Green Chemistry Contribution - Systematic Literature Review

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Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

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Green chemistry contribution towards more equitable global

sustainability and greater circular economy: A systematic literature
Cecilia Silvestri a, *, Luca Silvestri b, Antonio Forcina c, Gianpaolo Di Bona d,
Domenico Falcone d
University of “Tuscia” of Viterbo, Department of Economics and Management (DEIM), Via del Paradiso, 47, 01100 Viterbo, Italy
University of Rome “Niccolo  Cusano”, Department of Engineering, Via Don Carlo Gnocchi, 3, Rome, 00166, Italy
University of Naples “Parthenope”, Department of Engineering, Isola C4, Centro Direzionale Napoli, Napoli, Italy
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Via G. Di Biasio 43, Cassino, 03043, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Green chemistry has been a major driver of sustainable development and had an important diffusion in
Received 30 May 2020 recent years. In order to investigate the state of the art in this field, a systematic literature review has
Received in revised form been performed, also identifying possible developments for future research. In particular, the aim of this
19 January 2021
research is to investigate how Green Chemistry (GC), Sustainability and Circular Economy (CE) concepts
Accepted 26 January 2021
are related to each other and how researchers are addressing and analyzing this relation.
Available online 6 February 2021
Since the nature of chemistry is to produce intermediate goods that are generally used by other in-
^as de
Handling Editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bo dustries, the focus has been mainly placed on industrial sector. In other words, chemistry involves most
Almeida of production systems.
According to systematic literature review methodology, different research questions were formulated,
in order to schematize and to get a comprehensive view about the evolution of green chemistry research.
The selected articles were analyzed through different criteria, including the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
framework, and were divided into different clusters, according to purposes, impacts and scope of each
The analysis of papers shows that chemical industry is able to contribute to a fair transition towards a
greater economic, environmental and social sustainability. Even if the main focus of GC is the environ-
ment, GC is getting closer to TBL pillars, representing the main tool for chemical industry to implement
Sustainable Chemistry (SC) system and to realize the transition towards sustainability and CE. Finally,
main results were summarized in a framework that shows the connections among systems and tools,
highlighting main synergies.
Results highlight how GC is the tool through which it is possible realize the SC system. In particular, the
SC, in a CE system, can be involved in processes of production and recycling, ensuring more sustainable
environmental, economic and social systems. Furthermore, results show how GC and CE are getting
closer to each other highlighting the ongoing alignment of purposes among different tools and adopted
approaches in a holistic vision.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction hazardous materials released into the environment and degrada-

tion of natural resources.
During last decades, the rapid global population growth and the The chemical sector is facing the grand challenge to reach
increased standard of living contributed in drawing attention to greener manufacturing processes, through an efficient consump-
tion of raw materials and eliminating or reducing waste. Research
on Green Chemistry (GC) is continuously evolving, especially dur-
* Corresponding author.
ing last years, when several authors proposed GC metrics (Bours
E-mail address: (C. Silvestri). et al., 2017; McElroy et al., 2015) or new business models (Lozano
0959-6526/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

et al., 2014a) for the implementation of GC principles (Anastas and (Brennecke, 2004, p.362).
Warner, 1998). According to Manley et al. (2008), GC “challenges Although these concepts can be used in an interchangeable way,
innovators to design and utilize matter and energy in a way that Marteel-Parrish and Abraham (2014) considers “each of these
increases performance and value while protecting human health concepts embodies slightly different ideas and encompasses
and the environment” (p. 473). In fact, the final purpose of the GC is different scopes of activity” (p.22). However, the interdisciplinarity
to reduce negative effects on human health and environment is undeniable. Both GC and GE “help to balance the need to improve
(Schwager et al., 2016), as well as to establish a strong connection quality of life while maintaining the health of humans and the
between GC itself and sustainability. According to Manley et al. environment” (Matus et al., 2012, p. 193). In this regard, sustain-
(2008), GC is an innovative and non-regulatory approach, driven ability goes beyond GE e GC concepts (Marteel-Parrish and
by sustainability and then oriented to a global sustainability scope. Abraham, 2014).
To reach sustainability, a complex balance among resources Sustainability and sustainable development are ethical theories
utilization, economic growth and environmental impact is that define desirable results in a context that takes into account
demanded. In fact, as stated during the World Summit on Social environmental, economic and social aspects (Voigt et al., 2013).
Development (2005), sustainability development goals have to be
characterized by three main dimensions, that are: (1) environ- 1.1. Green chemistry and circular economy
mental; (2) economic; and (3) social. These three aspects have to be
considered as totally interdependent and they can reinforce each According to Voigt et al. (2013), GC can be considered as the
other (Morelli, 2011). The concept of sustainability development is chemical philosophy that encourages “the design of products and
also at the basis of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) framework processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of haz-
(Elkington, 1994), that takes into account social, environmental and ardous substances” (p.150).
economic performance, in order to achieve a sustainable develop- The limitation of hazardous chemical substances in the cycle of
ment and a new way of thinking for firm’s business strategies. materials is not only a way for protecting the human health and the
GC does not involve the three TBL dimensions a priori. However, environment, but also an opportunity for the future reuse of ma-
according to Manley et al. (2008), it represents a fundamental terials and, then, for the enhancement of the circular economy (CE)
aspect for the sustainability. (European Environmental Bureau, 2017).
Certainly, the three TBL dimensions are related to the concept of CE is defined as “restorative and regenerative by design, and
“Sustainable Chemistry” (SC). The German Environment Agency aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest
states that “it is the objective of this concept [SC] to combine, on the utility and value at all times” (Stahel, 2016, p. 436). The European
basis of recent scientific knowledge, the preventive protection of Environment Agency noted that a “particular concern in the
environment and health with an innovative economic strategy. This context of a circular economy is our increasing reliance on chem-
strategy has been designed to create high added-value jobs” (p. 6). icals. When closing material loops, accumulation of hazardous
During last decades, GC and SC have been often used inappro- substances should, in principle, be prevented. A key challenge in
priately as synonyms (Tundo et al., 2000). In 2017, German Envi- this respect is striking the right balance between the quantities of
ronment Agency affirmed that International Sustainable Chemistry materials to be recycled and their (nontoxic) quality” (European
Collaborative Centre should have increased efforts to remove any Environmental Bureau, 2017, p.6). The management of hazardous
ambiguity for GC and SC concepts, because of GC offers useful rules chemical substances is considered a priority for ensuring a high
for the “chemical synthesis”, while SC integrates GC principles by level of the health and environment protection, promoting a cir-
default, as well as it considers GC principles for the assessing of cular approach to the economy (EUROPEAN, 2017). CE aims for
products, processes and applications in a holistic perspective. In ambitious objectives and one of the main issues is exactly repre-
fact, GC, deriving from a perspective of design and production, sented by the presence of hazardous chemical substances that can
mainly focuses on technical aspects and engineering issues (i.e. enter, or re-enter, in the environment and technosphere. Such
synthesis processes, atomic economics and utilization of solvent). substances can reappear in end products that have been made from
On the other hand, SC includes all life cycle stages and surrounding waste, entailing risks for humans and environment (Bodar et al.,
areas, as well as the direct and indirect relations with environment, 2018). This aspect represents the main motivation for their exclu-
economic and social perspectives (Blum et al., 2017). sion from material flows and a key element for obtaining a CE that
In a such context, GC can be considered as a prerequisite and a operates to its full potential (Swedish Society for Nature
fundamental part of SC (Blum et al., 2017), while SC as a system for Conservation, 2018).
chemical development, where chemistry is applied in a safer and Therefore, it seems evident how CE is strongly related to the
eco-friendly way, being able to face issues related to economic and concept of GC. According to Smieja and Babcock (2017), GC is an
social impacts for all life cycle stages (Chen et al., 2020; Marion integral part of each strategy based on circular business models and
et al., 2017). both concepts share several environmental purposes.
According to Nosonovsky and Bhushan (2012), GC and SC con- Chen et al. (2020) highlights the necessity to define new stra-
cepts, together with “Green Engineering” (GE) concept tegies for the GC implementation following a CE perspective. Ac-
(Nosonovsky and Bhushan, 2012, p.3), define the so-called “green cording to Clark et al. (2016), a full synergy between purposes of
tribology” concept that is based on twelve principles. chemical industry and CE will be possible when chemistry,
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines GE as considering both academic and industrial contexts, would have
‘‘the design, commercialization and use of processes and products changed their aspirations to meet CE purposes.
that are technically and economically feasible while minimizing (1) Keijer et al. (2019) also discussed the possibility to reach an ideal
generation of pollution at the source (2) risk to human health and circularity, by reusing chemical products countless times and
the environment’’ (Slater et al., 2005). considering energy as the only input of the process. In particular,
Brennecke (2004), analyzing GE and GC definitions, states that the authors developed twelve principles for a “circular chemistry”
GE deals with design, marketing and the use of all the types pro- (p.190). Such approach aims to enlarge the concept of sustainability
cesses and products, while GC includes only a subset of these as- from the optimization of processes to the entire lifecycle of
pects, that are: process designs and chemical products. The author chemical products. The authors analyzed the importance to in-
declared: “So Green Chemistry is a subset of Green Engineering!” crease the efficiency of resources through the value chain of
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

