Finite Element Analyses of Slope Stability Problem

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Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101

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Finite element analyses of slope stability problems using non-associated

Simon Oberhollenzer*, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut F. Schweiger
Institute of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Computational Geotechnics, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent years, finite element analyses have increasingly been utilized for slope stability problems. In
Received 23 April 2018 comparison to limit equilibrium methods, numerical analyses do not require any definition of the failure
Received in revised form mechanism a priori and enable the determination of the safety level more accurately. The paper com-
12 July 2018
pares the performances of strength reduction finite element analysis (SRFEA) with finite element limit
Accepted 5 September 2018
Available online 15 October 2018
analysis (FELA), whereby the focus is related to non-associated plasticity. Displacement-based finite
element analyses using a strength reduction technique suffer from numerical instabilities when using
non-associated plasticity, especially when dealing with high friction angles but moderate dilatancy
Finite element limit analysis (FELA)
angles. The FELA on the other hand provides rigorous upper and lower bounds of the factor of safety
Finite element method (FoS) but is restricted to associated flow rules. Suggestions to overcome this problem, proposed by Davis
Slope stability (1968), lead to conservative FoSs; therefore, an enhanced procedure has been investigated. When using
Strength reduction technique the modified approach, both the SRFEA and the FELA provide very similar results. Further studies
Non-associated plasticity highlight the advantages of using an adaptive mesh refinement to determine FoSs. Additionally, it is
Adaptive mesh refinement shown that the initial stress field does not affect the FoS when using a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion.
Initial stresses Ó 2018 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction popular over the last decades. During the strength reduction
standard procedure, the effective friction angle 40 and the effective
In geotechnical engineering, no generally accepted definition of cohesion c0 are simultaneously reduced until no equilibrium can be
the factor of safety (FoS) exists. For many bearing capacity prob- achieved in the numerical procedure. The ratios of initial strength
lems, the FoS is usually defined on the basis of the ultimate load parameters to mobilized strength parameters define the FoS in
bearing capacity. However, for slope stability analyses, it is more terms of strength reduction finite element analysis (SRFEA). Further
common that the FoS is related to the characteristic strength pa- calculations are performed with an enhanced procedure at which
rameters of the soil. The limit equilibrium methods suggested by the effective dilatancy angle j0 is reduced simultaneously with the
Janbu (1954), Bishop (1955) and Morgenstern and Price (1965) are effective friction angle 40 and the effective cohesion c0 from the
based on the method of slices and have a wide tradition in slope beginning (see Section 2.1). Apart from that, the influence of initial
stability analysis. Despite the long-lasting experience with limit stresses is investigated. It has been previously shown that LEA and
equilibrium analysis (LEA), these methods have several disadvan- SRFEA assuming associated plasticity yield similar results when
tages, e.g. assumptions regarding the shape of the failure plane and employing a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. However, as shown
the forces acting between the slices lead to a non-unique definition by Tschuchnigg et al. (2015a), large differences between the effec-
of the FoS. Furthermore, it cannot be guaranteed that the failure tive friction angle 40 and the effective dilatancy angle j0 may lead to
mechanism is kinematically admissible. numerical problems, making a clear definition of the FoS difficult.
Therefore, displacement-based finite element analyses in com- Alternatively, rigorous upper and lower bounds of the FoS are
bination with a strength reduction technique became increasingly obtained from finite element limit analysis (FELA). As FELA is
restricted to associated plasticity, Davis (1968) proposed reduced
strength parameters in combination with an associated flow rule to
* Corresponding author. simulate non-associated soil behavior. In the case that the defini-
E-mail address: (S. Oberhollenzer). tion of safety is based on the strength parameters, the approach by
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Davis (1968) leads to (very) conservative results. Therefore,
Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1674-7755 Ó 2018 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
1092 S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101

Tschuchnigg et al. (2015b) developed two modifications. These Table 1

modified approaches are discussed briefly in the following. Comparison of different procedures (Tschuchnigg et al., 2015b).
Furthermore, the paper tries to illustrate the significant advantage Davis b j0 Note
of adaptive mesh refinement, namely the significant reduction of procedure
the required degrees of freedom to obtain accurate FoSs. Davis A Constant, Constant 4* could theoretically
bfailure ¼ f ð40 ; j0 Þ be smaller than j0
Davis B Varied, Varied 4* cannot be smaller
2. Theory bfailure ¼ f ð40failure ; j0failure Þ than j0
Davis C Varied, Constant 4* could theoretically
bfailure ¼ f ð40failure ; j0 Þ be smaller than j0 ,
2.1. Strength reduction method with displacement-based finite but b increases with
element method (strength reduction finite element analysis) decreasing 40 . Limit b  1

