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KELOMPOK : Semua Kelompok

MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris
WAKTU : 90 menit


TAHUN 2021
1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal;
2. Hitamkan salah satu lingkaran pada pilihan jawaban yang dianggap benar;
Contoh: a b c d e
3. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengerjaan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan;
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya;
5. Laporkan ada Pengawas Ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah yang kurang;
6. Dahulukan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
7. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas Ujian;
8. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika, kamus atau alat bantu lainnya.

I. Choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialog

1. Dendy : Tanti, I want to introduce my friend. His name is Rudi.
Tya : Hi, Rudi. I’m Tya.
Rudi : Hi, Tya. I’m Rudi
Tya : Glad to meet you, Rudi.
Rudi :…
A. See you. C. Glad to meet you too
B. See you later. D. Good bye

2. Teacher : … You are the first winner of this contest.

Student : Thank you, Mom. I will not be here without your help.
A. You are so lucky. C. Congratulations.
B. That’s too bad. D. That is good idea.

3. Mury : What does your father usually do every day?

Hendy : … at vocational high school.
A. He likes to do it
B. He always drives his children to school
C. He sometimes drives his own car.
D. He usually teaches from morning until afternoon

4. The Boss : Thank you for finishing this proposal.

Secretary : Don’t mention it, Sir. That’s my job.
The Boss : …
Secretary : Thank you, Sir.
A. I dislike it very much. C. It is so perfect.
B. You are my secretary. D. It is too nice.
5. Ben : What are you going to do at your day off tomorrow?
Ringgo : I have no idea. How about you?
Ben : … would you go with me to see the concert?
Ringgo : I’m not sure. I have no money.
Ben : Don’t worry. I have two free entrance tickets.
A. I’ll stay at home.
B. I’m going to help my father.
C. I’m going to pick up my sister.
D. I’ll see my brother’s performance.

6. Ambar:Do you have any plans next month?

Bastian :Definitely! … Would you like to come with me?
Ambar: Thanks but I don’t like fishing.
A. My family and I are going to spend our holiday in Bali.
B. I am planning to have a birthday party for my brother.
C. I’m thinking of fishing in the river near my house.
D. I have made a plan with my father to go hiking.

7. Ariel : Hai.., I am Noah Ananta, What is ……. Name?

Noa : I am Ariel.
Ariel : Where do you live?
Noa : I live …. Medan
A. Their, at C. Your, in
B. Her , at D. Your, on

8. Sari : Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

Vivi : No, I don`t have any plans for tomorrow. How about you?
Sari : …
Vivi : Wow, that sounds exciting. May I join you?
Sari : Okay, we`ll have fun together
A. I won`t go to the market.
B. I am going to the hospital.
C. I won`t go anywhere.
D. I am going to go to the beach.

9. Hannah : I like your blue eyes. They make you look like a movie star.
Steve :…
A. Don’t mention it. I will buy you one.
B. Maybe I need to use my blue eyes now.
C. That’s ok. I know that my blue eyes are amazing.
D. Thank you. That’s really nice compliment.
10. Sandi : Hi, Wawan. …….?
Wawan : I am so happy. How about you?
Sandi : I have a toothache. I want to go to the dentist now.
Wawan : I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you will get better soon.
Sandi : Thanks.
A. How is your family?
B. How old are you?
C. How is everything?
D. How about you?
11. Martha : “Ratna, I heard you got a scholarship from a prominent university. …”
Ratna    : “Thank you, I’m so happy about it.”
a. Please accept my condolences.
b. I’m proud of your sister.
c. You must be very upset.
d. Congratulations! I’m proud of you.
12. Cindy : “Mom, I’ve got the scholarship”.
Mother : “Congratulations! ….”
A. I’m so proud of you. C. Happy birthday
B. That’s a pity. D. That’s so sweet

II. Choose the correct answer for the questions below based on the dialog given

13. Questions 13 refers to the following dialog.

Hena : Wow, you look so different today, have you had a new hair cut?
Sobi : Yeah, what do you think?
Hena : It looks good on you.

What does Hena imply?

A. The new hair cut suit Sobi. C. The new hair cut is good.
B. Sobi looks very handsome. D. Sobi does not need a hair cut

14. Questions 14 refers to the following dialog.

Man : I’m going to back to school.

