Bahasa Inggris Wajib

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Jl. Desa Ploso RT/RW : 02/02 Ploso - Mojo – Kediri
Kode Pos : 64162 Email : Telp. (0354) 4520505

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris Wajib Kelas :X

Hari, Tanggal : Senin, 13 Juni 2022 Waktu : 60 Mnt

A. Choose the best answer for each question by

crosing A, B, C, D, or E!
5. Woman : Steve? This is your book.
1. Man : Where is Siska? Man : Oh, it's my math book. Thanks.
Woman : She hasn't finished her homework yet. You're in my class, right?
Man : Should we leave her? Woman : Yes, I am. I'm Carla.
Woman : Yes, she will arrive late. Don't worry. Man : ...

Why does Siska not come? What is the most appropriate response to say next?

A. She is busy. A. It's nice to meet you. D. I don't have any idea.
B. She doesn't want to come. B. Thank you very much. E. I really love it.
C. She has another business. C. I'm glad for it.
D. She is still doing her homework.
E. She arrives there already. 6. Woman : Why were you absent yesterday?
Man : I participated in a guitar contest yesterday.
2. Man : Hi, Rani. This is my brother, Bobby. Woman : How is the result?
Woman : Hi, I'm Rani. Nice to meet you. Man : I won. This is my first winning.
Bobby : Nice to meet you, too. Woman : Congratulations! You are great!
Man : ...........
From the dialogue, we know that....
What is the most appropriate response to say next?
A. the man introduces his brother
B. the man doesn't know Rani A. Thank you very much. D. I'm going to win again.
C. the man is Rani's brother B. You don't say. E. I had won it.
D. the woman is Bobby's friend C. It's no problem.
E. the woman is Bobby's classmate
This text is for questions 7 and 8.
3. Woman : Congratulations on your winning, Amir!
Man : Thank you. ANNOUNCEMENT
Woman : You are great.
Man : Thanks. I want to be the next Alan Budi ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLUB
Woman : Who is he? is opening registration for new members.
Man : He was a popular badminton player. Meeting is held every Wednesday
from 14.00 to 16.00 at the Language Laboratory.
What can we learn from the dialogue?
For registration, please contact:
Nadya (XI (D) and Hanung (XI F)
A. They are badminton player.
B. The woman knows Alan Budi Kusuma.
C. The man is a popular badminton player. 7. When will the regular meeting be held?
D. The woman won a badminton competition.
E. The man wants to be an athlete. A. At 14.00 every day. D. At the laboratory.
B. On Wednesdays. E. For two hours.
4. Woman : Wow, they're amazing! C. After school.
Did you paint them?
Man : Yes, I did. 8. It can be inferred from the text that....
Woman : They look real. You did great.
You can hold an exhibition. I think many A. the students must join the club
people will like your painting. B. the club is held outside the school
C. the students who lack in English cannot join the club
What does the woman compliment? D. the meeting of the club is held for two hours
E. the students may contact their teacher to join the club
A. The man's performance. D. The man's painting.
B. The man's exhibition. E. The man's score.
C. The man's appearance.
14."... as they pass underneath each bridge, ....."
This text is for questions 9 to 11. The synonym of the underlined word is......
