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Class #: Year/Section: Group: Date:


I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer and write the CAPITAL LETTER of
your choice on the space provided before each number. FOR STRICT COMPLIANCE, ANY FORM
______1. Methamphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, and nicotine are classified as __________.
A. narcotics B. stimulants C. depressants D. hallucinogens
______2. What happens when a person uses marijuana, other than feeling high?
A. distorted perception C. trouble with thinking and problem-solving
B. loss of motor coordination D. all of the above
______3. Students who suffer with a mental health disorder or a substance abuse problem are
A. less successful in school C. more susceptible to negative health consequences
B. less interpersonally skillful D. all of these
______4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Because marijuana cannot be laced with other drugs, it is considered a less serious drug.
B. Because of its texture, marijuana cannot be laced with PCP, cocaine, arsenic, or other
C. Students who smoke marijuana generally do not experience changes in academic
D. None of these is true.
______5. High school students who don’t plan to go to college are far more at risk for __________
than students who do plan to go to college.
A. drinking alcohol C. smoking cigarettes
B. using illegal drugs D. all of the above
______6. Teenagers were less likely to test positive for drug abuse, however for those who did
test positive, __________ was the drug of their choice.
A. heroin B. cannabis C. cocaine D. amphetamine
______7. Which type of psychoactive drug is best known for altering mood, impair judgement,
thoughts and sense perceptions?
A. Opiates B. Stimulants C. Depressants D. Hallucinogens
______8. Neighborhoods with a high degree of __________ can protect their young people from
crime, delinquency, and drug abuse.
A. strain C. social disorganization
B. electronic monitoring D. control and prevention
______9. __________ lead young people from less-harmful drugs to more-harmful drugs.
A. Gated drugs  B. Gateway drugs  C. Pathway drugs  D. Stepladder drugs
______10. __________ is the most common mind-altering substance used during adolescence.
A. Meth B. Alcohol C. Mushrooms D. Marijuana
______11. Lee studies for a math test after using marijuana, he might not remember the material
he reviewed the next day because marijuana.
A. Changes testosterone levels in males
B. Irritates the lungs and causes coughing
C. Distorts the sense of time, touch, and sound
D. Impairs short-term memory and concentration
______12. What is defined to be a condition in which a person develops intense cravings for the
substance and the inability to control their behaviors in regards to obtaining and using it?
A. Use B. Abuse C. Addiction D. Dependence

______13. Which of the following is an accurate description of marijuana?

A. the roots of the plant cannabis sativa
B. juice extracted from the plant cannabis sativa
C. the dried, shredded leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the plant cannabis sativa
D. none of the above
______14. What can communities do to help protect others from drug taking behavior?
A. Provide support groups
B. Hold information sessions
C. Teach kids from an early age in schools about the dangers of drugs
D. All of the above
______15. Say no firmly; Buy yourself time; Give good reasons; State the consequences; Say no
again and include an alternate activity; Walk away, these are all __________.
A. effects of hashish C. common inhalants
B. risks of drug abuse D. ways on how to say no to drugs
II TRUE-OR-FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answer in on the space provided before each number. FOR STRICT
___________1. Stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, narcotics and inhalants are drugs of abuse.
___________2. Teenagers who engage in drug use and abuse are prone to drop-out and fail in their
academic performance.
___________3. Taking small amounts of drugs of abuse will not make a person an addict in the long
___________4. Underage drinking and using prohibited substances alone don't constitute
___________5. Substance-abuse problems become less difficult to address as users age gets older.f

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