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1- The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to

establish facts and reach new conclusions.

a- Methods
b- Research
c- Design
2- Research is …………….
a- Systematic
b- Haphazard
c- Random
3- if we do Research we must get…………….. related to the materiel.
a- no result
b- Success
c- result
4- the first step of doing the Research is ………………………….
a- feeling problem
b- feeling of responsibility
c- feeling of presence
5- for doing research, after feeling the problem you should ………………..
a- look up for what will happened
b- start Think about the result first
c- investigate for the solutions of the problem.
6- To do investigating the solutions of the problem, you need to ………..
a- Solve the problem quickly
b- gather some data first
c- Imagine you write a poem
7- To reach a good result you should see what the …………………………than ……………..
a- cause of the problem
b- testing some solutions
c- a & b
8- get from Research fact and conclusions or solutions of our problem through
collecting some materials and data from………………….
a- Only two sources
b- One source only
c- different sources
9- where can we collect materials and data to get from Research fact and
conclusions or solutions of our problem
a- Only two sources
b- One source only
c- different sources
10- A particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, esp. a
systematic or established one.
a- Research
b- Methods
c- Design
11- what kind of methods to do research?
a- Qualitative method
b- Quantitative method
c- a or b can be used to do research and it depends on what kind of research .
12- Producing number from research is called ………………….. approach or methods.
a- Qualitative
b- Quantitative
c- Differentative
13- Producing Theoretical and philosophical from research is called …………………..approach or
methods. ( I'm NOT looking for number in my research )
a- Qualitative
b- Quantitative
c- Differentative

14- From the ……………………………I can design my research .

a- Design
b- Research
c- Methods
15- It is a logical structure of the inquiry
a- Design
b- Research
c- Methods
16- describing the situation without result is type of research called …………
a- Explanatory
b- Ethnographic
c- Descriptive
17- explain the reasons is type of research called …………
a- Explanatory
b- Ethnographic
c- Descriptive
18- The branch of anthropology that scientifically describes specific human
cultures and societies.
a- Explanatory
b- Ethnographic
c- Descriptive
19- it's Widely used in science, biology, chemistry, etc.
a- Experimental
b- Action research
c- Case study
20- collect data through some tools and you quantify them.
a- Qualitative
b- Quantitative
c- Differentative
21- collect data through some tools and you explain and discuss, argue,
hypothesis and philosophy them.
a- Qualitative
b- Quantitative
c- Differentative
22- Research is ………………….
a- Looking for knowledge only
b- Looking for data only
c- Looking for new ideas and findings
23- An Abstract is ………………………….
a- A Summary of the whole things
b- A Summary of the whole results
c- A Summary of the whole literature review
d- A Summary of the whole methodology
24- A good Classical Report of Research………………….
a- Abstract – methodology – Results – Introduction
b- Abstract – Literature Review - Results – Introduction
c- Abstract – Introduction - Literature Review - methodology – Results
25- Any data gathering project has three parts
a- The Background /The Method/ The Results.
b- The Results/ The Background /Literature Review
c- Abstract /Literature Review /The Results
26- It's not get chapter for itself
a- The Background
b- Abstract
c- Results
27- Abstract can be ………………or less
a- one page
b- ten pages
c- three chapters
28- it is in the beginning of the articles , dissertations and theories Research.
a- Results
b- Conclusion
c- Abstract
29- Abstract will be written in ………………..
a- The end of the Research (completed research)
b- the Center of Research
c- before the beginning of Research
30- The result of our Research will be shown in the ………………………………….
a- Abstract
b- Conclusion
c- Bibliography
31- Outline of what will come in the chapters/sections that follow
a- Introduction
b- Abstract
c- Literature Review
32- Introduction is ………………………..
a- You introduce the results
b- You introduce the study (the problem )and significance
c- You introduce all previous studies and a critique for them
d- You introduce all methods and instruments you used
33- Literature Review is ……………………………..
a- You introduce the results
b- You introduce the study and significance
c- You talk about all previous studies and a critique for them
d- You introduce all methods and instruments you used
34- In dissertation or theories the length of Introduction is will be ………………
a- One page
b- Less than one page
c- One chapters
35- When writing Literature Review must avoid the ………………..
a- Plagiarism
b- Literary mistakes
c- Misspellings
36- Plagiarism is …………………………..
a- Representing other authors 'language and ideas as your own original work
b- Representing your own 'language and ideas as your own original work
c- Representing other authors 'language and ideas as their own original work
37- Methods is ……………………………..
a- You introduce the results
b- You introduce the study and significance
c- You talk about all previous studies and a critique for them
d- You talk about all methods and instruments you used
38- brief underlining of main points again. Often combined with Discussion.
a- Discussion
b- Conclusion
c- Bibliography
39- In Literature Review you going to ………………… about your topic , the previous
studies , similar to your study.
a- Write
b- Read
c- Copy
40- In Literature Review you must write it in …………………………….
a- The same way you read it
b- your own way
c- copy it from where you read it

41- a short summary of your completed research

a- The Background
b- Abstract
c- Results
42- An abstract must makes the reader………………. about your research.
a- Interesting
b- Misspellings
c- Lost
43- The abstracts of your research must be ………….. to your research.
a- Similar
b- different
c- varies
44- Research is an ………………………… knowledge
a- accumulative
b- uncompleted
c- short
45- Motivation/problem statement
a- What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling?
b- What did you actually do to get your results for your research ?
c- what did you learn/invent/create?
d- What are the larger implications of your findings, especially for the problem/gap identified in
Motivation/problem statement?
46- Methods/procedure/approach
a- What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling?
b- What did you actually do to get your results for your research ?
c- what did you learn/invent/create?
d- What are the larger implications of your findings, especially for the problem/gap identified in
Motivation/problem statement?
47- Results/findings/product
a- What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling?
b- What did you actually do to get your results for your research ?
c- what did you learn/invent/create?
d- What are the larger implications of your findings, especially for the problem/gap identified in
Motivation/problem statement?
48- Conclusion/implications
a- What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling?
b- What did you actually do to get your results for your research ?
c- what did you learn/invent/create?
d- What are the larger implications of your findings, especially for the problem/gap identified in
Motivation/problem statement?
49- the first chapter of research going to be ………………………
a- introduction
b- Results
c- Conclusion
50- To choose a topic to your Research go to previous………………………….
a- Copy Same topic in previous research
b- Research
c- Choose any topic from any research
51- Research to demonstrate but an appropriate level of
a- Originality
b- Simulated
c- Meqled
52- Any research should start from ……………………………….
a- Where the other research start
b- Where the other research end
c- Where the other research begin .
53- by a piece of work which proposes a new and interesting account of existing data. By this way you
can choose your ……………..
a- Research conclusion
b- Research reference
c- Research topic
54- The highest attainable level of originality would be to propose a novel theoretical account
a- novel data
b- Join novel
c- The emergence of novel
55- Two way to do the topic for research ……………………………………
a- proposes a new and interesting account
b- applies existing ideas to a new domain
c- a & b
56- your chosen topic should be one which …………………your intellectual curiosity, and which is
going to retain your interest throughout the period you work on it.
a- excites and stimulates
b- not exciting Stimulates
c- both a & b
57- the topic should not to be …………………………. .
a- too short-ranging
b- too small -ranging
c- too wide-ranging
58- Research topic should be appropriate with ……………. schedule for completion.
a- unlimited time
b- the time
c- open time
59- narrowing down your research topic will ………………. your background reading too much more
manageable proportions.
a- Increase
b- Reduces
c- Intensify
60- if the topic you choose is a broader ……………………….
a- the more open-ended your research becomes
b- the more close-ended your research becomes
c- none of all
61- telling in short brief about the topic in …………………….
a- Appendices
b- Conclusion
c- Introduction chapter
62- The right place to tell detailed research questions and hypotheses are At least in the end
of …………………………..,and no in the beginning at all.
a- Appendices
b- Conclusion
c- Introduction chapter
63- Your reasons for doing the research will be in …………………
a- Appendices
b- Conclusion
c- Introduction chapter
64- importance as a research topic in itself, in the context of current knowledge in the relevant field
should be in ……………………………….
a- Appendices
b- Conclusion
c- Introduction chapter
65- Classical research needs to be presented as having ………………………………
a- Narrower implications
b- wider implications
c- interest only for the researcher's school/country only .
66- in your research you will outline of what will come in the chapters/sections that follow
in ……………………………………
a- Appendices
b- Conclusion
c- Introduction chapter
67- You can give brief definitions of some key terms to be used later in …………….
a- Appendices
b- Conclusion
c- Introduction chapter
68- the Reference of any production and ownership of ideas and intellectual material, such as books,
articles, images is called ………………………….
a- Authorship
b- Plagiarism
c- Common knowledge
69- 'Using or copying the work of others (whether written, printed or in any other form) without proper
acknowledgement' is called ……………………………
a- Authorship
b- Plagiarism
c- Common knowledge
70- Plagiarism is …………………………..
a- Representing other authors 'language and ideas as your own original work
b- Representing your own 'language and ideas as your own original work
c- Representing other authors 'language and ideas as their own original work
71- When using or copying the work of others you must refer it to the ……………….
a- Authorship
b- Plagiarism
c- Common knowledge
72- A piece of work that is partially referenced (for example, work in which a quote is put in quotation
marks but not attributed to anyone) is still classed as…
a- acknowledgement
b- plagiarism
c- Authorship
73- A piece of work that is referenced to the Authorship by (quote it or paraphrase it)is
a- a citation and reference
b- plagiarism
c- Authorship
74- Recognition that work has been the product of the work of another identified person .
a- Acknowledgement
b- plagiarism
c- Authorship
75- A list of material that provides further information on the present work.
a- Bibliography
b- Acknowledgement
c- plagiarism
76- Taking advantage of or manipulating a situation unfairly for one's own gain.
a- Cheating (plagiarism)
b- Bibliography
c- Acknowledgement
77- merely acknowledging that an idea or phrase is not your own is
a- insufficient
b- sufficient
c- Enough
78- merely acknowledging that an idea or phrase is not your own is Failing to specify the exact source
will be considered
a- Acknowledgement
b- Bibliography
c- plagiarism.
79- The process of acknowledging or attributing an idea/quotation to another by providing information
about the source of the other work.
a- Citation
b- quotation
c- Paraphrase
80- To refer to (part of) a speech that has been made by someone else.
a- Quote
b- paraphrase
c- citation
81- The process of A fragment of a human expression that is being referred to by
somebody else.
a- citation
b- quotation
c- paraphrase
82- a restatement of a text in different words
a- citation
b- quotation
c- paraphrase
83- The act of citing a passage from a book, or from another person, in his own words.
a- citation
b- quotation
c- paraphrase
84- which of the following work is Types of plagiarism?
a- Copy someone else's work as if it were your own
b- Copy sections of someone else's work but change the odd word or phrase
c- Submit the same piece of work for two different assignments, even if they are
to different departments
d- Submit written work produced collaboratively, unless this is specifically allowed
e- Copy the work of another student, even if they have consented
f- All of the above
85- Which of these excuses are accepted to be Out of plagiarism?
a- Being unclear about what exactly plagiarism is.
b- Having deficient time management skills or being lazy - i.e. being too
disorganised with deadlines to undertake and submit original work
c- Having an ineffective method of note-taking - i.e. not always recording the
source of information
d- Feeling under extreme pressure to pass or succeed - whether it be financial,
parental, cultural, etc.
e- Having different cultural values / practising different academic conventions
f- Mistakenly believing that it will be easy to get away with
g- Knowing that the syllabus has stayed the same each year - i.e. having access to
work from previous students
h- Having unclear instructions for an assessment task (if in doubt, always clarify
with your tutor)
i- Having a lack of academic confidence (again, speak to your tutor or a study
skills advisor)
j- Being conditioned from secondary schooling - i.e. not being used to
acknowledging sources (sorry, no excuse)
k- Non of All accepted
86- How to avoid plagiarism
a- Learning how to note-take effectively
b- Learning how to reference correctly
c- Learning how to paraphrase correctly
d- All of the above
87- review and critique of previous research in the same general area include ……
a- shortcomings of methods
b- argumentation previously used
c- new areas to look at suggested by previous results
d- All of the above
88- In Literature review do NOT ………………………………
a- Too broad
b- report previous work as ‘important’ when actually it has no relevance to your
own research.
c- mention the results of your own later research in your review
d- all of the above
89- A good Literature review should be ……………….
a- half of the write-up
b- a third of the write-up
c- quarter of the write-up
90- after having the good idea ( topic ) you have to choose the……… of your
Research Design.
a- Topic
b- Design
c- Sample determination
91- The sample of your research can be ……………(Depends on the type of search)
a- Only a sample of animals
b- Any sample of anything
c- Only a sample of the population
92- If the sample is about people in general – then the sample ……………… long
it belong to people in general
a- Is about age group
b- doesn’t matter who you sample.
c- Is about culture
d- Is about sex
93- After you choose the sample of your research you need to do the ……………….
a- The topic
b- Data Format
c- The result
94- What format will the data be in? (there is many different kind of data format)
a- Questionnaire
b- Interview
c- Retrospective chart reviews
d- Continuous versus categorical data
e- Any one from Data Format
95- The Data format you use will ……………….. statistics of interpretive methods .
a- make no different
b- effects
c- not effects
96- in experimental design there Comparison Groups is …………………..
a- experimental Groups
b- Control Groups
c- Both a & b
97- experimental design has ………………kinds of groups .
a- three
b- two
c- one
98- in the experimental design the two groups are ………………………,……………..
a- experimental or Comparison Groups & Control Groups
b- experience & controlling
c- expression & control unit
99- the new treatment will be given to……………………………..
a- experimental or Comparison Groups
b- Control Groups
c- No group
100- In the experimental or Comparison Groups you will give new ……………..
a- new treatment
b- no treatment
c- old treatment
101- In Control Groups you will give ……………..
a- new treatment
b- no treatment
c- old treatment
102- experimental design has two kinds of groups designs which are ……………………
a- Within Group Designs & without Groups Designs
b- Between Groups Designs & without Groups Designs
c- Between Groups Designs & Within Group Designs
103- Compare one group to another group , we called it ………………and all the groups need to be
similar .
a- Between Groups Designs
b- Within Group Designs
c- No group designs
104- Compare one group to itself over time ,we called it …………………and the treatment will be
repeated to the this one group .
a- Between Groups Designs
b- Within Group Designs
c- No group designs
105- In which type of Research the studies do not use comparison groups.
a- qualitative/descriptive
b- experimental
c- all Research studies use comparison groups.
106- Three groups having three treatment condition . what kind of experimental or Comparison Groups
Design ?
a- Between Groups Designs
b- Within Group Designs
c- No group designs
107- One group having three treatment condition . what kind of experimental or
Comparison Groups Design?
a- Between Groups Designs
b- Within Group Designs
c- No group designs
108- Within Group Designs sometime called ……………………….
a- Repeated –measures design
b- Between Groups Designs
c- unexperimental
109- to avoid order effect ,the treatments should be given ………………….in the same order .
a- not necessarily
b- necessarily
c- must be
110- Same group of people are observed at one point in time.
a- Horizontal method
b- Longitudinal method
c- Cross-sectional method
111- Same group of people are observed at different points in time as they grow older
a- Horizontal method
b- Longitudinal method
c- Cross-sectional method
112- variable that is manipulated by the researcher (or the variable that is thought to affect the
outcome/dependent variable)
a- Independent variable
b- Dependent variable
c- Operational definition
113- variable that is measured to assess the effects of the independent variable
a- Independent variable
b- Dependent variable
c- Operational definition
114- procedure for measuring and defining a construct.
a- Independent variable
b- Dependent variable
c- Operational definition
115- the variable that is affected by independent variable is ………….
a- Independent variable
b- Dependent variable
c- Operational definition
116- the variable that is affect the dependent variable is ………………………..
a- Independent variable
b- Dependent variable
c- Operational definition
117- the variable that affect the other variable is
a- Independent variable
b- Dependent variable
c- Operational definition
118- Computers and their effects on student's achievement. The Independent variable
is ……………………….
a- student's achievement
b- No Independent variable
c- Computers
119- Computers and their effects on student's achievement. The dependent variable
is ……………………….
a- student's achievement
b- No dependent variable
c- Computers
120- In an Independent variable you ……...manipulate the variable.
a- Can
b- Cannot
c- Both
121- In a dependent variable you ……...manipulate the variable.
a- Can
b- Cannot
c- Both
122- Why we can’t manipulate the variable In a dependent variable.
a- Because we want to manipulate the independent variable .
b- Because we want to measure the effect of the dependent variable
c- Because we want to measure the effect of the independent variable.
123- Research Hypothesis came from
a- Literature Review.(previous research)
b- research question
c- both
124- Question is previously answered by different research , called ………..
a- Research question
b- Research Hypothesis
c- Questioner
125- Question is something not answered before.
a- Research question
b- Research Hypothesis
c- Questioner
126- a statement that describes or explains a relationship among variables.
a- Research question
b- Research Hypothesis
c- Questionnaires
127- ………………… is derived from your research question
a- question
b- Questionnaires
c- a prediction

