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Assignment(1)   

Priyanka Chowdhury

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Case of Emmy’s & Maddy’s First Service Encounter


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 Assignment(1)
1. An assignment On Case of Emmy’s & Maddy’s First Service
Encounter Course Title: Service Marketing Course no: MKT –
BHUIAN ID: 120354 Business Administration Discipline Khulna
University, KHULNA 13th March, 2016
2. 2 Case Summary The case describes the hospital service
experience of a married couple who were forced to rush to
hospital two weeks earlier of the operation date. They were
expecting twins and the doctor informed them about the risk
of multiple-birth pregnancies. So the doctor prescribed them
to take every possible precaution before coming to the
hospital. When the couple arrived in the hospital, a security
guard helped them to park the car and a triage nurse took the
wife to the maternity ward in the third floor. There the couple
met a physician who mistakenly introduced himself as Dr.
Baker and later reintroduced himself. Dr. Baker was out of the
hospital and were constantly informed of the patient’s
condition. When Dr. Baker came, he informed the couple that
they had to deliver the babies because of one of the baby’s
breach position. At that time another Doctor named Dr.
Aurthor assured them that 90 percent of premature born
babies survive and 90 percent of those develop normally. A!er
that they were taken in the delivery room where 12 people
were preparing for the operation. The husband was seated
beside the wife’s head. At 9:15 am the first baby was born
followed by the second at 9:16 am. Upon their birth, they were
taken immediately to the examination stations in the delivery
room. From there the babies were taken to the recovery room
and the family rejoined there. One volunteer of the hospital
took some pictures of the family. A!er that the mother was
taken to a fourth floor room and the babies were placed in
neonatal intensive care unit. The neonatal intensive care unit
located in the isolated area of the fourth floor provides
intensive care to the premature babies. The sta"s in NICU
were very helpful and introduced the husband to every
technological health equipment. The caring for the babies at
the NICU were primarily exceptional. The babies’ health was
progressing every day and their parents celebrated their
weight gains. The babies stayed at the NICU for seven weeks
and then transferred to the grower room. It is a staging area
that acts as a transition between NICU and sending the babies
home with their parents. In the grower room, there was no
intensive care required for the babies. The room was for
feeding, diaper changing, administrating medications and
recording vital signs of the babies. There was a friction existed
between the NICU and grower room. The grower room was
very hesitant to request supply from NICU and on several
occasions would delay informing. The family experienced the
ri! but a!er few days they established new relationship with
the grower room personnel and they became very careful to
the babies. A!er few days, the babies were transferred to
Nesting room were the whole family will stay for one last
night. It was located on the second floor. The parents were
wholly responsible for feeding, medications, general care of
the babies in the nesting period. The family nested for 22
hours and frequently visited by neonatologists, nurses,
babies’ eye doctor, social workers, hospital insurance
personnel and discharge nurse. A!er nine weeks at the
hospital, finally the family returned to their home with their
healthy babies.
3. 3 1. Develop a molecular model for this hospital Molecular
model is a conceptual model that shows the relationship
among the tangible & intangible components involved in
firm’s operations. The main benefit of molecular model is to
represent the benefits o"er by the firm’s product or service. It
is a management tool that o"ers the opportunity to visualize
the firm’s entire bundle of benefits that its product o"ers to
the customer. Molecular model of the hospital is given below.
The hospital basically provides treatment & health care
services. The tangible components of the hospital are
di"erent departments, equipment, physicians, and other
personnel. On the other hand, intangible components of the
hospital are their service environment, behavior, treatment
methods, serving techniques etc. List of tangible & intangible
components Tangible components Intangible components
The Emergency Department Atmosphere The Maternity Ward
Medical assistances The Delivery Room Medical aid &
guidance The Recovery Room Billing methods Private room
Consultancy The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Information
recording The Growth Room Caesarean section The physician
team Nesting room Nurses & other sta"s
4. 4 Treatment & health care The Emergency Department The
Maternity Ward The Delivery Room The Recovery Room The
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Private room Caesarean section
The Growth Room The physician team Nesting room Nurses &
other sta"s Medical assistances & Consultancy Medical aid &
guidance Atmosphere Billing methods & information
recording Figure: Molecular Model of the hospital Circle
indications 1. Distribution 2. Price 3. Market positioning 1.
