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The degress the next Topic in understanding the cells is the psychological view
of the self. First of all, what is psychology? Psychology is the scientific study of
how people behave think and feel psychologists study, everything about The
Human Experience from the basic workings of the human brain to
Consciousness, memory, reasoning
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language to personality and mental health, A perspective in Psychology that
emphasizes looking at the whole person and theuniqueness of each individual
is called humanistic psychology, humanistic psychology begins with the
existential assumptions that people are motivated toachieve their potential
and self-actualize.
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The origins of humanistic psychology can be traced as far back as the Middle
Ages when the philosophy of humanism was born. Humanism is a philosophy
that stresses the importance of human factors rather than looking at religious
Divine or spiritual matters. Humanism is rooted in theidea that people have an
ethical responsibility to lead lives that are personally fulfilling? But at the same
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contributing to the greater good for all people. It proposes that people can
resolve problems through the use of science. And reason whether more it
faucets that every person has to work and the right to achieve self realization
to reason and rational thought Two of the most influential humanistic
psychologists are Louis and Rogers and we will examine their contributions to
the field shortly.
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Let's start first with Louis, Louis had expanded on the term called self concept,
which refers to how someone thinks about evaluates owner receives
themselves to be aware of oneself, is to have a self concept. The self-concept
is an important term for both
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social and humanistic psychology. Lewis suggested that the development of
one's self concept has two aspects. The existential self and the category about
self. The existential self is the most basic part of the self concept. It is one's
sense of being separate and distinct from others and the awareness of the
constancy of the cell.
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This is when the child realizes that they exist as aseparate entity from others
and that they continue to exist over time and space. According to Lewis
awareness of the existential self begins as young as two to three months old
and arises in part due to the relation. The child has with the world, for
example, when the child smiles and someone smells bad
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or the child touches a mobile and sees it Moon. Having realized that he or she
exists as a separate experiencing being the child next becomes aware that he
or she is also an object in the world which is referred to as the category of
myself. What does other objects including people have properties? That can
be experienced
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property, such as raw, orange red, light weight, and so on. So the child is
becoming aware of himself or herself as an object which can be experienced
and has properties as well. The cells can be put into categories,
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like age gender size or scale. Two of the first category, is to be applied or each
and gender. When she says, I am a girl. In early childhood, the categories
children apply to themselves are very concrete for example, their hair color
type and their favorite things Lieber. Their self-description begins to include
reference to their internal psychological treats
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by written evaluations and how others see them. Another humanistic
psychologist is Carl Rogers, who believes that? The self concept has three
different components
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Mimi's of image, which is the view you have of yourself self esteem, which is
how much you value, you place on yourself and ideal self, which is what you
wish you will really like. Self-image is how we see ourselves.
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This does not necessarily have to reflect reality. Indeed a person with anorexia,
who is thin. We have a self image in which the person believes they are fat
Aperson's self image is affected by many factors such as parental, influence
friends and themedia among others.
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Who investigated the self image by using the 20 statements test. He asked
people to answer the question, who am I in 20 different ways? He found that
the responses could be divided into two major groups the summer social rules
which are external or objective aspects of oneself such as Sun feature, our
friend, And the second category are personality traits
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that are internal or affective aspects of oneself for example, being regardless
impatient or humorous. Typically your people describe themselves more in
terms of personal traits, whereas older people feel different to agreater extent
by their social rules.
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Carl Rogers. Second component of the self-concept is self-esteem, also
known, as self worth this refers, to the extent, to which we like, accept or
approve of ourselves. It also means how much we value ourselves self-esteem
always involves a degree of evaluation, and we may have either apositive or A
negative view of Who We Are. Having low self-esteem, usually leads to
decrease confidence levels,
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a whim to be like or look like someone else. Being Superior me, a pleaser of
other people and pessimism, On the contrary individuals with high self-
esteem, develop high confidence will themselves, a huge degree of self
acceptance tolerance to what other people think of them and optimism. It
would be unfair to compare people with high self-esteem from low self-
esteem, because every individual person has gotten through different
situations that that led them to what they are at present self concept added
should suffice team and all nonetheless, the knowledge of the two terms self-
concept and self-esteem will help end theindividual into developing a sturdier
more adaptive.
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Before his or her own booth.
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If once enemy is his or her low self-esteem through a developing his, or her
personality, one may overcome, its loose, and give way to an enlightened and
more evolved Outlook in life. On the other hand, if once enemy is his or her
blue that self-esteem and self-concept, he or she would know to keep
grounded for him or her to keep learning and ruined a better more actualize
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Comparing people is not pleasantly fair but for some it actually works the
propel them and sadly for others. It discourages them further down
personality is too complex to be given an absolute solution or formula, that is
why it is focused on applicable to your knees. So which method applies to you
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Carl Rogers. Last component of one's self concept is called the ideal self which
refers to what you would like to be. The Venn diagram here, represents the
relationship of all the components of the self concept. If there is amismatch
between, how you see yourself, that is your self-image. And what you'd like to
be, which is your ideal self, then this is likely to affect how much you value
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Namely your self-esteem. Therefore, according to Rogers, there is an intimate
relationship between your self-image. Your ideal self, and your self-esteem. A
person's ideal self may not be consistent with what actually happens in the life
and experiences of the person. Hence, a difference may exist between a
person's ideal self and self image. This is called in congruence.