product, as well as they highlighted the necessity to develop new within chemical companies and beyond. These are the conditio sine
chemical reactions for reusing and recycling of chemical sub- qua non for using, in an efficient way, resources that are limited in
stances. The final purpose is to develop a perfect circular system availability. Indeed, through the implementation of these two
without any waste generation. Therefore, CE redefines the concept processes, it is possible a transition towards a sustainable society,
of chemical processes, considering them as “sustainable” when that is characterized by significant changes in using energy and
people, resources and profit are taken into account, and then resources (Mulvihill et al., 2011). The GC allows to identify oppor-
reproducing the TBL perspective (Elkington, 2018; Keijer et al., tunities for innovating sustainability (Matus et al., 2012). However,
2019). In fact, several authors demonstrated such relation be- to achieve the goal and fully understand the GC potential, it is
tween CE and sustainability (Korhonen et al., 2018a; 2018b; necessary a transformation that involves social, political, economic
Kristensen and Mosgaard, 2020; Rossi et al., 2020). and technological factors (Mulvihill et al., 2011).
The CE concept is also related to other terms, such as “Green The increasing number of research studies related to the GC
Economy” and “Bioeconomy”. In particular, the latter has a com- suggested, to the authors of this study, to investigate literature to
plementary role together with the CE (European Commission, figure out how and if research efforts, focused on GC, are embracing
2017) and it can be defined as “an economy based on the sustain- the sustainability concept in its broader definition. In other words,
able production and conversion of renewable biomass into a range how GC is approaching main sustainability aspects, including ele-
of bio-based products, chemicals and energy” (De Besi and ments of the TBL and the CE approach.
McCormick, 2015; Na €yh€
a, 2019, p.1296). Synergies between these Basing on this consideration, the aim of this study is to under-
two concepts are particularly relevant (Kardung et al., 2020). Ac- stand and analyze how much such “chemical philosophy” has been
cording to important industrial associations, such as CEPI accepted and shared by scientific communities, as well as industrial
(Confederation of European Paper Industries) and EuropaBio (The sectors. GC promotes the interdisciplinary design and the devel-
European Association for Bioindustries), it is necessary a greater opment of new technologies that represent the principles of sus-
integration among both concepts, which should be developed tainability (Mulvihill et al., 2011). Since GC aims to reach
along with other concepts rather than in a parallel manner. In fact, sustainability and CE, it is important to understand the state-of-
these associations use and support the “circular bioeconomy” the-art in this area and how much such concepts are getting
concept (CEPI, 2017; EuropaBio, 2017). close to each other.
Also in this concept, the GC has a crucial role. GC innovations The focus consists in investigating the role of GC in business, in a
have the prospective to make the use of the biomass more efficient perspective of sustainability and CE. In this context, GE was not
in terms of costs if compared to fossil raw materials (Kardung et al., taken into account because, in this phase of study, the authors have
2020). The constant research of alternatives to the petroleum- maintained the focus on the chemical area.
based raw materials by scientists, industrialists and politics, high- For this purpose, a systematic literature review (SLR) method-
lights the role of the GC in reaching the primary goal of a sustain- ology has been used. A SLR is considered an important tool to un-
able chemistry in the long term horizon (Ciriminna et al., 2020). If derstand the existing state of knowledge on given questions.
the twentieth century saw the rise of industries that used the pe- Compared to traditional review, SLR differs by using replicable,
troleum as the main source for energy and chemistry, the so-called scientific and transparent processes (Tranfield et al., 2003a,b),
“the petroleum industries”, the twenty-first century is character- reducing the risk of bias introduction or lack of critical evaluation
ized by the gradual transition towards “biomass industries” (Clark, (Briner and Denyer, 2012; Kitchenham, 2004; Tranfield et al.,
2007, p. 605), where the biological resources are going to be the 2003a,b). Furthermore, the methodological design allows to eval-
main source for both energy and chemistry (Bozell, 2008). Until uate what is known for the identified review questions, but also
today, these biological resources have been used and disposed as what is not known, finding limitations of existing studies and
waste or, alternatively, sold for future uses, such as feed for live- prospects for further research (Briner et al., 2009).
stock (Ciriminna et al., 2020). According to Clark (2007), following The article is organized as follow: in Section 2 the aim of the
this approach, it is possible to develop a new sustainable society review is presented, including SLR questions and contributions to
that is based on renewable resources, where the conversion process GC that are present in literature; Section 3 defines the research
will be performed by the so-called “biorefinery”. In this context, the methodology; Section 4 includes the material collection phase; in
implementation of technologies and GC principles directly within Section 5 the analysis of articles is carried out. In particular, it is
the biorefinery will be essential for minimizing the environmental divided in “Index calculation and database analysis” and “Temporal
impact (Azapagic et al., 2004; Clark, 2007). distribution and evolution of publications, sources and authors”;
The CE implementation and everything that follows require a Section 6 and 7 illustrate how structural dimensions and analytical
legislation oriented to eco-innovations (Stankeviciene_ et al., 2020) categories have been identified; Section 8 contains discussions,
and able to promote enterprises in developing innovative solutions Section 9 “Limitations and future perspective” and Conclusions are
for reducing production waste, as well as for obtaining a “green” presented in final Section 10.
production and consumption (Kalmykova et al., 2016). In other Finally, because of the strong interdisciplinarity among all these
words, CE is able to generate its beneficial effect if it is implemented concepts, Table S1, that summarizes concepts, focuses and differ-
in a “Green Economy” context (Stankevi ciene_ et al., 2020). The ences, has been provided as supplementary file.
“Green Economy” is often considered as a concept that includes
elements of CE and bioeconomy (D’Amato et al., 2017), and able to 2. Research questions and purpose of the paper e (step 1)
“result in improved human well-being and social equity, while
significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. The relation between GC and sustainability is a research topic
In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as that has been widely debated in literature and, today (April 15,
one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive” 2020), it is possible to find seven literature reviews that investi-
(UNEP, 2011, p. 1). gated such relation.
Such background highlights how the GC focus is in line with First review was published by García-Serna et al., in 2007 and it
broader concepts of sustainability and CE. In particular, GC gives focuses on the concept of “Green Engineering” and how this
theoretical and technological fundamentals for implementing approach can promote sustainability.
strategies oriented to transmaterialization and dematerialization In 2011, Rodrigues and Joekes discussed some aspects of cement
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

industry in relation to environmental sciences. In particular, au- implementation of GC by academics and practitioners?
thors paid attention on the role of cement chemistry in terms of RQ5 e Which are the comprehensive studies that show exper-
sustainability. imental applications of GC to industrial processes?
Coish et al. (2016) proposed a more technical review focused on RQ6 e What is the relation between GC and the TBL framework?
the current state of the “sustainable innovation” (p.1) and on future This SLR aims to answer to these questions and analyze a sig-
challenges for the environmental risk reduction. nificant part of literature concerning CG, sustainability and CE.
Schwager et al. (2016) provided an overview of GC and SC in the Main innovations were introduced to better understand the topic at
context of “Agenda 2030” for the sustainable development, finding hand. As first, the relation among GC, sustainability and CE were
that, to explore and to promote the GC and SC potential, innovative investigated through a systematic approach to obtain a compre-
models for business and CE are needed. hensive analysis and a reproducible methodology, including
In their review, Chaturvedi et al. (2017) discussed how phar- rigorous research criteria. Moreover, such analysis involves several
maceutical companies are becoming interested to sustainability, industrial sectors to explain how they are approaching CG, sus-
considering the relation among environmental aspects, economic tainability and CE issues. In fact, GC has a wide application area,
growth and social welfare as the main critical factor. being “the study of matter and all of its transformations” (Manley
The topic of CE is also analyzed by Loste et al. (2020), with the et al., 2008, p. 744).
aim to evaluate the GC contributes to drive the transition to CE.
Finally, Nambela et al. (2020) developed a review on the relation 3. Methodology
between GC and sustainability. In particular, when such concepts
are applied to the industrial sector of textile colorants. To provide a general framework about GC evolution, a SLR was
Table 2 shows main features of seven reviews presented in this carried out. The SLR methodology was first adopted in medicine
paragraph, focused on relation between GC, sustainability and CE (Saade et al., 2020) and successively in other fields, such as social
during last years. In particular, Table 1 gives a clearer and more sciences, engineering (Bastas and Liyanage, 2018; Sassanelli et al.,
concise summarization of some aspects, differentiating existing 2019; Stuck et al., 1999), business and economics (Aquilani et al.,
literature reviews on GC and sustainability. 2017; Colicchia and Strozzi, 2012; Merli et al., 2018). The aim of
In these previous reviews, none of the authors studied how GC is SLR is “to identify, evaluate and interpret research relevant to a
related to both TBL and CE simultaneously or considered the whole determined topic area, research question or phenomenon of in-
chemical industry chain. Finally, the SLR approach has never used terest” (Kitchenham, Charters, 2007; Muller et al., 2019) (p. 398). In
before. particular, according to Muller et al. (2019), the SLR allows to (1)
The aim of this literature review is to provide a comprehensive summarize the existing evidence in a topic, (2) identify gaps in the
overview of how the research on GC has evolved to address chal- state-of-art, proposing areas for further investigation, and (3)
lenges raised by sustainability, that is characterized by the three provide a framework as support for further research activities.
TBL main dimensions (environmental, economic, social), and CE, as In methodological terms, literature review allows to investigate
well as identifying potential directions for future research on the a given topic through both qualitative and quantitative content
subject. analysis (Merli et al., 2018; Seuring and Muller, 2008). Several au-
Such overview can represent a powerful tool to understand and thors proposed specific frameworks to define SLR phases. Accord-
predict how firms, operating in the chemical sector, as well as ac- ing to Tranfield et al. (2003a,b), the SLR process should follow three
ademic studies, are dealing the key issues of the sustainability. To main steps, that are: planning, execution, and reporting. According
the authors’ best knowledge, a similar study has not been reported to the approach suggested by Briner and Denyer (2012), to conduct
in literature to date. a SLR, the following steps are needed: 1) formulation of research
To achieve these aims, we tried to answer the following research questions; 2) exploration and analysis of literature, through ad hoc
questions: chosen keywords; 3) inclusion of only papers that meet research
RQ1 e How are firms dealing with green chemistry issue? criteria and goals (fit-for-purpose method); 4) construction of a
RQ2 e What are the obstacles and the possible solutions database, where articles and findings are evaluated and sorted; and
encountered by the industrial system? 5) synthesis phase, in which results are extracted from database
RQ3 e How are governments and academic research addressing and discussed.
the policymaking in GC? Following a transparent protocol, SLRs use a series of selection
RQ4 e What are the recommended practices for the criteria that, explicitly, evaluate how much the selected paper is

Table 1
Literature review on green chemistry and sustainability.

Authors Database Source Aim Focus TBL pillars

García-Serna et al. WoS Chemical Engineering Journal Green engineering and chemical Process general industry Environmental
(2007) engineering vs sustainability
Rodrigues and Wos Environmental Chemistry Letters Cement chemistry and Sustainability Process cement industry Environmental
Joekes (2011) environmental
Coish et al. (2016) WoS ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Molecular design for reduced hazard Molecular design process in Environmental
Engineering industrial chemicals
Schwager et al. WoS Current Opinion in Green and Green Chemistry and Sustainable Business model: Chemical Environmental,
(2016) Sustainable Chemistry Chemistry Leasing Economic, Social
Chaturvedi et al. Scopus Journal of Cleaner Production Green chemistry and Sustainable practices Process pharmaceutical industry Environmental,
(2017) Economic, Social
Loste et al. (2020) WoS Environmental Science and Green chemistry and Circular Economy Business model Environmental,
Pollution Research Economic, Social
Nambela et al. WoS Journal of Cleaner Production Green synthesis and Sustainability Process textile colorants Environmental,
(2020) Economic

Source: authors’ elaboration

C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

Table 2
e List of selected journals.

Journal n %

Green Chemistry 19 20.0%

Journal of Cleaner Production 10 10.5%
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 9.5%
Resources Conservation and Recycling 6 6.3%
Chemsuschem 5 5.3%
Current Opinion In Green And Sustainable Chemistry 3 3.2%
Green Chemistry Letters And Reviews 3 3.2%
Chemical Engineering Journal 2 2.1%
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2 2.1%
Green Processing and Synthesis 2 2.1%
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2 2.1%
Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials 2 2.1%
Resources-Basel 2 2.1%
Aci Materials Journal 1 1.1%
Benchmarking 1 1.1%
Business Strategy And The Environment 1 1.1%
Corporate Environmental Strategy 1 1.1%
Energy Science And Engineering 1 1.1%
Environment, Development And Sustainability 1 1.1%
Environmental and Socio-Economic Studies 1 1.1%
Environmental Chemistry Letters 1 1.1%
Environmental Engineering Science 1 1.1%
Environmental Progress 1 1.1%
Environmental Science & Technology 1 1.1%
European Journal of Operational Research 1 1.1%
Environmental Science And Pollution Research 1 1.1%
Foods 1 1.1%
Food Engineering Reviews 1 1.1%
Guocheng Gongcheng Xuebao/The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering 1 1.1%
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 1 1.1%
IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association 1 1.1%
Journal of ASTM International 1 1.1%
Journal of Industrial Ecology 1 1.1%
Journal of Polymers And The Environment 1 1.1%
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 1 1.1%
Physical Sciences Reviews 1 1.1%
Scientific Reports 1 1.1%
Science of The Total Environment 1 1.1%
Sn Applied Sciences 1 1.1%
Sustainability 1 1.1%
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 1 1.1%
Total 95 100%

