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ee @\ AUTODESK | A | AUTOCAD’ Shortcuts Guide One Key Shortcuts Togbles and Screen Management Hot Keys A-Z Printable Keyboard Stickers o 3 A oI $2 3 g wey ditt kG gt Pihéebi:;edpiks 2a 2 2 EE RBH 428 € # & F 2 8 8 85 38 esc} (Ft [Fa |r | ra | 5 |e | 7 [re | ro [Fro |[rra | riz a : | a | Backspace Li [constock | A S10] F, [= SE | Enter [swit | 2. [.X1 6.| v ae] 7 shift zs fam [sor | at | [ar [Jew] [. ‘[-] OSA Sees heuer vig © ORGE/csts seve, HATCH Fk an enchanted ies vanatutd patna A ARC/Creaesen ar A REDRAW Retest dey Poet Micunentemet 2. 2004 / nese or decsssthe 1 JOIN snes frm Pawnee acaane FRET Rounds ar fies he des are neers bi oa es M MOVE / Moves objects a specified W RLOCK, We cc EW Svs nd reer nared Saas ee er ei coerce incl 1 SER irl of rig 5) STRETOH/ Sees sets coud foueantaens ee MTEXT Cmts amie techie. © OFFSET Ca concni det, X EXPLODE Bras aconpaund ‘objet ino is component cbjoets. ERASE / Removes objec fom a drawing. DIMSTYLE / Creates and modes dimenson ies GROUP / Creates and manages saved Sets of objets calcd groups. BLOCK / Creates a block detntion ‘tom seleied object paralel Ines and pall cures 1 LINE /createsstraight ine segments PANY Adds a parameter with anos {wa dynamic block defnion Ale Toggle General Features tee ang cule cant aursh uteshitteh crest cansshitst “oagle coordinate display ‘ogg Gris cyte some planes Toggle naning object snaps “Tougle Fick Sige Toggle Hide pallets Toggle Coors Togo inter Constants Toggle Drawing Modes A R a fs fs 6 ” fe 9 Fo mn Fe Disolay Hep Togo tet screen Toggle object srap mode Toggle 300snap Toga loplane Toggle namic UCS Togo ol mode “ogg athe mad Toggle snap mode Toggle polar mode Togo object srap tracking Toggle dynaricinput mode Manage Screen Manage Drawings cao fer) Clean Secon tren Newer uit ——_ropery Pale ceres semanas cota Conte Pate uo Open dawg rks toler cop fot dog toe ues Sheet Se Pete uletab Sich to net ol6——_D8Connect Manager CrehitsTab wich to previ ding ce Marae Manger Pa CtraPage Up Swichto previous tb ces, Quick Cale bairalniati CtraPage Down sith t nent ab 8 Command ine nang cuteg eat Manage Workflow cite Selecta objects Coke Copyotiet: cree Cutebec coy aso objec Creshittc Copy cpboad wth bas point Fase datas bck Uno it acion Redo as action «ance cuent command lorena (Cancel curent command ARs an a ate |ARC/ Creates an arc. AREA /Calulates the 26a and perimeter of objects or of defined areas. ‘ADCENTER / Manages and inserts content Such as locks, els, and hatch pater ALIGN / Align abjece wth ether ob f3band3b. saad [APPLOAD /Losd Application. ARRAY / Crestes mute copia of Gojees na pater ACTRECORD / tats the Action Recorder. ACTUSERMESSAGE / inserts a user message nto an acon macro. ACTUSERINPUT / Pauses for user input in-anacion macte ACTSTOP / Stops the Action Recorder ‘and prosdes the option of saving the recorded actions 10 an action mat He [ATTIPEDIT Change the textual content fan armbute win 3 beck ATIDEF /Recetnes aback ane updates ‘sodated atibutes [ATTEDIT/ Changes attribute Information in = beck. ec et 80 aR BLOCK / Creates a ack detniton ftom selected objets CLOSE /leses the Bock Edt. BEDIT /Opens the block dentin ine Block Eat HATCH (Filan enclosed ae9 or