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Madison Ansari

Dr. Sharity Nelson

ENGL 1302

28 October 2022

Humans are a main cause to climate change (fix)



Since the Industrial revolution, the rise in global temperatures has begun to increase concern in
humans. The activity from humans has increased global temperatures which then influences the
changing climate (Burger). The increase in temperature comes from fossil fuels, which are natural fuels
created by the remains of biological organisms from the past (Overland). When these fuels are burned,
they release gases. These gases, considered greenhouse gases, warm the atmosphere which causes the
climate to change. The rise in these gases is due to human activity. Which leads to the question: How
have humans contributed to climate change? Some humans and businesses add more to the change
then others. Corporations that make a profit off fossil fuels must hold themselves accountable for their
contributions to climate change. The use of fossil fuels should be limited because the use of them is
killing our planet.


Fossil fuel levels are declining

Fossil fuel levels are declining because of the overuse from humans. Like mentioned, fossil fuels
are natural fuels made by the remnants of biological organisms from the past, like oil and gas. Humans
use these fuels to drive cars, fly airplanes, turn on their stove, etc. Humans are overusing fossil fuels
which is causing an increase in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Before humans started using fossil
fuels the greenhouse gas levels were at a low level (citation). Once humans started their use of fossil
fuels, the emission they produced has caused a rise in the greenhouse gas levels.

(Fix)The fossil fuel levels are declining because of human dependency on them. They are important
for transportation, heat, and livelihoods. Many people profit off the use of fossil fuels, so many
corporations and firms will continue to use them until there are none left. All oil and gas companies will
continue to use fossil fuels because that is where they profit from. Car dealers and dealerships will
continue to use and support fossil fuels until they can be fully electrically dependent. Since majority of
their profit comes from selling cars that use fossil fuels, there is always that underlying want to keep
using fossil fuels.

Humans can preserve fossil fuels by using more ecofriendly measures of transportation. Instead of
driving a car, they can bike, or ride a community mode of transportation. Humans can also utilize
renewable energy sources like solar, water, and wind power.

Humans have influenced global temperatures

Topic sentence two (Humans have influenced global temperatures)

Global temperatures have slowly been rising since humans have started existing on earth. In the most
recent decades, more frequently. The probabilities for extreme weather events have been changed due
to human activity (Sun). These extreme weather events can include extreme heat events, droughts, and
heavy precipitation events. The activities that contribute to climate change include industrial creation,
use of gas appliances, driving cars and so on. All these activities influence the amount of greenhouse
gasses allowed into the atmosphere.

Scholar Sun mentioned that the average global temperature has increased by about 1 degree Celsius (2).

Topic sentence three (Corporations should limit their fossil fuel sale)

 Evidence, explanation (can’t just magically get fossil fuel back

Fossil fuels are millions of years old; humans can’t just magically create more.

 Evidence explanation (Talk about if there is a way to cool the planet/how long)
 Evidence explanation (Habitats that are gone because of climate change)

Topic sentence four (Climate change contributions)

 Evidence, explanation
 Evidence explanation
 Evidence explanation


Insert reverse formation of topic sentence here (point because reason, or reason therefore point)

Humans are destroying the earth because they can’t limit their use of fossil fuels.

This means that humans are basically killing themselves because they are killing the planet they live on.

Describe implications of conclusion here

Scholars and everyone in the world can see this to understand their impact on climate change and how
they can do their part in slowing the change.

Burger, Michael, and Jessica Wentz. “Holding Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Their
Contribution to Climate Change: Where Does the Law Stand?” Bulletin of the atomic scientists 74.6
(2018): 397–403. Web.

Overland, Indra, et al. “Are Renewable Energy Resources More Evenly Distributed than Fossil
Fuels?” Renewable Energy, 25 Sept. 2022,, 10.1016/j.renene.2022.09.046.
Accessed 2 Oct. 2022

Sun, Ying et al. “Understanding Human Influence on Climate Change in China.” National science
review 9.3 (2022): nwab113–nwab113. Web

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