Source: Authors’ elaborations

relevant in responding to the research question (Xavier et al., 2017). 4. Material collection e (step 2)
For example, the C-I-M-O (context-intervention-mechanism-
outcome) framework (Briner and Denyer, 2012; Denyer and This research investigated on main electronic databases,
Tranfield, 2009) is a common approach used for the selection of including Scopus ( and Web of Science (WoS) data-
research keywords (Abdul et al., 2014; Caiado et al., 2017; Garza- bases, that today are considered as the most complete scientific
Reyes, 2015; Xavier et al., 2017). databases by scientific community (Chadegani et al., 2017; Guz and
Mayring (2004) proposed a model based in four steps: 1) ma- Rushchitsky, 2009). Only peer-reviewed journals were considered,
terial collection; 2) descriptive analysis; 3) category selection; and and then excluding reports or conference papers. In fact, the journal
4) material evaluation. In particular, such model allows to evaluate establishment and its availability for the readers are considered as
the collected papers through specific criteria based on topics and key aspects to ensure a high quality of the literature review (Guz
analytical categories (Merli et al., 2018). and Rushchitsky, 2009; Chadegani et al., 2017; Merli et al., 2018).
In this study, the C-I-M-O framework was adopted to select both The English language is generally considered as the international
research keywords and articles, while the Mayring (2004) approach academic language (Genç, B., Bada, 2010; Merli et al., 2018), for this
was chosen for the evaluation of papers (Fig. 1). motivation we chose to focus only on English language journals.
In particular, through the research keywords analysis, the C-I- The search strings used in both databases are: “green chemistry”
M-O framework allowed the authors to define the specific research AND “sustainability”; “green chemistry” AND “circular economy”;
focus, excluding articles that do not match with the scope of the “green chemicals” AND “sustainability”; “green chemicals” AND
review. The Mayring (2004) model is commonly applied in SLR “circular economy”. The present study considers all articles pub-
concerning sustainability (Klewitz and Hansen, 2014; Merli et al., lished before April 15, 2020.
2018; Seuring and Muller, 2008; Shukla and Jharkharia, 2013) and In WoS database, the research was conducted by “Topic”, that
it also allows to classify a large number of documents, highlighting includes “Title, Author Keywords, Abstract, Keywords Plus”, while
main trends. in Scopus the search field type was “Article title, Abstract,
The C-I-M-O framework consists in the following inclusion/

C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

Fig. 1. Revision process. Authors’ elaboration.

exclusion criteria: “enterprise”, “industry”, and “industrial” were included. Fig. 2

shows the selection and evaluation processes.
 Inclusion criteria: all the papers that analyze GC, sustain- The initial amount of collected papers from Scopus and WoS was
ability and CE in the industry field and that are focused on 733 and 583, respectively. Through the application of filters and
chemical sector; eliminating duplicated papers, the remaining papers were 28 from
 Exclusion criteria: all the papers that do not focus on Scopus and 53 from WoS, respectively. Additional 14 papers were
chemical sector, although they analyze GC, sustainability and included in both databases, and then the final number of papers is
CE; 95.
Furthermore, a second filter was applied to focus on the All articles were collected in a database by year, title, source title,
following subject areas: authors, number of authors, and nation of the authors. Further-
I) Scopus: Social Sciences; Business, Management and Ac- more, it was taken into account the evidence type (empirical/con-
counting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Decision ceptual or literature review), research design (qualitative/
Sciences; Engineering; quantitative), research method (i.e. case study, experiment, inter-
II) WoS: Green Sustainable Science Technology; Environmental view, questionnaire), and the Triple Bottom Line dimensions
Studies; Engineering Environmental; Management; Food (Environmental, Economic, Social).
Science Technology; Multidisciplinary Sciences; Operations
Research Management Science; Social Sciences Interdisci-
plinary or Business. 5. Descriptive analysis of the papers e (step 3)

The inclusion of “Engineering” as subject area is mainly due to 5.1. Index calculation and database analysis
three reasons: (1) the general aim of process engineering is to plan,
implement and execute programs able to guarantee the best op- Until 2004, Thomson Reuters’ WoS database was the only
erations for companies (Mendoza-chaco n et al., 2016; Sengupta database that allowed the possibility to develop bibliometric ana-
et al., 2015); (2) the concept of process engineering is followed by lyses, such as literature reviews.
the concept of chemical engineering, which can be applied to all In November 2004, Scopus database was presented by Elsevier
processes involved in industries (Dal Pont, 2013); (3) the principles Science and soon became the WoS’ main competitor for the inter-
of GC are in accordance with the more recent “Principles of Green national market of scientific databases (S anchez et al., 2017).
Engineering” (Anastas and Zimmerman, 2003; De Mello et al., In this context, several indexes and methods were used to
2017). analyze the degree of overlap or similarities among databases. For
According to the aim of this study, all papers that include key- example, Meyer’s Index (Meyer et al., 1983) is an index that allows
words “firm”, “organization”, “company”, “corporation”, to compare different databases, including the possibility to evaluate
the capability of a database to cover the same topic or and potential
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

Fig. 2. Identification of relevant articles process. Authors’ elaboration.

traditional and relative overlaps (Sanchez et al., 2017).  

In this study, Meyer’s Index was used to understand how much jScopus∩WoSj
% Traditional overlap ¼ 100* (4)
the database covers the considered topic (Dur an-S
anchez et al., jScopus∪WoSj
2018). The index assigns the value “1” to primary sources con-  
tained in the selected database, such value will be progressively 12
% Traditional overlap ¼ 100 * ¼ 12:63% (5)
reduced every time that the same paper is also present in other 95
databases. For duplicated papers the value is reduced to “0.5”,
At greater value of TO, databases are considered more similar to
triplicated papers to “0.3”, and so on (Duran-S anchez et al., 2018;
nchez et al., 2017). Only two databases were each other. In this case, equation (5) shows a similarity of 12.63% or,
Merli et al., 2018; Sa
in opposite viewpoint, a difference of 87.37%.
used in this analysis and then secondary sources, that are contained
in both databases, have a weighting factor of 0.5. Greater Meyer’s
index is and more unique it will be the considered database 5.2. Temporal distribution and evolution of publications, sources
(Fabregat-Aibar et al., 2019). and authors

Articles and findings were evaluated and sorted in a database.

S Articles *weight The analysis of the database shows an increasing trend of number
Meyer’s Index ¼ (1) of papers from 2002 to April 15, 2020, especially from 2014 to 2019,
Total Articles
with the only exception of 2015 (Fig. 3). During this period, more
The following equations (2) and (3) show results for Scopus and than half of the total number of papers (63%) was realized. The total
WoS databases: of collected papers is 95.

30 þ ð12*0:5Þ
Scopus ¼ ¼ 0:378 (2)

53 þ ð14*0:5Þ
WoS ¼ ¼ 0:621 (3)
As it is possible to see, WoS database has a more singularity
(62.1%) than Scopus (37.8%).
The Traditional Overlap (TO) index, defined by Gluck (1990),
allows to measure the overlap percentage between two databases,
in this case they are Scopus and WoS. Fig. 3. - Temporal distribution of selected articles. Source: Authors’ elaboration.

C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

Most of the considered journals have GC and environmental Table 3

issues as main topic. The “Green Chemistry” is the journal with the e Number of authors per articles.

largest number of papers (20.0%), followed by “Journal of Cleaner Authors n %

Production” (10.5%) and “ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineer- 1 18 18.9%
ing” (9.5%) and the 5 most prolific journals account for 51.6% of 2 16 16.8%
records (Table 2). 3 18 18.9%
Fig. 4 shows the temporal distribution of articles published in 4 10 10.5%
5 33 34.7%
the first 5 journals. In 2014, there was the greatest number of
Tot 95 100.0%
published articles (7) and the simultaneous presence of all the first
Source: Authors’ elaborations
five journals. 2016 corresponds to the second year for number of
publications but they were published by only two journals (“Jour-
nal of Cleaner Production” and “ACS Sustainable Chemistry & En-
Geographical focus, Industries). Through the inductive analysis, and
gineering”). Fig. 4 also shows that the distribution of paper was not
then basing on collected material, two categories were identified
constant over the years. In fact, in some years, any of the five
(Research cluster, Keywords). Table 5 resumes the structural
journals published articles that match with the scope of this review.
dimension and relative analytical categories used for material
Finally, Table 3 shows the number of authors per article. A total of
evaluation. In particular, Table 4 shows, for each category and
34.7% of papers have a number of authors that is greater than or
structural dimension, the considered approach, that can be induc-
equal to 5 and 18.9% of papers have between 1 or 3 authors. Papers
tive or deductive.
with 4 authors represent the 10.5% of the total, that is the lowest
7. Material evaluation e (step 5)

6. Category selection and material evaluation e (step 4) In this section, main results obtained from Structural di-
mensions and Analytical categories are described.
The purpose of this research phase is to analyze main aspects
emerged from papers and categorize them accordingly. For such 7.1. Cluster of research
purpose, as mentioned in Section 3, the Mayring (2004) model was
adopted. Fig. S1, included in the supplementary file, shows the All the articles collected can be presented in three clusters
phases followed for the selection process and for the material within the following items:
In order to determine main aspects that emerged from papers (1) “Strategy”: studies concerning how and at which level, GC
and define provisional categories, a criterion, based on theoretical principles have been implemented in industrial sectors or in
background and research questions, was developed. Through a different Countries of the world. In particular, they highlight
feedback loop, categories were checked and, eventually, remodeled barriers and future perspectives, as well as propose new
and verified (Kohlbacher, 2006). business models for supporting the “strategic” imple-
Generally, methods used for the qualitative analysis are two, mentation of GC principles;
that are the inductive and deductive methods. Each analysis needs (2) “Assessment and Practice”: studies proposing suggestions
three process phases, that are: 1) preparation, 2) organization, and and tools for the implementation of CG principles and
3) communication of results. Such two methods differ for the “or- methods for assessing environmental performance of their
ganization” phase (Elo et al., 2014). More generally, the inductive application. They generally show case studies where GC
approach moves from the specific to general, while the deductive principles were successful implemented;
approach, basing on a specific theory or an existing model, moves (3) “Technical”: papers that include experimental applications of
from general to specific (Polit and Beck, 2004). GC principles in industrial processes.
Furthermore, the inductive approach defines categories created
from raw data and without the use of any categorization matrix Articles in the first cluster can be both conceptual and empirical.
based on theory, as it is the case of the deductive approach (Elo and Conceptual studies propose models, frameworks or reviews; the
Kynga€s, 2008).
empirical ones can present case studies or in-depth interviews with
For the analysis of papers, six structural dimensions were academic researchers or environmental managers working in
selected and, for each of them, analytical categories were defined. multinational companies about green chemistry implementation.
For the definition of some categories, a deductive approach was Articles in the second cluster offer original suggestions on how
used. The categorization matrix was defined through a preliminary
analysis of articles (Sustainability/TBL, Research methodology,
Table 4
e Approach, structural dimensions and analytical categories.

Approach Structural dimensions Analytical categories

Inductive Cluster of research Strategy

Assessment and Practice
Inductive Keywords Keywords families
Deductive Sustainability Economic
Deductive Research methodology Conceptual
Deductive Industries Industrial sector
Deductive Geographical focus Geographical area analysis
Fig. 4. e Temporal distribution of the first five journals. Source: Authors’ elaborations.
Source: Authors’ elaborations

C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

Table 5
Articles related to research questions RQ1 RQ2 RQ3.

RQ1 e How are firms dealing with green chemistry issue?

RQ2 e What are the main obstacles that the industrial system encounters and what are possible solutions?

RQ3 e What is the role of governments and academic research in green chemistry policymaking?