Tangible element 2. Intangible element
5. 5 2. Using the Servuction model as a point of reference,
categorize the factors that influenced this service encounter
One simple but powerful model which illustrates factors
which influence the service experience is The Servuction
Model. The Servuction model is comprised of two parts: that
which is visible and that which is not. The visible part of the
Servuction model consists of three parts: the inanimate
environment (Service Cape), the contact personnel/ service
provider, and other customers. The invisible component of the
model consists of the invisible organization and systems.
Servicescape- It refers to the physical evidences that are used
to design service environments. These evidences help the
customers to determine the quality of service they are
receiving. From the case study we have learned that the
Hospital’s Service Cape is very impressive. Lots of physical
evidence were used to create a well-developed healthcare
service environment. It consisted of emergency room,
elevator, the maternity ward, the delivery room, the recovery
room, the neonatal intensive care unit, the grower room,
nesting room, advice from the doctors, the health care
equipment Contact personnel: These are employees other
than primary providers that interact with consumer. The case
shows that a lot of contact personnel were actively working in
the hospital to provide service to the servuction model
servicescape contact personnel/s ervice providers other
customers invisible organization and systems
6. 6 patients. Most of them were giving their best e"ort to
satisfy the patients and their relatives. Contact personnel of
the hospitals were security guard, nurses, neonatal intensive
care unit sta"s, neonatologists, social workers assigned to all
premature baby cases, hospital insurance personnel,
discharge nurse. Other customers: Other customers refers to
those people who also receive service alongside a particular
customer. These people impact profoundly on the individual’s
service experience by either enhancing or detracting the
individual service experience. Other customers of the hospital
include the presence of patient’s husband. Invisible
organization and systems: The invisible organization and
systems are the rules, regulations, and processes through
which the organization is administrated, therefore, the impact
upon patients can be very profound. The invisible
organization and systems of the hospital include information
form to be completed by the patients, admission policy,
doctors visiting hours and nurse service hours etc. 3. How do
the concepts of inseparability, intangibility, and heterogeneity
apply to this case? Inseparability refers to the interaction and
physical presence of the service provider and the consumer
throughout the service experience. That is it is a
distinguishing characteristic of services that reflects the
interconnection among the service provider, the customer
involved in receiving the service, and other customers sharing
the service experience. Inseparability of production and
consumption refers to the fact that whereas goods are first
produced, then sold, and then consumed; services are sold
first and then produced and consumed simultaneously. As
health care is a service, so the patients first admit into the
hospital, consuming the internal health care service as it is
produced. Intangibility means that services have no substance
and therefore cannot be touched or evaluated like goods. That
is it is a distinguishing characteristic of services that makes
them unable to be touched or sensed in the same manner as
physical goods. Services are said to be intangible because
they are performances rather than objects. They cannot be
touched or seen in the same manner as goods. Rather, they
are experienced, and consumers’ judgments about them tend
to be more subjective than objective. In this case, as they were
taking services in the hospital, so it is intangible. The
heterogeneity of services pertains to the variability that is
inherent in the service delivery process. That is it is a
distinguishing characteristic of services that reflects the
variation in the consistency from one service transaction to
the next. In this case, they were taking services in the
emergency department, maternity ward, the delivery room,
the recovery room, the neonatal intensive care unit, the
grower room and thus the variation of consistency measured
from one services to another.
7. 7 4. Discuss corrective actions that need to be taken to
ensure subsequent encounters run more smoothly. Health
care is an intangible service that can be experienced with
some tangible evidences. It is a people processing service
where the person needed to be present physically and this
service also helps to recover a patient mentally. The corrective
actions that can be taken are given below: Personal touch: An
intimate behavior of the personnel can reduce anxiety very
fast because patients can feel their problems can be solved.
One of the primary objectives of every hospital should be to
determine strategies which reduce the anxiety and increase
the individuality associated with the hospital experience.