128- many type of Questionnaires ,which one of the following is NOT one of the type of Questionnaires?
a- ‘think aloud’ reporting
b- immediate retrospective reporting after a task
c- open interviews
d- diary type of reports to (b) structured interviews
e- closed questionnaires
f- attitude rating inventories and judgment tests
g- None of all
129- We use questionnaires in research as a …………………………………
a- Tool to generate results
b- Tool to collect data
c- Tool to analyze data
130- The number of repetition of the same type is called ………………..
a- Writing
b- Toking
c- Typing
131- The number of reoccurrence of the same word is called ………………….
a- Writing
b- Toking
c- Typing
Lecture 14
Revision & Final Exam
1- A hypothesis is:
a) A hypothesis is a statement that describes or explains a relationship among variables
b) A hypothesis is a statement about your research
c) A hypothesis is a statement about the problems in your research
d) A hypothesis is a statement about the outcome of your research
2- The independent variable is:
a) the variable that is thought to affect the dependent variable
b) the variable that is thought to affect the hypothesis
c) the variable that is thought to affect the results
d) the variable that is thought to affect the abstract
3- Research is:
a) Looking for knowledge only
b) Looking for data only
c) Looking for new ideas and findings
d) Looking for previous studies
4- An Abstract is:
a) A summary of the whole thing
b) A summary of the whole results
c) A summary of the whole literature review
d) A summary of the whole methodology
5- A good classical report will consist of:
a) Abstract- methodology- results-introduction
b) Abstract-literature review- results-introduction
c) Abstract-introduction-literature review-methodology-results
d) Abstract-results-introduction-literature review
6- In the introduction:
a) You introduce the results
b) You introduce the study and its significance
c) You introduce all previous studies and a critique for them
d) You introduce all the methods and instruments you used
7- In the literature review:
a) You talk about the results
b) You talk about the study and its significance
c) You talk about all previous studies and a critique for them
d) You talk about all the procedures used
8- Plagiarism is:
a) Representing other authors’ language and ideas as your own original work
b) Representing your own language and ideas as your own original work
c) Representing other authors’ language and ideas as their own original work
d) Representing other authors’ language and ideas as a plagiarised work.
9- The dependent variable is
a) The variable that is affected by the independent variable
b) The variable that is dependent on the hypothesis
c) The variable that is affected by the abstract
d) The variable that is affected by the results
10- The significant difference has to be at the level of:
a) P= 50
b) P=.05
c) P=.50
d) P=0.50
11- If you have one variable in your research, then it is:
a) Multivariate
b) Univariate
c) Bivariate
d) factorial
12- We use questionnaires in research as a:
a) tool to collect data
b) tool to analyse data
c) tool to generate results
d) tool to design research

1- statistics that are used to show differences or relationships are called :