Authors Methodology Interdisciplinary approach Focus


Kirchhoff (2005) Framework Eco innovation Collaboration between industry, academia, and
Ho€fer and Bigorra Model Eco innovation Companies
Iles (2008). Model Sustainability marketing approaches Companies
Manley et al. (2008) Qualitative GE - Eco Innovation Companies
Ananda et al. (2009) Model Business strategies Companies
Matus et al. (2012) Qualitative GE - Eco Innovation Companies
Watson (2012) Quantitative Corporate policy - Eco innovation Companies
Federsel (2013a,b) Framework Business strategies Companies
Scruggs (2013) Qualitative Chemicals Management Strategies Consumer products
Giraud et al. (2014) Quantitative Eco innovation Collaboration between Industries
Tarasova et al. (2014) Quantitative Sociological studies Companies
Green (2016) Model Science and Engineering areas Policy
Smieja and Babcock Model Product circularity Supply chain
Freire (2018) Framework GE - Eco Innovation - Analysis of companies’ behavioral intentionality Companies
Koenig et al. (2019) Qualitative GE Supply chain
Chen et al. (2020) Qualitative Product circularity Chemical management system
Ratti (2020) Qualitative Eco innovation Companies

Source: Authors’ elaborations

to improve CG principles and how to apply them. Generally, they Within the first cluster, articles that propose new methodolo-
propose new indexes or models to assess the sustainability of gies generally contain in-depth interviews and questionnaires.
chemicals processes or to figure out the implementation level of GC Articles that belong to the first cluster provide an analysis of the
principles. They can also report case studies were GC principles level of the implementation of GC principles, in several areas of
have been successful applied. chemical industry. They focus on both obstacles and future per-
The third cluster includes articles that present empirical results spectives, proposing new business models to support the strategic
obtained from experiments or in industrial environments. application of GC.
Fig. 5 shows the temporal distribution of papers for each cluster. According to Ananda et al. (2009), the “green” or “sustainable”
As it is possible to see, the largest cluster is the “Assessment and chemistry is considered as the new paradigm to which industry can
Practice” cluster, confirming that, before managing a new approach, refer to meet the corporate environmental responsibility, especially
it is needed to know how to measure and assess it. Only in this way, the chemical sector. GC represents an integral part of the global
it is possible to evaluate if the chosen path for achieving sustain- competitiveness of the chemical industry, in particular for Austra-
ability is the right one. lian industries (Ananda et al., 2009). They developed a “roadmap”
Beside general indicators, several articles present case studies (p.1051) to support the process of “greening of the Australian
where GC principles have been implemented in an excellent way. chemical industry over the next two decades” (p.1051) and for
Such cases result useful to understand which are most effective achieving competitive advantages. In 2008, Iles (2008) already
tools for the GC implementation. argued that the chemical industry would have faced several chal-
lenges towards sustainability, thanks to “the transformation of
chemical technologies, products and infrastructure to use less en-
7.1.1. “Strategy”, “Assessment and Practice” and “technical” clusters ergy and matter, be less toxic and draw on renewable energy and
The first cluster contains 23 articles published from 2005 to feedstocks” (p.532). However, the author referred not only to
April 15, 2020, concerning how GC principles have been imple- technical aspects, but also to business management for a satisfying
mented in industrial sectors or in different Countries of the world. implementation of GC. Indeed, the author stated that the greatest
obstacle is represented by the lack of business strategies able to
make GC actions commercially valuable. Furthermore, the author
focused on chemical industrial efforts in United States, highlighting
the weakness of the market signals and discussing potential
methods to improve the GC market and related obstacles. Finally,
the author pointed out the importance to create an efficient in-
formation flow about GC within the firm and to establish new re-
lations with supply chain partners, sharing with them information
useful to achieve environmental and productivity goals.
The analysis of the barriers for GC implementation was also
faced by Matus et al. (2012). In particular, they focused on Chinese
chemical industry. Their results indicate that, despite the growing
application of GC principles in China, the greatest barrier to their
Fig. 5. e Temporal distribution of clusters. Source: Authors’ elaboration.

C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

implementation is represented by the difficulty in reaching a 2012) confirmed that GC has a central role on pharmaceutical
proper balance between the generation of profit and the environ- sector. Watson (2012) tried to determine how many firms are
mental protection, as well as the lack of expert human capital. The actually applying GC based processes and, more in general, sus-
same authors also identified policies as one of the main drivers to tainability principles. The author analyzes 11 firms classified as “big
achieve GC implementation. The importance of policies was also pharma” (p.251) and affirms that, although satisfactory results have
analyzed by Green (2016). The author stated that the reason for the been already obtained in the implementation of green technolo-
slow application of GC paradigms is mainly due, in addition to a low gies, the general framework remains unclear and varies widely.
level of knowledge, to the passivity of the whole industrial system Federsel (2013a,b) attempted to answer to the question: “What
and the lack of political and financial incentives. The author argued is the relation between the Green Chemistry initiative and the
that plans for enhancing the sustainability of chemical processes, pharmaceutical industry?” (p. 3105). The author investigated stages
for the whole supply chain, can be promoted only by public policies. of GC implementation for the pharmaceutical industry, showing
One important example is the emerging concept of the “chemical how, from a difficult beginning, it caught up rapidly and success-
leasing”, promoted by the United Nations Industrial Development fully. To this end, the author also proposed some case studies of
Organization (UNIDO, 2011), with the aim to integrate policy ini- excellence.
tiatives on several settings, including scientific and technological Veleva and Cue (2017) also explored the adoption of GC in “big
fields, as well as to promote CG and the “sustainable chemistry” pharma” sector, as well as potential drivers, barriers and future
(Lozano et al., 2014a). opportunities. In particular, the authors noted that main barriers
The “chemical leasing” concept was also investigated by Lozano are represented by the lack of attention from government in placing
et al. (2014) and Schwager et al. (2016). Lozano et al. (2014a) pro- appropriate laws.
posed a critical reflection on this concept, stating that, although Chaturvedi et al. (2017) focused their attention to Indian phar-
both suppliers and users can get economic and environmental maceutical production, stating that the sustainability can be
advantages, the “chemical leasing” is restricted only to some reached through a holistic approach involving the whole products’
chemicals, that consist in solvents and catalysts. Therefore, Lozano life cycle. They assigned to Indian law the definitive role of pro-
et al. (2014a) argued a more clear and precise definition of the moter of a successful application of GC, indicating a series of
“chemical leasing”, considering it as part of a holistic approach that mandatory guidelines to achieve the sustainability for all functional
takes into account economic, environmental, social and temporal elements involved in the supply chain. Furthermore, they high-
aspects. Schwager et al. (2016) investigated the potential of lighted the importance to establish a partnership between industry
“chemical leasing” to integrate green and sustainable chemistry at and academic institutions to create a transparent data and infor-
global scale, identifying the need of innovative business models to mation exchange. According to Kirchhoff (2005) and García-Serna
facilitate the involvement of different elements, including the in- et al. (2007), efforts for such type of collaboration are not only
dustrial sector. strategic but also necessary for obtaining a definitive adoption of
Freire (2018) came to the same conclusion, although the author GC supported by a task force of scientists and engineers.
focused his study on the behavioral analysis of firms rather than the Ho€fer and Bigorra (2008) considered the adoption of sustainable
“chemical leasing”. In particular, studying behavioral and innova- strategies as the driving force for firms to pursue a state of health,
tive theories, the author developed a general conceptual frame- safety and wellness for consumer. However, they noted that laws
work to understand the threshold beyond which firms are willing concerning chemicals have always been weak, although people and
to engage in environmental innovation. Results highlighted the environment are generally exposed to the risk of chemical
importance of some stakeholders or strategic partnerships to pollutants.
develop conditions for technical and non-technical changes within Scruggs (2013) showed that, despite the deficit of proper laws,
firms. several companies in the consumer goods industry sector take
According to Tarasova et al. (2014), although Russia was inter- autonomous actions to minimize the use of hazardous chemicals.
ested to join the World Trade Organization in 1993, the lack of Furthermore, a proper balance between the increasing of produc-
strategical plans for adapting industry to GC paradigms led to tion and a safer work environment seems to be one of the most
negative results. In other words, Russian companies needed syn- important objectives for the sustainability.
ergic business models for a proper implementation of GC. Manley et al. (2008) considered GC as the innovative approach
Giraud et al. (2014) considered the collaboration among com- able to address the sustainability at “molecular level”, encouraging
panies as the key factor to ensure the sustainability of chemical scientists to design innovative processes to increase performance
firms. The authors argued that such collaboration can help com- and the value of products, protecting health and environment.
panies to identify more efficient processes, to develop guidelines The second cluster contains 43 articles, concerning the identi-
for each sector and to define strategies to turn innovative ideas in fication of tools for assessing environmental performance of firms
feasible and economic technologies. The same authors underlined and practices for supporting the implementation of GC principles.
the need to establish a “Roundtable” (p. 2241) among firms and The rapid development of process industries produced high pol-
various organizations to achieve a mutually and advantageous ex- lutants and environmental damages. In this context, GC principles
change of knowledge and ideas for the application of GC principles. appear as a powerful tool to address these issues. However, it is also
An example of roundtable is given by the Green Chemistry Institute important to introduce criteria and methods to assess the envi-
Pharmaceutical Roundtable (GCIPR) of the American Chemical So- ronmental performance, as well as to define principles for a proper
ciety (ACS). It was established in 2005 to assist the progress of GC ecological design (Zhang et al., 2005). Calvo-Flores (2009) intro-
and pharmaceutical industry at global scale (Koenig et al., 2019). duced some mathematical parameters to describe the sustainabil-
The authors pointed out the benefits from the partnership among ity of chemical reactions and their environmental impact.
pharmaceutical firms and their supply chain partners, especially in According to Lankey and Anastas (2002), to reach sustainability
terms of costs saving and logistic optimization. More in details, the goals and allow a more ecological industry, GC and engineering
Green Chemistry Institute Pharmaceutical Roundtable has offered should work together, designing all life cycle stages of chemicals by
an overview of how firms, from different sector, faced challenges a green design. For example, Zhang et al. (2005) proposed a model
and reached cost targets, improving sustainability performance. in which engineering methods, for the design of process systems,
Other studies (Chaturvedi et al., 2017; Federsel, 2013a,b; Watson, are applied for GC implementation.
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

