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File Upload

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InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Document History ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Document Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 4
Assumptions .............................................................................................................................................. 4
References ................................................................................................................................................ 4
File Upload: Operations ................................................................................................................................ 5
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Access ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Processed Files Enquiry ........................................................................................................................ 6
File Upload: Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 9
Upload directory ........................................................................................................................................ 9
BrowserWeb war file configuration ........................................................................................................... 9
browserConnection.xml ......................................................................................................................... 9
channels.xml .......................................................................................................................................... 9
browserParameters.xml....................................................................................................................... 10
tocfee.ear configuration ........................................................................................................................... 10
tcserver.xml ......................................................................................................................................... 10
jboss-ejb3.xml ...................................................................................................................................... 11
ejb-jar.xml ............................................................................................................................................ 12
File Upload Parameterisation .................................................................................................................. 13
EB.FILE.UPLOAD.PARAM.................................................................................................................. 13
DFE parameterisation ............................................................................................................................. 14
Create upload and archive directories ................................................................................................. 14
DFE.PARAMETER .............................................................................................................................. 14
Service configuration ............................................................................................................................... 15
BATCH................................................................................................................................................. 15
TSA.SERVICE ..................................................................................................................................... 16
File Upload: Customization ......................................................................................................................... 17
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 17
DFE Parameter ....................................................................................................................................... 17
DFE Mapping .......................................................................................................................................... 18
File Upload Type ..................................................................................................................................... 20
BATCH .................................................................................................................................................... 22

2 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Notes ........................................................................................................................................................... 23

Document History

Author Version Date

Pawel Adamczyk 0.1 4th June 2018

Pawel Adamczyk 0.2 21th June 2018

Esther Muniu 0.3 28th June 2018

Pawel Adamczyk 1.0 29th June 2018

Pawel Adamczyk 1.1 10th October 2018

3 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Document Purpose
This document provides an overview of the File Upload functionality and describes how the
functionality can be configured to meet specific business requirements.

It is assumed that the reader of this guide is proficient in the Temenos Core Banking system, worked
with the Browser channel application and understands the structure and navigation of the
InclusiveBankingSuite Role Based Home Pages. For configuring the functionality, it is assumed that
the reader has prior implementation experience and understands the technical concepts of the
Temenos Core Banking system.

InclusiveBanking Role Based Home Pages user guide.
Data Formatting Engine (DFE) User Guide.

4 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

File Upload: Operations

The InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload functionality supports the day to day operations of the Institution
by providing a mechanism through which bulk files may be uploaded from external applications e.g.
Excel, and processed in the InclusiveBankingSuite. Examples include uploading of staff loan repayments
in bulk deducted at source through the payroll. Both financial and non-financial files can be uploaded with
the appropriate configuration in place, as described later in this document.
The File Upload functionality is hinged on the T24 Data Formatting Engine (DFE) which is a common
interface framework designed in such a way that it supports both uploading of messages/files received
from external system into T24 as well extract data from T24. The application supports delimiter based
files and fixed position messages/ files.

All in one RBHP>>Home>>File Upload
1. Click on the Upload New File icon
2. Enter all the required data on the fields as described below
3. Commit the record and authorise

File Upload Input

Field name Description

Description Enter a meaningful description of the file to be uploaded.

Upload Type The File upload type is defaulted.

Processing Type The DFE parameter file used to process the file upload. BNK-
EM.FU.FUNDS.TRANSFER record is set as the default but should be
amended suitably whenever different file types are to be uploaded. E.g.
Non-financial data upload. For further details please refer to the DFE
Parameterization section below.

5 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

File Name Click on “Choose File” to browse files and select the file to be uploaded.
The click on the icon to confirm the upload. Successful upload

status will be shown as follows:

Upon authorization, transactions are automatically generated in the target application and results
presented in the enquiry described below.

Processed Files Enquiry

Field name Description

File Name The .csv file name as saved on your PC or Server.

Target Application The T24 application where records will be created from the upload

Description The upload file description

Total Amount The total amount of the records uploaded and processed

Lines No. The total number of records uploaded and processed

INAU Records successfully processed (created in T24 from the uploaded file)
awaiting authorization

IHLD Records uploaded but T24 records could not be created successfully
and therefore put on hold awaiting manual intervention.

