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Baranchicov Zahar
4th year student of Bachelor degree,
Specialty 152 "Optotechnics", educational program “Physics”, specialization
"Metrology and information-measuring technologies "

Physics of Wave: Sound
Sound, Pressure wave, Longitudinal waves, Transverse waves, Amplitude,
Frequency, Time, Velocity, Wavelength, Bone conduction headphones.

What is a sound wave?

A sound wave is the pattern of disturbance caused by the movement of energy traveling through a
medium (such as air, water or any other liquid or solid matter) as it propagates away from the
source of the sound.

(Звукова хвиля — це форма збудження, викликаний рухом енергії, що проходить через

середовище (таке як повітря, вода або будь-яка друга рідина або тверда речовина), коли вона
поширюється від джерела звуку.)

Sound waves are created by object vibrations and produce pressure waves, for example, a ringing
cellphone. The pressure wave disturbs the particles in the surrounding medium, and those particles
disturb others next to them, and so on.

Pressure wave - a short-period oscillation of pressure such as that associated with the
propagation of sound through the atmosphere; a type of longitudinal wave, but about that type of
wave, later.

(Хвиля тиску - короткоперіодичні коливання тиску, наприклад, пов’язані з поширенням звуку в

атмосфері; тип поздовжньої хвилі, але про цей тип хвилі пізніше.)

The pattern of the disturbance creates outward movement in a wave pattern, like sea water in the
ocean. The wave carries the sound energy through the medium, usually in all directions and less
intensely as it moves farther from the source.

The idea that sound moves in waves goes back to, at least, the first century B.C. The Roman architect
and engineer Vitruvius and the Roman philosopher Boethius each theorized that sound may move in
waves. The origin of the modern study of sound is attributed to Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).

Are sound waves longitudinal or transverse?

There are two types of mechanical waves: longitudinal waves and transverse waves.

Longitudinal waves - a longitudinal wave is one where all the particles of the medium (such as
gas, liquid or solid) vibrate in the same direction as the wave. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.
(Поздовжня хвиля – це хвиля, коли всі частинки середовища (такі як газ, рідина або тверда
речовина) коливаються в тому ж напрямку, що й хвиля. Звукові хвилі - це поздовжні хвилі.)

When longitudinal waves travel through any given medium, they also include compressions and
rarefactions. Compression occurs when particles move close together creating regions of high
pressure. In contrast, rarefactions occur in low-pressure areas when particles are spread apart from
each other. For example, a vibrating tuning fork creates compressions and rarefactions as the tines
move back and forth.

Transverse waves - a mechanical wave is transverse when all the particles of the medium,
which are solid or liquid (and never gas), vibrate perpendicularly at right angles, up and down, and
continue to move in the direction of the wave.

(Поперечні хвилі - механічна хвиля є поперечною, коли всі частинки середовища, які є
твердими або рідкими (і ніколи не газоподібними), коливаються перпендикулярно під прямим
кутом, вгору та вниз, і продовжують рухатися в напрямку хвилі.)

For example, the ripples on the surface of a lake are transverse waves. Sound does not move
through transverse waves except in special conditions.

What are the characteristics of sound waves?

Sound waves have several characteristics. These include:

Amplitude - a measure of change in a single period (such as time or spatial period).

(Амплітуда - міра зміни за один період (наприклад, час або просторовий період).)

Frequency - the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.

(Частота - це кількість повторюваних подій за одиницю часу.)

Time - in physics is defined by its measurement: time is what a clock reads.

(Час - у фізиці визначається його вимірюванням: час - це те, що показує годинник)

Velocity - the directional speed of an object in motion as an indication of its rate of change in position
as observed from a particular frame of reference and as measured by a particular standard of time.

(Швидкість - спрямована швидкість об'єкта в русі як показник швидкості його зміни положення,
спостережуваної з певної системи відліку та виміряної за певним стандартом часу.)

Wavelength - the spatial period of a periodic wave - the distance over which the wave's shape

(Довжина хвилі - просторовий період періодичної хвилі - відстань, на якій повторюється форма

The most important characteristic of a sound wave is wavelength.

Soundwaves vibrate the air to send audio in through the outer ear to the ear drum, which vibrates to
send sound information to the brain for processing.

How we hear sound: What happens when sound waves reach the outer ear?
When sound waves reach the outer ear, the auricle or pinna collects and channels them through the
ear canal, amplifying the sound. The incoming soundwaves travel to an oval-shaped membrane at
the end of the ear canal known as the eardrum.

When the soundwaves reach the eardrum, they cause the eardrum to vibrate. The vibrations are
sent to three tiny bones called the incus, malleus and stapes.

Unlike traditional earphones which transmit soundwaves through the air directly to the outer ear
and into the ear canal, bone conduction headphones bypass the outer ear -- transmitting sound
waves through the bones in a user's skull directly to the cochlea -- in effect, turning the skull into the
device's speaker.

Device Bonee Conduction Headphones - sometimes called 'bonephones'- are

headphones that transmit sound waves through the bones in a user's skull instead of their ear canal.
When in use, the bones in a user's skull will vibrate to amplify the sound waves, allowing users to
listen to device audio, while keeping their ears free. This benefits people with a hearing disability, or
who need to use their ears for staying aware of their surroundings .

(Навушники з кістковою провідністю - які іноді називають «кістковими телефонами», — це

навушники, які передають звукові хвилі через кістки черепа користувача замість слухового
проходу. Під час використання кістки в черепі користувача вібруватимуть, посилюючи звукові
хвилі, дозволяючи користувачам слухати аудіо пристрою, залишаючи вуха вільними. Це
корисно людям із вадами слуху або тим, кому потрібно використовувати вуха, щоб стежити за
навколишнім середовищем)

Task 1
1. What is sound?
2. Do pressure wave a part of Transverse waves? Longitudinal waves?
3. In what dirction Longitudinal wave way?
4. In what kind of medium Transverse waves never is?
5. Is amplitude a measure of change in a multi period?
6. What is time in physics?
7. Per what unit repeating event frequency is?
8. What is Velocity?
9. Is wavelenght - the spatial period of a periodic wave - the distance over which the
wave's shape repeats?
10. How another call Bonee Conduction Headphones?
Task 2
1. By what created sound wave?
2. Do the pattern of the disturbance creates outward movement in a wave
3. Who origin the modern study of sound?
4. Are there two types of mechanical waves: longitudinal waves and
transverse waves?
5. To what types of mechanical waves, a vibrating of tuning fork, belong
6. Can sound move through transverse waves?
7. Trought what vibration of audio cross, from ear to ear?
9. What is most important characteristic of a sound wave is wavelength?

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