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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1

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Effects study of injection strategies on hydrogen-

air formation and performance of hydrogen direct
injection internal combustion engine

Yong Li, Wenzhi Gao*, Pan Zhang, Yixiang Ye, Zhaoyi Wei
State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, 135 Yaguan Road, Tianjin, 300350, China

highlights graphical abstract

 It is sufficient to form uniform

mixture for the injection timing of
88 ATDC.
 Injection pressure has a minimal
effect on the mixture formation
and combustion.
 The second injection mass fraction
impacts on tumble strength.
 The second injection timing is
optimized based on the jet-room
coordination effect.

article info abstract

Article history: Based on the dual challenges of the global energy crisis and environmental pollution,
Received 13 May 2019 hydrogen has been recognized as an ideal alternative internal combustion engine (ICE) fuel.
Received in revised form To improve the combustion efficiency of hydrogen direct injection ICE, we numerically
21 July 2019 analyzed the effects of different injection parameters, including injection timing, injection
Accepted 8 August 2019 pressure, and dual injection, on the formation of a hydrogen-air mixture using the
Available online 5 September 2019 CONVERGE software from the perspective of mass transfer and flow state. It was deter-
mined that it is enough to set the injection timing to 88 after top dead center (ATDC) for
Keywords: both uniform mixture and desirable indicated thermal efficiency (ITE). However, when the
Hydrogen internal engine injection timing is set to 43 ATDC, an acceptable ITE and effective combustion can be
Injection strategy achieved by employing the “jet-room coordination” effect of the u chamber. Injection
Mixture formation pressure has a minimal effect on mixture formation and combustion. In contrast, the
Dual injection timing and mass fraction of secondary injection have a significant influence on tumble
strength, which is a key factor for the mixture improvement.
© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W. Gao).
0360-3199/© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1 26001