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Where a person's ideal self and self image are consistent for very similar. A
state of congruence exists, rarely does atotal state of congruence exists. Since
all people experience, a certain amount of influence The development of
congruence is dependent on unconditional positive regard, Rogers believed
that for aperson to achieve self-actualization.
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They must be in a state of congruence. Now, let's proceed to the next section
of this video lecture, which is the socio-cultural theory by Lev vygotsky. Social
cultural theory is an emerging theory in Psychology. That looks at the
important contributions that society makes to individual development.
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This Theory, stresses the interaction between people and the culture in which
they live, it also suggests that umin learning is largely a social process. So let
me got ski is a Russian social psychologist, who developed atheory about
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we got skin live during the totalitarian regime of Joseph, Stalin and died,
prematurely at the age of 38, Jutsu tuberculosis His words were just recently
been recognized by behavioral scientists worldwide. He believed that social
interaction. Please a critical role
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in children's learning. We got skin with that. That culture, profoundly
influences this process. Imitation, guided learning and Collaborative, Learning
all play a critical part in his theory. In we got skis view, children's cognitive
development needs to be supported by a competent adults within a particular
social cultural context. He believed that parents
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caregivers ears and the culture at large me responsible for developing higher
order functions. According to be God's e-learning has its basis in interacting
with other people. Once this has occurred, the information is then integrated
on the individual level.
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according to be good ski every function in the child's cultural development,
appears Twice, first, on the social level or a psychological and later on the
individual level or intra psychological We got see, second premise is known as
the zone of proximal development or Ze D. This refers to how a child develops
potential for learning with thehelp of experimenters
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as compared to what the child already knows. Thus the child's development
with the help of a skilled and competent. Adult is enhanced and his potential
bruise So in the illustration here, the blue area is what the child can learn on
his or her own. The bigger Circle that surrounds. The blue area is the zpd or
zone of proximal development. This is the area of what the child can only
learn with thehelp of other knowledgeable, people
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make their parents teachers or peers, including the use of technology and
other tools that Aid learning. Next psychological theory. When it comes to
understanding oneself is the self discrepancy, theory developed by
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psychologists story Higgins. According to Higgins, we all have three
simultaneous songs. As you learned about each one, consider how each
contributes their own self concept. Our first cell is our actual selves which is
simply only think we are right now.
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It includes both are good and bad qualities as well as the qualities we think
other people see in us the actual self is fully or currently as if someone took a
snapshot of our evolving lives, a meaningful, actual self can acknowledge our
strengths and admit our weaknesses. He gets all the sizes that we also have an
ideal self, which is the first one, we would like to become in the future.
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This is comparable to Carl, Rogers ideal self. The ideal self. In the South
discrepancy Theory includes enhancing or adding positive qualities. That we
don't think are maximized in the actual self and it means eliminating or at
least reducing negative qualities. We have right now. Our ideal self is our
dreams and goals. The person we strive to become importantly, our ideal self
is truly based on what you want.
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Even, if that means secret desires, we've never been able to admit to anyone
else. If you could, for example, have any job in the world or look acertain way,
or a live, a particular lifestyle, what would it be? In contrast with the ideal
selves, our ought self is what we think other people expect thehorse. The odds
of is based on our perception of what our social World Hoops for us.
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Perhaps what our parents want us to be what our friends believe, would be
good for us or even what our culture tells us is proper and correct. The art self
May influence how we dress for example, because we know what is expected
of us. Interestingly, our ought self-made change, based on whom our
reference is, for example. What do you think your parents expect? The same
might be very different from what you think, a first date expects of you,
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He can suggest that not only do we have to juggle these three simultaneous
Elms, but we also have to deal with times when the cells don't match up. He
refers to the mismatch between our three selves as self discrepancy.
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How do you feel when your actual self does not match your ideal self? Are
these emotions? Different from Medusa experience, when your actual self
does not match your old self are discrepancies, have predictable
consequences, but he gives explored in research. He found that when the
actual self and the ideal self don't match. In other words, when we don't live
up to our own ideas or may fail to achieve our dreams,
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We will experience the ejection really that emotions such as disappointment.
