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Herodotus iv.

76; Lucian, Scytha; Cicero,

It was occasionally used after the Norman Conquest to designate

was elected his successor. The forces of the rival kings

paired; in many other (e.g. some rodents and marsupials)

the Grand Duke Nicholas, afterwards tsar of Russia, visited

(Iphianassa), Electra (Laodice), Chrysothemis, and a son,

and for the present purposes it need not be considered.

been very well off. Food was abundant and cheap, so were

as natives are not allowed to act as jurymen this has often led

of English descant from one of initial to one of final beat.

(good fortune), and in this aspect may be compared with

Lord is listening. After washing our hands and lighting the

libellus (Rome, 1608); E. Taunton, History of the Jesuits

1905 749,131 700,626 363,823 30,723

he recommenced his travels; and his only gratification, in

Albany. Pop. (1890) 17,336; (1900) 20,929, of whom 5575

affected the partition of the continent, and they need not

eldest of twenty-one brothers, a family of notable intelligence

in the shire. Aberdeen itself was burned by the English in

undertook that any fresh act of taking possession on any portion

in the lands about to be divided. A senatus-consulte

deserves most honour. Catching the impulse from Hilary and

NN. Nostri. NN., NNO. and NNR. Nostrorum.

confluent rivers and completely commands the navigation of both

metallic, no transfer of matter attending the passage of the

arrival in 1824 of Father Ivan Venyaminov, who in 1840 became

1689. In No. 62 of the London Gazette, published in June

command of General Gates. Gates marched towards Camden, S.C.,

United States.--Alimony is granted by the courts of the

quantity in the seed. They also occur in the fluids of the

position. A vast network of fortifications covered the

V. In thc later development the heads tend to be reduced in

te kai argurou poieseos techne theia kai iera or

3000 Years Ago,'' was painted in 1863. A profound depth of

first, the elucidation of the history, customs, antiquities,

colon in the left loin. But in recent years this operation of

rupee, with the head of the British sovereign on the obverse.

contact, so that diffusion of one metal into the other can

II. ordered that the 52nd infantry regiment (one of the

is sold either in the state of crystals or finely ground.

same orderly development from at any rate Period II. 2 to the

as amulets or charms. The Basilidians, a Gnostic sect, attached

he had set forth. . The worst trait in his character is his

refits. In this department the programme for work in the dockyards

of the trade route to India by the Red Sea. In 1507 Matthew,

after his death, continental reputation; at present no American

AGNUS DEI, the figure of a lamb bearing a cross, symbolical

unofficial. The delegates who attended neither represented

rock-cut, partly of masonry, said to be the work of Crusaders.

The first settlement on the site of Alton was made in 1807,

king's defeat 843-844, the Somerset and Dorset levies won a

and director of the university garden in 1657. He published

solidification of the mixture represented by the vertical line

of Ciudad Rodrigo, 25 m. E.S.E., was the scene of hard

of Miss Elizabeth Crombie Duthie of Ruthrieston, occupies an

growth of the fungus, on which the insects and larvae feed.

supreme. In December 1884 St Lucia Bay--upon which Germany was

TABLE XXVI.--Quantities and Value of Home-bred Live Stock

international law required it to be effective in order to be

the article injurious to health), or if any part of it has been

hierarchical institutions in the events of that period.

ALBA, a town and episcopal see of Piedmont, Italy, on the

and native troops, and the latter have accommodation for the

1895 6,061,139 27,831,117 33,892,256

the origin of the alphabet (Journal of the American Oriental

1900 2,000,402 11,454,902 31,054,547 3,663,669

the gay humour which the author was afterwards to exhibit more

to the rapidity with which, in modern arms, ammunition is

follow. With regard to the former the method of investigation

second brother marries a cousin---a child of the first

fact, one or other of these highly objectionable substances

dyes. The uses to which the textiles were put were for

for any state was $45.10 in Nevada, the minimum $10.06 in

examples of words of more than one syllable are nearly all

by Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to be deputy-chamberlain in

Some change seems to have come from the north; and there are

appointed to the command of one of the eleven vessels of the

place. Near this spot, on the 17th of January 1885, a British

might conclude a supplemental convention, it having been

ed., Louvain, 1515). See L. Pastor, in Geschichte der

weapon. A splendid mosque called Meshed Ali was afterwards

codeine, thebaine, papaverine, narcotine, narceine, &c.;

The alternative form Abijam is probably a

to a famous victory gained over the Russians, on the 20th

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