Upload Date The File upload date

File status The File processing status

6 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Successiful Records

This icon drills down to the list of successfully uploaded records as shown below. In addition to the
file name and description, the enquiry displays the total number and total amount of the successfully
uploaded records as compared to the total records uploaded. Before authorization, transactions can be
viewed or amended using the icon.

Failed Records

This icon drills down to the list of unsuccessful records that failed processing. Meaning that the FT
transactions could not be created successfully. Such records remain in IHLD status until manually fixed
through icon or deleted.

Unauthorized Records

This icon drills down to the list of records awaiting authorization. The records are presented in a
Fast Path enquiry that allows authorization (or deletion) of records in bulk. By clicking on the icon in the
enquiry header, all records are selected. Authorization action can then be triggered by committing the
“Authorise FT” function as highlighted below.

7 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload


The list of fully processed files grow over time and may need to be archived from time to time. Click
on this icon to archive fully processed files. All records in the files must either be authorized or deleted,
before file archiving. Where this condition is not met, an error message is displayed as below.

8 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

File Upload: Configuration

Upload directory
Before configuring, user must first define where they want to store the uploaded files and then create the
directory. For this document's purpose, the following path is used:

BrowserWeb war file configuration

This file is present under …\BrowserWeb.war\WEB-INF\classes\
Edit the file and setup browser.1 channel as below.

File present under …\BrowserWeb.war\WEB-INF\classes\.
Please mention the NAME, PORT, & HOSTNAME parameter values as shown below. The NAME
parameter value should be the same as channel name defined in a browserConnection.xml

9 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

This file is present under …\BrowserWeb.war\
Ensure that parameter value for fileUploadChannel is the same as channel name defined in a
browserConnection.xml (browser.1).

tocfee.ear configuration
Deploy appropriate tocfee.ear file

tcserver.xml file is available in tocfplugin-ra.rar present in tocfee.ear file

Edit tcserver.xml file and add new listener. Note that listener id and port number must be the same as
values used earlier in a browserConnection.xml. Download and upload paths have to point to upload

10 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

directory created earlier (C:\Temenos\R16\ENV\mcb16devTAFJ\upload in our example). As per the

screenshot below.

jboss-ejb3.xml file is available in tocflistener-ejb.jar\META-INF present in tocfee.ear file

11 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Edit jboss-ejb3.xml and add the same listener used earlier in a tcserver.xml (browser.1) in
OFSListenerMDB tag. As per screenshot below.

In the same location edit ejb-jar.xml and add the same listener used earlier in a tcserver.xml (browser.1)
in OFSListenerMDB tag. As per screenshot below

12 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

File Upload Parameterisation

In EB.FILE.UPLOAD.PARAM > SYSTEM record specify the upload directory path. It has one record
SYSTEM, which will contain the path to where the tcserver/tocf will upload the file to the T24. The upload
path specified here should be the same as the one defined earlier for tcserver listener (tcserver.xml file)

13 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

DFE parameterisation
Create upload and archive directories
In upload directory created in Upload directory section (C:\Temenos\UAT-ENV\bnk\tcupload in our
example) create EM.UPLOAD directory and second ARCH subfolder.

This is the overall parameter table to define the file type, mode of transaction and corresponding upload
path. This file holds the details of the system wide parameters that are required to run the DFE Frame
BNK-EM.FU.FUNDS.TRANSFER record is delivered with the T24 EM update. Please amend the record
and specify paths accordingly with created in above section.
Based on BNK record create other records for every company, each record should be prefixed by
company mnemonic e.g. CNK-EM.FU.FUNDS.TRANSFER. Based on that prefix Company Code field will
be defaulted. This is required by DFE functionality and has to be done for every company that will use
file upload functionality.

