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Name: Sahara I.

Subject: Educ 7_72384
Semi Final assigment
Date : November 15, 2022

Topic 19: Basic Concepts on Communication

Content: The word communication is derived from the word ‘Communis which
means common because commonness of understanding is an essential component of
all kinds of communications.Communication also a process by which two or more
people exchange ideas, facts, feelings or impressions in ways that each gains a
common understanding of the message.

Reflection: Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information in

other words, talking or writing, and listening or reading. Good communicators listen
carefully, speak or write clearly, and respect different opinions. Communication is
simply the act of transferring from one place, person or group to another.

Point of clarification: what will happen if there is no communication?

Topic 20: Dyslexia

Content: Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is

characterized by difficulties with  accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor
spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically  result from a deficit in the
phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other 
cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary
consequences may include  problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading
experience that can impede the growth of vocabulary  and background knowledge.

Reflection: Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to
problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and
words (decoding). Also called a reading disability, dyslexia is a result of individual
differences in areas of the brain that process language.

Point Clarification: Why is it important to be aware of Dyslexia ?

Topic: 20.2 Speak and Language Development

Content: Speech is talking which is one way to express language. It involves the
precisely coordinated muscle action of the tongue, lips, jaw, and vocal tract to
produce the recognizable sounds that make up language. Language is a set of shared
rules that allow people to express their ideas in a meaningful way. Language may be
express verbally or by writing, signing, or making other gestures, such as eye blinking
or mouth movement.

Reflection: At age of three our brain is developing and maturing so it well start to
develop our speech and language. We use speech and language to express our ideas,
thought, and feelings. It is also a way build a relationship between people trough

Point of Clarification: What are the differences of voice, speech, and language?

Topic 22: Written Language Defects and Mathematics Problem

Content: Written language disorders, as with spoken language disorders, can involve
any of the five language domains (i.e., phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics,
and pragmatics). Dyscalculia is a broad term for many different types of disorders that
involve problems with math.

Reflection: Language disorders are typically diagnosed before learning disabilities

and often affects the child’s academic performance.

Point of Clarification: What is the causes of written language disorders?

Topic 23: Social Skills Defects

Content: Social Skills Defects There are many reasons why a person may have a
social skills deficit. It could occur because of a lack of knowledge, such as the
inability to acquire new skills, or because of a competency deficit. Sometimes, the
person may know how to perform the social skill, but they may struggle to perform
because of limited practice or inadequate feedback. There may also be internal or
external factors that interfere with the person performing the social skill, such as
anxiety or chaotic surroundings. Here are five common types of social skills deficits.
There are 5 types of Social Deficits include: Basic communication skills, Empathy
and Rapport skills, Interpersonal skills, Problem solving skills and Accountability.

Reflection: Social skills deficits are a defining feature of individuals diagnosed with
autism and other pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), which can impair
functioning and put the individual at higher risk for developing problem behavior
(e.g., self-injury, aggression).

Point of Clarification: what is the causes of social skills deficit?

Topic 24: Components of Inclusion and mainstreaming

Content: Components of Inclusion and mainstreaming. Every child has the ability to
learn, but the way children learn and how much knowledge they can absorb can vary
considerably especially for a child with special needs. Yet, as a society we owe all
children a chance to reach their potential, so it is important to create the best possible
learning environment for that to happen.

Reflection: Mainstreaming and inclusion is that students who are partici -pating in
mainstreaming are expected to keep up with the other students in the class with little
to no assistance. They are also expected to make similar gains while participating in
the class.

Point of Clarification:

Topic 25: Concepts Inclusion and Mainstreaming of Special and Inclusive Education.

Content: Children with disabilities might have mental and    physical delays that
affects how they function academically. Children who are deemed gifted or
academically advanced can also be affected by classroom placement.

Reflection; Children with disabilities might have mental and/or physical delays that
affect how they function academically. Children who are deemed gifted or
academically advanced can also be affected by classroom placement. In an effort to
ensure that all children are afforded the best educational opportunities,
modifications are sometimes made to the classroom experience. Some
students might find regular classroom situations are overwhelming and
inappropriate for their developmental needs. However, for others, being placed
in a general education classroom will cause them to excel academically and/or
socially because they feel that they're part of the learning process and aren't
being overlooked or excluded.

Point of Clarification: What is the main goal of mainstreaming in special education?

Topic 26: Preparing regular teacher, staff and other personnel for inclusion

Content: Preparing regular teacher, staff and other personnel for inclusion:
1. Reinforce the role of teachers by working to improve their status and their working
conditions, and develop mechanisms for recruiting suitable candidates, and retain
qualified teachers who are sensitive to different learning requirements. 2. Train
teachers by equipping them with the appropriate skills and materials to teach diverse
student populations and meet the diverse learning needs of different categories of
learners through methods such as professional development at the school level, pre-
service training about inclusion, and instruction attentive to the development and
strengths of the individual learner.

Reflection: Inclusive education values diversity and the unique contributions each
student brings to the classroom. In a truly inclusive setting, every child feels safe and
has a sense of belonging. Students and their parents participate in setting learning
goals and take part in decisions that affect them.

Point of clarification: What is the role of teacher towards inclusion?

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