Annotated Bibliography 3

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Martinez 1

Yuritci Martinez

ENGL 1302-101

Dr. Sharity Nelson

27 September 2022

Covid-19 vaccines: An Annotated Bibliography

Chirico, Francesco, et al. “Safety & Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Narrative

Review.” Indian Journal of Medical Research, vol. 155, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 91–104., 

In this article, Chirico et al. explain the safety and effectiveness of covid-19 vaccines in

their research. There have been eight SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations approved for emergency use by

those who can provide some defense to the worldwide populace during the COVID-19

pandemic. Medical experts, administrators, and legislatures are gathering evidence-based data

even though research has been published worldwide to formulate public health policies.

Therefore, these efforts were hampered by carry on with overseas travel, violations of

lockdowns, social exclusion, and a lack of mask use, thus, hindered these attempts. mutant virus

strains emerging, and a part of the world population that continues to distrust the precautions

adhering less” (Chirico et al. 1). Here we review the research on the safety, efficacy, and

effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccinations” (Chirico et al. 91). The researchers agree that these

vaccines are safe and effective for people because the vaccines have helped people not to get sick

again. Chirico et al. stated, “The research demonstrates that these eight vaccinations are quite

successful at preventing disease and mortality in populations, however there are some concerns

about safety and side effects (91). However, they are not sure if everyone will have a good

reaction after getting vaccinated. They also commented that the Covid-19 vaccines have more
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side effects in older people. This source will help me because, in this source, the researchers

agree that these vaccines are safe and effective for everyone, but the people need to be conscious

that some vaccines can have mild effects.

Muhaidat, Nadia, et al. “Menstrual Symptoms after COVID-19 Vaccine: A Cross-Sectional

Investigation in the MENA Region.” International Journal of Women's Health, Volume

14, 31 Mar. 2022, pp. 395–404., 

In this article, Muhaidat argues about how Covid-19 has affected menstruation after the

Covid-19 Vaccine. "Since the emergence of Covid-19 vaccinations, many women worldwide

report abnormalities in their menstrual period post-vaccination" (Muhaidat et al. 395). The

researchers tested different females with abnormalities in their menstrual cycle after getting

vaccinated and before. This study investigates the prevalence and relevance of menstrual

abnormalities in females from the Middle East and North Africa after receiving the Covid-19

vaccine. Muhaidat et al. agree that Covid-19 vaccines have caused females to have side effects

with their menstrual cycle. Females reported considerably more anomalies following

immunization compared to their pandemic status. Muhaidat et al. concluded that the vaccine had

a small amount of influence on the problem of menstrual abnormalities among these women”

(396). Therefore, these symptoms were typical or common for the women after vaccination

because the body reacted positively. This side effect was most popular worldwide because

females made many reports that after getting vaccinated, their menstrual cycle started to be

weird. They concluded that these vaccines cause some side effects but are mild, and these

symptoms should be expected. This source will be part of my essay because it discusses how
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females were affected by the Covid-19 vaccines. I will be getting information about how women

were affected after getting vaccinated.

Tavakoli, Nader, et al. “Pediatric and Adolescent COVID‐19 Vaccination Side Effects: A

Retrospective Cohort Study of the Iranian Teenage Group in 2021.” Journal of Medical

Virology, vol. 94, no. 10, 24 June 2022, pp. 4890–4900., 

In this article, Tavakoli et al. argue about how the Covid-19 vaccination was causing side

effects on adolescents after getting vaccinated. The researchers "were investigating (88.1%

received the Sinopharm and 11.9% the Soberana vaccine). General side effects, including

fatigue, fever, chill, injection site pain, dizziness; happened in 2978 cases" (Tavakoli et al. 4890).

He agrees that Covid-19 vaccines influence the side effects when getting vaccinated. They look

at more than one potentially deadly adverse event, such as vascular injuries, pulmonary

problems, or general or organ-specific adverse events. Only 0.1% of the participants needed to

be hospitalized. "The 200 people who contracted the breakthrough infection did so. Our research

demonstrates that the COVID-19 vaccines from Sinopharm and Soberana are typically safe and

do not cause major adverse effects in individuals under 18" (Tavakoli et al. 4891). Tavakoli et al.

stated, " Sinopharm and Soberana covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective in those under 18

years old" (4899). The researchers concluded that every Covid-19 vaccine would have side

effects; some vaccines can have higher side effects than others, but they are safe for some

people. This source will help me because it talks about how adolescents and children have side

effects after getting vaccinated; they also concluded that the vaccines are effective and safe.
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Chen, Yamin, et al. “Covid-19 Vaccine Research Focusses on Safety, Efficacy,

Immunoinformatic, and Vaccine Production and Delivery: A Bibliometric Analysis Based

on VOSviewer.” BioScience Trends, vol. 15, no. 2, 2021, pp. 64–73., 

Chen et al. studied the safety and efficacy; of the Covid-19 vaccine in their research.