Selectad obycs wath a hatch patter, Soli fil, or gradient fl BOUNDARY / Creates a region or ‘polyline fom an enclsed ae. BREAK /Sreaks the salectad abject between tao pote SAVE /Saves the caren Bock ‘tno BVSTATE / Creates, sts, cr deletes 8 vetbiy state in dynam Bock ar 2 use om GRCLE / creates arc CAMERA Setsa camera and target location to ceate and save a3 paspecive view of obeels CONSTRAINTBAR/ A toatbarike U Semen that pays the avalabie geomet constants onan obec. PROPERTIES /Coatrok pronertos of exsing objects. CCHAMFER/Beve's the edges of objects CHECKSTANDARDS / Checks the curent frauing for standards elatiors COMMANDLINE /Dsrays the Command tine wine, COLOR / Ses the color for new objects COPY /Copies objects a spectied distance na spectied decton. CTABLESTYLE / Sets the name ‘af te curant able sie NAVVCUBE / Controls he wisblty and splay properties ofthe ViewCubeT00. CCYUNDER / Creates 30 sold eyinder con DIMSTYLE / Creates and messtios ‘mension ste, DIMANGULAR / Cremer an angular ‘mension, DIMARC/ Creates an ac length ‘mension. DIMBASELINE Crete neat, angular, ‘orordinate dmenson from the bazeine ‘ofthe previous selected dimension DBCONNECT /Provses an interface to enteral databace tales, DIMCENTER / Crests the centr mark forthe centarines ot creas snd ae. DIMCONTINUE / Creates 3 dimension ‘that starts fem an extension ine ot 2 previously creates dmenson, DIMCONSTRAINT /Appies dimensional ‘constrains to selected objects or pants on ebjects. DIMDISASSOCIATE / Removes _zscaabity rom selected dimensions DIMDIAMETER / Creates a dhmeter dimension fora cade or en ot DIMEDIT Eds dimension text and ‘tension nes o ov on ou ow. 80 pov oR RA re DIST, Messurs the ects ana fnale between fo pnts DIVIDE / Creates een spaced point ‘hens a elects ange length ‘orpetimeter ofan object. DIMIOGLINE / Ade or remaves 3 jog ine fonalineseo algreddimensan DIMIOGGED /Createsjogged dimensions Tor ices al ats, DATALINK /The Data ink dialog nex ss daplyed DDATALINKUPOATE / Updsts dts to or ‘fom an exaolehad exer! dat ine. DONUT Creses a filed cele or eds nna, DIMORDINATE / Creates ornate ‘Simensions DIMOVERRIDE / Controls overs of 5s- females used i selected dimensions DRAWORDER / Changes the craw ‘otder of mages and ther objects DIMRADIUS / Creates 3 radius dimension faraene eran a DIMREASSOCIATE /Accocates oF feaesacsie slated censors ‘objec or pnts on obs. or DDRAWINGRECOVERY /Dipaysa et af rowing files that can be recovered afer a progtam or system fala. SETTINGS / sets grt ane enap, pala and object snap tracking Sbject snap modes, Dynamic put, snd Quck Properties TEXT Crests a sngleine txt objec. DBVIEW / Defines paral roection Dr perspective news by usa camera anduareet. DATAEXTRACTION /Esticts ‘asing daa ond Merges data from Shevteral source to 3 data exracton {able or externa! i, Als I-K E-F cy a POF R fs ERASE / Removes objects fom a drawing DDEDIT Eats sncle-ine tex, mension text, atabute defintions, and feature ‘onial frames ELLIPSE / Creates a ellos fran eliptcal a EXPORTPDF/ Exports dawing 10 POF EXTERNALREFERENCES / Opens the External References palette EXTEND / Extends objects to mest the edges of other objects. QUIT Exits te program. EXPORT / Saves the objects na ‘iawing oa ferent Me format EXTRUDE / Extends the demersions of 22D abject oF 30 face into 3D space FLLET/ Rounds and filets the edges of obgcts FILTER / Create a it of equitemenss that an abject must meet tobe cluded inaaslection at. FSMODE / Creates a selection st ofall ‘ects that tout the slates object FSHOT FLATSHOT / Creates 220 representation (f31 D alerts based on she cure it 6 econ o cco He (GROUP /restes and manages saved Sets of objects called groupe (GEOCONSTRAINT/ Apples or persists (geomet relationships between cojects {rpoinis on objets, GRADIENT Filan enclosed ares ot Selected objets wth «gradient fl GEOGRAPHICLOCATION / Species the gevorepic lection information fora drawing ie HATCH Flsan enclosed aea o selected cbjeis wih a hath pattern sod fcr rae HATCHEDIT/ Moatfes an exsing patch o HIDE /Regenerates a 20 vterame mode (th Hiden Ines supprescee var a Ine 106 INSERT / inserts a block oF drawing into te current drawsng IMAGEADJUST / Contos the image ‘slay ofthe brghines, contrast Sd fade vals oF knages IMAGEATTAGH / srs reference toan mage fe IMAGECUIP/ Crops the dpi ofa selected image to a specfed boundan. 1D Displays he UCS coorsinate vals ofa spectedlocation IMAGE / Disa the Eterm References pete IMPORT / Inport les of ferent fowmats ino He cutent dawang, INTERSECT / Creates a 30 sol surface, 2D regia fom overlapping sl, Srfaces regions INTERFERE /Craates a temporary 30 sole from the ierfaences betveen fio sts of secied 30 sali, InseRT OBS / osc nk or embedded cect. {JOIN Sins similar cect to form single, unbroken objec. DINJOGGED / Creates joaged fdmenson or eles ne ace. Ale L-M a Las ue Ln Lo i us ww LUNE / Creates straight Ine segments LAYER / Manages layers and bye properties. LAVERSTATE/ Saves, etores, ‘and manages ramed ager sats. QueaDen / crete a eacer ane (Esser annerstion LENGTHEN / Changes the length of bes and the iced angie of ars IMESHSMOOTHLESS / Decreases the level of smosthnes for mesh objets bbpove level LUST Displays property ata for selected obec LAYOUT Crests and modifies raving layout tabs LUINETYPE /Loads, sets, and moat inetyoee LTSCALE / Changes ho ale factor of Inetypes forall objects n'a crown, LWVEIGHT / Ses the cuent lineweight, Inewaight eapay options, and Hee uns MOVE / Moves objects a pecfied distance na spected dreticn. MATCHPROP / Aces the properties of aselecied object to other obect. MATERIALS /shows or hises the Matera window. MEASURE / Crests poi abject cr Hci at messed mens ong he length or perimeter ofan cbec ma mc More ash 2g MEASUREGEOM/ Measures the ‘stance, rads, ange fe, ad volume lof selected objets er saquenceof pots. MIRROR / Creates a miroxed ‘copy of sleced objects "MUINE / Crates mutipe paral ines. MLEADERALIGN /Aligns ane spaces ‘lected muliesder objects MUEADERCOLLECT / Organizes selected Mmulleaders that contain blocks ito Towsor coum, and desaye the reat ih singled MLEADER /Crcats a multeader objet MUEADEREDIT/ Acids lear lines to, ‘removes leader ines fom Simultacer oot MLEADERSTYLEY Creates and ‘modifes multieader sis PROPERTIES / Contos properties of exsting objets IMESHSMOOTHMORE /Inceaces the [Blof smoothness for mesn abe=ts byone lev IMSPACE / Switches from paper space ‘0a mock! space venport [MARKUP / Opens the Markup See anager MTEXT/Crestes a multiline tet object MVIEW / Castes and controls layout vewports N-O NORTH GEOGRAPHICLOCATION / Species the geographic location information for sesawing fe NSHOT NEWSHOT /Creates 3 named view with moton thats layed back when eal with ShowMotion, NVIEW NEWVIEW / Creates a named ew with no mesion © OFFSET / Creates concent ces, paral! ines, and prate cures, OP OPTIONS / customizes the progtam settings. (ORGIT. 