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Blind computer users who use speech output devices can have the text on
their screens read to them. Screen readers are specialised software
applications that "read" computer screens while voice synthesisers "speak"
the content.A wide term used to describe hardware and software that makes
technology accessible to persons with impairments is assistive technology
(AT). Screen readers, braille displays, and voice recognition software are the
major AT for blind people.
2. Screen readers and refreshable braille display. Each cell of a refreshable
braille display, which might have one or more rows, can take the form of a
braille letter. The screen reader updates the braille display as the information
on the screen does. since the majority of users cannot use a mouse to
navigate. Instead, keyboard shortcuts are used.
Screen Reader Illustration. The JAWS screen reader is demonstrated here. A
screen reader is a type of assistive device that reads text aloud, such as the
document you are currently viewing on your computer screen.
3. They use screen-readers. As you can imagine, blind users do not see the
contents of a webpage like sighted users do. Instead they rely on screen
readers to read out the content and generally rely on them to navigate the
A blind person can tap on the screen in a particular area and hear information
about what they have tapped. They can tap again to activate that area
4. Some screen readers are able to detect and read the CSS of a website,
therefore in my experience you need to be forceful with FORM ELEMENTS
COMPREHENDIBLE FUNCTION. Others, though, rely on HTML that isn't
formatted. When the screen reader decides what should be read first on the
page, this may cause problems. To overcome this problem, all HTML should
be organised in a fashion that is similar to how a printed document would be
organised so that it makes sense when read from top to bottom, left to right.

5. By putting their foot in the shoes of the blind user. By thoroughly observing it
like for example, when the other subject was speaking, the auditory interface
was disengaged. a blind subject's turn, the brief reorientation and re-
establishment that always came before it, and all of this while still providing
support for the blind. participation of the subject in a working division of
6. By communicating with the participants/subjects and actually being involved
with the project they can feel safe and feel that the project is sincere.
7. Screen readers, for those who are blind or have no usable vision,
ScreenReader is especially made. There is no strain to view the screen
because everything you need to know is spoken, or braille; in fact, you don't
even need one!

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