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JFS M: Food Microbiology and Safety

Chitosan Polymer as Bioactive Coating and

Film against Aspergillus niger Contamination

CT:: The inhibitor
inhibitoryy activity of chitosan-based edible coatings and films was assessed against the A spergillus
niger food pathogen and deterioration microorganism. Spore-counting assays showed an almost total inhibition of
A. niger growth when either film-forming solution or film were used at a low concentration of chitosan (0.1% w/v).
Epifluorescence microscopic results showed the action of chitosan on the relative proportion of RNA compared with
DNA. The water vvaporapor per meability ((WVP)
permeability WVP) of chitosan film was rrelativ
elativ ely lo
elatively w compar
low ed with the poor moistur
compared e
barr ier of some polysacchar
barrier polysaccharideide films
films.. M or
Mor eo
oreo ver
eov er,, a coating with chitosan film on an agar gel, used as a food model,
induced a 30% reduction in water loss. These results showed potential applications of chitosan-based films as
bioactive packaging with properties to limit the food dehydration phenomenon.
Keywor ds: chitosan, antimicr
eywords: obial film or coating, A spergillus niger
antimicrobial niger,, epifluor

Introduction 1979; Kendra and others 1989; Muzzarelli and others 1990; El Ghaouth

D uring the past several years, reliable methods have been de-
veloped to extend the shelf life of food products and to avoid
health hazards for consumers (Ouattara and others 2000). As men-
and others 1991, 1997; Fang and others 1994; Chen and others 1996;
Tsai and others 2000; Coma and others 2002, 2003). This linear binary
heteropolysaccharide is a deacetylated derivative of chitin, which is
tioned by Guilbert and others (1996), the increased consumer de- one of the most abundant natural polymers widely distributed in living
mand for high quality and long shelf life has initiated the development organisms such as crustaceans, insects, and fungi. It is already a com-
of only mildly preserved products that keep their natural and fresh mon ingredient of food in Japan and its official approval is currently
appearance as long as possible. An edible coating is a thin film pre- pending in Europe, where it has achieved a major breakthrough in di-
pared from edible material that acts as a barrier to the external ele- etetics as a fat trap, in reducing the human body’s rate of cholesterol
ments (moisture, oil) and thus protects the product and extends its absorption by 20% to 30%, and as a fiber involved in intestinal transit
shelf life. Interest in the development of biodegradable and edible time. As mentioned by Begin and Van Calsteren (1999), the positive
packaging is increasing due to environmental concerns and regula- charges of chitosan due to the protonated form of amino reactive func-
tions. Moreover, bioactive edible coatings or packaging materials are tional group at the C-3 position, would interfere with the negatively
one of the innovative food packaging concepts that have been intro- charged residues of macromolecules at the cell surface, rendering the
duced as a response to foodstuffs especially sensitive to pathogen membrane leaky. Due to its ability to form active edible or biodegrad-
microorganism growth. To control undesirable microorganisms on able films (Arai and others 1968), chitosan coating can be expected to
foods, antimicrobial films or coatings could be used in an alternative limit contamination on surface foods.
way. Antimicrobial agents are incorporated into the packaging, and The main objectives of this study were to assess the potential of
M: Food Microbiology & Safety