performance of a turbocharged gasoline direct injection en-

Nomenclature gine. The results demonstrate that injection pressure and in-
jection timing have a clear effect on the combustion and
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
emissions of surrogate fuels. For greater thermal efficiency of
HDI Hydrogen Direct Injection
surrogate fuels, low injection pressure and retarded injection
PHI Port Hydrogen Injection
timing may be required. In contrast, for gasoline, an injection
ITE Indicated Thermal Efficiency
timing of approximately 300 before top dead center is best.
ATDC After Tope Dead Center
The effect of different injectors on mixture stratification were
IVC Intake Valve Close
studied in a gasoline compression ignition engine in Ref. [13].
EVO Exhaust Valve Open
It was found that the physical properties of fuel have a more
SIMF Secondary Injection Mass Fraction
significant influence on combustion when using a hollow-
SIT Secondary Injection Timing
cone injector instead of a multi-hole injector. Zhenkuo et al.
AMR Adaptive Mesh Refinement
[14] conducted a multi-cycle numerical investigation on
CA50 Crank Angle when cumulative heat release
mixture formation in a turbocharged port-injection natural
reaches 50%
gas engine. The in-cylinder mixing process was studied under
MMF2500 Maximum Mass Fraction of the region where
different operating conditions. The results demonstrate that
the temperature exceeds 2500 K
injection timing has an insignificant impact on mixture
deg Degree
flammability at spark time. For both liquid and gaseous fuels,
NTP Normal temperature and pressure
the formation of in-cylinder mixtures has been a significant
LPG Liquid petroleum gas
research focus. Many of the research methods adopted for
gasoline and natural gas can also be employed for hydrogen
For a Direct-Injection hydrogen engine, Wallner et al.
[15,16] researched the injection angle and different combina-
Introduction tions of primary and secondary injection. NOX emissions were
reduced by 85% compared to single injection by employing
With continued societal development, energy and environ- multiple injection strategies. They also found that in the case
mental issues have become increasingly critical; and many of multiple injection strategies, the rate of heat release is
researchers have started to focus on renewable and clean influenced by the injection parameters of primary and sec-
energy [1e5]. Global car ownership is increasing rapidly and ondary injection. The effects of varying the injection timing on
the sustainability of internal combustion engine (ICE) fuel has combustion were studied in Ref. [17]. It was found that
recently attracted significant attention. Based on the dual hydrogen injection at later stage of compression stroke can
challenges of energy shortages and environmental pollution, achieve the thermal efficiency higher than 38.9% and late in-
it is critical to seek renewable clean energy. As an ideal jection of hydrogen offers a great reduction in NOx emission
renewable energy source, hydrogen has a wide range of due to the lean operation. Li et al. [18] studied the effects of
sources and has no CO2, CO, HC, or particulates in its com- split hydrogen injection proportion and timings on the com-
bustion products, producing nearly zero harmful emissions. bustion and emissions of a dualfuel spark ignition engine.
The low calorific value of hydrogen is 120 MJ/kg (gasoline: The results demonstrated that unlike single hydrogen direct
45 MJ/kg) [6,7]. Compared to other fuels, hydrogen has desir- injection (HDI), split hydrogen injection can form a stratified
able heat and mass transfer characteristics (diffusion coeffi- charge for speeding up combustion and increasing brake
cient in NTP air (cm2s1): hydrogen: 0.61; gasoline: 0.005; thermal efficiency. Additionally, the first injection proportion
methane: 0.16). Additionally, its flame propagation speed is and second injection timings have a significant influence on
extremely fast (hydrogen: 2.65e3.25 m/s; gasoline: 0.3e0.5 m/ torque and emissions. Biffiger et al. [19] compared premixed
s; LPG: 0.38 m/s). It also has a very low ignition energy, as low methane-hydrogen blends to split injections of methane (port
as 1/10th of the ignition energy of a gasoline-air mixture injected) and hydrogen (direct injected). The results demon-
(hydrogen: 0.02 mJ; gasoline: 0.24 mJ; LPG: 0.26 mJ), which strated that secondary injection toward the spark plug can
guarantees stable combustion and a low misfire rate. increase turbulence and charge stratification. The studies
Furthermore, hydrogen has a wide flammability range (flam- above analyzed the effects of dual injection on mixture for-
mability volume fraction in air: hydrogen: 4e75%; gasoline: mation and combustion from a macro perspective. However,
1.3e7.1%; LPG: 2.15e9.6%), remaining flammable at a volume macro parameters, such as power and NOx emissions, cannot
fraction of 4%, which provides advantages in terms of lean accurately reflect the state of flow.
combustion [5,8e11]. Simulations of a port hydrogen injection (PHI) ICE were
It is well known that the mixing of fuel and oxidants (air) carried out by Wang et al. [20] to investigate the influence of
directly determines combustion efficiency and final thermal hydrogen injection timing, nozzle hole position, and nozzle
efficiency. Therefore, research on mixture formation is very hole diameter on mixture formation. The results demon-
significant. In recent years, researchers worldwide have per- strated that these parameters have a significant influence on
formed extensive relational research work. mixture formation. It is well known that the main obstacle to
Jiang et al. [12] reported the influence of different fuel in- PHI engines is poor intake efficiency based on the low density
jection strategies and fuel properties on the combustion of hydrogen. To enhance intake efficiency, Yang et al. [21]
26002 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1