A- descriptive
B- measures
C- inferential
D- parametric
2- in the literature review :
A- you talk about all the procedures used
B- you talk about the results
C- you talk about the study and its significance
D- you talk about all previous studies and a critique for them
3- in literature review , we should NOT
A- report things with critique
B- report things relevant to our research
C- report things without critique
D- report things with shortcoming
4- the opposite of plagiarism is :
A- loyalty
B- authorship
C- integrity
D- honesty
5- An Abstract is :
A- a summary of the whole literature review
B- a summary of the whole result
C- a summary of the whole thing
D- a summary of the whole methodology
6- the significant difference has to be at the level of :
A- P=50
B- P=0.50
C- P=05
D- P=.50
7- on way to make sure that your selection of a research topic is good is to :
A- Do nothing about it and wait until you finish your
B- you start analysis your data
C- do a literature review
D- ask someone to research for you about this
8- in the implications section we talk about :
A- the specific result for our contest only
B- the hypotheses and research questions
C- the analysis of the result
D- the wider implications pf our research
9- the centrality of the scores is called :
A- Descriptive
B- Means
C- Frequency
D- Inferential
10 - sometimes we want to find how variable relate other, this is called:
A- measure of relationship
B- measure of difference
C- measure of similarity
D- measure of variance
11- controlling other variables is :
A- Not reliable
B- Not ideal
C- Not practical
D- Not possible
12- a research questions is :
A- a question that we ask about the statistics
B- a question that we ask in the beginning of our research and look to ____()
C- a question that we ask about how to write-up the research
D- a question that we ask about the list of references
13- in literature review , it is not recommended to show that :
A- you got on top of the topic
B- you got a critique of previous studies
C- the topic got on top of you
D- you got sensible sections
14- when you use quantitative methods , you :
A- collect data through some tools and you quantity them
B- collect all the available data
C- collect all the possible data
D- collect data to categories them
15- one of the first steps to think of before doing research is :
A- to think of who you want to participate in your research
B- to think of the references
C- to think of how you will publish it
D- to think of the results
16- one important feature of results is :
A- the quantity
B- the summary
C- the introduction
D- the presentation
17- if you have one variable in your research , then it is :
A- Bivariate
B- factorial
C- multivariate
D- univariate
18- the dependent variable is :
A- the variable that is affected by the independent variable
B- the variable that is dependent on the hypothesis
C- the variable that is affected by the result
D- the variable that is affected by the abstract
19- one famous style for writing the reference is called :
B- AP6
20 - a good classical report will consist of :
A- abstract-introduction-literature review methodology-results
B- abstract-results-introduction-literature review
C- abstract-literature review-results-introduction
D- abstract-methodology-results-introduction
21- in the literature review it is recommended to :
A- stick to one method neglecting other
B- show knowledge of other models
C- show little reading about your topic
D- show neglecting of your topic
22- in research we prefer to :
A- start from where other stopped
B- start from nowhere
C- start from other ideas as they were yours
D- start from scratch and neglect previous studies
23- author a research topic is :
A- to get your ideas out of your own words from your knowledge
B- to get someone proofread your research
C- to get someone to author it for you
D- to get ideas from other and author them
24- if you want to compare groups over time , then your design is :
A- within groups
B- one-way ANOVA
C- between groups
D- longitudinal
25- one way for sample selection is :
A- population
B- summarization
C- randomization
D- inflation
26- one criticism to a bad literature review is that you :
A- show other people's definition without showing yours
B- show your side between two arguments
C- show the relevance between your research and other
D- show your awareness of other people's shortcoming
27- we should choose a topic that is :
A- unimportant
B- boring to us
C- obfuscating
D- exciting to us
28- if you select an organization to select some samples from , one important thing is to :
A- make sure they have an office for you
B- make sure they have enough population
C- make sure they have a computer for you
D- make sure they have some refreshments for you
29- the structure of a good abstract can be :
A- the same in all disciplines
B- obfuscating in all disciplines
C- different between disciplines
D- incompleted in all disciplines
30- the place of reviewing past methods and tools is :
A- references
B- literature review
C- results
D- methodology
31- in the abstract :
A- we use the past tense summarizing the whole thing
B- we use wording hiding the results
C- we use wording hiding tools and instruments we used
D- we use wording that refers forward like as we shall see
32- our literature review should be :
A- unconnected
B- broad
C- concise
D- little
33- a good topic is :
A- a focused topic
B- a wide topis
C- a general topic
D- a bias topic
35- In Introduction ;
a. You introduce the results
b. You introduce all previous studies and a critique for them
c. You introduce all the methods and instruments you used
d. You introduce the study and its significance
36- Research that is designed to explain, observe and discuss its results is said to be:
a. Questionnaires
b. Qualitative
c. Quasi-experiment
d. Quantitative
37- The place of defining your terms is ;
a. References/ bibliography
b. Methodology/ design
c. Literature review/ introduction
d. Results/ discussion
38- one type of interview is:
a- Ineffective
b- Irrespective
c- Retrospective
d- Respective
39- we use questionaries in research as a:
a- tool to collect data
b- tool to analyze data
c- tool to generate results
d- tool to design research
40- If you want to compare two different groups, then your design should be:
A. Between groups
B. One-way ANOVA
C. Repeated measures
D. Within groups
41- what are methods?
a- A procedure used to analyse data
b- A procedure used to summarise data
c- A procedure used to conclude data
d- A procedure for accomplishing or approaching something esp. a systematic...
42- in the introduction chapter;
a- We outline the summary
b- We outline what will come in the next section or chapters
c- We outline the conclusions
d- We outline previous studies
43- a good abstract is the one ;
a- that tell us about future direction of research
b- that tell us about the research problem ,results ,and implications
c- that tell us a critique about previous studies
d- that tell us about what each section in the
research talk about
44- in the introduction section ,we start talking about ;
a- why you choose the topic
b- how you found the previous studies
c- where you analysed your studies
d- how you got your results
45-There will be an age affect on the learning of English language among different population ;
A-Age is independent and learning is dependent
B- Age is dependent and learning is independent
C- Age is independent and people is independent
D- Age is dependent and people is dependent
46-What is design?
A-It is used to summarise data
B- It is used to highlight the research problem
C-It is a logical structure of inquiry (research)
D-It is used for referencing
47- One important step in research is to define your terms , one example of the is ;
A-To define the statistics used
B- To define the sample
C- To define the main term in your research like (word,t-units …etc)
D- To define the tools used
48-One type of plagiarism is ;
A-You reference the quotation
B- You acknowledge other people's ideas
C- You mention who helped you in your research
D- You use one of your research as two pieces of research
49-One way to attract participants to your research is to ;
A-Threaten them
B-Punish them
C-Shout them
D-Reward them
50-One way to avoid other variables affecting your variables is to make them;
51-In experimental design , we need ;
A-No groups
B-Two groups
C-Half groups
D-One groups
52- to make results clearer to our readers we use:
a- unexplained numbers
b- brief description
c- graphs, charts & tables
d- mystery & ambiguity
53- research is :
a- looking for new ideas & findings
b- looking for previous studies
c- looking for data only
d- looking for knowledge only
54- the references list is:
a- all the authors who share the same topic as yours
b- all the books, articles, website .. etc you consulted
c- all the potential publishers of your research
d- all the terms you used in your research
55- questionnaires in ELT are used to:
a- access the cognitive ability
b- interpt the results
c- design the research
d- gather information about people views, attitudes, perceptions
56-Variables that you want to exclude their effects are called:
A- Independent variables
B-Control variables
C-Explanatory variables
D-Dependent variables
57-The Independent variables is:
A-the variable that is thought to affect the hypothesis
B- the variable that is thought to affect the dependent variable
C- the variable that is thought to affect the results
D-- the variable that is thought to affect the abstract
58- The methods section tells us about ;
A-How did we find literature review
B-How to write-up the research
C-What did we do to get the results?
D-How to reference
59-A hypothesis is ;
A- A hypothesis is a statement that describes or explains a relationship a
B- A hypothesis is a statement about your research
C- A hypothesis is a statement about the outcome of your research
D- A hypothesis is a statement about the problems in your research
60-The adequate level of certainty every research is always at ;
61- plagiarism is ;
A-representing your own language and ideas as your own original work
B- representing other authors language and ideas as your own original work
C- representing other auothor's language and ideas as their own original work
D- representing other author's language and ideas as a plagiarism work
62- Examples of where someone can find samples and administer research tools are‫ا‬
A. Your own car
B. Your own briefcase
C. Your own head
D. Your own organization or others
63- If you want to compare the same groups at one point in time, then your design
A. Cross-sectional
B. Between groups
C. Within groups
D. Longitudinal
64- In choosing a research topic ……….. is very
A. Constructs
B. Time limit
C. Emotions
D. Health

65- Our literature review should include ;

A. Discussion of our results
B. Results
C. Previous studies
D. Design of our research
66- When we have two groups, we usually call one the experimental group and:
A. The control group
B. The classical group
C. The between group
D. The within group
67- good research should have ;
A. Novel data
B. No data
C. Repeated data
D. Stolen data
68- The technical term for the variance between scores is ;
A. Standard measures
B. Standard features
C. Standard tests
D. Standard deviation
69- statistics that are used to show differences or relationship are called ;
A-between groups
B-one-way ANOVA
C-repeated measures
D-within groups
70- we always look for our research results to be ;
A- focused only on our school
B-limited only to our context
C-having interests to few people
D- having wider implication
*1. To be considered true research, a project must:
a. gather together a body of existing information and communicate it in a clear and
concise way.
b. uncover obscure or esoteric information and bring it to the consideration of the broader
research community.
c. gather and interpret information in a systematic fashion so as to increase understanding of
some phenomenon.
d. produce definitive conclusions regarding the subject of study.

**2. Which of the following examples illustrates research the way it is defined in your textbook?
a. Sally is writing a paper about the effects of the Harry Potter books on the reading habits
of fourth graders in the United States and United Kingdom. She goes to a research
library to find information to include in her paper.
b. Ian wants to know why the population of songbirds has declined in recent years in the
Sutton Wilderness Area. He carefully collects soil and water samples, systematically
surveys the entire area for predators, and then sits down to make sense of his findings.
c. Leonard is starting a woodworking business and is not sure how to calculate the cost of
his labor so he can be both profitable and fair to the customers. He asks several
established business owners how they calculate labor changes.
d. Bill is doing a report on the sonnets of Shakespeare. He carefully reads a number of
sonnets and then carefully reads scholarly reviews of those same sonnets written by
various Shakespeare scholars. He synthesizes all of this information in his report.

*3. Which of the following is defined as an organized body of concepts and principles intended to
explain a particular phenomenon?
a. Theory
b. Inference
c. Hypothesis
d. Interpretation

*4. Which of the following is defined as a reasonable guess, or a logical supposition, for explaining
the phenomenon under investigation?
a. Theory
b. Inference
c. Hypothesis
d. Interpretation
*5. The process of formal research begins with the identification of:
a. research hypotheses.
b. a feasible research plan.
c. available participants.
d. a research problem.

*6. The purpose of formal research is to:

a. prove or disprove the study hypotheses.
b. support or fail to support the study hypotheses.
c. identify alternative hypotheses.
d. move beyond the need for hypotheses.

*7. Assumptions come into play:

a. in regard to nearly every aspect of every research study.
b. in qualitative research but not in quantitative research.
c. when research is not well thought out.
d. rarely, if ever.

*8. Well-designed research manages to minimize or avoid:

a. assumptions.
b. predictions.
c. theory.
d. bias.

*9. Researchers ______ their phenomenon of interest on the basis of data analysis.
a. make inferences about
b. know facts about
c. define
d. identify

*10. A primary function of the methodology is to:

a. guide and control the acquisition of data.
b. extract meaning from the data that have been gathered.
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

*11. Three of the following come into play as the researcher analyzes the data. Which one does NOT?
a. The study hypothesis/hypotheses
b. Preferences for certain outcomes
c. The logical reasoning process
d. Assumptions

*12. A well-designed and well-conducted study:

a. answers questions of importance in the field.
b. raises questions of importance to the field.
c. answers some questions and raises other questions.

*13. Reading the professional literature in the field of interest:

a. will enhance an individual’s ability to design and conduct high-quality research.
b. will stifle creativity and constrain the individual to the status quo.
c. will make little difference to the quality and impact of the individual’s work.
d. is necessary only for the leaders in the field.

*14. One indication that a piece of information is of high quality is that the information:
a. is found on the Internet.
b. is found in a juried (or refereed) research report.
c. resulted from a project that received corporate funding.
d. is the firsthand account of a personal experience.

Multiple-Choice Questions
*1. A ______ is a specific mechanism or strategy the researcher uses to collect,
manipulate, or interpret data.
a. research tool
b. research methodology
c. statistical test
d. theory

*2. Research methodology refers to:

a. the general approach the researcher takes to conducting a research project.
b. a specific device the researcher uses to collect data.
c. the specific theoretical basis of the research project.
d. the statistical tests to be employed in a research project.

**3. Sam wants to find high-quality research reports related to attribution theory that have been
published in professional journals. Sam’s best approach would be to:
a. consult the library catalog.
b. consult an online or electronic database.
c. search the World Wide Web.
d. browse the shelves in the library.

**4. Sonya is a college freshman who has just been assigned her first research paper, and she doesn’t
know how to get started finding information. Sonya should:
a. search the World Wide Web.
b. consult an online or electronic database.
c. consult a reference librarian.
d. browse the shelves in the library.