In the second Dutch military aggression 1948,
A. above D. between
Yogyakarta which became the capital of the Indonesian
B. over E. below
state was occupied by Dutch. Soedirman, who was
C. bottom
weak and ill, forced himself to participate in the war
against the Allied forces. Stretchered from one to other
This text is for questions 15 to 18.
mountains and forests for approximately seven months,
he led the attacks and supported Indonesian army to Sutomo or Bung Tomo was born on October
fight. Although President Soekarno asked him to go 3, 1920, in Kampung Blauran, in the center of
back home and have rest, he refused and kept Surabaya. At the age of 12, Sutomo left his school at
struggling till the last breath. MULO to find a job due to economy problem. At age
Taken from: https:/ 17, he became famous when he managed to
become the second person in the Dutch East Indies
9. From the text, we know that Yogyakarta was ... in 1948. to reach Garuda Scout rank. During the Japanese
occupation, Sutomo was chosen in 1944 as a
A. the capital of Indonesia member of the Japanese-sponsored Gerakan
B. conquered Rakyat Baru (New People's Movement). While in
C. owned by the Dutch October and November 1945, he became one of the
D. a name of a state leaders of the people moving and uplifting Surabaya
E. a place where the aggression occurred which was under attack by NICA. Sutomo
particularly remembered for opening calls on the
10.The central figure of the second Dutch military aggression radio broadcasts were filled with emotion.
1948 is ...
15.Why did Sutomo leave his school?
A. General Soedirman D. Mohammad Hatta Because ...
B. President Soekarno E. Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX
C. Prince Diponegoro A. there was economy problem
B. he wanted to be a soldier
11.Which of the following sentences is true based on the C. his parents didn't allow him to study
text? D. he wanted to be a scout member
E. he was caught by NICA
A. The Dutch occupied Yogyakarta in 1948.
B. General Soedirman was ill when he led his army to 16.What can we conclude from the text?
fight the Dutch.
C. General Soedirman refused President Soekarno's A. Sutomo was born in Japan.
awards. B. Sutomo was a radio broadcaster.
D. President Soekarno was weak and had to rest. C. Butomo was one of the leaders to defend Surabaya.
E. President Soekarno asked General Soedirman to D. Sutomo became famous when he joined the Dutch.
fight the Dutch even though he was sick. E. Sutomo was not chosen as a member of New
People's Movement.
This text is for questions 12 to 14.
17."... which was under attack by NlCA.
Venice a tourist destination most well-known The underlined word has similar in meaning to....
for its canals and gondolas used to transport people
around the city. Venice is made up of 118 Islands. A. violation D. aggression
The city itself is believed to be sinking at a rate of 1 B. shelter E. Intervention
to 2 millimetres each year. There are estimated to C. defence
be 350 gondolas on Venice's waterways, which
include 177 canals. Venetian folklore says that if a 18. Sutomo got his first job at the age of....
couple In a gondola kiss as they pass underneath
each bridge, they will remain in love forever. A. 12 D. 17
B. 14 E. 25
12.What is the purpose of the text? C. 15

