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First glance -
Very clean and sophisticated interface and quite easy to work with.Clearly mentions
the product categories available.

About the company -

There are many online rental stores available in India but all of them cater to one
specific genre of products but Basil is an one stop shop for people’s needs whether
it’s furniture, clothes or handtools etc.

How are other rental sites doing ?

• Since renting any product as compared to buying it is fairly a new
concept all the other sites are lesser known and some of them are not even
functional now. These stores are majorly focusing on two categories -
⁃ Wedding clothes / clothes
⁃ and furniture
• These sites usually announce offers or major collaborations on their
social media pages to gain more traction. They use a wide variety of creative and
conscious hashtags like # loveitwearitreturnit #sharedeconomy etc or hashtags
related to a specific event.
• Instead of going for mainstream posts companies have put a comical
twist or zingers in the post which intrigues the users and gives them an
opportunity to see the brand in a light like they’ve never seen before. Also hoping
on trends helps the brand.
• Talking about the colour scheme majority of the sites use white as
their base like we’ve done with Basil and then go ahead with one or two contrasting
colours. Their interface, I feel is not that up to the mark and could be more

Value Anuyat has added-

We’ve created an elegant website with a very interactive and easy to use interface
with seamless navigation. All the client’s feedbacks were given a careful
consideration and in the end we delivered a product to their liking.
The bounce rate was reduced to a significant level. The websites new look helped
attract new customers and retain our older ones.
Several challenges relating to managing time slots , tracking product changes etch
were also taken care by us.

Suggestions -
• The case study on Anuyat’s website has many sentences that have been
repeated in the same paragraph. Some of the lines have been framed in such a manner
that they mean exactly what their preceding line meant.
• Screenshots of the website have been uploaded which is great but if
possible can we also put in a video of how we can actually use the website?

Content that can be created -

• Reels on behind the scenes( ideation, execution , time lapse etc)
• Telling the audience about what basil is about through memes or through
a punch line. They tend to do fairly well
• Focus on basils uniqueness - we can rent all products that we can think
of from one store itself
• Post reviews of the customers through videos (creates more impact )

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