Greeting with a smile in the corridors or reception and the
pink ribbons that were placed in Emmy and Maddy's hair, the
stickers and signs of encouragement that were attached to the
incubators, and the homemade patch quilts that were given to
the girls by the local sewing club humanized the tubes and the
machinery gives the message that the girls were special and
loved exhibit personal touches, and decreases the anxiety of
parents. The quality of care should be consistent with this
actions. Hiring, Selection and Training personnel: Hiring,
selection and giving training to the hired personnel are the
most crucial part of the service sector. As hospital is people
processing business the management should hire personnel
who really enjoy to being around with others and who holds
higher interpersonal and technical skills. A!er the selection
process personnel’s training session should be held more
authentically. Training should be given on the technical
processes and their own hospital management system.
Because, if the nurses can’t answer patients or their families
queries it can increase their anxiety and decrease their faith in
the hospital’s abilities. Personnel changes: If patient is used to
with one e"icient nurse for several days then they get
intimated together. A sudden change in the personnel duty
can increase the anxiety of the patient. The quality of care
may also fall. One possible solution to this problem is to have
the existing sta" at least introduce the new shi! worker to the
patient. Particular areas of patient concern could be
addressed to all parties during introduction. This strategy can
enhance the continuity of the service and reduce patient
anxiety. Feedback from Patient: The hospital management
and the employees should actively seek feedback from
patients throughout their experience. Studies show that most
companies do not hear from 96% of their unhappy customers.
Within the hospital setting, customer complaints o!en result
in a face-to-face confrontation between the patient and the
provider of the service. Patient representatives need to
actively seek patient feedback to provide a bu"er between the
patient and the health care provider. With the help of patient's
active involvement in the production of health care services,
service quality and customer satisfaction perceptions are
made both during and a!er the service experience. This
evaluation process allows the health care provider to alter the
patient's experience while the patient is still within the health
care facility.
8. 8 5. How would you measure customer satisfaction in this
situation? Service is completely di"erent from product. It’s an
intangible thing that is related with our daily lives. There are
many ways to identify the satisfaction that we expect to get
from a product. But it’s hard to find out the satisfaction that
consumers expect from service. It is related with mental
satisfaction. In this case, it has been showed that how mental
conditions of a customer di"ers from situation to situation
and so do the service expectation. Some of the ways to
measure customer satisfaction in that situation are given
below. Environment: In service consuming process
environment plays a very important role. If consumer doesn’t
feel comfortable with the environment, he will make a
negative impression from the very first time about the service.
He will make a perception that the other sections of the
service will also be unable to meet up his expectations.
Handling customer concern: In this case, it has been showed
that all of the employees and the doctors were not concerned
about the customer’s mentality. Both the patient and her
husband were in need of mental strength then. But some of
the members of the service process were not so helpful that
they need to be. Even one of the junior doctor lied about
himself which is not expected from the service providers at all
because it create a negative impression about the whole
service process. Personal Attachment: Service is an
untouchable thing. In the sector of medical care, it needs
more attention and caring because the behavior and personal
attachment of the doctors and the patient is mandatory. So it
can be an important indicator of measuring customer
satisfaction. In this case, the husband of the patient was
tensed before the arrival of the main doctor as they
maintained a good relation with the doctor, not his assistant.
Information: Information is a crucial part of any service
process. In health care it is more important because it is
related with the health of the consumer. The hospital gained
satisfaction in this regard because everyone of the service
process has provided much more information throughout the
whole service process. From the very first time they
encouraged to ask questions because they wanted to let the
consumers know about their service process. Assurance:
Medical service is not like other services. It is much more than
a service. It is told that the doctors who has a good behavior
and assured the consumer that he will help, it works like a
magic to them and in most of the cases, the consumers feel
assured that the doctors will help and they will get rid of their
problems. In this case, the same situation occurred and the
patient was assured and dependent on the doctor. This also
reflects the customer satisfaction. Individuals are di"erent
from one another. The expectations of the consumers cannot
be determined in a service process, especially in a health care
sector. But, still, there are some things which measure the
satisfaction level of the consumer or can be taken as some
standard to fulfill the customer satisfaction. The key
determinants are some of the factors or areas that is useful.
So, in a service process, these standards must be maintained
to make the service process more flexible and successful.
9. 9
10. 10

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