the antimicrobial activity is based on the release of the biocide mole- chitosan coating as an antifungal polymer especially against Aspergil-
cule (Torres and others 1985; Halek and Garg 1989; Siragusa and Dick- lus niger contamination on surface foodstuffs. A. niger was selected
son 1992; Weng and Hotchkiss 1992; Weng and Chen 1997; Padgett and from several fungi because it is well known as an opportunistic human
others 1998; Ouattara and others 2000; Coma and others 2001; Sebti pathogen and as a microorganism commonly encountered in food
and others 2002). Another concept is based on edible coatings where contamination cases. Moreover, some of A. niger strains produce my-
functional groups that have antimicrobial activity are immobilized on cotoxins such as aflatoxin, which is one of the most potent carcinogens
the surface of polymer films (Paik and others 1998; Vermeiren and oth- known to man and has been linked to a wide array of human health
ers 1999) or the antimicrobial activity comes from the polymer itself, problems. Moreover, A. niger lipase is involved in deterioration of food
directly used as film-forming entities, leading to antimicrobial activity products with high lipid content, for example, nuts and oilseeds. The
especially onto food surfaces (Coma and others 2002). Based on this antimicrobial activity of chitosan coating was 1st assessed on a model
concept, chitosan, composed of ␤-1,4-linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxyglu- solid medium made from suitable nutrient agar. Then, the effect of
copyranose and 2 amino-2-deoxy-glucopyranose, is a high-molecular- chitosan was investigated in a liquid medium by a spore numeration
weight cationic polysaccharide that exhibits antibacterial and antifun- assessment and by epifluorescence analysis to determine the influ-
gal activity as well as film-forming properties (Allan and Hadwiger ence of the amino-polysaccharide on spore germination ability. Finally,
vapor water barrier properties and water sorption isotherms of chito-
MS 20040360 Submitted 6/2/04, Revised 7/1/04, Accepted 9/13/04. Authors san films were evaluated in view of potential industrial applications.
Sebti, Martial-Gros, and Carnet-Pantiez are with Laboratoire de Recher-
che en Génie Industriel Alimentaire, Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon I, IUT A-
Dépt. Génie Biologique, Bourg-en-Bresse, France. Author Grelier and Coma
Materials and Methods
are with Laboratoire de Chimie des Substances Végétales, CRCM, Univ.
Bordeaux 1, 351 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France. Direct in- Materials
quiries to author Coma (E-mail:
Compounds. Chitosan (deacetylation degree, higher than 90%;

M100 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 70, Nr. 2, 2005 © 2005 Institute of Food Technologists
Published on Web 2/3/2005 Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
Antifungal chitosan coating and film . . .