proposed two types of injection modes: symmetric dual in- To improve calculation efficiency and obtain accurate
jection and a spaced arrangement along the axis of the intake initial conditions, simulation was divided into two steps. In
port. Simulation results demonstrated that mixture unifor- the first step, a complete cycle, including the intake and
mity and combustion velocity are improved significantly exhaust stroke, was simulated to obtain the initial condi-
when using spaced dual injection. HDI can also improve low tions of gas flow in the cylinder. In the second step, the
intake efficiency, but knocking and lubrication problems intake and exhaust port mesh model were deleted and
associated with HDI hindered its development. simulation was conducted from the intake valve closing to
Wallner et al. [22] performed an experimental investigation the exhaust valve opening, including hydrogen injection,
for evaluating the effects of different injector locations and compression, and power stroke. In the second simulation,
nozzle designs in a HDI engine. The result showed that the initial conditions were mapped based on the results of
injector position and the start of injection timing had an the first simulation.
important influence on the thermal efficiency and NOx To determine the influence of injection parameters on
emission. Hamzehloo et al. [23] simulated numerically the the formation of hydrogen-air mixtures, as shown in Table
influence of various injection strategies. The effect of injection 2, different injection parameters were tested to simulate
pressure and timing on velocity field was researched. Takagi the mixture formation process. In these simulations, the
et al. [24] improved thermal efficiency and reduced NOx equivalence ratio, compression ratio, etc. were set to be
emissions by optimizing the direction, number and diameter consistent within each group. Groups 1 and 2 were used to
of the jet and injection timing in a direct-injection hydrogen research the influence of injection timing and pressure on
engine. However, there is a lack of analysis of the relationship the formation of mixtures, respectively. Groups 3 and 4
between these injector parameters and the distribution of the were used to research the influence of the secondary in-
mixture in the cylinder. Tsujimura et al. [25] reported the in- jection mass fraction (SIMF) and secondary injection
fluence of injection timing and inhomogeneity of mixture on timing (SIT) of dual injection on the formation of mixtures,
engine performance in a large-sized direct injection hydrogen respectively.
engine for a stationary power generator.
In the studies discussed above, the researchers primarily
focused on PHI engines and the split injection of dual fuels. Numerical model
Though most researches had reported the influence of injec-
tion strategies on mixture formation, the analyses only stay at The computational fluid dynamics software CONVERGE
the macroscopic level, while those at the microscopic level (Convergent Science, Inc.) was used to perform simulations.
can better reveal the flow field rules. There has been little CONVERGE can automatically generate a perfectly orthogonal
focus on HDI engines, particularly regarding the formation of structured grid at runtime based on user-defined grid control
hydrogen-air mixtures. The effect of hydrogen injection parameters, saving significant time in terms of pre-
strategy on flow field and combustion in cylinder is not perfect processing. The meshes are automatically encrypted based
in HDI engines. Therefore, this paper focuses on the mass on velocity, temperature fields, among others.
transfer and flow fields in HDI engines to determine how in-
jection strategies influence the formation and combustion of Geometrical model
such mixtures.
A 3D geometrical model was established using the SolidWorks
software, then converted into STL format for use by
Research approach CONVERGE as a surface file. The geometry includes a cylinder,
intake and exhaust ports, and hydrogen injector, as shown in
This study was carried out on the CY6BG332 six-cylinder Fig. 1.
diesel engine manufactured by Dongfeng Chaoyang Chao- CONVERGE contains powerful fix embedding, adaptive
chai Power Co., Ltd. The original geometrical model of the mesh refinement (AMR), and acceleration algorithms, such as
engine was modified slightly for hydrogen ICE (e.g., replacing Multi-Zone, which can ensure calculation accuracy and
the preheat plug with a spark plug). The main parameters of shorten calculation time. Calculation in CONVERGE uses a
the engine are listed in Table 1. Cartesian grid with a base mesh size of 4 mm and different
scales of refinement in the computational domain, which are
listed in Table 3.

Governing equations
Table 1 e Main parameters of the engine.
Parameter Value The dynamics of fluid flow are governed by equations that
Bore (mm) 102
describe the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy.
Stroke (mm) 118 Species conservation equations, gas state equations, and
Compression Ratio 17.5 turbulence model equations can also be solved using
IVC ( ATDC) 130 CONVERGE for ICE application [26e28]. The equations for
EVO ( ATDC) 124 mass transport and momentum transport are defined as
Ignition Timing ( ATDC) 12
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1 26003

Table 2 e Injection parameter settings.

Group No Injection timing ( ATDC) Injection pressure (MPa) Primary/Secondary Secondary injection
injection timing ( ATDC) mass fraction (%)
1 128, 108, 88, 68, 48, 43 20 NA NA
2 128 10, 20, 30 NA NA
3 NA 20 128/30 0, 5, 10, 20, 30
4 NA 20 128/43, 30, 25, 20, 15 20

vr vrui
þ ¼ S; (1)
vt vxi

vrui vrui uj vP vsij

þ ¼ þ þ Si0 ; (2)
vt vxj vxi vxj

where the viscous stress tensor is defined as follow:

vui vuj 2 vuk
sij ¼ mt þ þ m0  mt dij ; (3)
vxi vxi 3 vxk

mt ¼ m þ Cm r : (4)
In the equations above, u is velocity, r is density, S is the
source term, P is pressure, m is viscosity, m0 is dilatational vis-
cosity (set to zero), dij is the Kronecker delta, mt is turbulent
viscosity, Cm is a turbulence model constant, k is the turbu-
lence kinetic energy, and ε is the turbulent dissipation.
The energy equation is written as
vre vuj re vuj vui v vT v X vYm
þ ¼ P þ sij þ Kt þ rD hm
vt vxj vxj vxj vxj vxj vxj m
þ S;

