Rahmadila Febri Fernanda - 202014500859 - Y2G - Tugas Besar Bahasa Inggris

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Nama : Rahmadila Febri Fernanda

Kelas : Y2G - Pendidkan Ekonomi Ekstensi

NPM : 202014500859

Tugas Besar

I. Answer these questions below based on the text!

1. What is business according the text above?

Jawab : A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged

in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. Businesses can be
for-profit entities or they can be non-profit organizations that operate to
fulfill a charitable mission or further a social cause.

2. Mention three types of goods based on the text above!

Jawab : The goods may be consumer-goods or industrial goods or capital


3. What is they in paragraph 1 line 7 refer to?

Jawab : companies that carry out business activities

4. Mention non-business activities based on the text above!

Jawab : Production and exchange of goods as well as services, though for value
or price for once in a while is not a business activity. All activities
which are carried under love and affection, religion, charity, or for
gratitude not for value or price are non-business activities

5. What are the activities that involve in business?

Jawab : A business involves production and or exchange of goods and services only
for some value or price. Any activity without some value or price (profit) is
not a business. Production and exchange of goods as well as services, though
for value or price for once in a while is not a business activity.
II. Explain the graph above with your own words.

As you can see the bar chart is shows the Ice Cream Sold (Scoops) from May
until September this years. Our sales are not stable this year. The rise and fall of
this sale, looks quite significant. in March for example, our shop only sells 60
scoops of ice cream in one month. While in July, sales rose very drastically to
reach 340 scoops of ice cream compared to 2 months ago. The increase in sales
occurred because in the month, our company collaborated with similar products
that were popular with the public. However, the collaboration didn’tt last long.
seen in august, sales are still experiencing a decline in sales, and only able to sell
210 scoops of ice cream. This sales continues to decline, along with other
companies that are also collaborating with related parties in selling their products.
We have to find a way and take the right steps, to make our sales at least suitable
for the next few months

III. Create a telephone dialog using the following situations.

Rahmadila (Me) : Hallo, good morning. This is Rahmadila from sales
department, can I help you ?
Desi : Good morning, I am Desi from Dianca Goods
Company. Can I speak with Mr. Muhayadi, please ?
Rahmadila (Me) : I’m sorry, Mr. Muhayadi is out to meeting now.
Would you like me to take a message ?
Desi : Hmm, can you tell him that we have sent the sales
contract blanket by expedition. and also we need the
email address of Mr. Muhayadi, to send the soft file
Rahmadila (Me) : Oh sure, I'll pass the message. For the email address
of Mr. Muhayadi is muhayadi05@gmail.com.
Desi : Oke, thank you
Rahmadila (Me) : Can you also tell me the phone number we can call
Desi : Sure, the number is 123-456-789
Rahmadila (Me) : Oke Ms. Desi. Is there anything else I can help you ?
Desi : No, that will be all. Thank you
Rahmadila (Me) : Oke, Have a great day
Desi : You too
IV. Create a email reservation using the following situations.

To : reservation@grand-handika-bali.com

Cc :-

Bcc :-

Subject : Convention Hall Reservation

Dear Sir / Madam

I’am Rahmadila from Dianca Goods Company, I am writing to inquire about

reservation a Meeting Hall in Grand Handika Bali for a conference which
scheduled on Monday-Tuesday, April 20th-21st, 2021. I also want to reserve for
the lunch and also the coffee break in each days.

I would like to discuss about the price and facilities that you have. Kindly inform
me about my booking process. Or you can contac me by phone in 085959743953

Thank you.

Yours sincerenly,

Rahmadila Febri Fernanda

Marketing Leader of Dianca Goods Company

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