According to Calvo-Flores (2009), the eco-design can also be Another subject of analysis is the unconventional gas industry,
applied to industrial synthesis manufacturing processes. However, that has begun to use the hydraulic fracturing chemicals to reduce
although a green technology can appear as eco-friendly, this does risks associated with possible “chemical containment failure”. In
not mean that all processes and chemical reactions involved are this context, Hurley et al. (2016) developed a comparative analysis
also a priori sustainable, as well as an all-inclusive method to assess of methods for assessment based on the computation of the
them does not exist. chemical risk index, as well as the formulation of a “novel hydraulic
According to Gonzalez and Smith (2003), to evaluate the sus- fracturing fluid greenness assessment system” (p. 647). Results
tainability of a chemical process, a set of indicators or metrics for showed relevant benefits associated to such index, in particular in
the sustainability are needed. The GREENSCOPE (Gauging Reaction promoting environmental-best practices for the unconventional
Effectiveness for the ENvironmental Sustainability of Chemistries gas industry.
with a multi-Objective Process Evaluator) is an indicator model, Bours et al. (2017) developed a methodology that integrates LCA
designed by US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), to environmental impacts with other hazardous indexes originated
evaluate the sustainability of a chemical reaction or process from additive manufacturing activities. Their results originated
involving the areas of environment, energy, efficiency and economy from a study in which they explored several existing
(Gonzalez and Smith, 2003). In order to obtain sustainable chemical methodologies.
processes, Ruiz-Mercado et al. (2014) introduced an innovative García-Bustamante et al. (2018) proposed an index to assess the
methodological approach based on the simultaneous application of sustainability of the chemical processes involved in the food sector,
the GREENSCOPE and the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Further- where GC is highly demanded.
more, Fadel and Tarabieh (2019) developed a “holistic industrial A further area investigated by several authors concerns the
environmental index (IEI)” (p.1) to evaluate the sustainability of application of GC in the cement production, that involves different
industrial chemical processes. His aim was to support industry for materials and processes, but also high volumes. These motivations
applying innovative and effective indexes that are also valid in led Rodrigues and Joekes (2011) to discuss environmental aspects
other industrial sectors. Most authors considered the analysis of the related to the cement industry. They considered the improvement
whole life cycle of chemical products and processes (i.e. LCA) as the of chemical processes as the key role for achieving sustainability.
authentic key factor to guarantee the sustainability, improving Coppola et al. (2018) proposed different solutions to make the
environmental impacts (Lankey and Anastas, 2002). In this context, cement industry more sustainable, reducing greenhouse gases
Subramaniam et al. (2016) illustrated, through the use of some emissions and using renewable resources. In particular, they
examples, the importance to integrate LCA with the techno- focused on “greener” binding agents as an alternative to Portland
economic analysis, especially during first phases of design. Re- cement.
sults showed a more rationale development of sustainable chemi- Kadzin ski et al. (2018) used the Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
cal processes. Jime nez-Gonza lez and Overcash (2014) proposed an (MCDA) to assess GC implementation for nanoparticles synthesis.
overview of the potentiality of the LCA applied to pharmaceutical The authors proposed a single framework to identify advantageous
and chemical industry. Sheldon (2007) focused on the evolution of related to common criteria used for sustainability assessment.
the so called “E-factor” that is the first general metric for green Already in 2012, Tian et al. (2012) used the MCDA to classify the
chemistry, and it is defined as the ratio of the mass of waste and the sustainability of three alternatives to glyphosate. Cespi et al. (2016)
mass of product. In particular, the author highlighted the effect of used the MCDA to study 1,3-Butadiene production. The authors
the E-factor during last fifteen years for the development of phar- highlighted the necessity for researchers to have a more “scientific”
maceutical and chemical sectors and in a context of GC and and quantitative tool to evaluate the sustainability of processes
sustainability. when they have been designed according to GC principles.
Even in this cluster, the pharmaceutical sector is analyzed by The metrics to assess the “greenness” of a chemical process
several authors. Curzons et al. (2007), Rosenthal and Lütz (2018) attracted the attention of several authors. For example, McElroy
and Andraos (2019) explored chemical processes that are gener- et al. (2015) developed the “metrics toolkit” (p. 3111) to evaluate
ally involved in pharmaceutical industry, assessing their environ- the sustainability of reactions in a both quantitative and qualitative
mental impacts. Curzons et al. (2007) highlighted the necessity of way. It includes a wide range of holistic criteria to establish their
an easy methodology to provide indicators or metrics to assess the greenness, considering both upstream and downstream phases of
“greenness” or the sustainability of processes related to Active the reaction. The authors also proposed three innovative metrics,
Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API). To this end, the authors based that are: the optimum efficiency (OE), the renewable percentage
their research on the use of the FLASC™ (Fast Life cycle Assessment (RP) and the waste percentage (WP). Sheldon (2017) considered the
of Synthetic Chemistry), that is a tool web-based that meets these possibility to apply the traditional metrics, based on the “E-factor”
requirements. In the pharmaceutical sector, the importance to and on “atom economy”, to pharmaceutical and others chemical
promote a continuous improvement on chemical processes, to products. The author concluded that such mass-based metrics have
make them more green, is also highlighted by Van Der Vorst et al. several limitations in assessing the sustainability for the considered
(2009). The authors showed that some methods are particularly sector and then he explored other metrics to meet “green” re-
suited to evaluate the greenness, the ecoefficiency and sustain- quirements. According to Ho € fer and Bigorra (2008), biomass and
ability, giving a comprehensive example. The use of a proper renewable raw materials are the authentic drivers to let industry
methodology for the assessment is essential because, as stated by and sustainability meet together.
Van der Vorst et al. (2013) “you can only manage what you can Hjeresen et al. (2002) affirmed that several innovative green
measure” (p.744). Rosenthal and Lütz (2018) analyzed the synthesis technologies have been developed during last years. Such tech-
processes for the APIs and stated that, although enzymatic pro- nologies are able to provide both economic and environmental
cesses can contribute to a higher sustainability, there is the ne- benefits. The authors presented examples of some successful
cessity to have reliable tools to measure their environmental implementations. Lepech et al. (2009) argued that the connection
impact. among materials development, structural design and sustainability
Andraos (2019) developed a standardized format to produce is one of the main factors that helps the successful application of GC
accurate reports for the preparation of the green synthesis process, principles. For this reason, they proposed a framework to design
this format can be also applied to chemical syntheses of APIs. green materials, showing a comprehensive case study. In particular,
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

they focused their attention on tools that is possible to use during De Mello et al. (2017) developed a comparative analysis of the
the products’ development and related benefits. environmental impacts for the production of biodiesel from soy oil,
Hunt et al. (2014) focused on phytoextraction, showing how this evaluating the GC implementation and using different metrics to
process can be considered as an example of the application of GC. assess sustainability. Results showed the advantages derived from
Sheldon (2016) stressed the fact that is possible to design a more both approaches and they also developed a model to design
sustainable world basing on catalysis process. According to Lange guidelines for future applications. Finally, Limleamthong et al.
(2009), sustainability can be reached reducing the consumption (2016) proposed a new way to identify more eco-friendly chemi-
of natural resources, waste, hazardous waste and costs, indicating cal products.
such four dimensions as “sustainability stresses” (p.587). The Also in this cluster, a close relation between green chemistry
author showed how Shell Company reached, in just a few decades, and circular economy is highlighted. According to Linder (2017), GC
the implementation of GC principles, reducing “sustainability should be considered within the circular economy model, arguing
stresses”. that chemists have a key role in reaching a more sustainable future.
Another important aspect concerning environmental impacts is The author also gave some examples of excellence.
represented by toxicity of chemicals. In this context, Coish et al. In this context, Nistic (2017) affirmed that circular economy and
(2016) defined the state-of-the-art of the molecular design and GC principles are fully in accordance, sharing same environmental
focused on potential toxicity of different phases involved. The aim purposes, i.e. waste reduction. The author showed, through a case
was to suggest to chemistry scientists to use innovations on their study, how organic waste can be reintroduced as raw material for
design protocols. the production of chemicals or in value-added materials.
Lambin and Corpart (2018) presented the case study of French la The third cluster contains 29 papers related to the imple-
Roquette, a family-owned group in the sector of Food, Nutrition and mentation of GC principles on chemical processes, discussing
Health. The company is noted for its efforts made for introducing technical aspects. Articles focus on chemical processes employed in
sustainable measures in all its activities. The authors showed how industry or that are subject of study for scientific research.
the company applied GC principles and targets, in accordance with The chemical synthesis represents one of the aspects most
definitions made by United Nations. studied by the scientific community with the aim to realize more
Aydin and Badurdeen (2019) proposed a design approach for clean or “green” synthesis (Georgia des et al., 2015; Khoo et al.,
sustainable products based on “multiple life cycle” and considering 2015; Middelkoop et al., 2019; Pati, 2014; Simonetti et al., 2019;
end-of-life treatments. The validation of methodology is performed Theingi et al., 2019). Another subject of study is the catalysis
through a case study. (Adebajo, 2007; Walther, 2014), especially relative to polymers
Shahid and Mohammad (2013) studied the role that different widely used in industry. For this topic, Mohanty et al. (2002),
biopolymers have on antimicrobial development, analyzing Tabone et al. (2010), Hong et al. (2017) and Capezza et al. (2019)
different technologies of green pretreatments and describing main investigated the possibility to obtain recyclable bio-based
advantages. polymers.
Basing on a partnership developed among the Rowan University GC principles can be also applied to solvents involved in
and some pharmaceutical companies, Slater and Savelski (2011) chemical processes. In this context, some authors (Hiltunen et al.,
developed projects to promote the implementation of GC princi- 2016; Lowe and Milbradt, 2011) proposed more sustainable mix-
ples, through examples of successful application. In pharmaceutical tures for solvents.
sector, Ott et al. (2014) argued that APIs need a redesign or, more in With regards to materials, precious metals are the most widely
general, a rethinking for processes involved. To this end, the au- studied. In particular, studies focus on the possibility to recover
thors presented a holistic optimization for processes based on precious metals through green chemical processes and succes-
product’s life cycle, demonstrating that the adopted methodology is sively, in a circular economy perspective (Halli et al., 2018; Yang
able to produce high environmental benefits. De Soete et al. (2013) et al., 2018), to reintroduce them for the manufacturing of new
also analyzed APIs’ processes, but they focused on other aspects of products (Izatt et al., 2015; Cui et al., 2020).
life cycle, i.e. packaging and distribution of products. In particular, As in the second cluster, the third cluster collects several studies
they discussed, through the analysis of a case study, how changing concerning the application of GC on the cement production. In
the production way of batches can bring benefits to the environ- particular, some authors studied innovative and sustainable mix-
ment, as reduction of waste and resource consumptions. Their tures derived from industrial or agricultural waste (Debbarma et al.,
focus mainly was on making packaging for medical products more 2020), the creation of eco-sustainable cements (Coppola et al.,
sustainable through the application of GC principles. Packaging is a 2018b) and an innovative cement realized with eco-friendly ma-
particularly important topic, especially since waste, derived from terials or through a more effective energetic use (Font et al., 2018).
packaging, have started to represent a significant part of urban solid In this context, Muwashee (2020) studied how it is possible to
waste and the cause of several environmental concerns. obtain building materials, starting from cement-based materials.
Generally, materials for packaging are not biodegradable and For the food sector, Barba et al. (2015) focused on technologies
also difficult to recycle or reuse (Davis and Song, 2006). In this that are in line with GC principles and Romani et al. (2016) studied
context, Narayan and Balakrishnan (2006) discussed environ- on the implementation of GC to olive oil production at industrial
mental benefits to use biodegradable packaging in terms of landfill, scale. Furthermore, Pathan and Ahmad (2016) demonstrated,
incineration, composting, recycling and possible reuses. In partic- through an empirical study, that is possible to obtain high-
ular, the authors highlighted how sustainability, industrial ecology, performance vegetable oil basing on organic-inorganic bio hybrid
ecoefficiency and GC represent the new paradigms to guide the materials, meeting the 12 GC principles.
development for the next generation of products and processes, For the pharmaceutical sector, Van Der Vorst et al. (2009) and
especially for plastics. Wehrs et al. (2019) performed an important analysis to demon-
Arancon et al. (2013) showed a recent development in strategies strate the benefic effect of GC application to achieve a more sus-
for the valorization of waste from chemicals, including its reuse as tainable production, as well as Lae et al. (2019) stated in their recent
fuels or in other applications. The authors also presented guidelines work. Cespi et al. (2016), Mamat et al. (2014) and Molino et al.
for future GC implementation, basing on case studies where stra- (2019) studied the reduction of waste from pharmaceutical in-
tegies for the valorization of waste have been successful applied. dustry, using green processes.
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

