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Gomez 1

Fernando M. Gomez

Dr. Sharity Nelson

ENGL 1302 - 101

19 October 2022

10.19.22 Classroom Activity

Notes on Paraphrasing & Practice


-> To put someone else’s idea into my own words

-> A form of translation transferring an idea from one context to another

->Must always be documented tertiary source



1) Identify the purpose of burrowing

2) Import idea as a

-> bold in color - code the quotation parts

-> explain to self what those mean to me/ how I find the m

3) Start building paraphrase

• Background

Materials that contain information generally accepted as factual

ok chapter (tertiary source)

cs (primary source of from secondary source)

Gomez 2

ories (secondary spruce)

al information to support writer’s argument

dibility, considered authoritative and does not require defense or analysis.

• Exhibit

Materials that are examined, interpreted, and / or analyzed

Use the BEAM Chart to Help you

• Analyze how scholars in your topical field use / produce evidence for their claims

• Discover overlap of specific support among scholarly sources

• Categorize the information you’re finding in all your scholarly sources to support your claim

• See gaps in your evidence needed to support your claims - properly you in search of the evidence

you need

• Better understand what kind of evidence will best support your claims as you are drafting and


BEAM Activity

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