Woman : Really? What will you study?
Man : I’m going to take a business degree so that I can get a better job.

Why does the man want to go back to school?

A. To get a better job. C. To improve his English
B. To qualify for a visa. D. To impress his employer
15. Questions 15 refers to the following dialog.

Saskia : How about going out for dinner tonight?

Ayu : Sounds good, you choose the place.
Saskia : I heard there’s a new seafood restaurant down town.
Ayu : Well, we need to try it then.

What will they probably do tonight?

A. Go to down café C. Go to a movie.
B. Have a seafood dinner D. Visit relatives.

16. Questions 16 refers to the following dialog.

Danny : Hey, Serena. I was wondering; what do you do during the day?
Serena : Well, on weekdays I usually get up at ten. I get on the internet or read the paper
for two hours. Then eat lunch around noon. If I have time, I will go shopping at the
Danny : When do you go to work?
Serena : I catch a bus at seven-fifteen in the morning, and I get to the office about forty-five
minutes later.
Danny : And what time do you come back?
Serena : Uh, I get home pretty late, usually after one in the morning.

What does the dialog talk about?

A. It tells about their activity.
B. It tells about Serena’s activity.
C. It tells about Danny’s activity.
D. It tells about the reporter’s activity.

17. Questions 17 refers to the following dialog!

Interviewer : Thank you for taking some time off from your busy schedule to answer a few
questions about your life!
Tom : It’s my pleasure.
Interviewer : Could you tell us about an average day in your life?
Tom : Sure, I get up early, at 7 in the morning. Then I have breakfast. After breakfast, I go
to the gym.
Interviewer : What do you do in the afternoon?
Tom : First, I have lunch, then I go to the studio and shoot some scenes.
Interviewer : By the way, what is your new film?
What does Tom actually do?
A. He is a guide C. He is an actor.
B. He is a play writer. D. He is a singer.

18. Questions 18 refers to the following dialog.

Rara : I really love these little cakes. I have ordered 24 of them.

Ery : So you are planning to serve two to each guest.
Rara : Well, no. There will be just 12 people for dinner, but I expect another
12 to show up for dessert.

From the above dialog, we can infer that …

A. Rara expects 12 extra guests.
B. Rara invites less than 12 people.
C. Ery helps Rara to order little cakes.
D. None of them will order something to dessert.

19. Questions 19 refers to the following dialog.

Peter : What do your responsibilities include?

Rendra : I’m responsible for systems administration and in-house programming.
Peter : Do you also provide information on a need-to-know basis for employees?
Rendra : Of course. I have to develop special program for my company in order to
get information easily.

From the above dialog, we can conclude that …

A. Rendra is a computer programmer.
B. Peter knows everything about Rendra’s job.
C. Rendra will help Peter to look for a better job.
D. Peter will get a job at the same company with Rendra.

20. Questions 20 refers to the following dialog.

Bella : There will be two days off next week. Do you have any plan?
Sahrini : How about going to KondangMerak? I think it will be interesting.
Bella : Sounds good. We can build our sand palace and look for some

Where will Fandi and Irvan probably do next week?

A. They are going to the mountain.
B. They will go to the beach.
C. They would stay at home.
D. They plan to go to their friends’ house.

21. Questions 21 refers to the following dialog.

Mariana : "What are you doing tomorrow?"
John : "Nothing really."
Mariana : "Let's watch a movie or something."
John : "What's on these days?"
Mariana : "I think they're playing Lord of the Rings"
John : "That sounds pretty good. Let's watch that."
What are they talking about?
A. Their watch C. Class schedule
B. Mariana’s ring D. intention

22. Questions 22 refers to the following dialog.

Justine : Wow! You have done your best, Hardi. You win the competition.
Congratulation on your success.
Hardi : Thanks, Justine. You always support me.

From the above dialog, we can conclude that …

A. Justine wants to help Hardi. C. Hardi won the competition
B. Hardi failed the competition. D. They know each other well

III. Choose the correct answer for the questions below based on the text given

Questions 23 to 25 refers to the following text.

