Health 9 3rd Quiz 1 Emergency Action and First Aid

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I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer and write the CAPITAL LETTER of
your choice on the space provided before each number. FOR STRICT COMPLIANCE, ANY FORM
______1. Which of the following statements is not a role of First Aid?
A. It provides health and wellness of a patient
B. It ends when the services of the physician begins.
C. It is a bridge that fills the gap between the victim and the physician.
D. It is not intended to compete with or to take the place of the services of the physician.
______2. What should Lloyd Klein do if he is the only first emergency responder to arrive and treat
a male adult who is unconscious and not breathing?
D. Give two initial rescue breaths.
B. Give five initial rescue breaths.
A. Start CPR with 30 chest compressions.
C. Call for emergency requesting an AED (defibrillator) and an ambulance.
______3. Alwina attended to a person with an arm injury. She didn't have an arm sling, instead, she
used the guy's jacket as an alternative to immobilize his injured arm. Which of the following
describes Alwina's abilities as a first responder?
A. Calm B. Tactful C. Observant D. Resourceful
______4. Your responsibility as a first aider requires you to:
A. Assess for dangers, hazards and perform your duty of care.
B. Do not make assumptions—ask questions if you are not sure of anything.
C. Always be aware of casualty’s feelings and feelings of any bystanders or family members.
D. All of the above.
______5. Fire Officer Jonard is the first emergency responder on the scene of an accident involving
a woman who passed out. What should he not do when he gets there?
A. Check for pulse C. Sprinkle water on the casualty’s face
B. Clear the airway D. Reposition the casualty in the recovery position
______6. As an Emergency Response Personnel, how should you respond to an emergency?
A. Assess the scene for safety.
B. Estimate the number of victims, and call for emergency.
C. Get the first aid kit and put on personal protective equipment before helping.
D. All of the above
______7. For a responsive victim, get consent to help then assess the person by doing the
B. Watch and listen for difficulty breathing.
A. Ask questions to help find out what is wrong.
C. Look head to toe for injuries, and check for medical alert jewelry.
D. All of the above
______8. Your schoolmate collapses unconscious in front of you. After assessing for Dangers, and
checking for a Response and Sending for Help—your next action would be to:
A. Commence Expired Air Resuscitation.
B. Place Defibrillator pads on the patient’s chest ready to go.
C. Check for a pulse and see if the patient is breathing, blood loss and slow shock.
D. Check the patient’s airway, look for regular movement of chest, listen for normal breath
sounds, feel for regular, rhythmic movement of chest or upper abdomen.
______9. What is first aid?
A. The immediate care given only to ill individuals prior to the arrival of qualified medical
B. The immediate care given, only to unconscious individuals prior to the arrival of qualified
medical assistance.
C. The immediate care given, only to injured individuals prior to the arrival of qualified
medical assistance.
D. The immediate care given. to an individual who has been injured or become ill prior to
the arrival of qualified medical assistance.
______10. Your parents left the house to go to the grocery shop, leaving only you and your two
younger siblings at home. Which of the following safety reminders needs to be emphasized
the most?
A. Knowledge of basic first aid.
B. Know where the parent is with relevant contact information.
C. Know the appropriate emergency telephone numbers and also have a trusted adult to
D. All of the listed responses are correct.
II TRUE-OR-FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answer in on the space provided before each number. FOR STRICT
___________1. DON’T move an injured person unless you need to place him/her in the recovery

___________2. A good first aider informs the victim of the severity of his injury.

___________3. Having knowledge and skills in safety education and injury prevention could help us,
our loved ones and other people in our community during emergency situations.

___________4. Always check the scene and make sure it is safe to approach an accident victim.

___________5. First aid is a full and complete medical treatment given to an injured person.

___________6. You should call for an emergency response and ask for help whenever someone is
seriously ill or hurt or you are not sure what to do in an emergency.

___________7. If a large stick or knife had been pushed into a person's body, you should remove it
as soon as possible.

___________8. If you are the only person at the scene of the accident, you are not required to

___________9. To take care of a nosebleed you need to start CPR.

___________10. Foreign objects can cause choking if they get caught in your throat and block your

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