Shame embarrassment, and possibly even depression, On the other hand,
sometimes our actual selves doesn't match our old self. When this happens we
all feel that we haven't lived up to others expectations. And that kind of
failure, produces agitation related, emotions
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such as the Earth, fear self-condemned and anxiety. If we fail to meet our
parents or our society's expectations of us, indeed, it will lead to negative
feelings. some people even become depressed to the point of taking their life
if they feel their parents expectations, But remember that the child's parents
were devastated, not because their child three of them but
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because their child is not in their life anymore. Always remember that your
parents love for you is unconditional, meaning. It has no conditions. Even if
you don't meet their expectations, what matters is you? Did your very best.
Leaving just want the best for you, but your life is more precious than your
grade point. Average. So may not feel that way, but it's the truth. That is why
good communication is essential
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in every relationship. In addition, no parent is perfect. So we should take
advantage of the resources available to us especially where we can see.
Experts worry about it with when it comes to family problems. Family therapy
is always a viable option. When problems can be resolved within the family,
you should always seek to take care of our mental health and our relationships
that areaffected.
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That's why you should remove the stigma when it comes to those kinds of
issues and seek the proper Health necessary for own Sikhs and their loved
ones too. When apsychological theory that we're going to delve into today is
the social comparison Theory by Leon festinger. An American social
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Social comparison theory proposes that we use social comparisons to
construct ourselves concept, especially when we have no other objective
standards available to us, how do you know if you are shy competitive, Rich
anxious or anything else? These subjective ideas only become meaningful in
comparison to others.
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For example, in your previous School, you might consider yourself one of the
smartest in the batch. But when you enter the highly competitive and
prestigious University, such as bup or up' where everyone is diligent and have
high grades, the social comparison can deliver some form of shock to your
previously contented self-concept at the basic level. There are two types of
social comparisons
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we can be When we make an upward social comparison, We compare
ourselves to someone who is better than us. This type of comparison can be
useful when you want toimprove on a particular skill. Most people who like to
watch cooking shows with celebrity chefs. Enjoy getting tips on how to make
their own food taste or look better.
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The same is true for people who get ideas about their favorite hobbies from
YouTube or when athletes learn from coaches. However, constantly comparing
ourselves to people who have excelled can lead to frustration or even
depression. Why can't my cakes look as good as the ones on the internet? On
the contrary the downward social comparison of purse. When we compare
ourselves to someone who is worse than we are,
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this might not help us improve but it sure feels better. My cakes might not win
any cake reality show. Contests sure. But it's better than the keep my daughter
cry to me, for example. My tennis skills aren't on a professional level maybe.
But I'm better than the guy in the port who can't hit asingle ball over the net.
There are positive and negative aspects in each type of social comparison.
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The positive side of the downward social comparison, where we compare
ourselves to people who are in a worse condition than us, is that it helps us
see ourselves in a better light. It is good in some situations where you become
grateful for the blessings that you have. Especially when you see others who
lack the things that you possess if becomes negative. If you look down on
others and you think, you are far better and deserve better things because you
think you are more
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OrSuperior than people. That is a very self-centered and unhealthy way of
looking at things which can be characteristics of narcissism. On theother hand,
when it comes to the upward social comparison, the advantage of that is, it
may Inspire us to be like the people. We compare ourselves to as and
motivate us, to be better than we are at present. It becomes negative, is me,
become envious of those people.
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And we feel much inferior to them and be full of self-pity because of it. This
mindset has become rampant at this age of social media. Where we compare
ourselves and our circumstances with that of others, We asked ourselves. Why
haven't I achieve that this age unlike her or why is his life better than mine and
so on the questions and comparisons are endless
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and it just needs one miserable and discontent, but you should remember.
People often just post positive things about them on the Internet and verily
about the negative parts of their life. Just like in the Apple in this image it says
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this is social media friends. Don't compare your life to anyone elses. You can
see the whole Apple. You don't know everything that goes on in aperson's life
for all. You know, that person may have more problems than you and you are
miserable and being his or her life. That's why being grateful for what one has
and just being happy for others is a much healthier mindset.
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Life is not a race where you have to impress others so you can feel Superior
and feel better about yourself because of him. Life is not a competition. As I've
said before, that is a very self-centered view. You can do your best without
wishing for others to feel Ahealthier mentality may be to compare yourself to
who you were in the past. What's there at Improvement?
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You should also learn to care for others and be happy for their achievements
and also to appreciate what you currently have for all. You know a lot of
people might want the life you have now. So what's the point of living? If you
don't enjoy the life that you have I remember a quote, which says your life is
only as good as your mindset. Your life is only as good as your mindset.
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What does that mean? Happiness is not really based on what you have but it's
based on your perspective, is there for this, okay. So how come there are rich
people who are still unhappy and miserable, even if they materially have
everything life has to offer. But there are many people who are less fortunate
than us who are full of joy and contentment
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maybe it's their mindset. Don't you think so? I remember this statement by
Rollo contentment does not mean that I desire nothing but rather it's the
simple decision to be happy with what I have.
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