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Instruction: Choose the correct answer by encircling the letter of your choice. No erasures allowed. Any
erasure found in this paper would invalidate your answer.
1. The rules of evidence, being part of the Rules of Court, apply only to judicial proceedings.
a. True
b. False
c. Partly Correct
d. Partly wrong
2. The facts or material evidencing the fact or proposition to be established.
a. Factum probandum
b. Factum probans
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
3. The medium or means by which a fact is proved or disproved.
a. Proof
b. Evidence
c. Trial
d. Judgment
4. When is evidence admissible?
a. When it is offered and received
b. When it is relevant to the fact in issue
c. When it is not excluded by the rules
d. Both B and C
5. Evidence must have such a relation to the fact in issue as to induce belief in its existence or non
existence. It is?
a. Competent evidence
b. Relevant evidence
c. Direct evidence
d. Circumstantial evidence
6. It is an evidence that is not excluded by law or by the rules.
a. Relevant evidence
b. Competent evidence
c. Direct evidence
d. Circumstantial evidence
7. These are admissions, verbal or written, made by a party in the course of the proceedings in the
same case, which does not require proof.
a. Extra-judicial admissions
b. Judicial admissions
c. Extra-judicial confessions
d. None of the above
8. _______ as evidence are those addressed to the senses of the court. When it is relevant to the fact
in issue, it may be exhibited to, examined or viewed by the court.
a. Object evidence
b. Physical evidence

c. Testimonial evidence
d. Documentary evidence
9. When the subject of inquiry is the contents of a document, writing, recording, photograph or
other record, no evidence is admissible other than the original document itself. What is it?
a. Original document rule
b. Best evidence rule
c. Document
d. Contents of document
10. When the original document has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be produced in court, the
offeror, upon proof of its execution or existence and the cause of its unavailability without bad
faith on his or her part, may prove its contents by? Which one is not included.
a. a copy
b. by recital of its contents in some authentic document
c. by the testimony of witnesses in the order stated.
d. All of the above are included
11. Circumstantial evidence is that evidence which indirectly proves a fact in issue through an
inference which the fact finder draws from the evidence established. The following are the
requisites except one:
a. there is more than one circumstance;
b. the facts from which the inferences are derived are proved;
c. and third, the combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce conviction beyond
reasonable doubt
d. there is at least one circumstance
12. Where the evidence at the time of its offer appears to be immaterial at the time of its offer appears
to be immaterial or irrelevant unless it is connected with the other facts to be subsequently
proved, such evidence may be received on condition that the other facts will be proved thereafter.
a. Conditional Admissibility
b. Curative admissibility
c. Multiple admissibility
d. None of the above
13. It is the duty of a party to present evidence to establish his claim or evidence by the amount of
evidence required by law.
a. Burden of evidence
b. Burden of proof
c. Evidence
d. proof
14. What is the purpose of establishing a chain of custody?
a. to guarantee the integrity of the physical evidence
b. to prevent the introduction of evidence which is not authentic but where the exhibit is
positively identified the chain of custody of physical evidence is irrelevant
c. Both A and B
d. To present it to the court
15. Charged for Sec 5 of RA 9165, the accused challenged the prosecution’s evidence with regard to
the photocopy of the buy-bust money allegedly used in the buy-bust operation conducted by the
PDEA. He argued that the presentation of the photocopy of the buy-bust money violates the
original document rule. Is he correct?
a. No, because the presentation of the photocopy of the buy bust money does not violate the original
document rule since what is being proved is the transaction of the sale of illegal drugs and NOT
the content of the buy bust money.
b. No, because the photocopy of the buy bust money is an exception to the original document rule
c. Yes, because the photocopy of the buy bust money violates the original document rule
d. None of the above

Prepared by:
Police Lieutenant

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