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Madison Ansari
Dr. Sharity Nelson
ENGL 1302
5 December 2022

Humans’ activity and climate change: An Argumentative Research Scholarship


Since the Industrial revolution, the rise in global temperatures has begun to increase

concern in humans (Dahlman). Activity from humans has increased global temperatures which

then influences the changing climate (Burger). The increase in temperature comes from fossil

fuels, which are natural fuels created by the remains of biological organisms from the past

(Overland). When these fuels are burned, they release gases. These gases, considered greenhouse

gases, warm the atmosphere which causes the climate to change. The rise in these gases is due to

human activity. Which leads to the question: How have humans contributed to climate change?

Some human activities contribute more to the change then others. Some produce more

greenhouse gases, and others reduce more. The use of fossil fuels must be reduced. Arguably,

the use of fossil fuels should be limited to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into

the atmosphere because they are adding to the negative affects of climate change.

The decline in fuels and the rise of temperatures

Fossil fuel levels are declining because of the overuse from humans (Dahlman). Humans

are extremely dependent on fossil fuels. In current times, there is better and more efficient

technology for energy use. Like mentioned, fossil fuels are natural fuels made by the remnants of

biological organisms from the past, like oil and gas. Humans use these fuels to drive cars, fly
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airplanes, turn on their stove, etc. Humans are overusing fossil fuels which is causing an increase

in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. It is necessary in certain aspects to use fossil fuels, like

for transportation and heat. There are more energy efficient ways to provide heat and for

transportation. This is how humans have contributed to climate change, from the overuse of

fossil fuels.

Before humans started using fossil fuels the greenhouse gas levels were at lower levels,

then have had a steady rise throughout the centuries (Dahlman). Once humans started their use of

fossil fuels, the emission they produced has caused a rise in the greenhouse gas levels. Global

temperature rises that are greater than 1.5-2 degrees Celsius greatly increase the chance of global

instability. At this point natural occurrences will be affected and will start to become catastrophic

global changes, especially in weather and temperature changes (Atwoli). These changes in

temperature are another factor into the warming climate.

Global temperatures have been rising since humans have started existing on earth. In the

most recent decades, more frequently. Activities that require fossil fuels lead to changes in

weather and temperature. There have been recorded changes in temperatures, water levels, and

precipitation levels (Sun). The probabilities for extreme weather events have been changed due

to human activity (Sun). These extreme weather events can include extreme heat events,

droughts, and heavy precipitation events. The activities that contribute to climate change can

include industrial creation, use of gas appliances, driving cars and so on. All these activities

influence the amount of greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere. The domino effect

occurs, and the atmospheric temperatures increase.

Many scholars mention in their scholarships the rise of greenhouse gases, and the affects

they have on the global temperatures. Dahlman, a scholar who discusses the changes in global
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temperatures writes: “since 1990, the heating influence of human- produced greenhouse gases

have increased by 1.1 Watts per square meter” (2). In her article she also mentions what

greenhouse gases are most released by human based activity. Carbon dioxide is number one in

the human based warming gas, followed by nitrous oxide, and methane. Like what was

mentioned above, before the industrial revolution started the atmosphere absorbed way less watts

of energy compared to current times (Dahlman). Global temperature rises that are greater than

1.5-2 degrees Celsius greatly increase the chance of global instability. At this point natural

occurrences will be affected and will start to become catastrophic global changes, especially in

weather and temperature changes (Atwoli). Reducing the carbon emissions allowed into the

atmosphere will help in the rising global temperatures.

Fossil fuel corporations

Corporations that make a profit from fossil fuels should hold themselves accountable to

aiding in the climate crisis. Corporations that monetize the sale of fossil fuels have the risk of

adding to the climate crisis. Two-thirds of the global greenhouse gas emissions are derived from

the use of coal, oil, and natural gases, everything these corporations’ profit from. Many

corporations profit off the use of fossil fuels, so many corporations and firms will continue to use

them until there are none left. All oil and gas companies will continue to use fossil fuels because

that is where they profit from. Car dealers and dealerships will continue to use and support fossil

fuels until they can be fully electrically dependent. Since majority of their profit comes from

selling cars that use fossil fuels, there is always that underlying want to keep using fossil fuels.