*5. ______ allows a researcher to receive news in an area of special interest and discuss that news
with others.
a. A search engine
b. E-mail
c. A list server
d. A Web browser

*6. ______ allows researchers to personally correspond practically instantly with other users around
the world.
a. A search engine
b. E-mail
c. A list server
d. A Web browser

**7. John wants to begin using e-mail. Which of the following steps is NOT necessary for John to get
started as an email user?
a. Request an e-mail account
b. Obtain necessary software from the e-mail provider and load it onto a computer
c. Learn to use a Web browser to explore the Internet
d. Learn how to access and use the e-mail provider’s services

*8. Three of the following statements about measurement in the research setting are accurate. Which
one is NOT accurate?
a. The purpose of measurement is to systematically limit the data in a way that makes it
b. Measurement is applied by researchers only to insubstantial phenomena.
c. Measurement is a tool that aids researchers in interpreting their observations.
d. Systematic measurement assists researchers in obtaining objectivity in their researcher.
*9. An ordinal scale of measurement:
a. assigns a name to a category.
b. is tied to an absolute zero.
c. incorporates equal units of measurement.
d. communicates greater than and less than relationships.

*10. An interval level of measurement:

a. assigns a name to a category.
b. communicates rank-order information.
c. incorporates equal units of measurement.
d. is tied to an absolute zero.

*11. A ratio scale of measurement:

a. assigns a name to a category.
b. communicates rank-order information.
c. is especially appropriate for opinion data.
d. is tied to an absolute zero.

**12. The main difference between an interval and a ratio scale is that only one of them:
a. includes an absolute zero.
b. uses equal units of measurement.
c. supports the use of statistical analyses.
d. is used in research with human subjects.
**13. Professor Harris is constructing a demographic questionnaire for use in a research project. One
question asks students to report how politically conservative they are. It includes a 7-point scale
where 1 is “not at all conservative” and 7 is “extremely conservative.” This is an example of
a. nominal scale.
b. ordinal scale.
c. interval scale.
d. ratio scale.
**14. Professor Harris is constructing a demographic questionnaire for use in a research project. One
question asks students to report their highest level of education by choosing from these options:
“some high school,” “completed high school,” “some college,” or “completed 4-year college
degree.” This is an example of a/an:
a. nominal scale.
b. ordinal scale.
c. interval scale.
d. ratio scale.

**15. Professor Harris is constructing a demographic questionnaire for use in a research project. One
question asks students to report their age in years. This is an example of a/an:
a. nominal scale.
b. ordinal scale.
c. interval scale.
d. ratio scale.

**16. Professor Harris is constructing a demographic questionnaire for use in a research project. One
question asks students to report whether they are currently living in an “urban,” “suburban,” or
“rural” setting. This is an example of a/an:
a. nominal scale.
b. ordinal scale.
c. interval scale.
d. ratio scale.

*17. ______ refers to whether a measurement tool actually measures what it is intended to measure.
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Accountability
d. Robustness
*18. ______ refers to how consistently a measurement tool will yield the same result when the
phenomenon under investigation does not change.
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Replicability
d. Dependability

**19. Kade has spent the past month carefully observing a group of third graders on the playground
during recess, taking note of how the students interact with one another. On the basis of these
observations, Kade is drawing conclusions about the interaction styles of boys and girls. This is
an example of:
a. hypothetical logic.
b. deductive logic.
c. inductive logic.
d. propositional logic.

**20. Kimberly knows that teenagers often do not make good decisions in areas where they have little
knowledge. She also knows that most teens have little knowledge about human sexuality.
Therefore, Kimberly believes that teens are likely to make poor decisions about sexual activity.
This is an example of:
a. inductive logic.
b. propositional logic.
c. transductive logic.
d. deductive logic.

Multiple-Choice Questions
*1. Research problems, as defined in your textbook:
a. are identified by experts in the field, and not typically knowable by novices.
b. clearly and completely specify important questions that are currently unanswered in a
particular field of inquiry.
c. are broad, general statements about the incomplete state of understanding in a particular
field of inquiry.
d. can be addressed by compiling and synthesizing existing information in a way that sheds
light on the issue of interest.

*2. Basic research is:

a. research intended to enhance basic knowledge about the physical, biological,
psychological, or social world or to shed light on historical, cultural, or aesthetic
b. large scale research performed under contract with a governmental agency such as the
National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), etc.
c. informal research conducted locally by a small staff with a small budget, the purpose of
which is to pave the way for larger research initiatives.
d. research intended to address issues that have immediate relevance to current practices,
procedures, and policies.

*3. Applied research is:

a. research intended to enhance basic knowledge about the physical, biological,
psychological, or social world or to shed light on historical, cultural, or aesthetic
b. large-scale research performed under contract with a governmental agency such as the
National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), etc.
c. informal research conducted by a small staff with a small budget, the purpose of which is
to shed light on a problem of local interest.
d. research intended to address issues that have immediate relevance to current practices,
procedures, and policies.
**4. Which of the following represents a well-written basic research problem?
a. “Which general education course is more interesting, U.S. History or World Music?”
b. “How do business teams of six or fewer members compare to teams of more than six
members in terms of productivity?”
c. “How does the organization of mathematical information in long-term memory differ
between 3-year-olds and 13-year-olds?”
d. “What is the ratio of native-born students to international students on the campuses of
major U.S. state universities?”

**5. Which of the following represents a well-written applied research problem?

a. “How does the organization of mathematical information in long-term memory differ
between 3-year-olds and 13-year-olds?”
b. “How do business teams of six or fewer members compare to teams of more than six
members in terms of productivity?”
c. “Which general education course is more interesting, U.S. History or World Music?”
d. “What is the ratio of native-born students to international students on the campuses of
major U.S. state universities?”

**6. Three of the following questions lend themselves well to formal research. Which one does NOT?
a. “How does the organization of mathematical information in long-term memory differ
between 3-year-olds and 13-year-olds?”
b. “How do business teams of six or fewer members compare to teams of more than six
members in terms of productivity?”
c. “Does message medium, print versus television, impact the effectiveness of public
service health messages?”
d. “Which general education course is more interesting, U.S. History or World Music?”

*7. Three of the following are characteristics of a well-written research problem. Which one is
a. The problem statement includes jargon associated with the field.
b. The problem statement clearly delimits the object(s) of study.
c. The problem statement identifies the important factors to be investigated in the study.
d. The problem statement explicitly identifies assumptions.

*8. A common weakness of research problems is that they:

a. delimit the object(s) of study.
b. constrain the variables to be investigated.
c. implicitly rest on common assumptions.
d. incorporate a number of subproblems.

**9. “What proportion of workers hired by selected factories in the state of Oklahoma between 1995
and 2000 held four-year college degrees?”
The chief weakness of this research problem is that:
a. it lacks clarity or completeness in the problem statement.
b. it implies only description of the data, not interpretation.
c. it does not lead to the creation/discovery of new information.
d. studying the question as stated is not feasible.

**10. “What do underemployed U.S. workers (i.e., those workers who are employed, but not in
positions for which they have specialized training or expertise) identify as the primary reason for
their inability to find suitable employment?”
The chief weakness of this research problem is that:
a. it lacks clarity or completeness in the problem statement.
b. it does not lead to the creation/discovery of new information.
c. it implies only description of the data, not interpretation.
d. studying the question as stated is not feasible.

**11. “What is the correlation between an index of civic-mindedness and years of involvement in local
organizations and charities among members of city councils of selected midsized cities in the
northeastern United States?”
The chief weakness of this research problem is that:
a. it implies only description of the data, not interpretation.
b. it does not lead to the creation/discovery of new information.
c. it lacks clarity or completeness in the problem statement.
d. studying the question as stated is not feasible.

**12. “Among social workers in selected U.S. urban areas, are the personality characteristics of Need
for Structure or In-Group Preference related to prejudicial social judgments about African
Americans, Latino Americans, or Asian Americans?”
Which of the following is a well-stated subproblem that follows from this research problem?
a. Which group is more discriminated against by the public at large in each of the selected
areas: African Americans, Latino Americans, or Asian Americans?
b. What is the most valid existing measure of In-Group Preference?
c. What is the relationship between an index of Need for Structure and an index of prejudice
targeting attitudes about Asian Americans among the selected social workers?
d. Which analytic technique is best suited to addressing the research problem, multiple
regression or path analysis?

*13. In regard to research questions and hypotheses, a high-quality research study will:
a. articulate only research questions, not hypotheses, so as not to constrain the possible
b. articulate only hypotheses, not research questions, in order to preserve the scientific rigor
of the investigation.
c. focus only on those questions that can support the correctness of current hypotheses or
theoretical positions.
d. articulate either research questions or hypotheses depending on the nature of the study.

**14. Which of the following represents a null hypothesis?

a. Class A high school basketball teams who employ a sports psychologist will have a
higher proportion of wins over the course of the season than comparable teams who do
not employ a sports psychologist.
b. There will be no difference in rate of skill improvement between college gymnasts who
practice meditation and those who do not.
c. Does incorporating relaxation exercises into the daily practice routine of college vocal
majors enhance their performance confidence?
d. None of the above

**15. Which of the following represents a research hypothesis?

a. Class A high school basketball teams who employ a sports psychologist will have a
higher proportion of wins over the course of the season than comparable teams who do
not employ a sports psychologist.
b. There will be no difference in rate of skill improvement between college gymnasts who
practice meditation and those who do not.
c. Does incorporating relaxation exercises into the daily practice routine of college vocal
majors enhance their performance confidence?
d. None of the above

*16. The recommended order of tasks in preparing a research proposal is:

a. state the problem and subproblems, note the assumptions, note the delimitations, define
the terms, note the research questions/hypotheses.
b. state the problem and subproblems, note the delimitations, note the research
questions/hypotheses, note the assumptions, define the terms.
c. state the problem and subproblems, note the research questions/hypotheses, note the
assumptions, define the terms, note the delimitations.
d. state the problem and subproblems, note the research questions/hypotheses, note the
delimitations, define the terms, note the assumptions.

*17. Three of the following comprise the setting of the research problem. Which one does NOT?
a. A clear description of all measurement tools to be used in the research project
b. A clear statement of what the researcher will and will not do in the course of the study
c. A clear statement of the assumptions on which the research problem rests
d. A clear definition of all terms related to the research problem that might be
misunderstood by a reader

Multiple-Choice Questions

*1. A good research plan, according to your textbook, includes:

a. specific procedures and data sources, but does not lock the researcher into an analysis
b. initial procedures and key data sources, but is also open to modification as the project
c. a specific plan regarding data sources and analyses, although information regarding the
specific research sample is best left open.
d. includes specific sampling plan, procedures, data sources, and analysis plan.

*2. The basic format of the quantitative research process includes (in part), in chronological order:
a. pose the question, pose a hypothesis, search the literature, collect the data.
a. clearly state the research question, collect data, review the literature, write up the
c. review the literature, identify a question, collect data, analyze data.
d. pose a hypothesis, collect data, analyze data, review the literature.

*3. When considering general criteria for high-quality research projects, universality refers to the fact
a. the research design allows the researcher to control those factors that are central to the
success of the project.
b. another researcher in the same field, using the same procedures under the same
circumstances to research the same question, would obtain comparable results.
c. a well-designed research project could be carried out by any competent researcher; it
does not rely on a specific individual.
d. the phenomena of interest must be quantified in some systematic way.
*4. When considering general criteria for high-quality research projects, replicability refers to the
fact that:
a. the research design allows the researcher to control those factors that are central to the
success of the project.
b. another researcher, using the same procedures under the same circumstances to research
the same question, would obtain comparable results.
c. a well-designed research project could be carried out by a specific individual conducting
research in the same field.
d. the phenomena of interest must be quantified in some systematic way.
*5. Three of the following accurately characterize data. Which one does NOT necessarily
characterize data?
a. Data may be elusive.
b. Data can be volatile.
c. Data are ever changing.
d. Data reveal truth.