The displacement-based finite element code Plaxis (Brinkgreve

et al., 2016) enables the definition of the FoS by means of effec- paper, a strength reduction procedure considering an adaptive
tive friction angle 40 and effective cohesion c0 . The method of mesh refinement is used as described in Sloan (2013).
strength reduction was first used by Zienkiewicz et al. (1975). This
is achieved by simultaneously reducing tan40 and c0 until no equi- 2.3. Non-associated plasticity
librium can be satisfied. A Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is
assumed and it is emphasized that this procedure only works for A SRFEA performed with non-associated plasticity may lead to
these types of (linear) failure criteria. The corresponding formula- numerical instabilities without a clearly defined failure surface.
tion of the FoS is shown in Eq. (1), where the subscript “mobilized” This is particularly the case for materials with high friction angles
denotes the strength quantities at failure. For associated plasticity, (40 > 40 ) in combination with steep slopes (a > 40 ), where
both the effective friction angle 40 and the effective dilatancy angle different failure mechanisms are kinematically possible leading to
j0 are reduced at the same time. For a non-associated flow rule, the an alternating FoS (Tschuchnigg et al., 2015a).
dilatancy angle j0 is kept constant as long as the reduced effective FELA is restricted to associated plasticity (j0 ¼ 40 ), since stress
friction angle 40 is larger than j0 . At the point where the reduced and velocity characteristics in a plastic field are equal only for the
friction angle 40 equals the effective dilatancy angle j0 , both values case of an associated flow rule (Davis, 1968). Therefore, reduced
are reduced simultaneously (Brinkgreve et al., 2016). effective strength parameters (c*, 4*) are used in combination with
an associated flow rule to model non-associated behavior (j0 s 40 ).
tan40 c0
FoS ¼ 0 ¼ 0 (1) Davis (1968) suggested using reduced strength parameters (see
tan 4mobilized cmobilized Eqs. (3) and (4)) based on the given effective strength parameters
Additionally, calculations with a user-defined strength reduc- 40 , c0 and j0 (strength reduction factor b). Thereby, the amount of
tion procedure are performed. During this SRFEA, tan40 , tanj0 and c0 Eq. (5) diminishes with decreasing effective dilatancy angle j0 and
are simultaneously reduced, as shown in Eq. (2). As a consequence, an increasing degree of non-associativity L ¼ 40 e j0 (Tschuchnigg
the degree of non-associativity (L ¼ 40 e j0 ) is also affected by the et al., 2015b). The b value given in Eq. (5) is denoted in the following
reduced value of j0 . For the case where j0 ¼ 0 as well as associated as Davis procedure A.
plasticity (j0 ¼ 40 ), the standard and user-defined strength reduc-
tion procedures are the same. c* ¼ bc0 (3)

tan40 tanj0 c0 tan4* ¼ b tan40 (4)

FoS ¼ ¼ 0 ¼ 0 (2)
tan 40mobilized tan jmobilized c mobilized
cosj0 cos40
bfailure ¼ b0 ¼ (5)
1  sinj0 sin40
Based on the fact that the original approach by Davis (1968)
2.2. Factor of safety obtained from finite element limit analysis
leads to very conservative results if the FoS is expressed by
means of the strength parameters of soil, two modified procedures
FELA has some tradition in geotechnical engineering, but only in
were developed (Tschuchnigg et al., 2015c). Both modified ap-
recent years tools that are applicable in practice have been devel-
proaches are still conservative compared to the non-associated
oped (Chen, 2007). Based on the upper and lower bound theorems
SRFEA, but yield a better agreement with SRFEA than the Davis
of plasticity, the prediction of various stability questions is possible
procedure A (original approach).
by calculating the failure load from above and below (see e.g.
The enhanced procedures Davis B and C require an iterative
Lyamin and Sloan, 2002a,b). Thereby, the difference between the
procedure for determining the reduced strength parameters c* and
two bounds is an indication of the error in the solution. A limit
4*. In Davis B, the b value is determined based on the “actual”
analysis enables the definition of the FoS without performing an
effective strength parameters, because the degree of non-
elasto-plastic analysis. The limit theorems of plasticity can be
associativity L ¼ 40 e j0 changes during the procedure. As shown
applied to any solid body if the material shows perfect plasticity
in Eq. (6), the FoS of the previous iteration step reduces the “actual”
and no hardening or softening is considered. The initial stresses and
dilatancy angle j0 as well as the “actual” effective friction angle 40
deformations do not affect the plastic limit (failure load). Further-
simultaneously. The bfailure value is calculated until no change in the
more, the yield surface is assumed to be convex and characterized
FoS occurs.
by an associated flow rule (j0 ¼ 40 ) (Chen, 2007).
If the FoS is expressed as the ratio of collapse load to actual load, h  i h  i
j0 0
cos arctan tan
FoS cos arctan tan4
a single pair of upper and lower bound calculations leads to the bfailure ¼ h  i h  i (6)
j0 0
required result. In slope stability analyses, however, the FoS is 1  sin arctan tan
FoS sin arctan tan4
defined according to the strength parameters of the soil. In this
S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101 1093

