infinite Given the graphs of the two functions, y= f(x) and y= (x). In the adjacent figure from point A on the graph of the function y = f(x) corresponding to the given value of the independent variable (say x9) straight line is drawn parallel to the X-axis to intersect the bisector of, the first and the third quadrants at point B . From the point B a straight line parallel to the Y-axis is drawn to intersect the graph of the function y= g(x) at C. Again a straight line is drawn from the point C parallel to the X-axis, to intersect the line NN’ at D . Ifthe straight line NN’ is parallel to Y-axis, then the co-ordinates of the point D are (A)A0%,), 4%) B) Xp, 86%) (©)xp al) 45), (2%) & Range of the function f(x = (x]_ Where [x] denotes the fractional part function is 1 a - (A)10, 1) ®) [4] © [04] 0) (04) Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Q6 Q7 Practice Test 3 [STRAIGHT OBJECTIVE TYPE] Let be areal valued function such that f(x)+ 2,22) =3x forall x >0. The value of (2), is (A) 1000 (B) 2000 (©) 3000 (D) 4000 x for 01 0 otherwise and f(x) =f, Cx) forall x 4,9) =—fy(x) forall x AiO) =A(Ex) forall x Which of the following is necessarily true? (AfO=f,(0) — forallx (B)f,(®)=-f, Cx) forall x OAX)=f,) — forallx (D)f, 00 +400 =0. forallx Let f:R>R bedefined as f(x) =3"I*|-3* + sgn (e*) +2 (where sgn x denotes signum function of x). Then which one of the following is correct ? (A) £ is injective but not surjective (B)f issurjective but not injective Of isinjective as well as surjective (D)f isneither injective nor surjective Let f:X—>Y bea function such that f(x)= Vx—2 + V4—x, thenthe set of X and Y for which f(x) is both injective as well as surjective, is (A)22,4] and [y3, 2] (8) [3,4] and [2,2] (C) [2, 4] and [1, 2] (D) [2, 3] and [1, 2] Let f(x) be an odd function defined on (—, 0) and g (x) be an even function defined on (Gm, 00).If £(x)-g (x) =x? +5x +7, then g (2) is equal to (A)-13 (Bo (7 @)-11 Let f:R—[l, ©) be defined by f(x) = x?—6ax +3 —2a+ 9a, The integral value of a for which f(x) is surjective, is equal to (Ayo @)1 (©2 ()-3 [MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE TYPE] Which of the following function(s) would representa non singular mapping. (AP:ROR f(x)=|x|Sgnx where Sgn denotes Signum function (B)g:R>R g(x)=x55 (h:ROR h(x)=x4 4 3x241 3x? -7x+6 @M)k:ROR ks Qs Qo Q0 [MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE TYPE] Column-I Column-I (A) Letf:[-1,00)-> (0,00) defined by f(x) = e*'**!, then f(x) is (P) one-one (B) Let: (1,00) [3, 00) defined by f (x)= 92x +x? . then f(x) is (Q)into (©) Letf:R—> Idefined by f (x) = tanS[x? + 2x +3] (R) many one where [] denotes greatest integer function, then f(x) is D) _ Letf: [3,4] > [4, 6] defined by f(x) =|x-1|+|x-2|+|x-3|+|x—4] (S) onto then f(x) Column -I (A) f(x) = sin22x —2sin2x 4 B)f8)= = (in-sin xx) (©) f@x)= Jin Cos(sinx)) [SUBJECTIVE] x, -2(-1, 1) defined by f{x)= wal isequal to P x+1 x x+1 ix=i ® ix © mx ixje If f(x) =2tan3x-+5yi—cos6x ; (x) isa function having the same period as that of f(x), then which of the following can be g(x). (A) (sec3x + cosec®3x)tan23x, (B) 2 sin3x +3cos3x (©) 2yft-cos? 3x + cosec3x (D) 3 cosec3x + 2 tan3x [REASONING TYPE] Statement-1: fis an even function, g andh are odd functions, all 3 being polynomials. Given f(1) =0, £(2)=1,£8)=-5, g(1)= 1, 3) =2, g(5)=3, (1) =3, h(@)=5 andh (5) = 1. ‘The value of f (g(h(1)))+ ¢(h(£(3)))+h(f(g(—1))) is equal to zero. Statement-2: Ifa polynomial function P(x) is odd then P(0)=0. (A) Statement is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1. (B) Statement-1is true, true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation forstatement-1. © Statement-1 is tre, statement-2 is false. (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. Let g:R—> R defined by g(x) = {e*), where {x} denotes fractional part function, Statement-1: 9(x)isperiodic function. Statement-2:: (x} is periodic function, (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1. (B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1. (C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2s false. (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true Qs Q9 Qu0 [COMPREHENSION TYPE] Paragraph for question nos. 7 to 10 Let f(x) =x2—2x—1 V x ER. Letf: 00, a] > [b, oo), where ais the largest real number for which f(x)isbijective. ‘The value of (a+ b) is equal to (A)-2 @)-1 ©o 1 Letf: RR, g(x)=f (x) +3x~1, then the least value of function y= (|x |) is (A)-9/4 (B)-3/4 (©-2 )-1 Let f:[a, cc) > [b, 20), then £-1(x) is given by (i+ Jee2 B= Vev3 Ol Vee2_— D+ Ve Let f: RR, then range of values of k for which equation f (|x |) =k has 4 distinct real roots is (A)C2,-1) (B) (2,0) (©)(-1,0) (D)@, 1) Practice Test 5 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Qe Q7 Qs [STRAIGHT OBJECTIVE TYPE] ie on ee? ‘The value of the constant ¢ for which the function f(x)= "3 x? —ex, x22 is continuous on (—%, 20) is 2 i 1 3 AZ BZ OF M5 If Lim SP@N*PX _ 36, then x0 ck (Aja=6,b=-6 (B)a=-6,b=6 (C)a=6,b=6 D)a=-6, evan of Lin ( 22243] t0 —E. then the value of p i the value of Lim | ys) Sequalto e (C)a-b-c=7 (D)a-b-c=5 - Lim{ x +x | cag Qo Lett ( 7 4 > R, be defined as f(x)=}a->| sin?x+(tanxy™ |” L x=0 Which of the following holds good ? Le nt “x” x wor(E)=1(€) wre) (5) © i{ (B) HO") = 10) = £0) [INTEGER / SUBJECTIVE TYPE] [2x5=10) 3 Q10 Let f: [0 \- R bea function defined as f(x) = [3x] - {2x}. 2 Find the number of points of discontinuity of f(x). (Note: [y] and {y) denotes greatest integer less than or equal to y and fractional part of y respectively: QM Foracertain value of, the Lim (x*+5x? +3)° —x is finite and non-zero quantity L. Find (L—C). PAGE#2 Practice Paper 6 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs [COMPREHENSION TYPE] Paragraph for question nos. 1 to 3 Let fla) = Lim (in a. +-e05” a) ‘Number of points where {(@) is discontinuous in [—x, 7] is, (AO (B)2 (5 ()7 Which one of the following is correct? (2). ae pfs thal we (J wt Ge of (i)-° ot (3) satan ua (ror{3) 1 (AO @®)1 Oc (Oe [MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE TYPE] 1 isequal to 1 (He) Let f(x) =4—P82 x20. IF £'@)=1, then x 1, x=0 3 (Ayasb=1 ®)a= 3 Lim Silo aoe Let f(x) a, be acontinuous function, then which of the following is/are correct ? ) timf@2-1 — @) Limi == CLime™=1 Mazo ae m0 x 6 oI La tw- (cost lata} if x>0, 0, if xs0 ‘Then which of the following is(are) correct ? (A) £(x) is continuous at x=0. (B) £ (x)is differentiable at x=0. (©)f"(x) is continuous at x =0. (D)f"(x)isnon-derivable at x =0. Q7 Qs Q9 Quo Which of the following statements is/are correct? (A) If f(x) =x? + 10 sin x, then there exist areal number c such that f(c) = 1000. (B) A Yx24x)=|2x41/Vx ER. ax dy? ~ fay)? dx dx (D) Let f: (0,5) R—Q beacontinuous function such that f(2)=7, then f() =". [Note: Q denotes the set of rational numbers.] ay dex dee aay, (If y=£ (x) and x = g(y), where g=f", then > Yeo, [MATCH THE COLUMN] [3434329] Column-T Column-IT (A) Let x=f(t) and y=0 Ifthe continuous function f(x) satisfying. f"(1)=f 1), then find the number of points in [0, 5] where [P()] isnon-derivable. [Note : [k] denotes the largest integer less than or equall to k.] ), -(-® weer-se2) 9 al “lS Lim (ss) then find Sa tox tox

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