low viscosity ranged between 14 and 100 cP) was furnished by were present. Spores in control plates were counted, and the per-
France Chitine (Marseille, France). centage of inhibition was calculated as follows:
Organisms and maintenance. Aspergillus niger (LCSV collection,
university Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France) was stored at –20 °C in
10% glycerol. The 5 d pre-culture of A. niger was performed on Sa-
bouraud agar medium (DIFCO 62176, Fisher Labosi, Elancourt,
France) at 30 °C. In addition, contamination controls were performed from films
or coatings deposited on a non-inoculated tryptose agar and incu-
bated at 30 °C and 37 °C for 12 d (DIFCO 262200, Fisher Labosi,
Preparation of chitosan coatings and films. The film-forming Elancourt, France) to test their initial contamination level. Finally,
solution of 0.1% or 1% (w/v) chitosan was obtained by dispersing assays with 1% aqueous 1 M acetic acid solution adjusted to pH 5.4
chitosan in a 0.5% (v/v) aqueous 1 M acetic acid solution (57022, was conducted to verify potential residual solvent that didn’t exhibit
Chimie-plus, Denicé, France). The pH was adjusted to 5.4 with 1 M antifungal activity.
or 10 M NaOH (40043, Chimie-plus, Denicé, France). The prepara- Liquid medium method (spores numeration and epifluores-
tion was filtered through 5.3␮m membrane (Millipore, VWR inter- cence assays): Tubes of 9 mL of Sabouraud liquid medium with or
national, Strasbourg, France) and degassed using a vacuum pump. without 0.1% (w/v) chitosan were inoculated to obtain a final concen-
To obtain chitosan films, 1% chitosan solution (w/v) in 1 M aque- tration of approximately 10000 spores/mL. These tubes were then
ous acetic acid was then poured in uniform layer of 1mm thickness incubated 24 h at 30 °C. 0.1 mL of each tube was deposited on Sab-
onto a polypropylene plate (Grosseron, Saint-Herblain, France). The ouraud agar medium dishes. These dishes were dried in a flow hood
optimum conditions for casting were 60 °C for at least 2 h in a drying at room temperature for 30 min. The plates were then incubated at
oven (45003, Bioblock Scientific, Illkirch, France) under reduced pres- 30 °C and spore density was determined daily (Mallassez cell).
sure (0.83 atm). The dried films were peeled from the plate and sam- In parallel to the counting assays, epifluorescence microscopy
ples were conditioned at 23 ± 1 °C and 50% ± 5% RH before properties analysis on A. niger spores was performed. A volume of 0.5 mL of A.
measurements. A micrometer (Mitutoyo electronic micrometer, niger spore suspension was stained with 0.5 mL acridine orange
Erichsen, Rueil-Malmaison, France) was used to measure film thick- (0.25 g/L) in darkness for 5 min at room temperature. A few drops
ness to an accuracy of 1 ␮m. Ten measurements were made on each were put on a slide covered with a cover slip and immersion oil
test sample and showed a mean final thickness of about 30 ± 4 ␮m. (Coma and others 2002). Spores counts were done at least on 10
Preparation of liquid Sabouraud medium supplemented or random microscopic fields (magnification 40) under an epifluores-
not with chitosan. Sabouraud medium was prepared by mixing 35 cence microscope (Zeiss). Acridin orange has a high affinity for
g/L glucose and 5 g/mL meat peptone (Fisher Labosi, Elancourt, nucleic acids and is used as a viable cell stain. When viewed under
France) and 5 g/mL NaCl (24069, Chimie-plus, Denicé, France) in ultraviolet light, stained RNA and single-stranded DNA fluoresce
0.5% (v/v) 1 M acetic acid solution. The pH was adjusted to 5.4 with orange, whereas double-stranded DNA appears green. The
1 M NaOH. The preparation was filtered through 5.3-␮m mem- amount of green and orange spores was expressed as a percentage,
brane (Millipore, VWR international, Strasbourg, France). Sab- calculated as follows:
ouraud medium with chitosan was prepared as follows: 0.1% (w/v)
of chitosan was added to the previous mixture, stirred until the
chitosan was totally solubilized, and filtered as described previous-
ly. The solutions were sterilized for 20 min at 120 °C.
Aspergillus niger spores suspension. The fungal spores were re-
covered from a 5 d Sabouraud culture by pouring 9 mL of sterile phys- Evaluation of physicochemical properties
iological water containing 0.1% Tween 80 (SIGMA, St. Quentin Fallavier, of chitosan-based film
France) on the agar plate surface and by scraping it gently using a

M: Food Microbiology & Safety

Water vvapor
apor per meability deter
permeability mination. The water vapor per-
sterile rake to remove spores. The spores were then transferred into meability ( WVP) of edible films was evaluated using a modified
sterile tubes. When necessary, the spore density was evaluated on a AFNOR standardized procedure (NF ISO 2528, 2001). An aluminum
hemocytometer (Malassez, VWR, Strasbourg, France) using an optical cup containing anhydrous CaCl2 dessicant (assay cup) or nothing
microscope (Zeiss, Axiovert 25, HB050, Germany, magnification 40). (control cup) was sealed by the tested film (50 cm2 exchange film
The spore charge was expressed as the number of spores per milliliter area) with paraffin wax at 50 °C. It was placed in an environment of
(spores/mL) and was the mean of at least 10 numerations. controlled humidity and temperature (50% ± 5% RH and 23 ± 1 °C).
The water vapor permeability (g.m./24h m2.Pa)was determined
Evaluation of chitosan antifungal activity from the weight increase of the cup over time at the steady state of
Agar plate method. Volumes of 0.1 mL or 1 mL of the A. niger sus- transfer. All tests were conducted in triplicate.
pension, with approximately 100, 500, 1000, 5000, and 10000 Sorption isotherms. Aluminum dishes containing about 0.20 g of
spores, were deposited on Sabouraud agar medium dishes and dried films were weighted to the nearest 0.0001 g. The dishes were
dried in a flow hood at room temperature for 30 min (Faster BH stored in sealed glass jars containing saturated salt solutions to give
2004, Grosseron, St. Herblain, France). On the one hand, 0.1% or 1% different water activities: KOH, CaCl 2, K2CO3, CuCl2, NaCl, and
(w/v) chitosan film-forming solutions at a thickness of 1 mm were KCl, respectively, for 0.10, 0.33, 0.44, 0.68, 0.76, and 0.85 aw at
deposited on the surface of inoculated Sabouraud agar. Plates were 25 ± 1 °C. Weight of moisture equilibrate samples was determined
then dried again in the flow hood at room temperature for 1.5 h. On after drying all films at 103 °C for 2 h. The experiment was per-
the other hand, 1% (w/v) chitosan films were deposited on inocu- formed in triplicate, and the experimental moisture sorption iso-
lated Sabouraud agar medium dishes. In both cases, dishes were therm values were averaged and fitted by the Guggenhein-Ander-
incubated at 30 °C. Visual observations and numerations were son-DeBoer (GAB) model, usually used to describe water sorption
performed after different incubation times for 5 to 10 d. Growth in hydrophilic food products. The GAB model equation (Velázqu-
controls were conducted in parallel to ensure that viable organisms ez de la Cruz adn others 2001) is:

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Antifungal chitosan coating and film . . .

film was deposited on an inoculated Sabouraud agar medium (data

not shown). These results showed that the use of chitosan-based
films or coatings offers a great advantage in preventing A. niger
growth on food surfaces. A key feature of chitosan is its positive
Total water desorption rrate
ate.. Total water desorption rate (TWDR) charge on the amino group at C-2 position below its pKa (about 6.3).
measurements were evaluated using a modified method devel- This creates a polycationic structure, which can be expected to inter-
oped by Desobry and Hardy (1993). TWDR of open agar (3% w/w) act with microbial cell surface. El Ghaouth and others (1997) men-
and of agar coated with 1% chitosan film were conducted in a cham- tioned that chitosan applied as a coating reduced lesion develop-
ber of controlled humidity and temperature (50% ± 5% RH and ment caused by Botrytis cinerea and Rhizopus stolonifer and delayed
24 ± 1 °C) for 3 d. The slope of the linear part of the desorption curve the ripening process of strawberry, bell pepper, and cucumber fruit.
(mass loss compared with time) gives TDWR, expressed as kgwater/ Chitosan is known to increase cellular leakage, and such alteration
m2/s. From TDWR of open agar gel, Kc was determined using the could affect the ability of the undesirable microorganisms to initiate
following equation (Figure 1a): infection. Planscencia-Jatomea and others (2003) obtained a strong
inhibition of A. niger spore germination (73%) on Czapeck agar me-
dium supplemented with 30 g/L of chitosan. Using scanning elec-
tron microscopy, these authors showed that chitosan produced
spore aggregation and morphological anomalies affecting swelling,
C1a was calculated with Mollier diagram from air characteristics of germ tube emergence, and polarization. For these authors, a great
open agar surface (100% RH and 24 °C) and Cb by surrounding air synergism was obtained when low temperature was used while intro-
characteristics (50% RH and 24 °C). ducing chitosan. The high level of our inhibition percentage could be
From TDWR of agar coated with chitosan film, C2a was then de- explained also by the low oxygen availability potentially produced
termined using the following equation (Figure 1b): by chitosan coatings or films, leading to a limitation of A. niger spore
germination. In fact, when chitosan was used as an edible film, Jeon
and others (2002) proved a significant reduction in moisture and ox-
(in the air) ygen exchange. In our conditions, we used a chitosan with a low
molecular weight and a low viscosity that ranged between 20 and 100
Results and Discussion cP. This kind of chitosan was used also by Shahidi and others (2001)