A. To entertain the readers with a story. This text is for questions 19 to 21.
B. To retell past experience.
C. To describe a place. I have moved to Sydney since last year.. I never
D. To persuade the readers to do something. saw a celebrity, except on television. Last November, I
E. To explain the readers about how gondola works. was having lunch with a friend who was a massive fan
of Keanu Reeves. The man was having lunch beside
13.Venice is popular with its .... our table, but I didn't recognize him. Suddenly my
friend spotted him having lunch by himself. She was
A. canals D. Venetian too shy to say something. So, I did. He was very
B. bridges E. folklore polite. He even asked what we did and where we
C. waterways studied. It was very nice of him to chat to us for a few
minutes and sign an autograph. I noticed that he was
in Sydney for filming the Matrix.
This text is for questions 25 to 27.
A rabbit called Onkle lived in the deep African
19.What is the purpose of the text above?
jungles. He was a very intelligent rabbit. but Onkie
wanted to become wiser.
A. To amuse the readers with a story.
So, one day, he went to meet the good witch
B. To retell about past experience.
who lived in the woods. The witch heard Onkie's wish
C. To persuade the readers to go to Sydney.
and said, "We shall see. But, first bring me a live
D. To describe Keanu Reeves.
python!" Then Onkie cut the largest branch of a
E. To inform the readers about Keanu Reeves' movie.
nearby tree and went to the Python. He called out,
"Pithy, pithy, python, so small like a twig!" The Python
20.From the text above, we know that ...
became very angry and said, "I'm not as tiny as you
A. the writer spotted Keanu for the first time
Onkie challenged the Python and said. Then
B. the writer was shy to start the conversation
stretch along this branch! Let me measure how big
C. the writer and her friend met Keanu at a restaurant
you are! The Python wanted to prove Onkie wrong
D. the writer didn't like Keanu Reeves
and did as he was told. As soon as the Python
E. the writer was in Sydney for filming a new movie
stretched himself, the clever Rabbit at once tied him
to the branch. He went to the witch who was very
21.“... a friend who was a massive fan of Keanu Reeves."
happy to see it. But she decided to give him another
The underlined word has similar in meaning to.
"Bring me a swarm of bees!" she said. Onkle
A huge D. little
thought of a clever plan. He emptied a pumpkin, put
B. large E. vast
some honey in it, and hung it on a branch. Within a
C. giant
few minutes, it was filled with bees. Onkie quickly
closed the opening of the pumpkin and took it to the
This incomplete text is for numbers 22 to 24.
witch. The good witch was very impressed with Onkie.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was born at The clever Rabbit had passed all the tests. The
Porbandar in Gujarat, on October 2, 1889. As a witch then put a dark mark between Onkie's ears for
youngster, Mohandas was a good student, but the people to know that he was intelligent and clever.
shy young boy displayed no signs of leadership. On Ever since then, all African rabbits have this dark
the death of his father, Mohandas travelled to mark between their ears.
Taken from: 365 Fairy Tales
England to gain a degree in Law. On completing his
degree in Law, Gandhi ......... 22) to India, where he
was soon sent to South Africa to practice law. In
South Africa he began a movement against the British 25.That story tells about ...
rulers. ......... 23) spending 21 years in South Africa,
Gandhi returned to India in 1915. While fighting A. the clever rabbit in the jungle
against the British rule in India, he always maintained B. Onkie and the Python
his principles of truthfulness, peace, and non- C. the good witch
violence. In 1942, he launched the 'Quit India D. Onkie's tests to be a clever rabbit
Movement' to drive the British out of the country and E. why African rabbits have dark mark between their ears
gave the famous slogan of 'do or die' to his
countrymen. Though, the movement didn't prove to be 26.What was the first test that Onkie should do?
an immediate success, he led the freedom movement
and at last won Independence in 1947. Gandhi died A. To measure the length of a Python.
on January 30, 1948, but Indian people will never B. To bring a live Python to the witch.
forget his .......... 24) to the country. C. To defeat the Python.
D. To stretch his body with a branch.
22.A. travelled C. visits E. helped E. To find some branches of tree.
B. returned D. goes
27.What did the witch give to Onkle after he had passed
23.A. After C. Before E. Finally the test?
B. When D. Meanwhile
A. A dark spot on his cheeks.
24.A. memory C. contribution E. influence B. A box of gold and honey
B. aid D. popularity C. A swarm of honey and pumpkin.
D. A basket of vegetables.
E. A dark mark between his ears.
This song lyrics is for questions 28 and 29.
This text is for questions 32 and 33.
Still I dream he'd come to me
And we would live the years together When I first entered junior high school, I was