3DORBIT/ Rozates he ven in 3D space, but constrained to Forizontl and vertical ort ony 05 OSNAP/Sets running abject snap modes. PATCH PCATTACH, PeINDex ger PAN Alls parameter with gone ta Gram bloc defriton, PASTESPEC /Pastesobects fom the Clboard nite ine cuter eravng| 2 Controls he Yormat othe da PARAMETERS /Comol the assocatie porameters used inthe craving [PARAMETER / Adds 9 parameter simon '0 a dynam Block dette SURFPATCH / Crests anew sutace Bbyitung a cap over asurtace age that formsa closed 09, POINTCLOUD/ Frosdes options 10 feat ang attach poi ce les, POINTCLOUDATTAGH / ners 2nindeced paint coud fle eto hearer drawina, POINTCLOUDINDEX / Creates an te port dbus FCG oD) He PEDIT/ Edits palyines ane 30 polygon meshes PUNE /Creates 3 20 pote POINT / Creates ain abject. HIDEPALETTES/ des cuetly ‘splayed peetes (nduang the ‘command ine) POL POLYGON /Crstes an qusterat dosed poling PON SHOWPALETTES / Restores ‘Be display of den pales PROPERTIES / Displays Poperiespaet me PRE PREVIEW / Displays the cawing ssitwillbsplotea PRINT PLOT /Fletsacrawing to poten pin, fe PS PSPACE / Switches froma model space viewport to paper space PSOUD POLYSOUD / Creates 230 ‘walle pool PTW PUBLISHTOWES /Crestes HINL pages ‘at inde mages of elec owing PU PURGE Removes unused items, Sch as black detnitons sd ayes, fromthe orang. PYR PYRAMID / Creates 3D 0d pyramid Q QC QUIEKEALC /Opens the QuickCaleclelatr CUI QUIcKCU/ Dspays the Customin User RievoceEetory a colapsed state QP QUICKPROPERTIES / Dsplays omen drawings and layouts in a drawing fh preview mages, SAVE QSAVE / Saves the current drawing VD QVDRAWING /Dplays oven ‘rownge and ayouts na drawing tong grew erage VDC _QVDRAWINGCLOSE / Closes preview rages of open drawings and jours ina trawng. QML QULAYOUT/ Dislas preview images (of model space and layouts ina cree. QVC QMLAYOUTCLOSE / Closes preview Inages of modal space and layouts inte caren owing. R R & rw REDRAW/Retrshes the delay inthe current veneer, REDRAWALL/Refreches the depsy Inallvewpore RENDERCROP/ Rendo' a spactied fectangusr seo, called 3 cmp vino, vathin vernon REGEN /Regerertis the ote drawing from the current venpor. REGENALL/ Regeneratesthe drawing di eres al pons RECTANG / Creates rectangulrpoyine. REGION / Converts an object that fncoses an are nts region objec. RENAME /Changes the namesaxsgned fo hemssuch ales sr dimension sylen REVOLVE /Cieaes 3 30 sok or srtace Ibysweeping 320 object around ar at. ROTATE /Rotats objects around base pont. RENDERPRESETS / species render Presets, eusabie rendering params, forrenderng an mage PREF / Displays o hides the ‘Advanced Render Stings palette fr ‘access to advanced rendering seings RENDER / Creates phetorealsic or realstcaly shaded mage of 2330 sod or auface adel RENDERWIN / Displays the Rene window wou starting a rendering peraton, S se scr sec ser SHA st