7.2. Identification of most used keywords in selected papers of the Pareto analysis.
The graph in Fig. 6 represents keyword families in a descending
In this section, the most used keywords in selected papers have order. As it is possible to see, there is a clear pointer that overlays
been identified. More in detail, for each article, keywords used by the line graph at 80%. Such pointer separates 80% cumulative
authors were identified and collected, through a criterion based on percent, identifying the remaining 20% which represents less
a conceptual similarity (Merli et al., 2018). Furthermore, keywords significative keywords.
were grouped in categories. Among most used keywords, first five “Chemical components” represents the most important cate-
are “Chemical components” (64) followed by Sustainability (46), gory. In fact, “Chemical components” determine the sustainability
Industry (46), Green chemistry (39) e Environmental (29). The of a product and the possibility to reuse it in a circularity approach.
“Sustainability” category includes keywords strictly related to it, as As expected, most of articles focused their attention to such
“sustainability development”, “sustainable infrastructure” or “sus- keyword. “Environmental” is the second keyword family in the
tainable bio-composites”, etc. On the other hand, “Green chemis- rank. Such result shows the strict relation between chemistry and
try” contains keywords as “green chemicals” and “principles of environment, and how, for several years, the sustainability concept
green chemistry”. The CE category ranked tenth, with a frequency has been studied only in an environmental perspective by chem-
equal to 12. Such result shows how CE topic has become relevant in istry. This fact is also demonstrated by the third category “LCA”. In
academic research only in recent years, especially if it is discussed fact, such approach is oriented to assess the environmental impact
in relation to GC (Table S2 in the supplementary file). The most of processes of products in a life cycle perspective. Then, LCA has a
common family of keywords is “Chemical components” (64), fol- key role for the rationale development of sustainable chemical
lowed by “Sustainability” and “Industry” with 46 occurrences. processes (i.e. Subramaniam et al., 2016). On the other hand, the
“Green Chemistry” is the fourth with 39 occurrences, followed by presence of the keyword “Hazard” demonstrates how chemistry is
“Environmental” (29). Finally, “Culture” e “Country” is the less approaching to social dimension of the sustainability concept,
recurrent. becoming less dangerous for human health. Attention should be
On the basis of results collected, a Pareto analysis were per- also given to the keyword “Waste”, that is strongly related to CE
formed to understand most important categories developed in concept. Efforts in such context aim in designing chemical products
relation to GC, sustainability and CE. generated from organic waste (Campos et al., 2020) and in making
Pareto analysis is a widely applied quality tool (Karanikas, 2016), chemical products able to have a second life through different ap-
and it represents a simple and an effective statistical method for plications (Debbarma et al., 2020). Finally, the presence of the
ranking and classifying data in a decreasing order from the highest keyword “Catalysis” in most important keyword families can be
frequency of occurrences to the lowest ones (Bajaj et al., 2016). The explained considering the aim of this study. In fact the catalysis is
total frequency is summed up to 100. More in detail, the Pareto the branch of chemical industry and, as stated by Farrauto (2007),
analysis is based on the 80/20 rule principle. The classification of “most products produced in the chemical and petroleum industries
data is divided into two categories: the “vital few” items that utilize catalysts to enhance the rate of reaction and selectivity to
occupy a substantial amount (80 per cent) of cumulative percent- desired products” (pag. 271).
age of occurrences, and the “useful many” items that occupy the
remaining 20 per cent of occurrences (Karuppusami and 7.3. Research methodology used in selected studies
Gandhinathan, 2006). The Pareto analysis has been developed as
a Quality Control tool for processes, although several authors used Articles based on a methodological research have been classified
such tool also in systematic literature reviews (Aquilani et al., 2017; distinguishing them in conceptual and empirical papers. Further-
Bajaj et al., 2016; Karuppusami and Gandhinathan, 2006). more, an additional analysis was performed to distinguish articles
The purpose of the analysis is to figure out the most important that belongs to the same macro group (Flick, 2014; Jaakkola, 2020;
keyword families within this research context. For this reason, MacInnis, 2011; Muijs, 2010). In particular, according to MacInnis
keyword families that correspond to “research keywords” used in (2011), it is possible to define as conceptual articles all the aca-
this study (Section 4), were not considered. In fact, keyword fam- demic articles that are based only on ideas and then without any
ilies “Sustainability”, “Green chemistry” and “Industry” have been data. For the same author, conceptual papers also include analytical
the most common. For the sake of consistency, keyword families of articles based on mathematics, when ideas are expressed through
“Circular Economy” were removed a priori. Fig. 6 shows the results mathematical expression instead of words. Papers that are included
in this category are “conceptual framework”, “integrative model”
and “state-of the art reviews” (MacInnis, 2011, pag. 141). Studies
based on experiments or observations are considered as “Empir-
ical” papers. Empirical papers, in turn, are divided in those that
involve a “qualitative” (based on non-numerical data) and “quan-
titative” approach (based on numerical data analyzed statistically)
(Flick, 2014; Muijs, 2010). Fig. S2, in the supplementary file, sum-
marizes the model used for the purposes of this study.
Among the 95 articles collected, 70 are based on empirical ev-
idences and 25 are conceptual. In each year, conceptual studies are
always less numerous than empirical ones (Fig. 7). Most of the
empirical papers are qualitative (38 out of 70) and only 32 are
quantitative. The conceptual papers propose models (14 out of 25)
and reviews (7 out of 25). Fig. 8 shows the general classification of
Cases studies and experimental papers are the most common.
Several case studies were presented in articles included in
“Assessment and Practice” cluster. In fact, in this category, authors
Fig. 6. Pareto Analysis. Source: Authors’ elaboration. propose suggestions and tools for the implementation of CG
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

intellectual tool. The “Strategy” cluster includes 14 articles on a

total of 24. Such studies propose new business models to incentive
GC principles implementation, in respect of the environmental
dimension, sustainability, and, above all, the economic dimension.
The most representative example is represented by the leasing
model discussed by Lozano et al. (2018) and Schwager et al. (2016).
The 10 remaining papers have been included in the “Assessment
and Practice” cluster, and they propose models able to evaluate
environmental performance of chemical processes (Calvo-flores,
2009; Sheldon, 2017) defining new criteria and methodology
(Tian et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2005).

Fig. 7. Temporal distribution of the papers: Conceptual vs Empirical. Source: Authors’


7.4. Identification of main industrial sectors

principles and methods to assess environmental performance of
their application, focusing on excellence cases. For example, The value of GC is not always perceived because, generally, its
Lambin and Corpart (2018) presented the case of Roquette, that is products do not have a direct use. In fact, such products are mainly
considered as the global leader in implementing activities based on intermediate goods, that are used by other industries to produce
sustainable development. Several case studies were presented for end products. However, chemistry interests all life aspects,
different industrial sectors, especially for the pharmaceutical sector including nutrition, health, hygiene and mobility. Many evidences
(Andraos and Andraos, 2018; Koenig et al., 2019; Rosenthal and demonstrate that chemical products are used in all economic ac-
Lütz, 2018), followed by cement (Rodrigues and Joekes, 2011), tivities, such as agriculture (5,2%), services (12,7%) and family
textile industry (Shahid and Mohammad, 2013) and paper industry consumptions (14,6%), with the largest proportion in industry
(Manley et al., 2008). Moreover, case studies were also discussed in (67,5%) (Federchimica, 2019). Industrial sectors have been catego-
a CE context (Hong and Chen, 2017; Linder, 2017) and for high- rized basing on the Report published by Federchimica (2019), that
lighting the importance of the integration of LCA with both GC and identify nine industrial sectors mainly involving the chemistry.
engineering principles in a perspective of sustainability and circu- Fig. 9 shows how pharmaceutical is the most studied sector (22),
larity of production phases (Lankey and Anastas, 2002; in terms of GC applied to sustainability and CE. In fact, innovation is
Subramaniam et al., 2016). a key element for the pharmaceutical sector, which aims to improve
Experiments are instead the main tool used in articles that have health and quality of life of patients, as well as to pursue sustain-
been included in “Technical” cluster. In fact, such studies involve ability. In 2017, Europe invested in this sector an estimation of V
the GC application to realize sustainable chemical products or to 35,200 million in R&D (EFPIA, 2018). Other sectors are Food (6) and
use organic waste to make chemicals with a sustainable perspective Buildings (6). These results confirm how chemistry is investing in
(Campos et al., 2020; Hong and Chen, 2017; Pathan and Ahmad, innovations oriented to sustainability, in particular when the same
2016; Romani et al., 2016). chemistry involves industrial sectors like Food and Buildings
In this context, “Models” represent the most common (Federchimica, 2019).

Fig. 8. Classification of the papers. Source: Authors’ elaboration.

C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

Fig. 11. Continents of the first author. Source: Authors’ elaboration.

Fig. 9. Industrial sectors. Source: Authors’ elaboration.

Fig. 12. Temporal distribution of papers considering different continents. Source:

Fig. 10. Number of papers per country of the first author. Source: Authors’ elaboration.
Authors’ elaboration.

7.5. Geographical focus

The geographical origin of articles was obtained considering the

country of the first author (Fig. 10). The analysis shows that USA is
the country with the largest number of papers (24 papers, that
correspond to 26.7% of the total), followed by Italy and the UK (8
papers per country). However, if the analysis focuses on the au-
thors’ continent of origin, the scenario changes. Europe is the first
continent with 43 articles (45.3% of the total), followed by North
America with 26 papers (27.4%) and Asia with 16 papers (16.8%)
(Fig. 11).
Fig. 12 shows the temporal distribution of articles in relation to Fig. 13. The TBL dimensions. Notes: Env (environmental), Env Ec (Environmental and
the country of the first author. As it is possible to see, since 2002 economic), Env Ec Soc (Environmental, economic and social), Env Soc (Environmental
and social). Source: Authors’ elaboration.
Europe and USA are the countries that first investigated such topics.
In particular, during last years, when sustainability and CE began to
be relevant for the world of business. Asia started its research ac- development is strongly related to the economic dimension and,
tivity with a slight delay, with only one article published in 2005, therefore it should not be neglected or considered in conflict with
however, since 2012, the number of publications starts to increase. the environmental and social dimensions. In fact, the economic
development is essential for creating employment and having
7.6. Sustainability economic resources that is possible to invest in environmental
One of the aims of this study was to understand how CG is A total of 20 articles out of 95 address sustainability considering
approaching the global sustainability. For this reason, articles were all the three dimensions, demonstrating how, along with business
analyzed taking into consideration the TBL context. The structural models based on CE, also GC starts to involve the global sustain-
dimension and the sustainability category were identified basing ability concept. Finally, 7 articles discuss economic and social as-
on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (i.e. Jamali et al., pects. GC and chemical companies begin to focus attention on
2006; Knoepfel, 2001) and on SLR developed within the sustain- prevention and human health, not only for consumers and citizens,
ability context (Franciosi et al., 2020; Sassanelli et al., 2019; Ülgen but also for their employers.
et al., 2019). Fig. 13 shows how the environmental dimension is Fig. 14 shows the temporal weight of TBL. As it is possible to see,
the most studied, with 44 articles in a total of 95. Such result shows the environmental dimension has the greater importance among
how the GC concept is mainly related to the environmental aspect collected articles. Fig. 16 also highlights two aspects: (1) the domain
of sustainability, although sustainability takes into consideration of the environmental dimension, and (2) the larger growth of
also social and economic dimensions. environmental dimension in respect to other two dimensions. This
Instead, articles that analyze simultaneously environmental and result can be explained through the strong attention that has been
economic dimensions are 24 in a total of 95. This is a particularly paid from society to environmental topics, as well as the increasing
relevant result, because it demonstrates how much the sustainable number of discussions on climate change and corporate scandals
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

are concretely oriented to approaches for sustainability and CE; (2)