"This study aimed to provide the current status of the Covid-19 vaccine using bibliometric

analysis" (Chen et al. 64). Seven clusters of COVID-19 vaccine research hotspots were found

after keyword analysis. Hotspots for COVID-19 vaccine research include immunology, and

vaccine hesitancy studies. The results identified vaccine clinical trials' safety, effectiveness,

immunology, manufacturing, and distribution as research hotspots. Furthermore, they anticipate

that a significant amount of research will concentrate on adverse vaccination side effects.

"Covid-19 vaccine research hotspots are as follows: clinical research on vaccine safety and

efficacy, research on vaccine immunology and immunoinformatic, infection prevention and herd

immunity, and vaccine delivery and production" (Chen et al., 71). The researcher's result showed

that these vaccines are safe and effective, but some vaccines can still cause more side effects

than others. These vaccines helped the world reduce the virus and many deaths of different ages.

This source will help my essay because these researchers discuss how the Covid-19 vaccines are

safe and effective for everyone. This source supports the Covid-19 vaccines and concludes that

they are safe and effective for people, but other researchers agree that vaccines can have some

mild side effects after getting vaccinated.

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Erazo, Diana, et al. “Investigating Covid-19 Vaccine Impact on the Risk of Hospitalisation

through the Analysis of National Surveillance Data Collected in Belgium.” Viruses, vol.

14, no. 6, 16 June 2022, pp. 2–8., 

In this article, Erazo et al. argue whether Covid-19 vaccines impact the risks of

hospitalization. This research wanted to examine the recent development of vaccination

influence on the dangers of Covid-19 hospitalization using national hospitalization monitoring

data. The researchers started investigating "we used hospitalization data from the Surge Capacity

survey" (Erazo et al. 2). Since 6 October 2021, new variables have been added to this survey to

allow hospitals to report the number of hospitalized patients by vaccination status in different age

categories (Erazo et al. 2). Erazo et al. agree that the Covid-19 vaccines are safe and proven that

reduce hospitalization. The Covid-19 vaccines and boosters have been lowering the number of

hospitalizations and have protected people during the second SARSCoV-2. The research has

proven that the Covid-19 vaccines protect people from getting hospitalized; they also confirm

that the more boosters they get, the less the risk of getting hospitalized. This source will be part

of my essay because the researchers agree that Covid-19 vaccines are effective and safe for

people. This source will also help me because it has much support for the vaccines, and they

stated that these vaccines help people not get sick or die.

Stouten, Veerle, et al. “Incidence and Risk Factors of COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough

Infections: A Prospective Cohort Study in Belgium.” Viruses, vol. 14, no. 4, 13 Apr. 2022,

pp. 1–14.,

In this paper, Veerle et al. look at the prevalence and risk factors of Covid-19 vaccine

breakthrough infections. They covered various “individuals who had received a 14-day course of
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complete Covid-19 immunization in Belgium between 1 February 2021 and 5 December 2021”

(Veerle et al. 1). The researchers' goal is to analyze the health risks for emerging illnesses and

evaluating the diagnostic characteristics of those who have them. This extensive research

completely immunized individuals throughout all of Belgium revealed an 11.2 per 100

person/year incidence rate of breakthrough infections. The chance of getting a breakthrough

infection was shown to be greater in younger individuals and those who had received an

adenovirus vector immunization after correcting for occupational or environmental exposure to

the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Those who previously contracted the illness and those who had gotten a

booster shot had a much lower likelihood of developing a breakthrough disease. People who had

previously been infected with viruses and become sick after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine

were more likely to be completely asymptomatic than COVID-19 naive individuals. Veerle et al.

agree that Covid-19 is safe and effective for people, but as the other authors stated that some

vaccines could have more side effects than others. This source will help me because they agree

that these vaccines are safe and effective for everyone, but at the same time, they could not be

effective and have some side effects.

Solomon, Nadia, et al. “Emergency Room Imaging Findings in Patients Presenting after COVID-

19 Vaccination.” Journal of Clinical Imaging Science, vol. 12, 17 June 2022, pp. 1–7., 

In this article, Solomon et al. argue that patients go to the emergency room because of the

Covid-19 vaccine. This study examines the “connection between emergency department

patients' clinical manifestations and imaging findings when they suspect recent medication side

effects or complications (Solomon et al., 1). These Covid-19 vaccinations have been

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accompanied by a variety of unexpected adverse effects, some of which have resulted in visits to

the emergency room. This is because the illness itself is connected to a wide range of clinical

expressions, post-disease manifestations, and unforeseeable consequences. Chest discomfort,

cough, shortness of breath, and headache were the most seen ER symptoms following the

COVID-19 vaccine. Since vascular post-vaccination outcomes are anticipated to be the most

important, concern for cause diseases may push for proper scanning to allow for quick discovery

and treatment. In 2.8% of reports, significant vascular results were found. This source will help

my essay because the researchers disagree that Covid-19 vaccines are not safe, have many side

effects, and people are being admitted to the ER.