Hi there! I’m Cindy and I’m 17 years old, from Nevada, the United States. I like
to read and write, Mark Twain is one of my favorites. I like poetry and I have a
somewhat unhealthy obsession with music. I like alternative, rock, and pop. Arctic
Monkeys and One Republic are two of my favorites. My favorite color is green. I
have a big family and I love eating.
I’m looking to write to anybody. I don’t care where you’re from, as long as
you’re between the ages of 16 to 20. I tend to write a lot though. So, if you are
interested, shoot me an email here: .

23. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To find a writer
B. To find a friend
C. To meet relatives
D. To attract musicians

24. What does the word “shoot” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Kill C. Reject
B. Send D. Contact

25. How can we communicate with Cindy?

A. By calling her mobile phone C. By postcard
B. By sending mails D. By email
Questions 26 to 268 refers to the following text.
23 September

Ahmad Haddaq
Board of Directors
BBADT Company

Dear Mr. Haddaq,

It is with great pride and joy that we extend our congratulations on the 25 th
anniversary of the association.
Since its inception in1984, the BBADT has continued to flourish under the various
presidents and boards of directors.
We wish you and your board of directors continuing success in your future


Hassan Salim
CEO Kencana Group

26. Why did Mr. Salim congratulate Mr. Haddaq?

A. Mr. Haddaq celebrated his birthday.
B. Mr. Haddaq celebrated his business success.
C. Mr. Haddaq celebrated his wedding anniversary.
D. Mr. Haddaq celebrated his company’s anniversary.

27. “Since its inception in 1984, ..”

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Bankruptcy C. Crisis
B. Establishment D. Cooperation

28. From the text above, we can conclude that…

A. Mr. Haddaq lost his company.
B. Mr. Haddaq is director of Kencana Group.
C. Mr. Hassan is a business partner of Mr. Haddaq.
D. Mr. Hassan has never sent a letter to Mr. Haddaq.

Questions 29 to 30 refers to the following text.

There will be a holiday camp next month. All scouts must join this camp.
The activities will take place at Green Village camping site and last for a week. It
will be held on December.
For further information, please contact Mr. Andre on 081255999966.

29. When does this announcement probably inform?

A. September C. November
B. October D. December

30. How to join this activity?

A. At Green Village Camping site C. For a week
B. Contact Mr.Andre D. Send a letter

Questions 31 to 32 refers to the following text.

A one – hour drive from my house is the most beautiful area in the south of New
Zealand. It is called “The Green Park”. People from different parts of New Zealand and
different countries often come here on holiday.
The Green Park is a very large area of natural forest and there are a lot of animals
that live there. Horses and donkeys walk everywhere and sometimes you can even see deer,
cows and ducks crossing the road.
What I like about The Green Park is that the colors of the forest change during the
year. In autumn, the leaves are red and gold and in the spring everything is purple and
different shades of green. The trees are always colorful and different.
Tourists often prefer to go to the small villages in The Green Park with pretty
houses to stay in and traditional restaurants to dine in. Visitors are not allowed to camp in
any part of the Green Park. I love to walk along the river, because there you can see the true
heart of the forest.

31. What does the third paragraph tell us

A. The Green Park in spring.
B. The Green Park in autumn.
C. The colors of trees in The Green Park.
D. The different kinds of trees in The Green Park

32. How can the visitor enjoy the true heart of the forest?
A. By camping in the forest.
B. By walking along the river.
C. By staying in the pretty houses.
D. By dining in a traditional restaurant.
IV. Choose the appropriate word or phrase to complete the text

Along with this text message is my applause and (33)…. for the wonderful job
you have done today and the days beforehand.

Keep up the good work!

33. A. Gratitude C. Graduation

B.Congratulate D. Congratulation

My house is a two-stories-tall. It is ( 34)… light blue and has four windows at the
front. It has a garden. There is a pond in the garden. A large oak tree stands beside the
My house is neat and clean that you think whoever ( 35 ) … inside must fell like
they are in a small palace. A large oak tree that stands beside the house keeps the air ( 36 )
34. A. Paint C. Painted
B. Painting D. Was panted

35. A. Lives B. Leaves

C. Builds D. Increases

36. A. Hot B. Cold

C. Sweat D. Cool

There will be a school trip to Indrayanti Beach ( 37 ) … 30 th January. Please be ready at

07.30 a.m. We will have swimming activities, games, volley ball, and lunch at the seashore.
In the afternoon, we will walk along the beach and ( 38 ) … the boat festival. Contact Vanya
at 081 324 3400 17 for further information.