to sensitize citizens to these topics, and (3) to design training ac-
tivities related to GC. In particular, citizens, through their choices in
terms of consumption and lifestyle, are able to carry out a social
pressure for both politics and companies.
The synergy between science and enterprises is fundamental to
help the transition from an innovative solution, that has been
developed in laboratories, to the actual implementation in chemi-
cal sector.
If GC is implemented in an efficient way, it allows to overcome
conflicts between the economic growth and environmental bene-
fits (Matus et al., 2012). Governments and enterprises should
Fig. 14. Temporal distribution of papers that involve (TBL). Source: Authors’ establish this awareness through a complex process of cultural
elaboration. exchange, that is, at the same time, stimulating and necessary.
According to Albayati and Arrak (2019), “sustainability is very
important in this world at this time” (p. 2727).
happening in the environmental area (Ülgen et al., 2019).
As stated by Giraud et al. (2014), “Together, we can accomplish
what no single company can do alone” (p.2241).
8. Discussion Finally, Table 5 summarizes methodologies and interdisciplinary
approaches observed in papers that address research questions
The analysis that was carried out and the identification of RQ1, RQ2 and RQ3. In particular, Table 7 highlights how GC topic
clusters allowed to appropriately answer the Research Questions in can be referred to different contexts and analyzed through multiple
a timely manner. The analysis of the first cluster allows us to answer approaches.
to the first three questions:
RQ1 e How are firms dealing with green chemistry issue? 8.1. RQ4 e what are the recommended practices for the
RQ2 e What are the obstacles and the possible solutions implementation of GC by academics and practitioners?
encountered by the industrial system?
RQ3 e How are governments and academic research addressing As might be expected, tools and practices play a fundamental
the policymaking in GC? role for enabling a proper GC implementation. As stated by the
The chemical sector demonstrated a positive attitude towards economist Drucker (2005), to manage and improve a system, it
achieving sustainability and the implementation of GC principles. should be possible to measure it. Such concept can be also applied
Furthermore, although the environmental issue is particularly to chemistry.
discussed by the chemical sector at global scale, several barriers still The “green metrics” is a widely debated topic, as proven by the
slow down the new sustainable business model adoption. First of number of articles presented in this section. The topic is continu-
all, the lack of politic programs aimed to support firms for the ously subject to changes and improvements (Calvo-Flores, 2009),
implementation of green technologies. Governments could exert however there is a common opinion that an all-inclusive method
social pressure on chemical firms and develop mandatory guide- for assessing the real sustainability of a chemical reaction or pro-
lines to promote green thinking within companies, through a cess does not still exist (Gonzalez, and Smith, 2003).
proper legislation. On the other hand, several authors agreed with the idea that GC
According to Green (2016), governments could also provide principles have to be combined with GE and products that have
financial incentives to companies for the human capital formation. been studied from the point of view of the whole life cycle (Lankey
Hence the importance to establish a partnership with academic and Anastas, 2002). LCA appears as one of the most analyzed
institutions, which would have the hard task of training engineers, methodology, for both theoretical and empirical studies. Indeed,
scientists and future leaders with experience in sustainability and according to Lankey and Anastas (2002), LCA helps to clearly define
the ability for successfully implementing GC principles. The advantages related to environment, as well as the economic ben-
“chemical leasing” is today a good way to establish a productive efits derived from the implementation of technologies related to GC
collaboration, but more should be done. The cooperation among and CE. Measurement indices also appear relevant. In this context,
governments, industry and academic institutions appears to be the in 2014, Ruiz-Mercado et al. (2014) introduces a new methodo-
key aspect for addressing the issue of the creation of a sustainable logical approach, proposing a simultaneous implementation of two
society, where innovative technology and the green thinking can methodologies: (1) GREENSCOPE and (2) LCA. This approach allows
face such huge global challenge (Kirchhoff, 2005). the design sustainable chemical processes with an overall positive
According to Matus et al. (2012), the GC gives innovative an- impact. Furthermore, the authors highlighted how for the devel-
swers for understanding how to implement the scientific knowl- opment of systems that are both sustainable and CE-oriented, a
edge in complex scientific problems. In other words, GC, together greater integration of tools is demanded. This integration can lead
with GE, allows “to use scientific knowledge to reconcile a very real to a change for the industrial perspective toward a systemic
need for chemical production and use with the desire to reduce the approach.
hazards e global, physical, and toxicological e associated with these Through this SLR, it was possible to find that several authors are
activities” (Matus et al., 2012, p. 193). For this reason, GC is bound to in agreement in combining the use of LCA with other tools, such as
establish a close collaboration with governments. metrics.
The realization of sustainable chemical substances demands Practical studies showed several case studies where GC princi-
several investments in terms of human and economic resources. ples have been implemented in a successful manner.
For such reason, it is necessary a synergy among academic in- One of the main purposes of articles was to promote GC para-
stitutions (science), industry (realization of products/services) and digms, showing the benefic effects for the environment and pre-
governments. The latter should promote politics oriented (1) to senting efficacy of methodologies and guidelines.
economically support the most virtuous companies or those that Finally, also in this cluster, the close relation between GC and CE
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

emerged. Chemistry is generally applied to each industrial process articles where authors applied GC focusing on waste management.
and then its application has to be rethought in a way that both
sustainability and a CE perspective are taken into account.
Furthermore, GC and CE share same environmental purposes, 8.3. RQ6 e what is the relation between GC and the TBL
including the benefits for society and human health. framework?
The great challenge of the 21st century for the chemical industry
is the transition towards green and sustainable manufacturing The analysis of papers shows that chemical industry is able to
processes, through a more efficient use of raw materials, reducing contribute to a fair transition towards a greater economic, envi-
waste and avoiding the use of hazardous and toxic substances ronmental and social sustainability. The main focus of GC is the
(Sheldon, 2016). The union of paradigms allows to achieve the environment, since it is part of GC purposes for preventing waste
common purpose. generation and assessing environmental impacts of products and
Finally, Table 6 summarizes methodologies and interdisciplinary processes (Lozano et al., 2014a).
approaches observed in papers that address research questions According to Manley et al. (2008), GC is “an innovative, non-
RQ4. regulatory, economically driven approach towards sustainability”
(p. 743) and defined as “the design, development, and imple-
mentation of chemical products and processes to reduce or elimi-
8.2. RQ5 e which are the comprehensive studies that show nate the use and generation of substances hazardous to human
experimental applications of GC to industrial processes? health and the environment” (p.743). Furthermore, Loste et al.
(2019) stated that such approach focuses on reduction of risks
In the third cluster, collected articles are focused on technical associated to products directly at their source. Therefore, it is
aspects related to chemical processes that have been designed for possible to deduce that the relationship between GC and sustain-
industrial purposes. Such experimental applications have been ability is particularly strong and many factors should be involved to
designed for pharmaceutical, food and cement sector. The analysis address the challenge of a more sustainable development on a
of the database also showed that the three clusters are focused on global scale. Kirchhoff (2005) asserted that “green chemistry is an
the same industrial sectors. important tool in achieving sustainability” (p.237).
What emerges from studies is that there is a growing interest to This SLR also shows that, among TBL pillars (environment, social
sustainability and GC is widely considered as the main tool to and economic), GC is strictly connected to the environmental
achieve it. The analysis of papers shows how the use of waste dimension. However, although GC is born with environmental
represents a relevant topic for GC implementation. This demon- purposes, industrial chemistry faces several global challenges,
strates how GC is getting closer to CE, which aims to be a closed including environmental and economic issues (job creation and
system and then without waste generation. Table 7 lists main ar- business survival), and social (safety and health protection of citi-
ticles that address the research question RQ5 and, in particular, zens, workers and consumers). In other words, chemical industry

Table 6
Articles related to RQ4.

RQ4 - What are the main tools or practices that academics and practitioners recommend for the implementation of green chemistry?

Authors Methodology Approach Interdisciplinary Approach Applications

Lankey and Anastas LCA GC And GE Technologies Process Catalysis

Gonzalez et al. (2003) GREENSCOPE LCA and GE Principles Process Synthesis
Zhang et al. (2005) GC Principles Process System Engineering Process Synthesis And Design
Curzons et al. (2007) Fast Life Cycle Assessment Engineering Process Synthesis
Van Der Vorst et al. (2009) LCA Exergetic Life Cycle Assessment (Elca) Preparative Chromatographic
Separation Processes
Tabone et al. (2010) LCA GC and GE Technologies Green Design
Tian et al. (2012) Multi-Criteria Decision EG Process Synthesis
Analysis Method
De Soete et al. (2013) LCA Exergy Analysis (Ea) And Exergetic Life Cycle Analysis (Elca) Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
Hunt et al. (2014) LCA Engineering Phytoextraction
Jimenez-gonza lez and LCA Life Cycle Inventory, Life Cycle Impact Assessment Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
Overcash (2014) (Api)
Ott et al. (2014) LCA GC And GE Technologies Process Catalysis
Ruiz-Mercado et al. LCA Greenscope Synthesis And Design Of Chemical
(2014) Processes
Cespi et al. (2016a) LCA GC and GE Principles Production From Biomass
Coish et al. (2016) LCA Interdisciplinary Approach (Systems Thinking): Synthetic Chemistry, Synthetic Chemicals And
Toxicology, Biology, Pharmacology, And Ecology. Molecular Design
Limleamthong et al. LCA Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) Screening Of Solvents For Co2
(2016) Capture
Subramaniam et al. LCA GC and GE Technologies Process Catalysis
García-Bustamante et al. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Chemical Processes
Sheldon (2018) E Factors And Atom CG and EG Process Catalysis
Rosenthal and Lütz (2018) LCA Environmental Factor (E Factor) Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
Fadel, C., Tarabieh (2019) LCA Industrial Environmental Index Solvent-Based Processes

Source: Authors’ elaborations

C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

Table 7
Articles that address the research question RQ5.

RQ5 e Are there any comprehensive studies that show experimental applications of GC to industrial processes?

Authors Methodology approach Industrial sector of applications Waste used

Mohanty et al. (2002) Experiment Rubber-Plastic Agricultural and biomass feedstock

Lowe and Milbradt (2011) Experiment Crop Protection Industry Organic waste
Barba et al. (2015) Experiment Food Microalgae
Mamat et al. (2014) Experiment Industrial sector in general Agricultural
Walther (2014) Experiment Chemical industry Renewables
Georgiades et al. (2015) Experiment Chemical industry No, but the aim is to generate minimal waste.
Izatt et al. (2015) Experiment Metallurgy No, but the aim is to generate minimal waste.
Cespi et al. (2016b) Experiment Industrial sector in general Epichlorohydrin industry
Pathan and Ahmad (2016) Experiment Industrial sector in general Bio-based hybrid nanocomposite coatings
Romani et al. (2016) Experiment Food Agricultural
Hong and Chen (2017) Experiment Chemical industry Polymers
Coppola et al. (2018a) Experiment Buildings Mortar and concrete
Font et al. (2018) Experiment Buildings Agricultural
Halli et al. (2018) Experiment Metallurgy Metal
Yang et al. (2018) Experiment Metallurgy Metal
Capezza et al. (2019) Experiment Pharmaceutics Agricultural
Molino et al. (2019) Experiment Food Agricultural
Campos et al. (2020) Experiment Food Agricultural
Cui et al. (2020) Experiment Chemical industry Liquid crystal displays
Debbarma et al. (2020) Experiment Buildings Industrial and agricultural

Source: Authors’ elaborations

should redesign their business models, policies, processes and As mentioned before, the relationship between GC and sus-
products, following an approach oriented to sustainability, CE and tainability is relevant. The reason can be found in the beneficial
all the three TBL pillars. SC represents the proper system able to effects derived from the implementation of GC principles, including
apply such approach, containing in its interior the application of GC the reduction or the elimination of waste, hazardous materials and
principles. In other words, SC ensures a safer use of chemistry for the use of renewable materials (Hjeresen et al., 2002). What
citizens, consumers and workers, as well as environmental-friendly emerges from the analysis of articles is that the concept of sus-
solutions. Referring to the concept of the three TBL perspectives, GC tainability is implicit on GC.
is able to generate benefits “to human health (cleaner air, water, The economic aspects were widely debated in 40 articles. This
safer food, and goods), the environment (less consumption of result demonstrates how firms are abandoning the so-called
feedstocks and energy, reduction of pollution or of ecotoxicity), and “enduring myth” (Hjeresen et al., 2002), according to which it is
business (better performance, reduction of raw materials, not possible to reach environmental benefits without a reduction in
improving competitiveness)” (Loste et al., 2019 p.785). profit. Indeed, companies that implemented GC principles gener-
All the 95 papers were analyzed and classified to understand ally increased their profit, through the reduction of waste and the
how GC is approaching Sustainability and CE in a TBL perspective. recovery of resources (Hjeresen et al., 2002; Loste et al., 2019).
In particular, Fig. 15 shows the number of papers that involve the Furthermore, technological innovations can support companies to
three TBL pillars for each of the three clusters, allowing to better reach both economic and environmental goals (Freire, 2018;
understand the GC evolution towards global sustainability. Hjeresen et al., 2002).
As shown in Fig. 15, the environmental topic is the most debated The social is the less studied dimension, with only 27 articles.
and each of the study considers and analyzes environmental This fact is also in accordance with some results found in literature.
aspects. In fact, some authors (Agthe et al., 1978; Bo €schen et al., 2003);

Fig. 15. TBL pillars in the selected clusters. Source: Authors’ elaboration.

