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Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

Time Allocated: 20 minutes

PART 1: LISTENING (30 points)

Listen and choose the best option A, B or C to answer questions 1-5. You will listen

1. What benefit does an usher have? 4. What can be the most difficult part
A. Seeing plays and movies without of being an usher?
having to pay. A. Asking people to wait in line for
B. Sitting in an aisle seat when tired. tickets.
C. Doing an easy but well-paid job. B. Keeping the audience quiet.
C. Standing at the entrance to the
2. According to Peter Sullivan, he auditorium.
could be fired for:
A. not smiling at the audience. 5. What happened to Xavier Marcos
B. not standing during working hours. last night?
C. not keeping the audience quiet. A. He couldn’t stop a man from talking
aloud during a performance.
3. What is NOT an usher’s B. Some people in the audience were
responsibility? angry with him.
A. Standing all the time. C. He could do nothing at work.
B. Showing the audience their seats.
C. Acting in a play.

PART 2: GRAMMAR (30 points)

Choose the correct answer A, B or C to complete the following questions 1-10.

1. I don’t expect him -------------- me the full folder; I just need a few files.
A. send B. to send C. sending
2. Don’t forget -------------- off the lights before you leave!
A. turn B. to turn C. turning
3. Where can you put “often” in the following sentence? In place (1), (2) or (3)?
People (1) don’t (2) see her (3) coming to office early in the morning.
A. (3) B. (1) C. (2)
4. If you move to London, you’ll have to get used to -------------- on the left.
A. driving B. drive C. to drive
5. Yesterday Mary saw her old friend Nick in the supermarket so she stopped ----------
---- with him.
A. to chat B. chatting C. chat


6. Nam tried -------------- the coffee maker at his office but it seemed he preferred to
make coffee on his own.
A. to use B. use C. using
7. Where can you put “always” in the following sentence? In place (1), (2) or (3)?
Does (1) she (2) put on sun-cream (3) before going out?
A. (1) B. (2) C. (3)
8. -------------- flowers is not so difficult if you really wants to learn it.
A. To arrange B. Arrange C. Arranging
9. It was surprising -------------- a large number of that product being sold out even at
such a high price.
A. to see B. seeing C. see
10. When Giang was small, she used -------------- her bike to school.
A. riding B. ride C. to ride

PART 3: VOCABULARY (40 points)

Complete sentences 1-10 with ONE word whose initial has been given. There is one
space for each other letter in the word.

1. Dentists always advise us to b _ _ _ _ our teeth at least twice a day.

2. The nurse has taken his t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and found out that he is having a
3. They’re having an a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the new play tonight. Let’s go and see it.
4. They decided to o _ _ _ _ _ _ on him to have his appendix out.
5. When the c _ _ _ _ _ _ went up, the audience saw a beautiful mermaid lying on
the seashore.
6. He’s got a p _ _ _ in his back so he needs to lie down.
7. Brad Pitt played the p _ _ _ of an unfaithful spy in the new action film.
8. Remember to take this p _ _ _ twice a day before meals.
9. She is very proud of her little daughter who is going to play the violin in the
national o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
10. People in the a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ started to cheer loudly when they saw Angelina
Jolie on the stage.

-- THE END --


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