The enhanced procedure C (Davis C) differs from Davis B, by

assuming a constant dilatancy angle j0 during the iterations, as
shown in Eq. (7) (Tschuchnigg et al., 2015b). It is important to note
that as long as the dilatancy angle j0 is zero, procedures B and C are
the same. Table 1 underlines the most important differences be-
tween Davis A, B and C.
h  0
cos arctan tan4
FoS cosj0
bfailure ¼ h  i (7)
1  sin arctan tan4
Fig. 2. Failure mechanism obtained with SREFA (j0 ¼ 0 ).

is activated) followed by a construction phase (sections 1 and 2 are

activated) and a 40 /c0 reduction. For case 2 (excavation), the initial
3. Numerical studies
stress distribution (K0 procedure) is determined by activating sec-
tions 1, 2 and 3. Subsequently, section 3 is deactivated (excavation)
3.1. Influence of initial stress field on strength reduction finite
followed by a SRFEA. The K0 procedure of case 3 is performed on the
element analysis
final geometry (sections 1 and 2 are activated) followed by a plastic
nil-step (i.e. a plastic calculation starts without defining any loads
In geotechnical engineering, it is a recurring question that stress
in order to guarantee continuous horizontal stresses) and a
field exists in situ. Related to that question, it is often necessary to
strength reduction. In the first calculation phase of case 4 (sections
make assumptions for numerical analyses. The study discussed in
1 and 2 are activated), gravity loading is applied and subsequently a
the following tries to clarify to what extent the initial stress dis-
SRFEA is executed.
tribution does affect the FoS when performing SRFEA considering a
Table 2 shows the evaluation of FoS for all four cases. It becomes
Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The finite element code Plaxis
obvious that the initial stress situation has no influence on the FoS
(Brinkgreve et al., 2016) is used for all displacement-based finite
(FoS ¼ 1.53) when using a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The
element analyses discussed in this section.
different stress paths of point A (located inside the failure surface,
The example to be analyzed is a simple homogeneous slope
see Fig. 2) end up at the Mohr-Coulomb failure line of the same FoS
shown in Fig. 1, with a slope height H equal to 5 m and a slope angle
although they have completely different origins (see Fig. 3).
a of 26.6 (1:2). In SRFEA, the mesh refinement is performed
manually with 15-noded triangular elements. The analyses
consider drained conditions and a linear elastic-perfectly plastic
constitutive model with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The
homogeneous slope is characterized by a unit weight
gunsat ¼ 16 kN/m3, an effective friction angle 40 ¼ 30 and an
effective cohesion c0 ¼ 2 kPa. The dilatancy angle j 0 is set to zero. To
investigate the influence of initial stresses on the FoS, four cases are
investigated. Both the initial geometry and the method (K0 pro-
cedure or gravity loading) to compose the initial stresses are varied.
In cases 1e3, the initial stresses are assumed as s0v ¼ gz and s0h ¼
K0 s0v , whereby the K0 values vary between 0.25 and 0.4 (K0 pro-
cedure). Referring to the geometry (see Fig. 1), the K0 procedure in
case 1 (fill) is performed only for the base layer (see Fig. 1, section 1

Fig. 1. Finite element mesh used for SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 ).

Table 2
FoS obtained with SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 ).

Case FoS

K0 ¼ 0.25 K0 ¼ 0.4

Case1 (fill) 1.53 1.53

Case 2 (excavation) 1.54 1.53
Case 3 (nil-step) 1.53 1.53
Fig. 3. Stress paths of point A for case 1 (fill), case 2 (excavation), case 3 (nil-step) and
Case 4 (gravity loading) 1.53 (no K0 value needed)
case 4 (gravity loading).
1094 S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101

