Purposive Communication

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The 4 Skills of Great

How do we communicate in today’s world? It's not easy and it's never been harder. The world was
living today moves fast, attention spans are low, everybody has enormous information at their
fingertips People don't listen very well anymore, it’s hard to be heard in the 21st century. So how do
we communicate really in that kind of an (such challenging) environment? It's not easy, but we can
make it easier!
And here’s how...
Think about anybody that does anything at a very high level, think about the singers, actors, dancers
or athletes that you know. If you look closely at the way they have become. They're very good at what
they do they all prepare in the same way; they all practice their skills in the same way. They break the
skill down into smaller pieces. They improve their performance on each piece ,they put all the pieces
back together. Then, all of a sudden, they're performing at a higher level. That's the way we want you
think about your communication.
- People who perform at the highest levels all practice and prepare the same way. (On how we
communicate and how good communication works)
- Current skill level (they are improving it).

We think communication comes down to four key skills :

1. How well do you asses ( 'Assess', How you assess situations, how you look at the world around
you, your level of awareness, how well you listen. The better we are able to assess what's going in
around us, the more likely we are to communicate in the way that's relevant to people.)
2. How well do you build your message ('message', how do we build a message plan based on
what we've learned, how do we put it together, what's most important, what do we include and leave?
-(Message includes : introduction, main point, examples, slide A.) The better we can build a message
plan the we will communicate.
3. How well do you document ('Document', how well do we translate that message into whatever
document we need on that they it can be, email, white paper or memo or even it can be ppt
presentation. but how well do we take that message and then translated it into a document that
actually going to help us in the meeting, in that conversation.
4. How well do we Deliver ('Deliver', how well do we deliver, speak and how well can we command
attention with presence when we stand in front of the room or when we lead the phone call or when
we participate in the conversation.

Don't just think about your communication skills as this one big thing, it's actually four things and your
ability to #1 assess situations, #2 build good message plans, #3 translate that message into a
document that helps and #4 deliver with confidence and presence. Think about each of those four
skills, work on each of one of those skills, put those skills back together and you're going to make to
communicate at a much higher level.

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