**6. Charlotte, an anthropologist, has been living in an Incan village for three years. During that time
Charlotte has become expert in Incan weaving by observing and imitating the master weavers in
the community. For Charlotte, observing weaving constitutes:
a. primary data.
b. secondary data.
c. informal data.
d. nonempirical data.

**7. Charlotte wrote a book about her experience as an anthropologist living in an Incan village for
three years and becoming an expert weaver. Her book was widely read by other anthropologists,
including Mira, who is an expert in Navaho weaving. For Mira, Charlotte’s book constitutes:
a. hearsay data.
b. secondary data.
c. informal data.
d. primary data.

**8. Sean, a high school wrestler, has agreed to participate in a study of cardiovascular conditioning.
He is left somewhat confused when, at the first research session, he is asked to complete a
questionnaire about commonly purchased grocery items. Sean’s confusion indicates a lack of
______ regarding the task.
a. construct validity
b. content validity
c. criterion validity
d. face validity
**9. A researcher decides to use a high school sample to test the relationship between her new
measure of empathy and a well-established measure of interpersonal sensitivity. She finds that
the two instruments are highly related, which supports the ______ of the new instrument.
a. predictive validity
b. content validity
c. criterion validity
d. face validity

**10. A researcher designed a new questionnaire to measure political conservatism. To test out his new
instrument, he asks people leaving their polling place on election day to report their degree of
political conservatism on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) and then complete his questionnaire.
Results show that people who identified themselves as political conservatives also had the highest
scores on his questionnaire. This is an indication of the ______ of the new instrument.
a. criterion validity
b. content validity
c. face validity
d. predictive validity

**11. Dick and Jane are studying aggression among preschool children. Separately, they each watch a
videotape of four children interacting in a playroom and then rate each child on the level of
aggression displayed during the play session. They compare their completed ratings and are
pleased to note they are highly similar. This is an example of ______ reliability.
a. interrater
b. internal consistency
c. equivalent form
d. test–retest

**12. Dr. Drive is testing a 10-question measure of achievement motivation. He notes that if his
respondents agree with the first question, they tend to also agree with the other nine. Likewise, if
his respondents disagree with the first question, they tend of disagree with the other nine. This is
an indication of good ______ reliability.
a. interrater
b. internal consistency
c. equivalent form
d. test–retest

**13. Professor Pickle is studying civic-mindedness among senior citizens. She administers a survey of
civic mindedness to a senior citizens group in early April, then again in early May. By
comparing the two sets of scores, the professor can assess the ______ reliability of her measure of
a. interrater
b. internal consistency
c. equivalent form
d. test–retest
*14. Three of the following are associated with quantitative research methods. Which one is NOT?
a. The purpose is to explain or predict.
b. It is assumed that the findings will generalize to similar others.
c. Deductive reasoning is applied to data analysis and interpretation.
d. Statistical analyses are the primary source of findings.

*15. Three of the following are associated with qualitative research methods. Which one is NOT?
a. The purpose is to describe or explain.
b. No data are gathered as part of this approach.
c. Textual data are gathered from a small number of participants.
d. The study is context bound.

*16. Three of the following are techniques for strengthening the internal validity of a study. Which
one is NOT?
a. Conduct the study in a controlled laboratory setting.
b. Conduct a double-blind experiment.
c. Make participants fully aware of your expected findings.
d. Build in opportunities for triangulation.

*17. Three of the following are techniques for strengthening the external validity of a study. Which
one is NOT?
a. Conduct the study in a real-life setting.
b. Assure that you have a representative sample.
c. Replicate the study under a variety of relevant conditions.
d. Allow flexibility in procedures and instruments.

*18. Three of the following are techniques for strengthening the credibility or dependability of a
qualitative study. Which one is NOT?
a. Spend extensive time in the field studying the phenomenon of interest.
b. Acquire rich and detailed descriptions of the phenomena being studied.
c. Exclude participants who have experiences or opinions that are very different from those
of others in the study.
d. Ask participants to comment on the conclusions being drawn from the study.

*19. The requirement to keep information provided by research participants confidential applies:
a. to legal minors (children under the age of 18), but not adults.
b. only in cases where it is specifically requested by the participant.
c. to all persons under almost all conditions.
d. only in cases where participants divulge information that is potentially illegal.
*20. The altering of data is allowable:
a. when it is clear that the participant marked a response in error.
b. when the researcher suspects a participant of being careless.
c. when the researcher suspects a participant of misunderstanding the question.
d. under no circumstances.

**21. Dr. Davenport wants to conduct a study of whether high school students learn more efficiently
while seated at a desk compared to in an easy chair. Participants will be seniors in local high
school history classes. She hopes to publish her findings in the History Teacher Quarterly. Does
Dr. Davenport need internal review board (IRB) approval for this study?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Only if the study is accepted for publication

**22. Dr. Davenport wants to conduct a study of whether high school students learn more efficiently
while seated at a desk compared to in an easy chair. She knows there is a large research literature
regarding similar influences on learning, and she wants to see if the findings hold true with a
group of high school history students. Moreover, as a researcher she is uneasy with a lack of
structure. You recommend that Dr. Davenport conduct a ______ study.
a. quantitative
b. qualitative

**23. Dr. Greenhill wants to know how it is that some early adolescents come to make a connection
between their personal lifestyle and environmental problems, while others don’t. Furthermore,
among those who see the connection, why do some become committed to environmentalism
while others do not? Dr. Greenwald looks forward to probing the thoughts of young teens on
these issues and trying to see the questions and issues through “14-year-old eyes.” You
recommend that Dr. Greenhill conduct a ______ study.
a. quantitative
b. qualitative

*4. Proposals for ______ studies include a methodology section.

a. qualitative
b. quantitative
c. both quantitative and qualitative
d. neither quantitative or qualitative

*5. In ______ research proposal(s), the review of literature comes late in the document in conjunction
with interpretation of data.
a. both quantitative and qualitative
b. neither quantitative or qualitative
c. a quantitative
d. a qualitative

*6. In ______ research proposal(s), a specific research problem is clearly stated at the outset
of the proposal.
a. both quantitative and qualitative
b. neither quantitative or qualitative
c. a quantitative
d. a qualitative

*7. In ______ research proposal(s), a specific plan for how the data will be handled is clearly laid out
in the document.
a. both quantitative and qualitative
b. neither quantitative or qualitative
c. a quantitative
d. a qualitative

*8. In ______ research proposal(s), specific hypotheses regarding findings are often stated.
a. both quantitative and qualitative
b. neither quantitative or qualitative
c. a quantitative
d. a qualitative
*13. Research proposals that ______ are commonly judged to be of higher quality than proposals that
do not.
a. favor straightforward vocabulary
b. employ complex sentence structure
c. favor a highly esoteric vocabulary
d. rely on the reader to draw inferences
Research Methods Practice Questions

1. What is a good research? The following are correct except

a) Purpose clearly defined

b) Research process detailed
c) Research design thoroughly planned
d) Findings presented ambiguously

2. The researcher should never report flaws in procedural design and estimate their
effect on the findings.

a) True
b) False

3. Adequate analysis of the data is the least difficult phase of research for the novice.

a) True
b) False

4. The validity and reliability of the data should be checked occasionally

a) True
b) False

5. Researchers are tempted to rely too heavily on data collected in a prior study and
use it in the interpretation of a new study

a) True
b) False

6. Greater confidence in the research is warranted if the researcher is experienced, has

a good reputation in research, and is a person of integrity

a) True
b) False
7. A complete disclosure of methods and procedures used in the research study is
required. Such openness to scrutiny has a positive effect on the quality of research.
However, competitive advantage often mitigates against methodology disclosure in
business research.

a) True
b) False

8. Business research has an inherent value to the extent that it helps management make
better decisions. Interesting information about consumers, employees, or
competitors might be pleasant to have, but its value is limited if the information
cannot be applied to a critical decision.

a) True
b) False

9. Research is any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving

a) True
b) False

10. Business research is a systematic inquiry that provides information to guide business
decisions. This includes the following except:

a) Reporting
b) Descriptive
c) Explanatory
d) Predictive studies

11. Identify the style of thinking that is defined as “to devote observations and
propositions based on sense experience and/or derived from such experience by
methods of inductive logic, including mathematics and statistics”

a) Idealism
b) Empricism
c) Extentialism
d) Rationalism
12. When we mean that reason is a primary source of knowledge, the style of thinking is
named as

a) Empricism
b) Rationalism
c) Idealism
d) Extentialism

13. All students studying in Skyline College are having bright future. Abdul Rahman is
a student of Skyline College. Abdul Rahman has a bright future. This type of
argument is called as

a) Introduction
b) Induction
c) Detective
d) Deduction

14. In deduction, the conclusion must necessarily follow from the reasons given. In
inductive argument there is no such strength of relationship between reasons and

a) True
b) False

15. “Conclusions must necessarily follow from the premises.” Identify the type of
arguments that follows the above condition.

a) Induction
b) Combination of Induction and Deduction
c) Deduction
d) Variables

16. Eminent scientists who claim there is no such thing as the scientific method, or if
exists, it is not reveled by what they write, caution researchers about using template
like approaches

a) True
b) False

17. One of the terms given below is defined as “a bundle of meanings or characteristics
associated with certain events, objects, conditions, situations, and the like
a) Construct
b) Definition
c) Concept
d) Variable

18. This is an idea or image specifically invented for a given research and/or theory
building purpose

a) Concept
b) Construct
c) Definition
d) Variables

19. The following are the synonyms for independent variable except

a) Stimulus
b) Manipulated
c) Consequence
d) Presumed Cause

20. The following are the synonyms for dependent variable except

a) Presumed effect
b) Measured Outcome
c) Response
d) Predicted from…

21. In the research process, a management dilemma triggers the need for a decision.

a) True
b) False

22. In the research process, the management question has the following critical activity
in sequence.

a) Origin, selection, statement, exploration and refinement

b) Origin, statement, selection, exploration and refinement
c) Origin, exploration, selection, refinement, and statement
d) Origin, exploration, refinement, selection and statement
23. Every research proposal, regardless of length should include two basic sections.
They are:

a) Research question and research methodology

b) Research proposal and bibliography
c) Research method and schedule
d) Research question and bibliography

24. The purpose of the research proposal is:

a) To generate monetary sources for the organization

b) To present management question to be researched and its importance
c) To discuss the research efforts of others who have worked on related
management question.
d) Choice a) is incorrect

25. A proposal is also known as a:

a) Work plan
b) Prospectus
c) Outline
d) Draft plan
e) All of the above

26. Non response error occurs when you cannot locate the person or could not encourage
the respondent to participate in answering.

a.) True
b.) False

27. Secondary data can almost always be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than

a.) Tertiary
b.) Collective
c.) Research
d.) Primary
28. The purpose of __________________ research is to help in the process of
developing a clear and precise statement of the research problem rather than in
providing a definitive answer.

a.) Marketing
b.) Causal
c.) Exploratory
d.) Descriptive

29. A systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of natural phenomena

guided by theory and hypothesis is called _____________

a.) Applied Research

b.) Basic Research
c.) Scientific Research
d.) None Of The Above

30. __________________ is the determination of the plan for conducting the research
and as such it involves the specification of approaches and procedures..