3.2. Influence of adaptive mesh refinement on the factor of safety elements are needed to reach a value of FoS ¼ 1.62. On the other
hand, about 1500 elements are needed without adaptive mesh
The example studied considers again the stability of a homo- refinement to reach the same value (see Fig. 4). It should be noted
geneous slope under drained conditions. The dimensions of the that approximately 1500 6-noded elements in combination with an
slope are identical to those of the previous study presented in adaptive mesh refinement are required to achieve a good agreement
Section 3.1. In all analyses, a linear elastic-perfectly plastic consti- with elements using a shape function of 4th-order.
tutive model with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and the soil It should be noted that both finite element programs (namely
parameters gunsat ¼ 16 kN/m3, gsat ¼ 18 kN/m3, 40 ¼ 30 and Plaxis 2D and Optum G2) lead to approximately the same compu-
c0 ¼ 2 kPa are used. In the first calculation phase, gravity loading is tation time when performing SRFEA without adaptive mesh
applied and subsequently the strength reduction is performed. refinement. Thereby, analyses based on 15-noded elements take
Strength reduction finite element analyses assuming associated approximately 3e4 times longer compared to those with 6-noded
plasticity (40 ¼ j0 ) are performed using Plaxis 2D and Optum G2 elements. Furthermore, it is noticeable that SRFEA performed in
(Krabbenhøft et al., 2016) with 6- and 15-noded elements, thus Plaxis 2D using a shape function of 4th-order becomes slightly
quadratic shape functions and shape functions of 4th-order, faster compared to Optum G2 with increasing number of elements
respectively. Sensitivity analyses are performed by increasing the (difference < 20%). If the number of elements is kept constant, an
number of triangular elements with and without adaptive mesh additional mesh refinement (with 3 iterative procedures) raises the
refinement. A detailed description of the formulation used for the computation time approximately by 60%e90%, while the precision
adaptive mesh refinement was given in Sloan (2013). of the solution increases (see Fig. 4). When comparing the results of
The failure surface passes through the toe of the slope and does SRFEA (performed with and without adaptive mesh refinement)
not extend below this point (see also Fig. 2). Fig. 4 shows that the which lead to the same FoS, those calculations based on mesh
mesh refinement as well as the order and number of elements adaptivity are approximately 30%e50% faster and the number of
strongly affects the computed FoS. As is shown in Fig. 4, both finite elements is reduced significantly (see Fig. 4).
element codes, namely Plaxis 2D and Optum G2, are in good In the following, the same slope is used but several horizontal
agreement when performing SRFEA without adaptive mesh refine- water tables with a vertical distance L from the crest are consid-
ment. The results obtained with SRFEA using 6-noded elements lead ered (see Fig. 5a). The z-axis is defined positive downwards. The
to significantly higher FoSs compared to those with higher-order problem can be seen as an approximation of a slow drawdown
elements. Furthermore, it is shown that the effect of adaptive mesh process where the water table is initially defined above the crest
refinement is limited when using 15-noded elements (at least in (L/H ¼ 0.2) and is lowered to the base (L/H ¼ 1). A similar study
combination with an associated flow rule). For the example consid- was performed by Griffiths and Lane (1999). The soil parameters
ered, about 500 15-noded triangular elements without adaptive remain unchanged, with the difference that a non-associated flow
mesh refinement are required to give accurate estimates of the safety rule with j0 ¼ 0 is assumed for all strength reduction finite
level (FoS ¼ 1.6). The advantage of the adaptive mesh refinement element analyses. To study the effect of mesh density on the FoS,
becomes clear when using 6-noded elements. Approximately 400 about 300 and 1500 15-noded elements are used (without adap-
tive mesh refinement).
Furthermore, FELA is performed to show the better agreement
of Davis B, compared to Davis A, when dealing with non-associated
SRFEA. It is also illustrated to what extent the adaptive mesh
refinement influences the error margin between upper and lower
bound calculations. FELA is carried out without an adaptive mesh
refinement and 4000 elements as well as approximately 1000
triangular elements in combination with an adaptive mesh
refinement. Examples of the meshes used in the FELA are shown in
Fig. 5a and b.
Fig. 6 shows the FoSs obtained from SRFEA, and it follows that
the mesh density has a strong influence on the FoS. The L/H ratio

Fig. 5. Finite element meshes for upper bound of FELA (a) with adaptive mesh
Fig. 4. Factors of safety obtained from SRFEA (40 ¼ j0 ) with different numbers of el- refinement using approximately 1000 elements and (b) without adaptive mesh
ements (with and without adaptive mesh refinement). refinement using approximately 4000 elements.
S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101 1095

equal to 0 based on the coarse mesh (approximately 300 elements)

Table 3
yields a FoS of 1.87. If a higher mesh density of 1500 15-noded el- Factors of safety obtained from FELA (with and without adaptive mesh refinement)
ements is assumed, the FoS decreases by approximately 3% to 1.81. for L/H ¼ 0.
The results also confirm that Davis A gives a conservative esti-
Case Davis FoSUB FoSLB FoSMean
mate, whereas the results based on the enhanced procedure Davis procedure (j0 ¼ 0 ) (j0 ¼ 0 ) (j0 ¼ 0 )
B are in much better agreement with the ones obtained by SRFEA.
With adaptive Davis A 1.61 1.63 1.62
As shown in Section 2.3, Davis B and C provide the same results for mesh refinement Davis B 1.76 1.79 1.78
j0 ¼ 0 . (w1000 elements)
It is obvious that the upper and lower bound analyses with and Without adaptive Davis A 1.58 1.66 1.62
without adaptive mesh refinement provide approximately the mesh refinement Davis B 1.73 1.81 1.77
(w4000 elements)
same mean values (see Fig. 6). Nevertheless, it should be noted that
the adaptive mesh refinement with approximately 1000 elements Note: FoSUB is the upper bound of the FoS, FoSLB is the lower bound of the FoS, and
FoSMean is the mean of FoSUB and FoSLB.
leads to much smaller differences between upper and lower
bounds compared with those analyses based on approximately
4000 elements without adaptive mesh refinement. Table 3 sum- Table 4
Soil properties: Comparison of studies 1 and 2.
marizes the FELA results obtained for L/H ¼ 0. The differences of
upper and lower bounds using no adaptive mesh refinement and Study Constitutive gunsat c0 (kPa) 40 ( ) j0 ( )
about 4000 elements range between 4.6% and 5.1%. The gap be- model (kN/m3)

