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Name : Nadiya Safitri

NIM : E1D019222
Class : B.inggris(G)
MK : Vocabulary Building
Exercise 1
1. Add some information to the following forms below.

1) Trainer 6) L a d y b i r d s
-Bound morpheme - A c om p o u n d of f r e e m o r p he m e
-Is a person who -Types of small animal.
trains people or animals
-It’s a suffix from the word 7)Preoccupation
‘train’ -The root word is ‘occupy’
-Bound morpheme
2) Trainee -The prefix is ‘pre’ and the suffix is
-Bound morpheme ‘tion’
-A person who training for a
particular job or profession 8) Enl ar gem e nt
-It’s a suffix from the word ‘train’ - The a c ti on
- The r oot wor d is ‘l ar ge ’
3)Training - Bound mor phem e
-Bound morpheme - The pr ef i x is ‘ e n’ a nd t he s uf fi x is
-The action of teaching animal or ‘m e nt ’
person in some skill
-Train is the root word of training 9) B o y i s h
-A characteristic of a male child
4) T a l k -Bound morpheme
-The root word -The root word is ‘boy’
-Free morpheme
10) Discontinue
5) Tal ke d -The root word is ‘continue’
- It ’ s a s uf fi x fr om t he wor d ‘t al k’ -Bound morpheme
- Bound mor phem e -The prefix is ‘dis’
- The s uff i x is ‘ e d’

2. Identify the words from the bound morphemes below (the first letter of the free morpheme are
1. Painter 11. Laotian
2. Payee 12. Ventriloquist
3. Attractive 13. Capitalism
4. Commercial 14. Depravity
5. Assignment 15. Happily
6. Waggish 16. Generous
7. Oaken 17. Hairy
8. Ambition 18. Intellectual
9. Absorption 19. Navigator
10. Eagerness 20. Generally

3. Divide the following words into free morphemes

1)inactively 11) unhappiness

2)uninterrupted 12) unwillingness
3)prearrangement 13) disability
and the bound morphemes. At last, using your dictionary, find the Indonesian equivalents of
each word.

Free morphemes Bound morphemes Indonesian equivalents

1. Active 1. inactively 1. tidak aktif

2. Interrupt 2. uninterrupted 2. tidak terputus
3. Arrange 3. prearrangement 3. pengaturan sebelumnya
4. Entangle 4. disentangled 4. diurai
5. Fulfill misleading 5. pemenuhan
6. Annoying 5. fulfillment 6. menjengkelkan
7. Construct 6. annoyingly 7. konstruksi
8. Success 7. construction 8. tidak berhasil
9. Consider 8. unsuccessfully 9. pertimbangan ulang
10. Department 9. reconsideration 10. antar departemen
11. Happy 10. interdepartmental 11. ketidakbahagiaan
12. Willing 11.unhappiness 12. keengganan
13. Able 12.unwillingness 13. kecacatan
14. Lead 13.disability 14. menyesatkan
15. Polite 14.misleading 15. ketidaksopanan
16. Logic 15.impoliteness 16. tidak logis
17. Pay 16.illogical 17. pembayaran di muka
18. Break 17.forepayment 18. tidak bisa dipecahkan
19. Employ 18.unbreakable 19. pengangguran
20. Frightful 19.unemployment 20. ketakutan
4. Fill in the blank with the appropriate from of the words provided.

1)Anita's father is proud of her. She has done her study successful
(unsuccessfully; successful; successfully; success)
2)Jufri is running out of money. He has been unemployed since two weeks ago.
(employed; unemployed; employment; unemployment)
3)Their unhappiness was due to the fact that they did not passed the exam. They wished to
have success. (happy; unhappy; happiness; unhappiness)
4)Sembalun is a long way from here, have you considered how to get there?
(consider; considering; reconsider; considered)
5)She felt annoyed when all her children refused to go home from school.
(annoyed; annoying; annoyingly; annoys)
6)Bobby is a careless biker. He has had three accidents this month.
(careful; careless; carefully; carelessly)
7)It is undeniable that studying at the university takes a lot of time, energy, and money.
(undeniable; deniable; denied; undeniably)
8)On this very hot day the sea was irresistible
(irresistibly; resistible; resistless; irresistible)
9)Being lazy student, Edi has a strong objection to get up early.
(objection; objective; objectivity; objectively)
10) Don’t endanger yourself by swimming in the open sea if you can’t swim well.
(danger; dangerous; endanger; dangerously)

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