Romanowski, Jan, et al. “Protocol of Safe Vaccination against COVID‐19 in Patients with High

Risk of Allergic Reactions.” Clinical and Translational Allergy, vol. 12, no. 5, 21 Apr.

2022, pp. 1–8., 

In this article, Romanowski et al. debate whether Covid-19 vaccinations are safe for

people with a high risk of allergic response. Due to reports of allergic reactions, particularly in

individuals with a history of severe anaphylactic reactions for various causes or for no apparent

reason, several patients and practicing doctors were concerned about the safety of vaccine

administration. " This study aimed to develop an allergic workup protocol based on skin prick

test, intradermal testing and intramuscular provocations, and management of anti-Covid-19

vaccine allergy" (Romanowski et al. 1). Therefore, 225 participants were excluded from standard

treatment due to their medical histories of severe anaphylactic responses to many or unexplained

reasons. After one of these vaccines had an adverse response with the first dosage, another 80

individuals were recruited for SPT, and IDT tests were carried out on all participants. Seventy-
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nine individuals were randomly selected from the study group and had their serum tryptase levels

tested. This source will help me get information about the people who have an allergic reaction

to the covid-19 vaccines because they explain if these vaccines are safe for everyone.

Liu, Qiao, et al. “Effectiveness and Safety of SARS-COV-2 Vaccine in Real-World Studies: A

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Infectious Diseases of Poverty, vol. 10, no. 1, 14

Nov. 2021, pp. 1–15., 

The efficiency and safety of the Covid-19 vaccination are described by Liu et al. Rapid

herd immunity through vaccination is necessary to arrest the mutation and stop the formation of

variants that may altogether avoid immune surveillance. Researchers worked to provide a robust

scientific basis for the COVID-19 vaccines' real protective effects, notably in the waves of

diseases that followed that were caused by mutations. Another goal was an in-depth analysis of

the COVID-19 vaccines' effectiveness and safety in actual settings. "According to global statics,

as of August 2, 2021, there are 326 candidate vaccines,103 of which are in clinical trials, and 19

vaccines have been put into normal use, including eight inactivated vaccines, five protein subunit

vaccines, 2 RNA vaccines as well as four non-replicating viral vector vaccines" (Liu et al. 2).

"The safety of Covid-19 vaccinations is reassuring, and they have the potential to reduce Covid-

19-related infections, deaths significantly, and severe, symptomatic cases worldwide" (Liu et al.

4). Considering the global pandemic and the continued appearance of Covid-19 variants,

accelerating immunization, and expanding vaccine coverage continue to be the most critical and

urgent challenges. They are also the only remaining methods of ending the epidemic. The

researchers concluded that two doses of vaccines are more effective than the other vaccines but
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can have mild adverse effects. This source will help me get information because it agrees with

other reports about the Covid-19 vaccines being effective and safe for people.

Luo, Chongliang, et al. “Comparability of Clinical Trials and Spontaneous Reporting Data

Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety.” Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 29 June 2022, pp.


In this article, Luo et al. explain the Covid-19 vaccines and what side effects each one has

and talks about the safety of the vaccines. The three critical COVID-19 vaccination studies were

used to estimate the risks of local and systemic AEs. These hazards were also quantified using

the VAERS cohort, which comprised 559,717 reports between 14 December 2020 and 17

September 2021. Particularly for systemic AEs, the five vaccination groups' AE scores

determined independently by RCT and VAERS were identical" (Lou et al. 2). The risks of

thrombosis and GBS following the Janssen vaccination were the most serious adverse events

(AEs) recorded by VAERS. The first dosage of the Moderna vaccine, followed by the second,

was associated with the highest reported risk of shingles. With the second dosage of the Pfizer

and Moderna vaccines, there was an elevated risk of myocarditis observed. The inherent biases

in the data from the spontaneous reporting method, the inclusion of just three critical RCTs, and

the absence of a comparison with other active vaccination safety surveillance systems are all

limitations of this study" (Lou et al. 3). There was a higher documented risk of anaphylaxis

following the initial dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Overall, the two vaccines had similar risks or side

effects, and the other vaccines had lower side effects. All these vaccines are safe; people must be

conscious that some vaccines can have higher side effects than others. This source helps me

understand the adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccination from this site for the Pfizer, Moderna,
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and Janssen vaccine doses. Also, this article agrees that all people should get vaccinated and

explains how safe/effective the vaccine is.

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