Kt ¼ K þ cp ; (6)

cp mt
Prt ¼ ; (7)
where r is density, Ym is the mass fraction of species m, D is
the mass diffusion coefficient, S is the source term, P is the
pressure, e is the specific internal energy, Kt is the turbulent
conductivity, hm is the species enthalpy, sij is the stress
tensor, T is the temperature, Prt is the turbulent Prandtl
number, mt is the turbulent viscosity and cp is the specific

Fig. 1 e The 3D geometrical model (a) and CFD Computational method

computational mesh (b).
The renormalization group k  ε model was used to solve the
turbulence transport equation. This model has been verified
Table 3 e Region and scale of fix embedding and AMR. to simulate the hydrogen flow in a Direct-Injection
Refinement region Refine strategy/scale hydrogen engine accurately [29]. The combustion model
SAGE was selected to solve chemical dynamics with detailed
Combustion chamber Fix embedding/2
Spark plug Fix embedding/5 chemical reaction mechanisms. A multi-zone model devel-
Injector exit Fix embedding/3 oped by Babajipoulous et al. [30] inside the SAGE combus-
Nozzles Fix embedding/5 tion model was applied to accelerate calculations. The
Intake/exhaust valve angle Fix embedding/3 extended Zeldovich NOX model was used to calculate NOX
Cylinder AMR/3 emission.
26004 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1

Compared with other gases, such as methane and air,

hydrogen has a high diffusion coefficient. The molecular
diffusion coefficient is calculated by

Dt ¼ ; (8)
where yt is the turbulent kinematic viscosity, Sct is the turbu-
lent Schmidt number. So increasing the molecular diffusion
coefficient means decreasing the turbulent Schmidt number.
Therefore, in order to accurately predict the hydrogen diffu-
sion process, a low Schmidt number is used to increase
hydrogen dispersion rate. Base on the research in literature
[16], 0.3 is choose as an appropriate Schmidt number in the
numerical model.

Boundary and initial conditions

According to real working conditions, the boundary and initial

conditions were set to the values listed in Tables 4 and 5.

Model validation

Since the experimental rig has not been completed, there is no

experimental data available, so the experiment result in
literature [16] is used to verify the turbulence model of this
paper. The geometry model is established as shown in Fig. 2
and keep the turbulence model in the validation case consis-
tent with that in the research model. The boundary and initial
conditions were set according to the experimental conditions.
The comparison between the experimental result and the
calculation result are shown in Fig. 3.
One can see that from 130 ATDC to 100 ATDC, the
hydrogen concentration obtained by calculation and experi-
ment matches well. And from 85 ATDC to 55 ATDC, two
kind results of the hydrogen spreading progress are similar.
However, from 40 ATDC to 30 ATDC, the hydrogen

Table 4 e Settings for boundary conditions.

Boundary region Boundary Temperature (K) Pressure
type (bar)
Piston Moving wall 570 NA
Fig. 2 e Geometry model of validation case. (a) Overall CFD
Cylinder wall Fixed wall 450 NA computational mesh, (b) nozzle detail mesh.
Cylinder head Fixed wall 550 NA
Air inlet Inflow 306 1.4
Intake port Fixed wall 310 NA
Exhaust outlet Outflow 500 1.0 distribution are different. The hydrogen distribution in
Exhaust port Fixed wall 450 NA experimental result is more uniform than that in the simu-
Hydrogen inlet Inflow 300 100e300 lation result. The hydrogen diffusion rate obtained by simu-
lation is slightly slower than that by experiment. But the
difference on mixture uniformity of hydrogen and air is slight.
Table 5 e Settings for initial conditions. Especially for 40 ATDC and 30 ATDC, compared with the
Initial region Temperature (K) Pressure (bar) experimental results, the maximum error of the hydrogen
mole-fraction in the simulation results is within 0.05. Such
cylinder 600 1.0
errors are within acceptable range for this study. So the nu-
Intake port 306 1.0
Exhaust port 500 1.0 merical model can predict the hydrogen injection and diffu-
Injector volume 300 100e300 sion process as a whole.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1 26005

Fig. 3 e Hydrogen mole-fraction during the compression stroke: comparison between numerical and experimental data.