A s preliminary experiments, different chitosan contents in film-

forming solutions and films were deposited on a non-inoculat-
ed tryptose agar medium and incubated for 12 d at 30 °C and
and Kamil and others (2002). These authors found that the limitation
of oxidation of lipids in different food products was chitosan concen-
tration–dependent and highest for low chitosan molecular weight
37 °C. As a result, no initial microbial contamination was observed. (14 cP). Chitosan films would reduce oxygen exchange associated to
Moreover, chitosan solvent did not show any antifungal activity antifungal activity due to the polycationic character, probably ex-
(data not shown). plaining total inhibition of aerobic A. niger strains.
Chitosan antimicrobial activity was evaluated by the agar plate
method. Two chitosan concentrations (0.1% and 1% [w/v]) were Chitosan antimicrobial activity
tested for anti–A. niger activity and data are presented in Table 1. evaluated by liquid medium method
Control plates, performed in the absence of chitosan, showed after Further experiments were conducted to analyze chitosan antifun-
5 d of incubation, increasing spore amounts as inoculation rate was gal activity in liquid medium, and results are presented in Table 2.
increased from 100 to 10000 spores. A linear relationship was ob-
tained: SAf = 53 × SAi (R2 = 0.96), where SAi and SAf were, respec-
tively, initial (before incubation = inoculation rate) and final (after
M: Food Microbiology & Safety

incubation = spores in control plates) spores amounts. Very low

standard deviations were also observed, indicating a good repeat-
ability. In the presence of 0.1% and 1% (w/v) chitosan, A. niger was
completely inhibited, indicating that 0.1% (w/v) chitosan concen-
tration was sufficient to maintain a total fungal growth inhibition
for at least 10 d (Figure 2). Consequently, for the following assays,
only 0.1% (w/v) chitosan film-forming solution was tested.
The same conclusions were obtained when the 1% (w/v) chitosan

Figure 2—Illustration of anti–Aspergillus niger property of

Figure 1—Models of surface water evaporation and of 1% (w/v) chitosan coating tested on Sabouraud agar me-
water diffusion in 1% (w/v) chitosan film: (a) open agar gel dium previously inoculated with 5000 spores and incubated
and (b) agar gel coated with 1% (w/v) chitosan film 10 d at 30 °C

M102 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 70, Nr. 2, 2005 URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at
Antifungal chitosan coating and film . . .

Table 1—Effect of 0.1% and 1% (w/v) chitosan film form- Table 2—Effect of chitosan incorporation at 0.1% (w/v) in
ing solution on Aspergillus niger previously inoculated on Sabouraud liquid medium on Aspergillus niger growth for
Sabouraud agar medium at different rates from 100 to different spore inoculation rates after 24 h incubation at 30 °Ca
10000 spores and incubated 5 d at 30 °C a
Inoculation rate Control plates
Chitosan film-forming solution (spores/mL) (spores/mL) Inhibition (%)
Inoculation rate
Inhibition (%) 100 162245 ± 7b 95 ± 1b
(spores per Control plates
500 122361 ± 6b 91 ± 1b
Petri dish) (spores/mL) 0.1% (w/v) 1% (w/v) 1000 61567 ± 8b 100 ± 0c
100 8738 ± 4b 100 ± 0c 100 ± 0c 5000 25533 ± 4b 100 ± 0c
500 30700 ± 7b 100 ± 0c 100 ± 0c 10000 88167 ± 4b 100 ± 0c
1000 123583 ± 4b 100 ± 0c 100 ± 0c a Volumes of 0.1 mL were spread out on Sabouraud agar medium exempt from
5000 206917 ± 5b 100 ± 0c 100 ± 0c chitosan and were incubated 5 d at 30 °C. Values, followed by their standard
10000 551833 ± 6b 100 ± 0c 100 ± 0c deviation, are means of 3 experiments.
b Values are statistically different (P < 0.05).
a Values represent the means and standard deviations from at least 3 c Values are not statistically different (P < 0.05).
b Values are statistically different (P < 0.05).
c Values are not statistically different (P < 0.05).