a.) Strategy
b.) Research Design
c.) Hypothesis
d.) Deductive

31. If the researcher is concerned with finding out who, what where, when, or how
much, then the study is __________.

a) Exploratory
b) Descriptive
c) Empirical
d) Causal
e) Casual

32. If the study is carried out once and represent a snapshot of one point in time, then
the study is ___________

a) Time related study

b) Longitudinal study
c) Cross sectional study
d) Case studies
33. If the study is repeated over an extended period, then the study is called as

a) Cross sectional study

b) Descriptive study
c) Time series analysis/study
d) Longitudinal study

34. When we try to explain the relationships among variables, the study is called

a) Exploratory study
b) Longitudinal study
c) Causal study
d) Cross sectional study

35. Through_______researchers develop concepts more clearly, establish priorities,

develop operational definitions, and improve the final research design

a) Data collection
b) Exploration
c) Description
d) Definition

36. Exploratory investigation of management question adapts the following approaches


a) Films, photographs, and videotape

b) In-depth interviewing
c) Document analysis
d) Street ethnography
e) Survey method

37. If we consider the possible relationships that can occur between two variables, we
can conclude that there are three possibilities. The following are the possible except:

a) Property-behavior relationships
b) Reciprocal relationship
c) Symmetrical
d) Asymmetrical
38. Some major descriptors of research design are the following except:

a) Descriptive and causal

b) Cross sectional vs longitudinal
c) Exploratory vs formalized
d) Observational vs interrogation/communication
e) Honorary vs beneficial

39. A research design is the strategy for a study and the plan by which the strategy is to
be carried out

a) True
b) False

40. We test causal hypothesis by seeking to do three things. Those are the following

a) Measure the co-variation among variables

b) Ignoring the relationships of one variable with the other
c) Determine the time order relationships among variables
d) Ensure that other factors do not confound the exploratory relationships

41. The procedure by which we assign numbers to opinions, attitudes, and other
concepts is called ________________

a.) Scaling
b.) Measurement
c.) Sampling
d.) Data Collection

42. ____________________ presents a problem, discusses related research efforts,

outlines the data needed for solving the data and shows the design used to gather and
analyze the data.

a.) Research Question

b.) Research Proposal
c.) Research Design
d.) Research Methodology

43. “Number of cars in a parking lot”, “Number of students in a class” are examples of :
a.) Dichotomous variable.
b.) Discrete variable.
c.) Continuous variable.
d.) None of the above.

44. The introduction of the new models of Nokia mobile will lead to a decrease in the
sales of Siemens mobiles”. In this statement :

a.) The introduction of the new models of Nokia mobile, is the independent
variable, and the decrease in the sales of siemens mobiles is the dependent
b.) The introduction of the new models of Nokia mobile, is the dependent ariable,
and the decrease in the sales of siemens mobiles is the independent variable.
c.) There are no independent or dependent variables.
d.) None of the above.

45. Exploratory research design includes:

a.) Secondary Data Analysis.

b.) The who, what, when, where, and how of a topic.
c.) Reciprocal Relationship.
d.) Asymmetrical Relationship.

46. In Systematic sampling:

a.) The population is divided into groups, and some groups are randomly
selected for study.
b.) Every nth item is chosen in the sample, beginning with a random start for the
choice of n
c.) The population is divided into subpopulations.
d.) None of the above

47. A set of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that are
advanced to explain and predict phenomena is called

a.) Research
b.) Model
c.) Theory
d.) None of the above
48. The process by which the sample is constructed to include all elements from each of
the segments is called:

a) Systematic sampling
b) Cluster sampling
c) Double sampling
d) Stratified random sampling

49. Which of these is not a characteristic of a good research?

a) Purpose clearly defined

b) Limitations frankly revealed
c) Research design thoroughly planned
d) Findings presented ambiguously.

50. ________ is a bundle of meanings or characteristics associated with certain events,


a) Concept
b) Construct
c) Variables
d) Moderating variables

51. Which of these is not a exploratory research design.

a) Secondary data analysis

b) Experience survey
c) Focus group
d) Reporting

52. ___________ exists when two variables mutually influence or reinforce each other.

a) Reciprocal relationship
b) Symmetrical relationship
c) Asymmetrical relationship
d) Causal relationship

53. In _________ , each sample has equal and known chance of selection.

a) Simple random sampling

b) Cluster sampling
c) Stratified sampling
d) Snowball sampling

54. Data that is created, recorded or generated by an entity other than the researcher's
organisation is collectively called

a) Primary data
b) Secondary data
c) Internal data
d) External data

55. Total survey error can be broadly divided into random sampling error and

a) Non-random sampling error

b) Schematic error
c) Systematic error
d) Administrative error

56. A statistical fluctuation that occurs because of change variation in the elements
selected for the sample is called

a) Random sampling error

b) Systematic error
c) Administrative error
d) Error of judgment

57. When the results of a sample show a persistent tendency to deviate in one direction
from the true value of the population parameter, it is a case of

a) Interviewer bias
b) Respondent bias
c) Sample bias
d) None of the above

58. A bias that occurs when respondents tend to answer questions with a certain slant
that consciously or uncounsciously misrepresents the truth is called

a) Respondent bias
b) Non response bias
c) Response bias
d) Non response bias

59. The category of response bias that results because some individuals tend to agree
with all questions or to concur with a particular position is called

a) Auspices bias
b) Social desirability bias
c) Extremity bias
d) Acquiescence bias

60. One of the best survey methods that can be used for all research situations is the e-
mail questionnaire surveys

a) True
b) False

61. A critical review of the information, pertaining to the research study, already
available in various sources is called

a) Research review
b) Research design
c) Data review
d) Literature review

62. When planning your literature search you need to:

a) Have clearly defined research questions and objectives

b) Define the parameters of your search
c) Generate key words and search terms
d) All the above

63. The first step in the research process is the:

a) Development of the research plan

b) Survey of stakeholders to determine if problems exist
c) Collection of the available sources for needed information
d) Definition of the problem and research objectives

64. Sue Smith, president of the local APICS chapter, had

difficulty getting members to assist in running the organization.
She felt it was because of lack of commitment to APICS. Her
vice-president believed it was due to having too many meetings.
The organization’s secretary thought it was because there were
several other professional organizations to which the members
also belonged. If Sue wants to do research to determine the
real reason why members are not active in the organization, she
should begin by:

a) Determining the optimum number of meetings

b) Evaluating the advantages APICS offers over other similar organizations
c) Defining the problem
d) Developing the marketing research plan that she would employ
e) Holding focus groups with members of similar organizations to determine
whether the problems APICS is facing are universal or local

65. After working for a plumbing contractor for several years, Ken Crowe finally
established his own plumbing shop. Unfortunately, Crowe's first six months have
been disappointing. Crowe decided to conduct a marketing research study to gather
preliminary data to shed light on the nature of the problem and suggest some new
ideas. He needs to conduct _____ research.

a) Exploratory
b) Causal
c) Secondary
d) Descriptive
e) Observational

66. Until recently Canadian condo developers operated under the philosophy, “Build it
and they will buy.” Then, Stan Kates launched the Preferred Home Buyer
Alliance. He is in the process of creating a database of new homebuyers and
prospective homebuyers in Ontario who provide his organization with information
about what they want and don’t want in their homes. A builder can contract with
Kates and find out, for example, if homebuyers with small children prefer track
lighting or two sinks in the master bedroom. The database also has information on
homebuyer’s favorite restaurants and hobbies. One way Kates collects this data is
through a gathering of six to ten new and prospective homebuyers who are invited to
talk about their ideal home. Kates uses _____ research.

a) Focus-group
b) Experiential
c) Observational
d) Causal
e) Behavioral
67. The manufacturer of Brother sewing machines wants to know the effect rebates have
on sales. It plans on dividing its retailers into three regions. One group will offer
consumers who buy a Brother sewing machine a $25 cash rebate. One will offer
buyers of the machine $50 worth of “free” machine accessory parts. A third region
will offer buyers a $40 store credit. The results of this market research will provide
Brother with _____________ data.

a) Observational
b) Survey
c) Secondary
d) Experimental
e) Descriptive

68. Respondents are asked to rate an attitude object on a number of multiple-point rating
scales bounded at each end by one of two bipolar adjectives or phrases. This type of
question is called:

a) Dichotomous
b) A semantic differential
c) Multiple choice
d) Rating scale
e) A likert scale

69. If the guests at Bayside Resort were asked to rate their night’s sleep on a scale with
the following ratings: excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, the resort would be
using a(n) _____ to gather primary data.

a) Semantic differential
b) Importance scale
c) Rating scale
d) Dichotomous question
e) Likert scale

70. The question, “What is your opinion on the safety of American highways?” is an
example of a _____ question.

a) Completely unstructured
b) Thematic
c) Dichotomous
d) Semantic differential
e) Rating

71. The contact method that minimizes interviewer bias is:

a) Mail
b) Telephone
c) Intercept interview
d) Focus group
e) Personal interview

72. If time is of the essence for a research project, the preferred contact method is:

a) Mail
b) Telephone
c) Intercept interview
d) Personal interview
e) Focus group

73. The best contact method to use to quickly determine how many people saw the
commercial for the new Volkswagen Beetle that ran last night during the television
show Friends would be:

a) Mail
b) Internet
c) Telephone
d) Focus group
e) Personal interview

74. If flexibility is the most important criterion for a research project, the preferred
contact method is:

a) Intercept interview
b) Telephone
c) Focus group
d) Personal interview
e) Mail

75. Personal interviewing takes two forms. They are:

a) Arranged interview and intercept interview

b) Depth interview and simple interview
c) Online interview and offline interview
d) Focus-group interview and individual interview
e) Adaptive interview and static interview

76. Research is an expensive, sophisticated process that is often beyond the reach of
small businesses with their limited budgets.

a) True
b) False

77. Primary data are generally available more quickly and at a lower cost than
secondary data.

a) True
b) False

78. A producer of herb mixes that wants to explore adding new products should use
close-ended questions in interviews with a sampling of its current customers.

a) True
b) False

79. Students surveyed were asked the following question: "I would support a company
that provides my school with scholarships. "

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree

This survey used a(n):

a) Semantic differential
b) Thematic apperception test
c) Importance scale
d) Open-ended question
e) Likert scale
80. A variable that is contingent on, or restricted to, one value or a set of values assumed
by the independent variable is called

a) Independent variable
b) Dependent variable
c) Experimental variable

81. Personal interviewing of a certain percentage of individuals who pass by certain

points in a shopping center is also known as

a) On-site interviewing
b) Focus group interviewing
c) In-home interviewing
d) Intercept interviews

82. A researcher wants to study the characteristics of people who are heavy users of film
(purchase more than 12 rolls per year). This group is referred to as the:

a) Sample
b) Census
c) Population
d) None of the above

83. Kellogg seeks to determine consumer believability towards it's products' health
claims. The most appropriate technique for this purpose is

a) Observation
b) Survey
c) Experimentation
d) Simulation

84. Which data collection techniques cannot study attitudes?

a) Observation
b) Mail survey
c) Semantic differential
d) Multidimensional scaling

85. Which type of sampling uses whoever seems to be available

a) Stratified sampling
b) Area sampling
c) Quota sampling
d) Convenience sampling

86. _______________ sampling is especially useful when you are trying to reach
population that are inaccessible or hard to find.

a) Convenience sampling
b) Quota sampling
c) Snowball sampling
d) All of the above

87. If population = 100, sample size = 20, interval size = 5, and randomly selected
number from 1 to 5 is 4, then for choosing a systematic random sample, the first unit
4 will be followed by

a) 5
b) 9
c) 24
d) 14

88. The quality of a research to produce almost identical results in successive repeated
trials reflects it's

a) Reliability
b) Validity
c) Accuracy

89. An easy reference about the sources of the data through which the research has been
compiled is provided by the

a) Footnotes
b) Executive summary
c) Introduction
d) Bibliography

90. What should a market researcher do once he or she has defined the problem and the
research objectives?
a) Collect the information
b) Budget for information collection
c) Develop the research plan
d) Sample the population
e) Develop a survey instrument

91. A survey asked questions like, “Are you currently married?”, “Do you have a
favorite TV show?”, “Do you go to the grocery store at least once a week?”, and
“Do you own a car?” What type of close-ended questions did this survey have?

a) A Likert scale
b) Semantic approval
c) Experiential
d) Dichotomous
e) Dual answer

92. For answering questions about sensitive issues such as age, it is ideal to use

a) response brackets
b) response technique
c) hypothetical projective brackets
d) none of the above

93. The group on which the researcher wants to generalize the results of his study is
called the

a) sampling frame
b) study population
c) theoretical population
d) sample

94. Which of these is a precisely-defined issue (problem) definition?

a) why are current sales so poor?

b) Will additional advertising have a positive impact on sales
c) Are we in compliance with current local pricing legislation
d) What per cent of adults recall an ad two days after it appeared?

