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Carbon dating: watch us predict your death

Using radioactivity principles, we have managed to bridge the gap
between past and present with state-of-the-art technology. By
observing the decay of carbon -14 we can predict with extreme
accuracy the period of death of anything. This is possible as when
the plant or animal dies, they stop absorbing oxygen, but the
radioactive carbon that they've accumulated continues to decay.
Measuring the amount left over gives an estimate as to how long
something has been dead. A decrease will be seen in the carbon as
much will have decayed considering its’ half like of about 6
thousand years. But how is this of interest to you? Historical
artefacts like moa bones can be dated using a technique
that measures the activity of the radioisotope carbon-14
still present in the sample. This could also be done for
your own family hare looms, as you able to discover

intimate parts of your own lineage and ancestors.
Radiotherapy: watch us save your life
Using innovative new technology, we introduce to you
the most effective way to treat tumors, championed by
the international medical community radio therapy offers
a minimally intrusive method of surgery. Using gamma
radiation, we are able to treat cancers and tumors by
ionizing them from the inside, this includes no sort of
traditional surgical tools. This means there will be
practically no loss of blood, or pain after the procedure is
complete in about only 30 minutes. For anyone who is
concerned about radiation being a part of heir
procedure, rest assured the gamma rays used have an
extremely short half-life, at only 6 hours! Meaning that
after a period of a few days there will be no radioactivity
left at all in any organ, never mind any that could harm
you or those around you in any way. Above all, our main
priority is ensuring your safety, this is why we have
adapted our product to adjust for those afraid of
radioactive rays ionizing and harming other body parts by
emitting several rays at different angles. Their point of
intersection being the tumor, this way the radioactivity is
only focused on the issue and makes little contact with
other parts.

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