induce consequently high WVP. The moisture sorption isotherm of chi-

tosan films was then carried out. Chitosan film moisture sorption in-
Spore amounts in control plates decreased as inoculation rate in- creased rapidly at high aw, from 0.5 to 0.85, while increasing slowly or
creased. This result, verified at least 3 times, could probably be ex- moderately at intermediate and low aw, suggesting a swelling phenom-
plained by a competition between microorganisms for the substrate. enon as water activity increased (Figure 5). Sorption isotherms of these
As previously obtained in solid medium, 0.1% (w/v) chitosan inhibito- chitosan films and the fact that chitosan films were found to be com-
ry activity was very high and close to 90% to 100%. To improve under- pletely soluble in water may be detrimental to “in-use” chitosan coat-
standing of the effect of chitosan on the physiology of the fungal ings on food products. Accordingly, further experiments were also con-
strain, spore numeration was performed daily and was completed, in ducted to confirm moisture barrier properties of chitosan coatings in
parallel, by epifluorescence analysis on spores after staining with acri- conditions close to food applications. An agar gel, used as a high water
din orange. Results are presented in Figure 3. In chitosan-free medium, activity food model, was coated with chitosan film forming solution. The
a typical growth curve was observed. The epifluorescence analysis TWDRagar was then determined by evaluating water loss during the
showed a high percentage of green spores during the lag phase (about chosen storage conditions. Results are presented in Table 3. TWDRagar
20 h). The exponential phase was characterized by high spores obtained from our experiments (3.37.10–6 kg/m2.s) was lower than
amount and a significant percentage of orange spores up to 50%. Spore those determined by Desobry and Hardy (1993) (about 5.10–6 kg/
germination can also be observed (Figure 4a). According to McFeters m2.s) in the same conditions. This could be due to the experimental ar-
and others (1991), the outcome of the acridin orange staining reaction
can predict physiological activity, and it is possible to distinguish lag
and stationary phase on the basis of color. After staining with acridin
orange and when viewed under ultraviolet light, high amounts of RNA
and single-stranded DNA induce high acridin orange staining with
orange fluorescence, indicating microorganism viability. When chito-
san was incorporated, 100% green cell percentage and no variation in
spores numbers indicated clearly an antifungal effect of the molecule
(Figure 4b). Chitosan adsorption on spore membrane surfaces prob-
ably induced a reduction in nutriment exchange through spores

M: Food Microbiology & Safety

membranes. The green spore coloration showed with epifluorescence
analysis also indicated that chitosan probably acts on nucleic acids.
Shahidi and others (1999) mentioned that a binding of chitosan with
DNA and inhibition of mRNA synthesis occurs via chitosan penetrat-
ing the nuclei of the microorganism and interfering with the synthe-
sis of the mRNA and proteins. Figure 3—Aspergillus niger growth (spore concentration
versus time) in the presence or absence of 0.1% (w/v)
chitosan in Sabouraud broth. Inoculation rate was 10000
Evaluation of physicochemical spores/mL, and the incubation temperature was 30 °C for
properties of chitosan-based films several days. Histograms correspond to epifluorescence
microscopic analysis on spores stained with acridin orange.
Moisture barrier properties of chitosan film were evaluated at Values are means of at least 3 experiments.
24 ± 1 °C and 50% ± 5% RH by measuring the WVP. These conditions
reproduced a situation commonly encountered during food storage.
The obtained WVP was (8.94 ± 0.4) 10–7 g.m./ 24 h. m2 Pa. Because of
the hydrophilic character of the chitosan biopolymer, a significant
water vapor transfer was expected. This latter was relatively low com-
pared with poor water vapor barrier of polysaccharides in general. For
example, hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose films exhibited a 4 times
higher WVP in the same conditions (Coma and others 2001; Sebti and
others 2002). According to Fringant and others (1996), the 1st step of
WVP corresponds to the sorption of water molecules on the specific hy- Figure 4—Epifluorescence microscopic photos at J + 8 d of
Aspergillus niger spores in the absence (a) or presence (b)
drophilic groups of the amorphous phase. Afterward, water permeabil- of 0.1% (w/v) chitosan in Sabouraud broth previously inocu-
ity depends on the capacity of the polymer. Strong water vapor sorption lated with 10000 spores/mL and incubated for several days

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Antifungal chitosan coating and film . . .

Table 3—Impact of 1% (w/v) chitosan film, coating 3% agar Acknowledgments

gel, on dehydration phenomenona The authors would like to thank Romain Guillas, Fathi Beladgham,
Agar coated with 1% and Sébastien Fimbeau for their excellent technical assistance.
Open agar gel (w/v) chitosan film
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