14 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Parameterization record will be defaulted on file upload screen

If different DFE parameterization should be defaulted please specify this in EB.PARAM>ALL-


Service configuration
Please edit BATCH record XXX/EM.DFE.FILE.PROCESS for every company (that will use file upload
functionality) updating Data.1.1 and Data.2.1 fields with appropriate DFE.PARAMETER record ID.
When using DFE parameters delivered in EM update please setup XXX-EM.FU.FUNDS.TRANSFER
where XXX is company mnemonic.

15 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Amend TSA.SERVICE record for every company (that will use file upload functionality) and setup USER
and SERVCIE.CONTROL fields as below.

16 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

File Upload: Customization

Inclusive Banking File Upload functionality delivers by default FUNDS.TRANSFER upload
parameterization that allows user to upload file with payments details. The User is allowed to configure on
his own new file types that will allow upload to any T24 application.

DFE Parameter
DFE is a T24 interface that allows uploading files received from external system into T24. DFE is
preconfigured to allow its use in Islamic Banking module.

File upload DFE Parameters are available in System Parameters section > File Upload tab.
Please note that this enquiry lists only “In” type records for the company user is logged in.

New DFE Parameter can be created using button above the enquiry.
Please be aware DFE requires separate parameterization record for every company. While creating new
record system will automatically add company prefix (that user is logged in) to ID given by user. At the
same time user can create record for any other company by providing correct company mnemonic prefix

Some fields are defaulted by the system for the rest please refer to DFE User Guide.

17 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Please make sure File Path and Archive Path points to directories created in Configuration section and
are in line with File Upload Type. DFE-Mapping ID is described in following section.

DFE Mapping
This table is used to define the mapping for upload file. The data which is received by DFE uses the
Mapping Table to match each field from within that raw data (from the file) with T24 field. Mapping table is
used to match columns from the file with fields from the T24 table that data is uploaded to.

DFE Mappings are available in File Upload Parameterization > DFE Mappings screen.
Please note that enquiry shows only mappings prefixed with “EM.FU”, the same prefix is used when new
mapping record is created.

Some fields are defaulted by the system (with the values required by InclusiveBanking process). For the
rest please refer to DFE User Guide.

18 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
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19 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

There are few fields added for Inclusive Banking process, please note below fields from Field Mapping
tab need to be populated:

Field Description

Defines number of column in the file that holds amount that should
Amount Column be counted to show total file amount displayed on Processed Files

This is the enquiry that will be used as the authorise dropdown on

Enq Authorise Lines
Processed Files enquiry.

This is the enquiry that will be used as the dropdown on

Enq Succeed Lines
Processed Files enquiry to view successful records

This is the enquiry that will be used as the dropdown on

Enq Failed Lines
Processed Files enquiry to view failed records.

Processed enquiry that below fields refer to is available in Home section > File Upload tab.

File Upload Type

File Upload functionality allows user to upload external file in to the server. In File Upload Types
parameterization user can define below details:

20 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Field Description

Upload Directory That is subdirectory of the folder defined in EB.FILE.UPLOAD.PARAM

and tcserver.xml. Please note that the path to this directory needs to be
configured in DFE Parameter so uploaded files are picked up and
process by DFE.

File Extension Upload File extension

Max File Size Maximum size for upload file

Separator Column separator

Please note that different DFE parameters does not requires separate EB.FILE.UPLOAD.TYPE records.
New type is required only if different file extension or separator is required.
Single File Upload Type can have multiple DFE Parameters configured. In practice this means that
different file structures are achievable with single EB.FILE.UPLOAD.TYPE and multiple
DFE.PARAMETER records. In this case correct DFE.PARAMETER records needs to be provided in
Processing Type field when file is uploaded.

Additionally Processing Type is defaulted with DFE.PARAMETER id setup in EB.PARAM>ALL-

EM.FILE.UPLOAD record. Value in the parameter should be without company mnemonic prefix which will
be added during defaulting Processing Type filed.

21 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

For every new DFE Parameter that should be process by the system BATCH records has to be updated
or new BATCH record created.
In multi-company environment separate BATCH record for company has to be updated as shown below.
DFE.INWARD.PRE.PROCESS verification). In Data field providing DFE.PARAMETER ID for this

22 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
InclusiveBankingSuite File Upload

Use this page to record your own notes.

23 InclusiveBankingSuite Product

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