tween the upper and lower bounds can be reduced to approxi- 1 Mohr-Coulomb 16 2 25, 30, 35, 40 40 , 40 e5n, 0
mately 1.5% by using an adaptive mesh refinement. These results 2 Mohr-Coulomb 16 0, 2, 5, 10 30 40 , 40 e 5n, 0
show clearly the significant advantage of using an adaptive mesh Note: n is a variable to reduce the dilatancy angle from j0 ¼ 40 to j0 ¼ 0 at intervals
refinement. of 5 .

Fig. 6. Factors of safety obtained from SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 ) and FELA (with and without adaptive mesh refinement) for different L/H ratios.
1096 S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101

3.3. Comparison of standard and user-defined strength reduction Two different studies are performed. The homogeneous slope of
finite element analyses with Davis procedures A, B and C study 1 is characterized by a unit weight of gunsat ¼ 16 kN/m3 and
an effective cohesion c 0 of 2 kPa. The dilatancy angle j0 is reduced
The following studies are performed to show how the effective from the associated case (j0 ¼ 40 ) at intervals of 5 , until zero. This is
friction angle 40 , the degree of non-associativity L ¼ 40 e j0 and the done for the effective friction angles 401 ¼ 25 , 402 ¼ 30 , 403 ¼
effective cohesion c0 influence the different Davis approaches and 35 and 404 ¼ 40 . On the other hand, study 2 investigates how the
non-associated SRFEA. SRFEA is performed in Plaxis 2D, while cohesion influences the difference between Davis calculations and
Optum G2 is used for FELA (Davis A, B and C). Emphasis is put on the non-associated SRFEA. For this purpose, the effective friction angle
comparison of Davis B and C. Davis A and C (mean values of upper 40 ¼ 30 is kept constant, while the effective cohesion varies be-
and lower bounds) will be compared with the standard strength tween 0 and 10 kPa (see Table 4).
reduction as implemented in Plaxis 2D (Brinkgreve et al., 2016), The calculations for study 1 show that standard and user-
where the dilatancy angle j0 is kept constant until the reduced defined strength reduction finite element analyses as well as
effective friction angle 40 equals j0 . Since in a user-defined SRFEA, Davis B and C give the same results for a dilatancy angle of j0 ¼ 0
the effective friction angle 40 and the dilatancy angle j0 are reduced (see Fig. 7a). Furthermore, it was found that, with an increasing
simultaneously from the beginning, Davis B is compared with this degree of non-associativity (L ¼ 40 ej0 ), the differences between all
enhanced SRFEA. Davis approaches and SRFEA (standard and user-defined) become
The studies are performed using the slope shown in Fig. 1. Again, larger. Fig. 7a clearly indicates that with increasing effective friction
the drained conditions and linear elastic-perfectly plastic material angle 40 , those differences become significantly larger for Davis A,
behavior with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion are considered. The while differences for Davis B and C do not increase considerably. A
results presented in Section 3.2 prove that about 1000 15-noded general conclusion from Fig. 7a is that the difference between the
elements are needed to give accurate estimates of the FoS. In the original Davis approach (Davis A) and the enhanced procedures
first calculation phase, gravity loading is applied followed by a (Davis B and C) increase with increasing 40 and L.
plastic nil-step and a strength reduction. On the other hand, in FELA The differences between Davis B and the user-defined SRFEA as
(Davis A, B and C), the mesh refinement is performed adaptively as well as the differences between Davis C and the standard SRFEA are
part of the analysis with approximately 1000 elements. in the same order of magnitude. This is illustrated in Fig. 7b, where

Fig. 7. Study 1: (a) Standard SRFEA, user-defined SRFEA, and Davis A, B and C results for different values of L and 40 ; and (b) Differences between Davis A and standard SRFEA, Davis
B and user-defined SRFEA as well as Davis C and standard SRFEA for different values of L and 40 .
S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101 1097

Fig. 8. Study 2: (a) Standard SRFEA, user-defined SRFEA, and Davis A, B and C results for different values of L and c0 ; and (b) Differences between Davis A and standard SRFEA, Davis
B and user-defined SRFEA as well as Davis C and standard SRFEA for different values of L and c0 .