su so ° se sm SPLANE spy STRETCH /stotenes objet rose by sasecten window glygan SCALE /Ensges orcs aac sve tobe beim ste sana. 2 ssM ScaIer sc. ‘fears os 3 sp la st SECTION / Uses the intersection of 3 plane and solids, surfaces, or mesh sta incre aragion. SETVAR /Lists or changes the su values of ysem variates, SHADEMODE / Starts the USCURRENT command. SLICE / Creates new 20 soe and surac- by chong, or oncing eusting obits. SNAP/ Retice curr movement to specited intervals SOLID Creates sated anges Sr quadaiatele SPELL / Checks spaling in a drawing SPLINEDIT/Edts.a slineor sine poiine SPLINE / Creates a smacth cue that estes thraugh or near specod pt SECTIONPLANE / Creates a section oject tat acts ae cing plane ‘ough 30 eben SEQUENCEPLAY /Plays named views in one eaten, SPLIT MESHSPLIT/ Spite 2 mesh face Intotmo faces SPUNEDIT Edie a spline Sle palin. SHEETSET / Opens the Sheet Set Manager STYLE Creates, mosis, rspeates text Stes. STANDARDS / Manages the association of standard es vith cringe SUBTRACT / Combines selected 30 solids, surfaces, or 20 reser by subtraction AS LS U-W TEXT / Crates 3 mune text objet ‘TABLET Caliates congue and tums thane off an taened agtiong mt ‘TABLE / Creates an empty table object. TEXTEDIT/ Esa dimensional constraint, mension, or teat object, “THICKNESS Sets the default 30 {ickoess property when cresting 2D geometnecbsets Th TLEMODE /Contros whether paper space canbe accased YO TOOLBAR, Dislays, hes, and cutemaes tots JOL TOLERANCE / Creates eometic tolrances contained in feature onto tare ‘TOR TORUS / Creates donut shaped! 30 sai TR TOOLPALETTES / Opens the Too! Palettes window TR TRIM/ fens objects to meet the felgs of othr abject, TS TABLESTYLE / creates, ost, cr specis table sles uc un UNHIDE/ UNISOLATE unt we weet LUcSMAN/ Manages defined User coordnate stems UNITS Cental coorinate and nae display formats aed precision UNISOLATEORIECTS/ Deploys ‘objects previously hidden with the ISOLATEOBIECTS or HOEORIECTS command UNION Unions i sli ortwo region objects ‘MiEW/ Saves and vests named views, camera views, layout es, snd preset wens \ViEWG0 / Restores a named view DDDVPOINT / Sets the 20 ‘ewig aecion \iewPLsy / ays the aniaton souated to ramed view \VSCURRENT Ses the visual sip n the curent wewpert, VISUALSTYLES / Creates and ‘Modes vases and appbes sual she Toa enor. WBLOCK / Writes obwets or Toda new crewing fe WEDGE / Creates a 30 sid wedge. NAVSWIEEL Ops ae tooo that cortans cl view navigation tok. X-Z xc x XR ZEBRA, ze EXPLODE / Breaks a compound abject into ts component objects. ATTACH /Inens 3 NG fle an esters reference bref, BIND / nde one ar more defintions ‘of named oben an wef tothe ‘ent craving, XCLIP /Crons the cepa of a setected ‘xia reference or back reference tora spectied bound LINE / Creates ane of infinite lng DxREF stars the ERTERNALREFERENCES command ZOOM ince358 o decreases ‘hemagnifeaton of heview ewe caren wewnor ANALYSISZEBRA / Projects stripes onto 1130 model to anayzesurlace continu TRANSMIT Creatas Set-Esreting ‘or Zipped Tarai Package. Alo ("7 (ea ) (2, (FI (Fa) (FS) (F6) /F7) () @ wed ei) PRINTABLE KEYBOARD STICKERS [4 COMPLETE SETS] FOR USE WITH: httovwwn.onlnelabels comOL32.htm

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