accelerate hydrogen-air mixing and flame propagation. Fig. 4

Simulation results and discussion illustrates the match of hydrogen jet with the u-pit. This
behavior is referred to as “jet-room coordination”. Different
Effects of injection timing injection timings were tested to research the effects of injec-
tion timing on hydrogen-air mixing. To quantify mixture
Although hydrogen has desirable mass transfer characteris- uniformity, a dimensionless parameter called the uniformity
tics, injection timing has a significant impact on the formation coefficient, which is weighted by mass, can be calculated as
of hydrogen-air mixtures. In theory, for direct injection en- follow:
gines, the earlier the injection timing, the more mixing time is
available for hydrogen and air, resulting in a more uniform 4i  4avg mi
sm ¼ 1  0:5  P ; (9)
mixture. In practice, premature injection may cause certain 4i mi
negative effects, such as hydrogen jets hitting the cylinder
wall and causing damage to the lubricant film, and an increase 4i mi
4avg ¼ ; (10)
in compression negative work. However, if the injection M
timing is appropriate, the hydrogen jet can match well with where 4i and mi are the equivalence ratio and mass of cell i,
the u-pit in the piston. The resulting tumble flow will respectively. M and 4avg are the total mass and average
equivalence ratio in the cylinder, respectively.
Equivalence ratio distributions and uniformity coefficients
at spark time for different injection timings are presented in
Fig. 5. One can see that delayed injection, the range of the
equivalence ratio distribution in the cylinder widens gradu-
ally, which is consistent with the trend of the uniformity co-
efficient. However, at a timing of 43 after top dead center
(ATDC), the uniformity coefficient is slightly larger than that
at 48 ATDC based on the tumble acceleration of the
hydrogen-air mixing process. Fig. 6 presents the velocity fields
in a vertical section. One can see that the velocity at the in-
jection timing of 48 ATDC in squish zone and u-pit of
Fig. 4 e Schematic diagram of jet-room coordination.
26006 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1

Fig. 5 e Equivalence ratio distributions and uniformity Fig. 7 e ITE and CA50 values for different injection timings.
coefficients at spark time (12 BTDC).

Fig. 7 presents the injection timing effects on the com-

combustion chamber has reached 40 m/s while the velocity is bustion phase (CA50) and indicated thermal efficiency (ITE).
lower 32 m/s for the injection timing of 48 ATDC. What's When the injection timing varies between 128 and 88
more, velocity of vortex is significantly greater than that at the ATDC, the ITE is relatively consistent at approximately 35%,
injection timing of 48 ATDC, which means a stronger whereas the CA50 varies between 6 and 12 ATDC. Although
tumble strength. When the injection timing is earlier than the mixture is relatively uniform when the injection timing is
88 ATDC, the uniformity varies slightly with injection earlier than 88 ATDC, the CA50 varies between 6 and 12
timing advance. Therefore, for a uniform mixture, it is suffi- ATDC based on the different hydrogen concentrations near
cient to set the injection timing to 88 ATDC. the spark plug. However, when the injection timing is delayed
to 48 ATDC, the CA50 advances to the TDC, meaning
compression negative work increases and ITE decreases
significantly. The main reason for this phenomenon is the rich
mixture near the spark plug and at the end of the combustion
chamber, as shown in Fig. 8a. Therefore, the delayed com-
bustion period and combustion duration are shorter. It is
worth noting that the ITE increases to 36.8% and the CA50 is
approximately 5 ATDC when the injection timing is 43
ATDC. This is largely caused by jet-room coordination gener-
ating a stratified mixture, as shown in Fig. 8b. This phenom-
enon increases the tumble strength and flame propagation
speed. The simulation results above demonstrate that it is
sufficient to set the injection timing to 88 ATDC for both
uniform mixing and ITE. However, when the injection timing
is 43 ATDC, acceptable ITE and effective combustion can be
achieved by leveraging the jet-room coordination effect in the
u chamber.
The formation of NOx is closely related to the temperature.
Compared with the highest combustion temperature, the
Maximum Mass Fraction of the region where the temperature
exceeds 2500 K (MMF2500) can better evaluate the mass of
high temperature regions that is closely related to the mass of
NOx. MMF2500 and NOx emissions are presented in Fig. 9 for
different injection timings. One can see that when the injec-
tion timing varies from 128 ATDC to 88 ATDC, the
mixture is sufficiently uniform, so the variations of NOx
emission and MMF2500 are slight. However, when the injec-
tion timing is at 48 ATDC, CA50 reaches to TDC shown in
Fig. 7 due to the decrease of mixture uniformity. So MMF2500
Fig. 6 e Velocity fields at spark time. (a) Injection at ¡48
and NOx emission reach the maximum values. When the in-
ATDC; (b) Injection at ¡43 ATDC. (The vertical section
jection timing is further advanced to 43 ATDC, the increase
passes through the centerline of a nozzle).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1 26007

