Chem8958 1804

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at the age of seven, and afterwards studied in the United

rifle is now known as the .303 Lee-Enfleld, which fires a

Danish archbishop of Lund was made legate and perpetual

of certain dues on Scottish imports into France. Meanwhile

Brusa, removing in 1855 to Damascus. In July 1860, when the

1789) was a work of great value, the language having been

in the former as is compatible only with an early date.

brothers. To the south of the church, so as to secure as

fail. Alphonse de Candolle (Geographic botanique, p.

Vale of Leven. The public buildings include a public hall,

but he returned a convert to the Mahommedan faith and joined

have been introduced into Turkey during Ahmed I.'s reign.

consecrated as the footprint of Buddha. The margin of this

family. After treating in vain for a marriage between one

the Mahommedan world into two great sects, the Sunnites and the

Republic, and to the west of the Portuguese dominions.''

Argonne and Bray in France; the Flammenmergel of North Germany;

States Supreme Court has declared that by virtue of these

muffles. This has led some factories which had introduced

his Jerusalem Delivered. Another work of Accolti's-De

the Rev. Benjamin King. Subsequently he married Mr King's

time. Perhaps the words archebiosis, or archegenesis,

1900 9 21 214 50 2

length (including all bends) from its source to its junction

shown how the development of the German philosophy from Kant to

mythological. The work is celebrated for its delicacy and

father procured for him the bishopric of Montauban, and

Several Latin translations have been published, and an excellent

in which oranges, lemons, apricots, grapes and walnuts are

In the 14th century the labourer lived in rude abundance.

alphabet, Dr A. J. Evans's Scripta Minoa (vol. i., 1900)

hour with the perforation of the mouth, first gill-cleft and

titles as Musenalmanach, modelled on the Almanach des

century when a young Englishman, E. S. Grogan, starting from

a tenth of their former value, and the Chilkat and Chilkoot

large size of the single caecum of mammals is more closely

malagma; in the alchemists the form algamala is also

special statutes require separate schools for white and negro

being much admired. He died on the 9th of December 1870.

administration almost immediately provoked a rebellion of

Physical Features.--The surface of Alabama in the N. and

valencies of the carbon atom are attached to alkyl groups.

The DIVISION OF AGRA has an area of 10,154 sq. m. In

navigable. Besides these there are a number of streams in the

provinces, in the order of Jesuits, who act as officials

wonders. The conqueror visits a cannibal kingdom and finds

exhibited, and bad luck was thought to menace the household not

Education and Charities.--There are two universities in

of electric tube, one with long wires (fig. 16) for joining

sons, the youngest of whom was the famous Philip of Macedon.

dignity, and, in modern times, applied to an office-bearer

men of the adjoining valleys, even when Alpine travellers

inhabitants), Wohlen (3274 inhabitants), and Lenzburg (2588

in that geometrical measurement is based essentially on the

but only by light-draft craft. Chandless ascended it 1866

but to sin actually committed (after baptism); and it denotes

and the correspondence in one of these negotiations has been

man of considerable means, so that he was able to give his

must be equal to the weight, can be calculated by the formula

Malinke Mundu

to determine with certainty whether he ever existed, as no

necessarily Christian and Anabaptist. Lutheranism was more

often sold adulterated with chicory, sugar or caramel. Other

simplicity. Three definite regions of outgrowth, however,

Greek, for though the early printers cast types for all the


VI.: ``The duke yet lives that Henry shall depose.''

Col de Vaurze (Val Gaudemar to Val souflrey), foot path. . . . . . . . . .8,531

language, but later the term became specialized for quantity

at once thrown into prison, and soon after perished on the

2 vols., St Gall and Bern, 1844; H. Lehmann, Die argauische

the others were encysted in the territory of the prevailing

also applied to the alphabet on the coins of the Parthian or

garment, and, according to Father Braun, the liturgical amice

Finland. They formerly belonged to Sweden, and in the

applications: (1) Aberration of Light, and (2) Aberration

(afterwards Sir William) Mackinnon, was one of the founders

1894 40 0 37 10 48 5 43 10 49 1

Starting from the Col d'Altare or di Cadibona (west of

the reforms to which Mahmud had devoted himself. In November

deserving labouring man to acquire a small holding, that is to

ABENEZRA (IBN EZRA), or, to give him his full name,

shown to Tickell by Addison and his own neglect by the Whigs.

AMAZONAS, the extreme north-western and largest state of

Bancroft Davis informed the tribunal on the 25th of June that

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