C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

circular economic perspective can be reached through a chemical

production based on biological raw materials, as well as reducing
waste and through a more effective energetic use. The close rela-
tionship between GC and circular economy is very significant,
because it shows how an approach based on the three TBL di-
mensions can lead to an easier achievement of objectives. In fact,
sustainability and circular economy concepts generally share some
concerns, such as the attention for the current consumptions that
can affect the wellbeing of future generations (Geissdoerfer et al.,
2017), as well as the necessity to have greener technologies. Ac-
cording to Kirchhoff (2005), GC offers tools to find solutions to
these global challenges.
Moreover, the chemical sector supports most of the industries.
For this reason, it should respond to relevant challenges related to
the topic of the sustainability and CE. According to Clark (2007),
before addressing key issues such as the transition towards
renewable resources, the avoiding of hazardous and polluting
processes and the design of eco-compatible and safety products, it
should develop “chemical sustainable products” and “green” sup-
ply chains. The use of renewable biological resources, as source of
precious chemical substances, represents a fundamental starting
point, as well as a common practice in many countries of the world
(Ciriminna et al., 2020). A bioeconomy can contribute to a sus-
Fig. 16. Framework. Source: Authors’ elaboration. Notes: CE can be considerate as a tainable and favorable future. For achieving the well-defined bio-
macrosystem able to generate economic, social and environmental value (TBL pillars) economy purposes, several obstacles should be overcame and the
and to reuse materials without any waste generation. In such macrosystem, the sub-
same GC, through its principles, is trying to do it (Fitzgerald, 2017).
system SC, thanks to GC principles, takes part in production phases and reuse of
materials. In fact, GC is the main tool of the sustainable chemistry, and the increasing On the base of previous considerations, it is possible to consider
orientation towards TBL pillars is facilitating its integration with CE macrosystem. CE as a macrosystem able to generate economic, social and envi-
ronmental values (TBL pillars) and to reuse materials without any
waste generation. In such macrosystem, the sub-system SC, thanks
highlighted that GC studies concerning social aspects are not yet to GC principles, takes part in production phases and in reuse of
adequately debated, being GC mainly focused on environmental materials. In fact, GC is the main tool of the sustainable chemistry,
protection (Lozano, 2012; Lozano et al., 2014b). and the increasing orientation towards TBL pillars is facilitating its
The cluster in which social aspects are most debated is the integration with the CE macrosystem (Fig. 16).
“Strategy” cluster, with 15 articles on a total of 23 papers. This result Then, this study suggests that GC, embracing the TBL perspec-
shows that also GC is directing its attention towards social aspects. tive, facilitates the transition towards sustainability and CE. How-
A more in-depth analysis shows that the three TBL dimensions ever, the conditio sine qua non corresponds in a significant change
are mainly studied by “conceptual” articles. They generally propose in consideration of environmental, economic and social issues, that
models and frameworks, analyzing the sustainability concept in its should be perceived as codified in a regulatory framework and
completeness. managed by private companies.
Green (2016) highlighted that GC can have beneficial effects not According to Matus et al. (2012), the GC application allows to
only for environment, but also for pursuing business objectives and simultaneously answer to several challenges related to sustain-
realize useful products. The author asserted that the model can help ability and CE.
research and chemical production to preserve the environment and However, in order to make this possible, it is necessary a politic
human health. However, according to Green (2016) and Schwager able to support the integration among tools and subsystems in a
et al. (2016), it is necessary to improve the knowledge about GC. holistic way.
Furthermore, in order to explore the potential of GC, they devel- The framework in Fig. 16 aims to understand such systemic
oped innovative business models able to involve all the actors, vision. Governments, research, enterprises, citizens and consumers
including industry. are the key players of this framework. Each of them, in different
Matus et al. (2012) affirmed that GC principles allow to improve ways, could contribute to reach the idea of sustainability and CE.
the life quality, protecting the environment and the human health. The conditio sine qua non is the achievement of a radical cultural
The possibility to achieve a global sustainability is also change for addressing global challenges and aimed to a unique
addressed by articles containing empirical studies. For example, objective, that is the social well-being of all individuals.
Lange (2009) stated that the possibility to reach a more sustainable
development is gaining even more importance, involving envi- 9. Limitations and future research
ronmental, economic and social aspects. The author demonstrated,
through a case study, how the application of GC principles allows to The main aim of this work was to investigate how much the
reach the three TBL dimensions. “chemical philosophy” (Voigt et al., 2013, p. 149) has been under-
The analysis of articles also highlighted the close relationship stood and shared by both science and industry. The focus was on
between sustainability and the circular economy concept. Accord- the GC implementation in industry in a perspective of sustainability
ing to Linder (2017) chemistry and, in particular, GC can represent and CE, giving an overview on how the existing literature addressed
the main driver for the circular economy. In fact, the authors stated the relations among GC, sustainability and CE. Results highlighted
that chemistry has the key role to lead society towards a sustain- how GC represents the main tool for realizing principles and con-
able future, embracing all the three TBL dimensions. cepts of SC and, more in general, of Sustainability and CE. It was
Sheldon (2017) showed that both sustainable production and possible to highlight the growing involvement of GC for the
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

application of the three TBL pillars. In fact, GC is no longer oriented In this regard, it is possible to affirm that companies have a good
only to reach environmental sustainability, but also to social and aptitude in developing green chemical applications, although the
economic dimensions, and then following a systemic approach. main limitation is represented by the lack of politic programs
However, although the scientific approach that was used for aimed at supporting firms for the implementation of green tech-
reaching the purposes of this research, the article presents some nologies. Finally, the results of the analysis showed that almost all
limitations. As first, although a transparent approach acknowl- researches are focused on environmental impacts deriving from
edged from literature, the article can be limited by some subjec- green chemistry applications, while 44% are focused on economic
tivity in the categorization of information. To limit this aspect, the impacts and only 25% on social impacts.
definition of structural dimensions and analytic categories was This study, from a theoretical point of view, aims to identify a
structured as suggested by existing literature. In particular, studies comprehensive framework to explain how GC, sustainability and CE
related to sustainability and CE topics were taken into are interconnected, and how GC is assuming a central role to reach
consideration. sustainability during last years. In fact, GC is no longer oriented only
Another limitation is represented by the typology of documents to reach environmental sustainability, but also to social and eco-
included in the database that consists exclusively in scientific pa- nomic dimensions, and then following a systemic approach. In view
pers, without considering the so-called “grey literature” or non- of this consideration, it is important to invest more in research to
academic literature (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017; Merli et al., 2018). encourage the development of new processes or chemical syn-
Indeed, it appears clear how non-academic literature has a funda- thesis, in addition to existing ones. Research should be conducted in
mental role in giving GC implementation practices, especially in an academic context, facilitating the subsequent use in industrial
industrial sector. Royal Society of Chemistry ( applications (Manley et al., 2008).
and ACS Chemistry for Life ( The relation between academic research and chemical industry
html) represent the main communities that contribute to scienti- is strong, being highly interested in transformations and properties
fic publications on GC issues, but they deal only in making reports of substances. On the other hand, chemical research, that it
the synthetize strategies, activities and relative impacts. More in developed within an industrial context, transforms academic
detail, their purpose is twofold: (1) to connect people with chem- research results in new technology and products, improving the
ical science through knowledge, skills and community concepts, well-being and quality of life (Federchimica, 2019).
and (2) to make chemical enterprise to grow toward a more sus- Following this approach, this study also helps enterprise man-
tainable approach, improving the life of people. agement to reach a cultural change towards sustainability and CE.
The specific research criteria used in this work represent a Furthermore, it demonstrates how GC implementation allows to
further limitation. Indeed, the study focus on GC topic, neglecting reach both economic and environmental sustainability, that are
the relevant topic of the GE, that is described in the Introduction fundamental aspects for the growth of firms. Results let the authors
section. Indeed, in this first phase of the study, the attention of to encourage firms in considering the possibility to generate both
authors was focused on chemistry. However, both concepts are profits and environment protection.
closed to each other, and this may results in loss of information, in Being the chemical industry upstream in supply chains, it has
particular in terms of industrial applications. more opportunities than other industrial sectors to take part in a
These limitations can help to improve and encourage the future wide range of industrial processes, thanks also to its technological
research on this topic. As first, it is possible to extent the research to advances.
the “grey literature”, as well as to include GE within research A stricter interaction among firms should be realized, promoting
keywords. This analysis could also allow to better investigate the business models such as the chemical leasing, that allows to use
relations among concepts described here and the analysis of case chemical products in a more efficient way, as well as the waste
studies, as well as to study relations with CE. reduction. In fact, firms that work together can realize more than
Finally, the review showed that the social impact of such topics what they can do individually. Furthermore, a stricter interaction
has gained a growing interest within the scientific community between firms and academic research is demanded. In fact, sus-
during last years. It should be interesting to investigate how GC, SC, tainability is a topic that concerns everyone, because several ac-
Sustainability and CE affect the social well-being. tions are needed to reach the sustainability. Today, GC frontiers
represent a global challenge for management and research, as well
10. Conclusions as an incentive towards more sustainable processes and products.

Chemistry, considered in terms of science and industry, has a CRediT authorship contribution statement
crucial role in finding technological solutions to global changes,
such as the climate change and the degradation of natural re- Cecilia Silvestri: Conceived and designed the analysis, Collected
sources. In particular, chemistry continuously investigates new the data, Contributed data or analysis tools, Performed the analysis,
roads to realize the largest number of products in an ever more Wrote the paper. Luca Silvestri: Conceived and designed the
efficient way, reducing waste and protecting human health and analysis, Collected the data, Contributed data or analysis tools,
environment. In fact, GC, being getting closer to TBL pillars, repre- Performed the analysis. Wrote the paper. Antonio Forcina:
sents the main tool for the chemical industry in implementing the Conceived and designed the analysis, Collected the data, Contrib-
SC system and then realizing the transition towards sustainability uted data or analysis tools, Performed the analysis. Gianpaolo Di
and CE. Bona: Conceived and designed the analysis, Collected the data,
In the present study, a systematic literature review of the state- Contributed data or analysis tools, Performed the analysis. Dome-
of-the-art of research concerning green chemistry, circular econ- nico Falcone: Conceived and designed the analysis, Collected the
omy and global sustainability was conducted. 95 papers were data, Contributed data or analysis tools, Performed the analysis.
examined, published between 2002 and April 15, 2020.
The analysis made it possible to answer the six proposed Declaration of competing interest
research questions, concerning the role of companies and in-
stitutions in the development of green chemistry, as well as find The authors declare that they have no known competing
main limitations, application tools and impacts on society. financial interests or personal relationships that could have
C. Silvestri, L. Silvestri, A. Forcina et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126137

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