Fig. 9 e MMF2500 and NOx values for different injection


though the injection velocity and turbulent kinetic energy

increase over a short time period when injection pressure
increases, these values will eventually fall to consistent
values at spark time based on the long period from the end of
injection to spark time. Therefore, the flow fields associated
with different injection pressures at spark time are similar,
as shown in Fig. 10. These results confirm that similar ITE
and NOx emission trends appear with injection pressure
Fig. 8 e Hydrogen concentration fields in vertical and
horizontal sections at spark time. (a) Injection at ¡48
Effects of dual injection
ATDC; (b) Injection at ¡43 ATDC. (The vertical and
horizontal sections pass through the spark plug).
In this section, the effect of dual injection on the mixture
formation and combustion will be discussed. These effects
were analyzed by varying the Secondary Injection Mass
of the mixture uniformity and flame speed due to the effect of Fraction (SIMF) and Secondary Injection Timing (SIT) in the
jet-room coordination makes CA50 after TDC. And then simulations.
MMF2500 and NOx decrease. Both values exhibit similar The velocity fields displayed in Fig. 11 reveal that an in-
trends with changes in injection timing, meaning MMF2500 crease in the SIMF will significantly increase tumble strength
values can indirectly reflect combustion temperature in a based on an increase in the mass inertia of the second injec-
cylinder. tion jet. However, based on the fact that the hydrogen mass
injected second is increased through extension of the injec-
Effects of injection pressure tion duration, the time left for mixing becomes shorter.
Therefore, an excessive increase in the SIMF will lead to the
It is well known that injection pressure is crucial for the at- accumulation of hydrogen in the u-pit of the piston, as shown
omization and evaporation of liquid fuel. However, for in the concentration fields in Fig. 11. Hydrogen in the u-pit
gaseous hydrogen, there is no atomization or evaporation may auto-ignite or burn out rapidly when the flame front ar-
during mixing process. Therefore, in this section, we analyze rives. All concentration fields in the horizontal section are
how injection pressure affects the formation of hydrogen-air stratified. For the SIMF value of 5%, the mixture near the cyl-
mixtures. After a series of numerical simulation analyses inder center is rich and the mixture is lean near the cylinder
with different injection pressures, 10 MPa, 20 MPa and 30 MPa
are chosen as the representative to analyze the effect of in-
jection pressure on the mixture formation and combustion.
The performance and emission parameters for different Table 6 e ITE, uniformity coefficient, MMF2500, and NOx
injection pressures are listed in Table 6. One can see that the emission values for different injection pressure with
ITE and uniformity coefficient vary relatively little with in- early injection (¡128 ATDC).
jection pressure, meaning injection pressure has a minimal Injection ITE Uniformity MMF2500 NOx (g/
effect on mixture formation and combustion. Based on the Pressure (MPa) (%) coefficient (%) kW$h)
discussion in Section Effects of injection timing, we know 10 33.7 0.86 20.8 18.5
that hydrogen has sufficient time to mix adequately with air 20 33.6 0.85 19.8 16.9
when the injection timing is 128 ATDC. Therefore, even 30 33.4 0.85 20.5 17.9
26008 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1

Fig. 10 e Hydrogen concentration and velocity fields in the cylinder with different injection pressures at spark time.
Hydrogen concentration field with injection pressure of (a) 10 MPa; (b) 20 MPa; (c) 30 MPa; Velocity field with injection
pressure of (d) 10 MPa; (e) 20 MPa; (f) 30 MPa (The injection timing is ¡128 ATDC. The vertical section passes through the
centerline of a nozzle and the horizontal section passes through the spark plug. The following are at same position if there
are no additional instructions).