the blue and green dashed lines show a good match. The black
dashed lines (reference) represent the standard and user-defined
SRFEA results, from which the differences of Davis A (¼ standard
SRFEA e Davis A), Davis B (¼ user-defined SRFEA e Davis B) and
Davis C (¼ standard SRFEA e Davis C) are subtracted. To give a
better overview of the results, different reference values for the
calculations (based on an effective friction angle 40 equal to 25 ,
30 , 35 and 40 ) are chosen but do not represent FoSs. Those
differences between SRFEA and Davis approaches are illustrated
exemplarily by arrows in Fig. 7a and b.
Study 2 shows similar trends as study 1. Keeping the effective
friction angle 40 constant and varying the effective cohesion c0 be-
tween 0 and 10 kPa lead to the conclusion that with increasing
cohesion, Davis A becomes more conservative compared to the
standard strength reduction. It can be seen in Fig. 8a that Davis B and
C are not strongly affected by the variation of the cohesion. Again, the
Fig. 9. Reinforced embankment: Cross-section (unit: m). differences between Davis B and user-defined SRFEA as well as the
differences between Davis C and standard strength reduction are

Table 5
Reinforced embankment: Soil properties for SRFEA and FELA.

Material gunsat (kN/m3) gsat (kN/m3) Eref

50 (MPa) Eref
oed (MPa) Eref
ur (MPa) m c0 (kPa) 40 (  ) j0 ( )
Backfill material 21 21.5 40 40 120 0.5 5 37 0, 40
Sandy top layer 21 21.5 40 40 120 0.5 0 35 0, 40
Gravel layer 21 21.5 25 25 75 0.5 0 35 0, 40
Clay layer 20 20.5 30 30 90 0.8 30 20 0, 40
1098 S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101

Fig. 10. Reinforced embankment e safety analysis: (a) Incremental shear strains obtained with SRFEA; (b) Shear dissipation obtained with FELA e upper bound (Davis B); and (c)
Failure mechanism obtained with LEA.

The hardening soil model (Schanz, 1998) and the hardening

Mohr-Coulomb model (Doherty and Muir Wood, 2013), both
assuming a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, are used for SRFEA in
Plaxis 2D and FELA using Optum G2, respectively. The material
parameters used are listed in Table 5. The reinforcements are
modeled by means of linear-elastic geogrid elements with a stiff-
ness EA of 10,000 kN/m. This study excludes any external load, thus
only self-weight is acting.
In SREFA, the discretization of the domain is carried out
manually using 15-noded elements. Since the failure plane de-
velops behind the reinforcements, that area shows a higher mesh
density (see Fig. 10a). The final model consists of 10,913 elements. It
should be noted that for all strength reduction finite element an-
alyses carried out in Plaxis 2D, the initial stresses are calculated
with the K0 procedure, where no embankment is present. In the
following, the construction of the embankment is modeled in one
step, followed by the 40 /c0 reduction. The analyses are performed
for both associated (j0 ¼ 40 ) and non-associated (j0 ¼ 0 ) flow rule.
In FELA, safety analyses are performed with and without adaptive
Fig. 11. Reinforced embankment: Factors of safety obtained from FELA with different mesh refinement for different numbers of elements. As shown in
element numbers. Fig. 11, the difference between the upper and lower bounds reduces
significantly once the adaptive mesh refinement is used. Therefore,
approximately the same. Despite the change of non-associativity L, all calculations discussed in Section 4.1.2 consider an adaptive mesh
the green and blue dashed lines in Fig. 8b do match well. refinement procedure in combination with approximately 1000
triangular elements. Fig. 10b shows exemplarily the result of the
automatic mesh adaptivity procedure for an upper bound analysis.
In addition to the standard upper and lower bounds, FELA (using
4. Applications
j0 ¼ 40 ), Davis A with j0 ¼ 0 and Davis B with j0 ¼ 0 are calculated.
Additionally, LEA using the Morgenstern and Price (1965) method is
4.1. Reinforced embankment
also performed and compared with the results obtained with
4.1.1. Problem description
This section deals with the application of the original and
modified Davis approaches to an embankment, which is reinforced 4.1.2. Comparison of the results
by 6 horizontal geotextile layers at the toe. As shown in Fig. 9, the The SRFEA of the reinforced embankment confirms again that
four soil layers, namely backfill material, sandy top layer, gravel the flow rule has a significant influence on the FoS, where associ-
layer and clay layer, define the soil layering. A horizontal water ated plasticity (j0 ¼ 40 ) leads to a FoS value of about 1.66 and the
table is defined on the top of the sandy layer. The three underlying zero dilatancy case (j0 ¼ 0 ) reaches a FoS value of 1.55 (see
layers are fully saturated and are assumed drained.
Table 7
For SRFEA and FELA, a 35.5 m long and 20.6 m high model, with
Reinforced embankment: Comparison of Davis A and B with SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 ).
an embankment height of 5.6 m, is defined. The cross-section is
characterized by an embankment inclination of about a ¼ 35 . The Davis procedure Difference ¼ [FELA
(Davis) e SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 )]/FELA (Davis)  100 (%)
underlying geogrid layers are 5 m long with a vertical distance of
about 0.3 m. Consequently, the height of the reinforced area is FELA (Davis A) 14.8
1.5 m. FELA (Davis B) 4

Table 6
Reinforced embankment: FoS obtained with LEA, SRFEA and FELA.