37. A. at B. In
C. on D. Of

38. A. Watch C. jump

B. Look for D. run away

My name's Julia, and I am 27 years old. I ( 39 )…. in London but I’m German. I live
with my family and we are very happy. I work in a bank and I love my job.From Monday to
Friday, my day (40) …..very early. I always get up at 6:30 and I have a 20-minute shower.
Then, I (41) … dressed and comb my hair. At 07:00 a.m. I have breakfast. I usually have
coffee and cereal. After that, I put on my make up and go to work.
At 10:00 a.m., I (42) … have a snack and at 12:00 I usually have lunch at the office
with my colleagues. They are wonderful people who have a good sense of humor, and they
are good friends too. At 3:30 I have a snack again, I usually have some tea and biscuits.

39. A. Live C. Life

B.Come D. Came

40. A. finishes C. starts

B. ends D. enters
41. A. get C. use
B. wear D. put on

42. A. sometimes C. never

B. rarely D. ever

This conversation is for questions no. 41-43

Putri : “Happy Birthday, Dita.”
Dita : “Thanks.”
Putri : “(43) ….”
Dita : “thank you for saying so. You look beautiful with that dress, Putri.”
Putri : “Thanks. Look, Echa is coming! (44) …”
Dita : “She Looks so cute with her new haircut.”
Putri : “Yes, you’re right.”
Echa : “Hi, Dita. Happy birthday to you.”
Dita : “Thank you so much. And I’d like to (45) … You on winning the first prize of the photography
Echa : “Never mind.”
Putri : “I think You’re a genius.”
Echa : “Oh, thank you.”
Dita : “Anyway, let’s (46)….. the party!”

43. A. Is it your red dress?

B. You look charming in that red dress.
C. The dress doesn’t suit you.
D. You don’t look cute with the red dress

44. A. She is so pretty.

B. She is so ordinary.
C. Is it really her?
D. She looks awkward.

45. A. welcome
B. gratitude
C. congratulate
D. thank

46. A. Come C. Go
B. Try D. Start
These geological wonders (47)… Ciletuh one of the best destination, especially in Sukabumi.
CurugCimarinjung and CurugKanteh are examples of ( 48 ) … waterfalls that are two be
foundthere. Both of the waterfalls ( 49 ) … the same perfect view that make you feel you are
in a wonderful adventure. Ciletuh can also be a suitable place for painters or photographers
to give them ( 50 ) ... . They cannot stay only a day to enjoy all these wonderful places.

47. A. Make C. Made

B. Making D. Makes

48 A. beauty C. beautiful
B. beatify D. beautifully

49. A. offer C. offered

B. offers D. to offer

50. A. Inspirate C. Inspiratedly

B. Inspirated D. Inspiration


No.51 – 51 Translate the sentences below into English !

51. Lihat anak – anak laki-laki itu ! Mereka sedang bermain sepak bola di desa mereka.
52. Buku ini kepunyaanmu, kamu lupa mengambilnnya di meja saya.

Nindy : Hi, Sani, long time no see, What are you doing?
Sani : I’m cleaning the class.The tables are not organized well.
Nindy : Thank you for your effort, Sani
Sani : It’s all right, I bought some cakes.Would you like some?
Nindy : Sure, It’s looks so tasty, Thanks a lot, Sani
Sani : Don’t mention it. I made it myself this morning.
Nindy : By the way, I have something for you
Sani : Really? What is it?
Nindy : It is souvenir. I visited Palembang lat week. This is for you
Sani : What a nice cloth it is. It is a songket cloth, right? I’am so grateful for this
Nindy : You’re welcome. I am happy that youlike this souvenir
Sani : Yes, I am realyy happy. Thank you so much
For questions number 53-55, Based on the Dialogue above!

53. What is the relationship between Nindy and Sani?

54. Why is Nindy cleaning the class?
55. Mention the expression of gratitude in the dialogue!

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