Fig. 11 e Hydrogen concentration and velocity fields in the cylinder for different SIMF values at spark time. Hydrogen
concentration field for the SIMF value of (a) 5%; (b) 20%; (c) 30%; Velocity field for the SIMF value of (d) 5%; (e) 20%; (f) 30%.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1 26009

Fig. 12 e Performance variation with varying SIMF values Fig. 13 e Performance variation with varying SIT (SIMF is
(SIT is ¡30 ATDC). (a) Uniformity coefficient, ITE, and 20%). (a) Uniformity coefficient, ITE, and CA50; (b) MMF2500
CA50; (b) MMF2500 and NOx emission. and NOx emission.

wall. In contrast, the mixture near the cylinder center is leaner uniformity, ITE, and CA50, as shown in Fig. 13a. The ITE rea-
and the mixture is richer near the cylinder wall for the SIMF ches a maximum value with an SIT of 20 ATDC. A com-
values of 20% and 30%. The latter stratifications have a ten- parison of the variation trends of the ITE, CA50, and
dency to knock due to rich mixture in the end of combustion uniformity coefficient confirms that an inhomogeneous (i.e.
chamber, especially with an SIMF value of 30%. The rich stratified) mixture will be formed by an appropriate SIT and
mixture near the cylinder wall is easily auto-ignition under combustion will be accelerated. The velocity fields in Fig. 14
the heat radiation of burned gas and compression of the pis- indicate that premature second injection leads to low tum-
ton. Therefore, when the SIMF value reaches 30%, the CA50 ble strength, whereas late injection does not allow the
will arrive prior to the TDC based on auto-ignition at the end of hydrogen jet to reach the wall of the u-pit at spark time. The
the combustion chamber, as shown in Fig. 12a. With an in- hydrogen concentration field in the horizontal section for an
crease in the SIMF, the CA50 increases for SIMF values ranging SIT of 20 ATDC exhibits good stratification. The mixture
from 0% to 20%, then decreases for SIMF values ranging from inside the cylinder is rich, and the mixture near the cylinder
20% to 30%. The ITE and uniformity coefficient exhibit similar wall is lean. In terms of emissions, the mass of NOx is rela-
trends compared to the CA50 with varying SIMF. In Fig. 12b, tively low when SIT varies from 30 to 25 ATDC, as shown
one can see that MMF2500 and NOx emission have minimum in Fig. 13b. MMF2500 shows a similar trend compared to NOx
values at the SIMF values of 20%. For the SIMF value of 30%, emission with SIT variation. Considering thermal efficiency
because most hydrogen burns before TDC, ITE decreases. And and emissions, the optimal SIT is approximately 25 ATDC.
the temperature in the cylinder is so high that NOx emission However, the optimal SIT and SIMF are inseparable and
increases. interact with each other. In summary, a suitable SIMF and SIT
The effects of SIT on engine performance are presented in will lead to strong tumble formation, resulting in enhanced
Fig. 13. One can see that SIT has a significant influence on stratification and combustion.
26010 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 6 0 0 0 e2 6 0 1 1

Fig. 14 e Hydrogen concentration and velocity fields in the cylinder with different SITs at spark time. Hydrogen
concentration field for an SIT of (a) ¡43 ATDC; (b) ¡20 ATDC; (c) ¡15 ATDC; Velocity field for an SIT of (d) ¡43 ATDC; (e)
¡20 ATDC; (f) ¡15 ATDC.

(4) SIMF and SIT have a significant influence on engine

Conclusions performance as parameters of dual injection. An in-
crease in SIMF increases tumble strength, but an
(1) For HDI spark ignition engines, the earlier hydrogen is excessive increase (over 20%) will lead to a low unifor-
injected, the more time is left for hydrogen and air to mix, mity coefficient and high knock tendency. A compari-
allowing the mixture to become more homogeneous. son of variation trend between the ITE, CA50, and
However, when the mixture is sufficiently uniform, uniformity coefficient confirmed that an inhomoge-
excessively advanced injection timing cannot improve neous (i.e. stratified) mixture will be formed by an
ITE. Simulation results demonstrated that it is sufficient appropriate SIT and combustion will be accelerated. A
to set the injection timing to 88 ATDC for both uniform suitable SIMF and SIT will lead to strong tumble for-
mixture and ITE. However, when injection timing is set to mation, facilitating further stratification and
43 ATDC, adequate ITE and effective combustion can be combustion.
achieved by employing the jet-room coordination effect
of the u chamber. However, NOx emissions will increase
based on the high combustion temperature. Injection
timing is of significant importance for jet-room coordi-
nation, which is determined by the structure and position
Thanks to the financial support given by the Guangzhou
of the injector relative to the piston.
Automobile Research Institute.
(2) An increase in the uniformity coefficient and tumble
strength can reduce MMF2500. NOx emission and
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