These companies won’t feel pressure to change what they are doing soon because too many

activities that humans do require fossil fuels. There are ways they can help.
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There are strategies and ways fossil fuel corporations can practice to aid in the climate

crisis, instead of hurting. The risks are too high to continue the path corporations are going. Now

the effects are slim and hardly noticeable in some regions of the globe. In the future the entire

planet is going to be directly affected. The fuel industry isn’t under pressure right now unless

breakthroughs to cut carbon emissions come into societies (Krane). When the climate changes

for the better, the fossil fuel corporations start to lose, and vice versa. The problem is

corporations don’t want to lose because the monetary gains are too high. There are ways for both

sides to win. There are practices corporations can do to help the climate. A scholar discusses the

chance of higher tax on fuels, and government regulation on the sale of fossil fuels (Krane). He

also mentions climate policies corporations can put in place to do their part. Other practices can

include fully informing the business and the market about the risks of climate change from the

use of their products. They can also promote ecofriendly practices into their routines.

Conserving the energy

There are better, ecofriendly ways to use energy other than fossil fuels. This goes for

transportation, heat, and other utilities. Instead of driving a car, they can bike, or ride a

community mode of transportation. Humans can also utilize renewable energy sources like solar,

water, and wind power. Societies are becoming more sustainable and using these renewable

sources. Solar power is cheaper and requires less manpower. It is a better choice for power, and

the sun will always be there (Abdullah). Scholar Abdullah writes about projects in the making in

Bangladesh. He says the plan for the projects is to reduce the addition of carbon emissions in the

atmosphere (3). There are additions to the society like solar rooftops, solar parks, and solar

irrigation systems. These advances are eco-friendlier and cheaper than fuel-based energy

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Energy efficient modes of transportation are better for the environment. In Bangladesh,

the conservation of energy has become a responsibility to societies (Abdullah). The country is

working on their eco-friendlier modes of transportation. In a university, there are

implementations to better environmental transportation. This includes buses, bikes available to

university students, and better walking paths (Duque). In Duques scholarship a survey was

conducted to see college students preferred modes of transportation around campus. Students

answered, and many chose the eco-friendly option. This option was cheaper and took up less

time than paying for a parking pass and wasting their gas. In more urban areas the development

of energy efficient transportation is important for the overall development of the city. The energy

saving outcomes are playing an important role in investments towards more energy efficient

modes of transportation. The implications of energy-efficient modes of transportation will have a

domino effect on other modes of energy efficient usages (Li). These could be energy efficient

power and heat.


The changing climate is influenced by the activity from humans because they are too

dependent on the energy produced from using fossil fuels. Humans are destroying the earth

because they can’t limit their use of fossil fuels. Unless better and more eco-friendly practices

start being used by humans than the climate is going to keep changing for the worse. There are

regions around the globe that are incorporating better energy efficient practices into their

societies, but until the entire planet does nothing will get better. There are going to be more be

more negative consequences in the future. Scholars and anyone living on planet earth can use

this scholarship to see the positives from the implications of cutting down the fossil fuel use.

Humans and more specifically corporations must hold themselves accountable and do their part
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in slowing the climate crisis. This scholarship can help the world to understand their impact on

the climate change and how they can do their part in slowing the change. Together the people on

planet earth can do their part in reducing the carbon footprint that is starting to have negative

consequences on all.

Works cited

Abdullah-Al-Mahbub, Md., et al. “Different Forms of Solar Energy Progress: The Fast-Growing
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Atwoli, Lukoye, et al. “Call for Emergency Action to Limit Global Temperature Increases,
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vol. 49, no. 5, 1 Oct. 2021, pp. 346–349,
Burger, Michael, and Jessica Wentz. “Holding Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Their
Contribution to Climate Change: Where Does the Law Stand?” Bulletin of the atomic
scientists 74.6 (2018): 397–403. Web.
Dahlman, LuAnn. “Climate Change: Annual Greenhouse Gas Index | NOAA”, 2019,
Duque, Ricardo B., et al. “Invisible Commuters: Assessing a University’s Eco-Friendly
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vol. 38, June 2014, pp. 122–136, 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.05.010. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019
Krane, Jim. “Climate Change and Fossil Fuel: An Examination of Risks for the Energy Industry
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Li, Shan, et al. “Energy-Saving Methods for Urban Travel and Public Transportation in Smart
Cities.” Journal of Interconnection Networks, vol. 22, no. S4, 2 June 2022, pp. 1–20
Overland, Indra, et al. “Are Renewable Energy Resources More Evenly Distributed than Fossil
Fuels?” Renewable Energy, 25 Sept. 2022,,
10.1016/j.renene.2022.09.046. Accessed 2 Oct. 2022
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Sun, Ying et al. “Understanding Human Influence on Climate Change in China.” National

science review 9.3 (2022): nwab113–nwab113. Web

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