But there are dreams that cannot be very shy. I had no friends. I was very nervous.
And there are storms we cannot weather Suddenly, a lovely girl approached me and
(I Dream a Dream, by Susan Boyle) introduced her name. I was happy. She is Rose.
She was my first friend. On that day when it was a
28.The rhyme scheme of the verse above is.... break time, we walked around the school. We
didn't know that the school was very large and had
A. AAAA C. AAAB E. ABAB many rooms. When we visited a library, we
B. ABBA D. AABB couldn't find the way to our class. We tried other
ways, but we were confused again. Then, we
29."And there are storms we cannot weather" asked our senior to help us. He laughed at us at
The synonym of the underlined word is..... first, but he still helped us. We were really
embarrassed. That was my embarrassing first day
A. have C. help E. cope at junior high school.
B. think D. deal
32. What kind of experience is the text above?
30.Rearrange the following sentences into a good Answer : _________________________________
1) Leopard and the rest of the animals were angry, and
started to attack the monkeys. 33.What happened to the writer?
2) One day, a leopard participated in a contest to eat a pile Answer : _________________________________
of black dust held by King Gorilla, and the prize was a pot
of gold.
3) The hippo, lion, and leopard had tried to eat the pile of
the black dust, but they failed. This text is for questions 34 and 35.
4) Curiously, the leopard looked in the tree and saw billions
of monkeys eating the same black dust. The Legend of Pari Temple
5) Then the monkey took one gulp went up, came down five A long time ago, an old man lived in Penanggungan
minutes later, and gulp up until the black dust was gone.
Mountain. His name was Kiai Gede Penanggungan. He
6) So, the monkeys climbed the trees for safety. and that's
why monkeys live in trees. had supernatural power. Kiai Gede Penanggungan also
7) Then a monkey asked if he could climb in the tree and had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Dewi
rest after each gulp, and the gorilla said yes. Walangangin.
Although very beautiful, she was not married yet.
The best arrangement is ... That's why Kiai Gede Penanggungan prayed days and
nights for her daughter. Finally, God answered his prayer.
A. 2)-3)-7(-5)-4)-1)-6) D. 2)-3)-1)-7)-5)-4)-6)
A handsome young man came to his place.
B. 2)-1)-4)-5)-7)-3)-6) E. 2)-3)-6)-1)-5)-7)-4)
C. 2)-7)-1)-6)-4)-3)-5) "My name is Jaka Pandelegan. I came here because
I want to be your student. I want to learn a lot of things
B. Answer the following questions clearly and from you," said the young man.
correctly! "I will take you as my student but you have to marry
my daughter. Agree?" Jaka took a deep breath.
31. Complete the dialogue below. Then he said, "Yes, I agree. I will marry your
Interviewer: ......... the product? daughter."
Wayne : I was traveling in Italy, on the Ponte Both Dewi Walangangin and Jaka Pandelegan lived
Veccio, and grew tired of asking a happy marriage. Especially Jaka, he was even happier.
strangers to take a photo of me and Kiai Gede Penanggungan taught him many things.
my daughter. I envisioned a After several years living with Kiai Gede Penanggungan,
retractable monopod that was now it was time for the couple to leave him and found a
lightweight, had a ball joint for new life as husband and wife.
adjustment, would not spin on its axis,
was waterproof and would go through "I know you can't live with me forever. Before you
airport security. go, take this seed of pari. Every time people ask you, give
them some. Don't be arrogant when you are rich."
Answer : _________________________________ After that, the couple left him and brought pari seed.
_________________________________ Pari means rice.
Then, in the new place, they planted the seed. Soon,
grew a lot of rice. Now the couple became very rich. The
poor neighbours came to the couple to ask for some pari
"No way! If you want to eat, you have to work hard
like me!" said Jaka.
Kiai Gede Penanggungan heard his bad behavior.
So, he decided to visit him. He wanted to remind him about
his promise. Kiai Gede Penanggungan immediately called
their names when he arrived in the rice field.
"Jaka Pandelegan, come here! I want to talk to you."
But Jaka ignored him. He kept on doing his activity.
"My daughter, Dewi. It's me, your father." But, Dewi
also ignored him.
Kiai Gede Penanggungan was really angry. He then
said, "You two are like temples. You cannot listen to me."
Right after he said those words, an incredible thing
happened. Slowly, Jaka and Dewi turned into temples.
Because the temples stood among the pari, people then
named them as Pari Temple.

34.What message had Kiai Gede Penanggungan given to

Jaka Pandelegan and Dewi Walangangin before they left
him to start a new life as a husband and a wife?
Answer : _________________________________

35.Why did people name the temples as Pari Temple?

Answer : _________________________________

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