FoS, LEA (Morgenstern and Price, 1965) FoS, SRFEA (without adaptive FoSMean, FELA (with adaptive mesh refinement, w1000 elements)
mesh refinement, w10,000

j0 ¼ 40 j0 ¼ 0 j0 ¼ 40 Davis A (j0 ¼ 0 ) Davis B (j0 ¼ 0 )

1.72 1.66 1.55 1.66 1.35 1.49

S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101 1099

Fig. 12. Upstream slope: Cross-section (unit: m).

Table 8
Upstream slope: Soil properties for SRFEA and FELA.
Material gunsat (kN/m3) gsat (kN/m3) E (MPa) Eref
50 (MPa) Eref
oed (MPa) Eref
ur (MPa) m c0 (kPa) 40 (  ) j0 ( )
Moraine layer 22 23 40 40 120 0.5 10 31 0, 40
Fractured rock layer 22.5 23 50 50 150 0.5 15 31 0, 40
Intact rock layer 22.5 23 5000 25 35 0, 40

Table 6). On the other hand, it can be seen that the FoSMean value FoSs of Davis A and B with that of the SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 ), it is obvious
((FoSLB þ FoSUB)/2) of the FELA with adaptive mesh refinement that both approaches are conservative, but Davis B predicts FoS
matches remarkably well with the SRFEA (j0 ¼ 40 ) results. values in better agreement with SRFEA (see Table 6). This is also
Comparing Fig. 10a and b, one can see that also the failure planes of highlighted in Table 7 where one can see that Davis A deviates
SRFEA and FELA are in good agreement. The very fine mesh (see about 14.8% compared to the SRFEA, and Davis B on the other hand
Fig. 10b) in the region of the slip surface (when using FELA) is a shows only a difference of about 4%.
consequence of the adaptive mesh refinement. On the other hand,
for all strength reduction finite element analyses, approximately 4.2. Upstream slope
10,000 triangular elements with a shape function of 4th-order are
used to reach a comparable FoS value. Due to the inherent as- 4.2.1. Problem description
sumptions of LEA, this method yields a different failure mechanism This boundary value problem deals with a reinforced upstream
(see Fig. 10c) and a much higher FoS equal to 1.72. By comparing the slope next to a reservoir. The section investigated, with a total

Fig. 13. Upstream slope: Finite elements meshes used for (a) SRFEA and (b) FELA.

Fig. 14. Upstream slope: Failure mechanism obtained in (a) SRFEA and (b) FELA.
1100 S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101

Table 9 Davis B offers a better agreement with the calculation of Plaxis 2D

Upstream slope: FoS obtained with SRFEA and FELA. (see Table 10). Whereas Davis procedure A deviates about 7.6%
FoS, SRFEA (without FoSMean, FELA (with adaptive mesh refinement, compared to the SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 ), Davis B shows only a difference of
adaptive mesh w1000 elements) about 1.6%.
w10,000 elements)
5. Conclusions
j0 ¼ 40 j0 ¼ 0 j0 ¼ 40 Davis A (j0 ¼ 0 ) Davis B (j0 ¼ 0 )