95. A base document for research purposes, providing the questions and structure for an
interview or self-completion and providing space for respondents answers is more
popularly known as a
a) questionnaire
b) scaling
c) tests
d) none of the above

96. Rosco Publishing Company sells books to college students on test-taking skills,
motivation, relationship management, and ways to deal with stress. Its wants to use
a probability sampling method that will ensure the percentage of freshmen,
sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students in the sample reflect the
percentage on the college campus. What is the best sampling method for the
publisher to use?

a) simple random sample

b) stratified random sample
c) quota sample
d) judgment sample

97. The basic idea of sampling is that by _______________ some of the elements in a
population, we may draw conclusions about the entire population.

a.) clustering
b.) selecting
c.) commenting
d.) tabulating

98. The inclusion of open-ended questions on many questionnaire means that a

significant amount of ________________ data is also collected.

a.) secondary
b.) quantitative
c.) qualitative
d.) primary

99. Dividing population into subpopulations (strata) and using simple random on each
strata is called _____________________ sampling.

a.) stratified
b.) systematic
c.) cluster
d.) judgement
100. in depth interviews are exactly as the name suggests and use an interview
schedule rather than a formal questionnaire as the basic __________ collection

a) data
b) number
c) information
d) none of the above

101. an appropriate adage might be, "a problem well defined is a problem half
solved.," an orderly definition of the research problem gives a sense of
____________ to the investigation

a) direction
b) seriousness

102. The effective use of information requires a thorough understanding of the

___________ of information available and how the information is gathered
a) Mode
b) Plan
c) Types
d) None of the above

103. the research design process involves identifying a __________ problem or

opportunity, translating that problem or opportunity into a research process, and
collecting, analyzing, communicating and disseminating the information resulting
from the research activity.

a) Communication
b) Marketing
c) Management
d) Information

105 the major ______________ in data storage and data retrieval system means that
there has been and contuinues to be a rapid growth in terms of secondary data sources
a) Expense
b) Addition
c) Explosion
d) Function

104. A

105. it is also important to avoid asking embarrassing and _______ questions

a) personnel
b) private
c) personal
d) stupid

106. a significant proportion of the marketing research approaches is based on

_________ constructs from the social sciences and systems thinking
a) practical
b) effective
c) theoretical
d) none of the above

107. the key objective of any training activity is to ensure that the data collection
instrument will be administered by all interviewers in a uniform and ____________
a) fashionable
b) smart
c) consistent
d) inconsistent

108. the conversion of the raw data into information means that the data needs to be
___________ and coded so that it can be transferred onto a computer or other data
storage media
a) edited
b) audited
c) amalgamated
d) converted

109. the major disadvantage with in depth interviews is that because of their time
consuming nature it is usually only possible to carry out a relatively small number of
such interviews and as such the results are likely to be highly ____________
a) subjective
b) objective
c) questionable
d) objectionable
110. A population is the total collection of elements about which we wish to make
some __________
a) Census
b) Inferences
c) Demographic
d) None of the above

111. students surveyed were asked the following questions: "which cereals have you
seen advertised within the last three months?" The survey used a(n):
a) semantic differential
b) thematic apperception test
c) importance scale
d) open ended question
e) likert scale

112. which is not an element of a good sample

a) precision
b) accuracy
c) representation
d) large sample

113. the process of uncovering the nature and boundaries of a negative or positive
situation or question is called
a) research design
b) research process
c) data collection process
d) problem definition

114. __________ bias is caused by the respondents being influenced by the

organization conducting the study
a) auspices bias
b) social desirability bias
c) extremity bias
d) acquiescence bias

115. once obtained there is no need to evaluate the relevance of the literature to your
research question and objectives
a) true
b) false

116. usually, syndicated data services can provide consumer panel data at a much
lower cost that if a company carried on it's own panel operations
a) true
b) false
117. which of the following types of causal research projects would a company that
publishes custom cookbooks used for fundraisers by churches, colleges, and civic
groups choose?
a) A study to determine the types of fundraising most commonly use by church
b) A survey of previous customers to see if they are interested in a new edition
c) A study determining if more people buy the custom cookbook when the
cover has a picture relating to the group selling it, rather than if it has just a
generic cover.
d) A study to determine the price range for an average sized cookbook
e) An industrial study of what similar publishing companies are doing to better
serve their customers

118. which of the following is an example of primary data that would be used by the
Ashton - Drake Galleries to determine the popularity of it's precious moments doll
a) Input from a focus group that was put together specifically to discuss their
perception of the popularity of the doll series
b) An article about the precious moments doll in a recent issue of Crafts
c) Sales records for collectible dolls gathered by the industry's trade council
d) A survey that noted that dolls are the most often collected item by women
between the ages of 40 and 60
e) Data from the sales records kept by the exclusive dealers of the precious
moments dolls

119. how would delta, a manufacturer of acrylic paints used in arts and crafts, use
observational research to gather primary data?
a) By surveying current users to find out the ways the paint could be removed
b) By watching how members of a class learn to paint mailboxes using the
c) By asking users of other brands of paint to list the most important attributes
for acrylic paint

120. you would expect the following question to be used in a ____________

interview: "if you were a pickle, what kind of pickle would you be?
a) Focus group
b) Depth
c) Prototyping
d) Behavioral

121. which is typically the most expensive step of marketing research process
a) problem definition
b) developing the research plan
c) information collection
d) information analysis
e) questionnaire design

122. which step in the marketing research process is generally considered to be the
most prone to error?
a) Problem definition
b) Sample framing
c) Questionnaire design
d) Data collection
e) Data analysis

123. inspite of the rapid growth of research, many companies still fail to use it
sufficiently or correctly. Which of the following describes a reason for this failure
a) a narrow conception of marketing research
b) uneven caliber of researchers
c) poor framing of problems
d) personality and presentational differences
e) all of the above

124. a semantic differential scale takes a form such as "united airline food service is
__________ excellent ________very good _________good _______fair
a) true
b) false

125. data collection that focuses on providing an accurate description of the variables
in a situation forms the basis of which type of study
a) exploratory study
b) descriptive study
c) causal study

126. organizations that collect general information and sell it to clients are called
a) data providers
b) syndicated data services
c) indicated data services
d) dedicated data services

127. the quality of a research to produce almost identical results in successive

repeated trials reflects its:
a) reliability
b) validity
c) accuracy
128. a condition that exists when an instruments measures what it is supposed to
measure is called
a) validity
b) accuracy
c) reliability

129. a “real world” environment in which experiments take place is also referred to
a) field settings
b) field trips
c) field
d) field research
e) accuracy

130. experiments in which households log their weekly purchases and consumption
patterns are known as
a) home placements
b) diary test
c) experiments
d) causal studies

131. a sampling method in which the final choice of respondent is left to the
interviewers who base their choices on one or more variables such as age,
nationality, education etc is called
a) area sampling
b) stratified sampling
c) random sampling
d) quota sampling
132. which of these is a precisely defined problem definition
a) why are current sales so poor
b) will additional advertising have a positive impact on sales
c) are we in compliance with current local pricing legislation
d) what per cent of adults recall an ad two days after it appeared

133. reactions of customers to current products, customer preferences, and a record

of past purchases can most often be obtained from
a) profit and loss statement
b) inventory records
c) salespeople call reports
d) customer billings

134. in the data analysis stage of marketing research, forms are

a) coded and analyzed
b) coded, tabulated and analyzed
c) tabulated and analyzed
d) analyzed

135. which of these statements about data collection is correct

a) a firm should approach data collection as an ongoing activity
b) a firm needs a computer to successfully implement collection and retrieval
of information
c) research projects should always include sampling
d) a firm should not spend on research

136. Imagine your college is in the process of measuring student satisfaction with the
college’s cafeteria. The college is concerned about the objectivity of the research
process. Which of the following strategies best illustrates objectivity.
a) Developing the survey instrument on the basis of the researcher’s
preconceptions of the cafeteria
b) Asking students in a personal survey “why do you like the cafeteria?”
and reminding students that the cafeteria food is healthier than the offerings
of the nearby fast food restaurants
c) Mailing the questionnaire to a random sample of all students
d) Using a personal survey directed to students who purchased a meal card

137. according to the marketing director of a frozen food marketer, “we need to
determine why our coupon redemption rate dropped from 20 % last month to 5 %
this month.” This statement outlines the firm’s
a) research design
b) issue (problem ) definition
c) secondary data needs
d) primary data needs

138. for questions which the respondents are not likely to answer truthfully, it is ideal
to use which technique
a) response technique
b) hidden response technique
c) hypothetical projective respondent
d) response brackets

139. the question “what kind of headache remedy do you use? Is free of any errors?
a) True
b) False

140. the advantage of __________________ can be even more significant if the

responses are being entered directly on to a computer via a process of “computer
aided telephone interviewing” (CATI)
a) fast
b) sample
c) speed
d) mad cow

141. random sampling error is the difference between the sample _________and the
results of a complete survey of the total population using exactly the same
a) population
b) observation
c) result
d) sample

142. both stratified and quota sampling have the ______________ objective, the
approaches should not be confused
a) different
b) objection
c) same
d) deterrent

143. in the absence of more information to determine a sample size on the basis of
sound statistical principles, at every point the researcher must attempt to
____________- sources of error
a) maximize
b) minimize
c) reject
d) accept

144. the depth or in-depth interview is an unstructured __________ in which the

interviewee is encouraged to talk extensively
a) interview
b) interviewer
c) man
d) woman

145. in general terms, properly conducted, face to face interviews tend to be an

effective ______ to data collection even if they are a little costly
a) approach
b) complimentary
c) selective
d) effective

146. the quality of the data will be influenced by the relative efficiency of the
questionnaire as a recording schedule. _________________, incomplete coding and
misunderstanding of questions and answers all arise from poor lay out and a badly
formulated questionnaire
a) coding
b) coating
c) mid coating
d) miscoding

147. in designing the questionnaire it is important to remember that the survey

researcher is ________ person who has to use the questionnaire
a) not the only
b) the only
c) only
d) the

148. closed ended questions are used when the majority of answers are known and
appropriate _____________ responses can be presented
a) functional
b) formatted
c) post coded
d) pre coded

practical research methodology true or false with answers

You answered 0 out of 8 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1- Mixed methods research is a type of research that combines qualitative and quantitative research techniques into a
single study.


