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‫جامعة الشرق‬

Grammar 1/ 2022/2023 1 ‫مذاكرة مادة القواعد‬ ‫ اللغة االنكليزية‬:‫معهد‬/ ‫كلية‬

‫لطالب السنة االولى‬ ‫ اللغة االنكليزية‬:‫قسم‬
‫ ساعتان‬:‫مدة االمتحان‬ 100 :‫الدرجة العظمى‬ ....................... :‫اسم الطالب‬

1-Make the following nouns PLURAL. (20 marks)

a-son: ………………………………. - artist: ………………………….
b-woman: ………………………… - box: ……………………………
c- foot: ………………………………. - wolf: ………………………….
d-tool: ………………………………. – site: ………………………….

2- Correct the following SENTENCES. (20marks)

a- They are paint the house now. ………………………………………..
b- She is already seen that movie………………………………….
c- My friend doesn’t tell me the truth yesterday…………………………
d- We didn’t played football last week …………………….

3-Change the following sentences into the NEGATIVE FORM.(20 marks)

a-She speaks two languages.
b-Lara is watching an American movie.
c-They have bought a car recently.
d-She writes historical stories.
4-Make the following sentences COMPARATIVE. (20 marks)
a-My handwriting is (clear) your handwriting.
b-Gold is (expensive) Silver.
c-Africa is (hot) Europe.
d-English language is (easy) Arabic.
5-Choose the correct answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete the following.
a-The Nile river is ……………………………… in the world.
(a. longest b. longer c. the longest d. long)

b-She walked away ……………………………….

(a. quick b. quicker c. the quickest d. quickly)

c-He is angry ……………………. his friend.

(a. to b. with c. for

d- Mike is looking after …………………………………. little brother.

(a. him b. her c. their d. his


‫الرئاسة المشتركة لمعهد اللغة اإلنكليزية‬ ‫مدرس المادة‬

‫غطفان العلوش‬ ‫عبد اللطيف الجوزه‬

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