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iGCSE History Personal

Learning Check (PLC) List

This booklet contains a checklist of the content that you will need
to know in order to gain an excellent grade in History in 2023 for
Paper 1 and 2.
When checking your notes you should ensure that any topic would
allow you to write a 4,6 and10 mark answer on.
The area highlighted in grey is the topic that your source paper
questions will be on. This is paper 2

When revising, active revision is always more effective. Look at the

presentation in exam preparation and revision folder on Team to
remind yourself of good practise.

Key What I need to know Have I Have I My My My Assessment
question completed created confidence confidence confidence
Have I
all work/ revision in this in this in this
notes on resources content is content is content is
the for the low in the high
content? content? middle How did I

1.Were the Who were Wilson,

peace Clemenceau and
treaties of Lloyd George and
1919–23 what were their roles in
fair? the peace-making

What were the motives

and aims of the Big
Three at Versailles?

Why did all the victors

not get everything
they wanted?

What was the impact

of the peace treaty on
Germany up to 1923?

What were the terms

of the treaties on the
defeated countries?

I can compare the

treaty of Versailles with
two other treaties

Could the treaties be

justified at the time?

(modern) opinions
about the treaties
(what do modern
historians think)
2. To what I can explain what
extent was Wilson’s vision was for
the League the League of nations
of Nations and know its main
a success? aims.

What are the strengths

and weaknesses in the
Leagues structure and
organisation: work of
the League’s
humanitarian work
Successes and failures
in peacekeeping
during the 1920s

Key What I need to know Have I Have I My My My Assessment
question completed created confidence confidence confidence
Have I
all work/ revision in this in this in this
notes on resources content is content is content is
the for the low in the high
content? content? middle How did I

How far did

weaknesses in the
League’s organisation
make failure

How far did the

Depression make the
work of the League
more difficult?

I can explain the

failures of the League
in the 1930s, including
Manchuria and

How successful was

the league in the

3. Why had How has international

international order collapsed by
peace 1930?
by 1939?

The increasing
militarism of Germany,
Italy and Japan

What were the

consequences of the
failures of the League
in the 1930s?

Hitler’s foreign policy

to 1939:

·the Saar
·remilitarisation of the
·involvement in the
Spanish Civil War
·Anschluss with Austria
·crises over
Czechoslovakia and
·the outbreak of war

Key What I need to know. Have I Have I My My My Assessment
question completed created confidence confidence confidence
Can I demonstrate this Have I
all work/ revision in this in this in this
knowledge in detail completed
notes on resources content is content is content is
and depth with assessment
the for the low in the high
content? content? middle How did I

How far was Hitler’s

foreign policy to
blame for the
outbreak of war in
Was the policy of
How important was the
Nazi–Soviet Pact?

Why did Britain and

France declare war on
Germany in
September 1939?

4. Who was I can explain the

to blame for origins of the Cold
the Cold War.

I understand the
events and impact of
the 1945 summit
conferences and why
this led to the
breakdown of the US–
Soviet alliance in 1945–

How did the explain

how the USSR had
gained control of
Eastern Europe by
How did the United
States react to Soviet

What events led to the

occupation of
Germany and the
Berlin Blockade and
what were its
NATO and the Warsaw

Who was the more to

blame for starting the
Cold War: the United
States or the USSR? 4
Key question What I need to know. Have I Have I My My My Assessmen
completed created confidence confidence confidence t
Can I demonstrate this
all work/ revision in this in this in this
knowledge in detail and Have I
notes on resources content is content is content is
depth with examples. completed
the for the low in the high
content? content? middle
How did I
5. How What are the key events
effectively did in the Cold War?
the United
States contain
the spread of

I can explain the

following case studies of
and explain how they
relate to the Cold War:

·American reactions to
the Cuban revolution,
including the missile crisis
and its aftermath

·American involvement
in the Vietnam War, e.g.
reasons for involvement,
tactics/strategy, reasons
for withdrawal

·American reactions to
North Korea’s invasion of
South Korea, involvement
of the UN, course of the
war to 1953

6. How secure Why was there

was the USSR’s opposition to Soviet
control over control in Hungary in
Eastern 1956 and
Europe, 1948– Czechoslovakia in 1968,
c.1989? and how did the USSR
react to this opposition?

How similar were events

in Hungary in 1956 and in
Czechoslovakia in 1968?

Why was the Berlin Wall

built in 1961?

What was the

significance of ‘Solidarity’
in Poland for the decline
of Soviet influence in
Eastern Europe

Key question What I need to know. Have I Have I My My My Assessmen
completed created confidence confidence confidence t
Can I demonstrate this
all work/ revision in this in this in this
knowledge in detail and Have I
notes on resources content is content is content is
depth with examples. completed
the for the low in the high
content? content? middle
How did I
How far was Gorbachev
personally responsible for
the collapse of Soviet
control over Eastern

Why did Why was Saddam

events in the Hussein able to come to
Gulf matter, power in Iraq?

`What was the nature of

Saddam Hussein’s rule up
to 2000, and the
consequence of it for
different groups in Iraq.

What was the nature of

the Shah’s rule in Iran
and what caused the
Iranian Revolution of
What were the causes
and consequences of
the Iran–Iraq War, 1980–

Western involvement in
the war.

Why did the First Gulf War

take place? What were
its causes, course and
consequences of the
Gulf War, 1990–91

Paper 1 complete.

Now do some practise papers!

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