2- “Double-barreled” questions ask two questions at one time and are very effective in survey research because it saves
valuable time.


3- If the researcher is providing answer choices for a survey question, they have to be both exhaustive and mutually


4- Open-ended questions are those that provide the answers for respondents to select from in their response to a survey


5- When constructing a questionnaire, it is best to get the potentially threatening questions out of the way first at the start
of the survey.


6- Mixed methods research is not currently used in the field of criminology and criminal justice.


7- Quantitative research designs are geared toward statistical associations and “predictions.”


8- Personal interviews are more common with qualitative research, and survey research is more common with quantitative


9- Quantitative research designs are geared toward statistical associations and “predictions.”
10- Mixed methods research is not currently used in the field of criminology and criminal justice.
11- If the researcher is providing answer choices for a survey question, they have to be both
exhaustive and mutually exclusive.
12- Mixed methods research is a type of research that combines qualitative and quantitative research
techniques into a single study.
13- In research methods, a “gatekeeper” refers to research related to the behavior of a warden at a
14- In general, qualitative research takes place in a laboratory setting.
15- The purpose of qualitative research is to provide an in-depth and complete understanding of the
research subject.
The correct answer was: a. True.
16- The purpose of qualitative research is to provide a large-scale statistical analysis designed to test
The correct answer was: b. False.
17- In research methods, there are different types of validity.
The correct answer was: a. True.
18- Typically, in quantitative research designs, the literature review comes at the beginning of the
project (research report).
The correct answer was: a. True.
19- A literature review should simply be a “recap” of one article after another.
The correct answer was: b. False.

20- In qualitative studies, statistical testability of null hypotheses is the focus of the research design.
The correct answer was: b. False.
21- An “independent” variable is what is being used by the researcher to try and explain the
dependent variable.
The correct answer was: a. True.
22- A “dependent” variable is the social problem/phenomenon that the researcher is trying to explain.
The correct answer was: a. True.
23- A “dependent” variable is the social problem/phenomenon that the researcher is trying to explain.
The correct answer was: a. True.
24- As a student, when writing a research project, it is best to keep the topic very broad.
The correct answer was: b. False.
25- Qualitative research relies heavily on positivism.
The correct answer was: b. False.
26- An example of “explorative research” would be an evaluation of a drug rehabilitation program.
The correct answer was: b. False.
27- A “hypothesis” is the research methods term used to describe the expected relationship between
The correct answer was: a. True
28- Personal interviews are more common with qualitative research, and survey research is more
common with quantitative research.
The correct answer was: a. True.
29- Quantitative research designs are geared toward statistical associations and “predictions.”
The correct answer was: a. True.
30- Mixed methods research is not currently used in the field of criminology and criminal justice.
The correct answer was: b. False.
31- Open-ended questions are those that provide the answers for respondents to select from in their
response to a survey question.
The correct answer was: b. False.
32- Mixed methods research is a type of research that combines qualitative and quantitative research
techniques into a single study.
The correct answer was: a. True.
33- Quantitative data is data in the form of numbers
34- Effect on participants is a practical issue
False - it's ethical
35- Subject matter is a theoretical issue
False - it's practical
36- Vulnerable groups is ethical
37- Another word for reliability is replicability
38- Validity is whether or not the people we study are a typical cross section of the group we are
interested in
False - validity is where a method creates a true or genuine picture of what something is really like

39- Positivist prefer qualitative data

False, they prefer quantitative - numbers
40- Interpretivists seek verstehen
True - they seek to understand people's meanings
41- Positivists use methods such as questionnaires, official statistics and structured interviews
42- Laboratory experiments are highly reliabile
43- Selective observation is a danger of overgeneralization
44- Value is a relative concept and cannot be settled by science.
45- In deductive reasoning, one starts from a general law and applies that law to a particular instance.
46- In using scientific inquiry, in deduction we reason toward observations; in induction we reason
from observations.
47- A paradigm and a theory refer to two different things. The paradigm is a fundamental model or
scheme that organizes our view of something.
48- Research on criminal justice policy is an example of applied research
49- Threats to internal validity result from nonrandom, systematic error.
50- Retrospective studies have the danger of faulty memories or even subjects lying.
51- Social artifacts refer only to paper documents, such as newspapers, court opinions and police
crime reports.
52- The defining feature of an experiment lies in the control of the independent variable by the

53- Inductive reasoning occurs when many observations lead to a general statement.
54- Perfect induction occurs when an investigator wants to determine a specific characteristics for all
the members of a certain population.
55- A swimmer changing the way he pushes his hand through the water to test whether this will
increase his speed is an example of basic research.
56- Qualitative research involves non-numerical data with assumption that the environment is
changing and conditions are situation specific.
57- In "Defining the Problem," the three important considerations are interest in the area,
significance, and feasibility.
58- When carrying out exploratory research in which little is known about a certain area, a
nondirectional hypothesis may be used.

59- Exploratory or descriptive studies require a hypothesis.

60- The null hypothesis proposes that there are no differences in the dependent variable as a result of
changes in the independent variable.
61- After the results of a research study are written up and summarized, the manuscript of the study is
submitted to a journal for publication. Then, typically, the editor of the journal identifies
reviewers with expertise in the research area to solicit their opinion about the manuscript.
62- A thorough review of the literature should occur after the execution of the research experiment,
before the results are published.
63- Qualitative research refers to research investigations of the quality of relsituations, or materials.
TRUE Feedback: The term qualitative research refers to research investigatiof relationships,
activities, situations, or materials.
64- Key actors are people in any group who are well informed about the cultthe group.
FALSE Feedback: Key actors are people in any group whoare more informedand history of the
65- Recording specific information from the individual being interviewed is aexpectation in any
proper interview.
TRUE Feedback: Respect for the individual being interviewed is a paramountany proper
interview. Details may or may not be recorded.
66- Qualitative and quantitative research methods are never used together i
FALSE Feedback: Qualitative and quantitative research methods are increasiin a study.
67- Qualitative researchers generally formulate a hypothesis beforehand and
TRUE Feedback: Qualitative data are collected mainly in the form of words oseldom involve
numbers. Qualitative researchers do not usually formubeforehand and then seek to test it. Rather,
they allow hypotheses todevelops.
68- Quantitative and qualitative researchers are in agreement on philosophic
FALSE Feedback: Differences have to do with the nature of reality and the na
69- Qualitative data are collected mainly in the form of words or pictures andnumbers. Content
analysis is a primary method of data analysis
2. The researcher should never report flaws in procedural design and estimate their
effect on the findings.

a) True
b) False

3. Adequate analysis of the data is the least difficult phase of research for the novice.

a) True
b) False

4. The validity and reliability of the data should be checked occasionally

a) True
b) False

5. Researchers are tempted to rely too heavily on data collected in a prior study and
use it in the interpretation of a new study

a) True
b) False

6. Greater confidence in the research is warranted if the researcher is experienced, has

a good reputation in research, and is a person of integrity

a) True
b) False

7. A complete disclosure of methods and procedures used in the research study is

required. Such openness to scrutiny has a positive effect on the quality of research.
However, competitive advantage often mitigates against methodology disclosure in
business research.

a) True
b) False

8. Business research has an inherent value to the extent that it helps management make
better decisions. Interesting information about consumers, employees, or
competitors might be pleasant to have, but its value is limited if the information
cannot be applied to a critical decision.

a) True
b) False

9. Research is any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving

a) True
b) False
1. What is a good research? The following are correct except

a) Purpose clearly defined

b) Research process detailed
c) Research design thoroughly planned
d) Findings presented ambiguously

2. The researcher should never report flaws in procedural design and estimate their
effect on the findings.

a) True
b) False

3. Adequate analysis of the data is the least difficult phase of research for the novice.

a) True
b) False

4. The validity and reliability of the data should be checked occasionally

a) True
b) False

5. Researchers are tempted to rely too heavily on data collected in a prior study and
use it in the interpretation of a new study

a) True
b) False

6. Greater confidence in the research is warranted if the researcher is experienced,

has a good reputation in research, and is a person of integrity

a) True
b) False

7. A complete disclosure of methods and procedures used in the research study is

required. Such openness to scrutiny has a positive effect on the quality of research.
However, competitive advantage often mitigates against methodology disclosure in
business research.

a) True
b) False

8. Business research has an inherent value to the extent that it helps management
make better decisions. Interesting information about consumers, employees, or
competitors might be pleasant to have, but its value is limited if the information cannot
be applied to a critical decision.

a) True
b) False

9. Research is any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving

a) True
b) False

10. Business research is a systematic inquiry that provides information to guide

business decisions. This includes the following except:

a) Reporting
b) Descriptive
c) Explanatory
d) Predictive studies

11. Identify the style of thinking that is defined as “to devote observations and
propositions based on sense experience and/or derived from such experience by methods
of inductive logic, including mathematics and statistics”

a) Idealism
b) Empricism
c) Extentialism
d) Rationalism

12. When we mean that reason is a primary source of knowledge, the style of thinking
is named as
a) Empricism
b) Rationalism
c) Idealism
d) Extentialism

13. All students studying in Skyline College are having bright future. Abdul Rahman is
a student of Skyline College. Abdul Rahman has a bright future. This type of argument
is called as

a) Introduction
b) Induction
c) Detective
d) Deduction

14. In deduction, the conclusion must necessarily follow from the reasons given. In
inductive argument there is no such strength of relationship between reasons and

a) True
b) False

16. Eminent scientists who claim there is no such thing as the scientific method, or if
exists, it is not reveled by what they write, caution researchers about using template like

a) True
b) False

21. In the research process, a management dilemma triggers the need for a decision.

a) True
b) False

26. Non response error occurs when you cannot locate the person or could not encourage the
respondent to participate in answering.

a.) True
b.) False
39. A research design is the strategy for a study and the plan by which the strategy is to be
carried out

a) True
b) False
60. One of the best survey methods that can be used for all research situations is the e-mail
questionnaire surveys

a) True
b) False
76. Research is an expensive, sophisticated process that is often beyond the reach of
small businesses with their limited budgets.

a) True
b) False

77. Primary data are generally available more quickly and at a lower cost than
secondary data.

a) True
b) False

78. A producer of herb mixes that wants to explore adding new products should use
close-ended questions in interviews with a sampling of its current customers.

a) True
b) False
115. once obtained there is no need to evaluate the relevance of the
literature to your research question and objectives
a) true
b) false

116. usually, syndicated data services can provide consumer panel data at a
much lower cost that if a company carried on it's own panel operations
a) true
b) false
124. a semantic differential scale takes a form such as "united airline food service is
__________ excellent ________very good _________good _______fair _______poor"
a) true
b) false
139. the question “what kind of headache remedy do you use? Is free of any errors?
a) True
b) False

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