1.38 1.28 1.39 1.19 1.26 The results presented in this paper confirm that the LEA, FELA
and SRFEA assuming associated plasticity are in good agreement.
SRFEA using non-associated plasticity (j0 s 40 ) yields lower FoS
Table 10 values compared to LEA. It is also shown that determination of the
Upstream slope: Comparison of Davis A and B with SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 ). initial stress field does not influence the computed FoS when using
Davis procedure Difference ¼ [FELA
a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. FELA presented confirms that, by
(Davis) e SRFEA (j0 ¼ 0 )]/FELA (Davis)  100 (%) using an adaptive mesh refinement, it is possible to remarkably
reduce the number of elements. For all considered finite element
FELA (Davis A) 7.6
FELA (Davis B) 1.6 limit analyses including applications of boundary value problems,
about 1000 elements in combination with an adaptive mesh
refinement lead to accurate FoSs. Detailed numerical studies have
height of approximately 33 m, can be divided into an area below the been performed with SRFEA and FELA and have proven that an
berm disposed about 26.6 (1:2) towards the horizontal, and an increasing effective friction angle 40 , effective cohesion c0 and de-
area above the berm with a slope angle of 30 . The slope below the gree of non-associativity L lead to larger differences between Davis
berm is lined with a sealing foil, thus loaded additionally by water A and the standard SRFEA. Since the dilatancy angle is kept con-
in the reservoir. At the berm, a pile trestle consisting of two thread stant in a standard strength reduction technique, a user-defined
bars (GEWI system) connected with a ridgepole is installed. As SRFEA has been used, where the friction angle and dilatancy
shown in Fig. 12, the upper section is separated by an intermediate angle are reduced simultaneously from the beginning. Due to the
berm. The soil stratigraphy is characterized by three layers (see fact that the difference between the friction angle 40 and the
Fig. 12). The top layer (light blue) represents moraine material. dilatancy angle j0 defines the amount of non-associativity, the
Underneath, marked in light green and brown, fractured and intact latter is considered to be more appropriate. It is suggested to use
rock layers are present, respectively. The water level can be found the enhanced procedure in displacement-based finite element
primarily in the fractured rock layer. In the slope, an inclined water analyses. It should be noted that the differences between Davis B
table is defined, as shown in Fig. 12. and the user-defined SRFEA as well as between Davis C and the
In this study, the moraine layer as well as the fractured rock layer standard SRFEA (constant j0 ) are approximately the same. The re-
is described by the hardening soil model. For the deeper intact rock sults presented highlight that in Davis B and C, the degree of non-
layer, a Mohr-Coulomb model is utilized. Table 8 gives an overview of associativity L has a noticeable influence on the computed FoSs,
the input parameters. The calculations assume drained conditions whereas changes in the effective cohesion c0 show negligible effect
and ignore any external loads. Furthermore, the reservoir is assumed when using the enhanced Davis procedures.
to be emptied in order to generate the worst-case scenario. Instead of An important outcome of the studies is that the proposed
modeling the two GEWI piles with structural elements, the area modified Davis procedure B in combination with the FELA seems to
between the piles is defined with an increased effective cohesion c0 compute more realistic FoS than the original Davis (1968) approach,
equal to 18.5 kPa. All the other soil properties in the region of the pile but is still slightly conservative. However, the enhanced Davis
trestle correspond to those of the fractured rock layer. procedure is also suitable in combination with SRFEA to avoid nu-
The finite element code Plaxis 2D is used for all strength merical instabilities when dealing with non-associated plasticity.
reduction finite element analyses discussed in this section. About
8932 15-noded elements are used to compute FoSs. Referring to Conflicts of interest
Fig. 13a, the cut slope and the region of the pile trestle are object of
local mesh refinements. For all finite element limit analyses, the The authors wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of
mesh refinement is performed adaptively using approximately interest associated with this publication and there has been no
1000 3-noded elements in Optum G2 (see Fig. 13b). Strength significant financial support for this work that could have influ-
reduction finite element analyses assuming associated (j0 ¼ 40 ) and enced its outcome.
non-associated plasticity (j0 ¼ 0 ) are compared with FELA as well
as Davis procedures A and B (Davis B equals Davis C for j0 ¼ 0 ) (see Nomenclatures
Fig. 14).
a Slope angle
4.2.2. Comparison of the results b Strength factor according to Davis (1968)
The results show that SRFEA (j0 ¼ 40 ) and FELA fail in an anal- b0 Strength factor according to Davis (1968) at initial
ogous manner and present a good agreement in the FoS (see conditions
Table 9). The SREFA assuming associated plasticity yields a FoS bfailure Strength factor according to Davis (1968) at failure
equal to 1.38, while the corresponding FELA computes a lower gunsat Bulk unit weight
bound FoSLB of 1.37 and an upper bound FoSUB of 1.4. Referring to gsat Saturated unit weight
Table 9, the mean value of the upper and lower bounds leads to a s0 h Horizontal effective stress
FoSMean of 1.39. Again, it becomes clear that by using an adaptive s0 v Vertical effective stress
mesh refinement with approximately 1000 3-noded elements, ac- 40 Effective friction angle
curate estimates on the FoS are possible. 40 failure Effective friction angle at failure
By comparing the FoSs of Davis A and B with a non-associated 40 mobilized Mobilized friction angle during SRFEA
SRFEA, it is obvious that both methods are conservative, but 4* Reduced effective friction angle according to Davis (1968)
S. Oberhollenzer et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 1091e1101 1101

j0 Dilatancy angle Tschuchnigg F, Schweiger HF, Sloan SW, Lyamin AV, Raissakis I. Comparison of
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EA Extensional stiffness
FELA Finite element limit analysis Simon Oberhollenzer is presently working as a PhD stu-
dent in the Department of Soil Mechanics, Foundation
H Slope height Engineering and Computational Geotechnics at Graz Uni-
K0 Coefficient of lateral earth pressure versity of Technology, Austria. He accomplished his MSc
LEA Limit equilibrium analysis degree in Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering from
Graz University of Technology in 2017. His master thesis
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FoSLB Factor of safety obtained with lower bound analysis ysis. Currently, his research interests mainly cover slope
FoSMean Mean factor of safety obtained with lower and upper stability analysis and ground investigation using cone
penetration test (CPT) as well as flat dilatometer test
bound analysis (DMT).
FoSUB Factor of safety obtained with upper bound analysis
SRFEA Strength reduction finite element analysis

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