CTC Structure - 5 - 6 - 920211014173358

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Components Conditions
1 CTC Cost to Company - Total Salary
2 Fixed Salary Constant salary credit to the employee
3 Variable Salary Incentive Pay - Target or Goals Achieve
Paid to the employee based on the
4 Basic Salary company location - 3 Category = Urban,
Semi-Urban and Rural
DA = Inflation taken place in the econom.
5 Dearness Allowance
HRA = Rent allowance provided to the
6 House Rent Allowance
employee for their accomd. Purpose
CA = Home to company premises and
7 Conveyance Allowance
Vice Versa
MA = Baisc expenses medical happen to
8 Medical Allowance
the employee in monthly
LTA = Once in Two Years - Rembur. On
9 Leave Travel Allowance
your travel and accomdation
CEA = Money give to the employee for
10 Child Education Allowance their childrens education - Maximum 2
CEA = Money give to the employee for
11 Child Hostel Allowance their childrens hostel facility - Maximum
2 Kids

PF - Saving plan for the employee - Two

Contribution - Employee and Employer -
12 Provident Fund
Employee Cancel = Monthly Basic Salary
should be more than Rs. 15,001/-

Gratuity = Saving Purpose - Employee

13 Gratuity should complete 4.8 Years in the same
company - Eligible for Gratuity
ESIC = Below Rs. 21,000/ Per Month -
14 ESIC Medical Purpose - Employee contribution
and Employer Contribution
PT = Employee who will be covered
under Professional - PT to the respective
15 Professional Tax
state government - performing
TDS = Tax Deduction at Source -
Monetary transaction - Tax need to be
16 TDS
paid - Employee Need to pay TAX to
17 Gross Salary Addition part of your CTC Components

18 Net Salary After the Deduction

19 Grade Pay / Special Allowance Adjust amount

CTC = Fixed salary + Variable Salary
FS = CTC - Variable Pay
VP = CTC - Fixed Salary
Urban = 50% of CTC or FS; Semi-
Urban = 40% of CTC or VP; Rural =
30% or 35% of CTC or VP

DA = 17% of Basic Salary

HRA = 40% of (BS+DA)

CA = Rs. 19,200/- Per annum = Rs.

1,600/- Per Month
MA = Rs. 15,000//- Per Annum = Rs.
1,250/- Per Month

LTA = 1 Month of your BS

CEA = 100*2*12 = Rs. 2,400/-


CHA = 300*2*12 = Rs.7,200/-


PF = 12% of (BS + DA)

Gratuity = 4.81% of Basic Salary

ESIC = 4% of Gross Salary (Employee

= 0.75% Employer = 3.25%)

PT = Rs. 2,500/- Per Annum (11Months

= Rs. 200/- 12th Month Rs. 300/-)

Depends according to the income tax

GS = CTC Components
CHA+Grade Pay)
Net Salary = GS - Deducation
GP = CTC - CTC Component
SI.NO. Components
2 Fixed Salary
3 Variable Salary
4 Basic Salary
5 Dearness Allowance
6 House Rent Allowance
7 Conveyance Allowance
8 Medical Allowance
9 Leave Travel Allowance
10 Child Education Allowance
11 Child Hostel Allowance
12 Provident Fund
13 Gratuity
15 Professional Tax
16 TDS
17 Gross Salary
18 Net Salary
19 Grade Pay / Special Allowance

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