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This module introduces the basic concepts of the following: measurement,
assessment, evaluation as well as the roles of assessment and other
terminologies such as assessment as, for and of and organized into two lessons :
1. Basic Concepts of Assessment
2. Roles of Assessment

Incorporated in this first part of the module are self-assessment, activities,

as well as practice exercises and assessment activities to enforce the learning of
the students. Reflections are also given at the end for students to give their
feedbacks on their learning.This module is expected to be accomplished within
two weeks after the time this will be given to the students.
This module is designed to explore the different concepts
and terminologies associated with assessment and how they
‘ play significant roles in making decisions on the teaching-
learning process. These concepts are commonly and
interchangeably used. There is a need to clarify these
concepts and how they are useful in making learning
productive in the classroom.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:
 Distinguish measurement, assessment and evaluation
 Distinguish objective measurement from subjective measurement
 Distinguish the different evaluation purposes of learning such as placement,
formative, summative and diagnostic
 Compare and contrast assessment AS, FOR and OF learning

Lesson 1. Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation

Learning Outcome: Distinguish measurement, assessment and evaluation


DIRECTION. Tell whether the following statements involve measurement, assessment or

evaluation._____________ 1. It assigns numerical value to a characteristic.

_______________ 2. It monitors students’ progress in terms of learning outcomes.

_________________3. It determines immediate feedback on students’ performance.

_________________4. It judges the quality of instruction over a period of time.

_________________5. It is to find out if learning is carried out at end of the lesson

_________________6. It is expressed in quantity like 5 kilos of food items.

__________________7. It uses judgment to sort out educational issues.

__________________8. It describes the qualitative attribute of something

___________________9. It gathers evidence based on standards or goals.

It is used to adopt or revise something when goals are not met.
Activity 1
Let us have a mental activity by answering the question
1. What is your understanding when you hear the word
measurement? Assessment? Evaluation? Write answers on
the given table below.


1.Did you come up with common answers with your classmates. Lets
discuss your answers.

Let’s Read and


Measurement, assessment and evaluation are used interchangeably in the
teaching-learning process. These terms are distinguishable from each other and
have specific characteristics. Let us explore how they are useful in the educative
1. MEASUREMENT (Raagas, 2011)
 refers to the numerical description of any attribute/characteristic say:
intelligence, , achievement, personality, attitudes and values expressed in
quantifiable terms:
example a student obtained a score of 8 out of ten item test, a piece of
cloth measures a length of 5 meters, etc.
 just part of assessment and uses tools such as test, oral question,
observation or other measuring instruments such as ruler thermometer or
other devices.

Fig. 1 Doing observation

to get description of
 uses perception or judgment https://stockagency.panthermedia.net
like that in an essay test or recitation of a poem

 results differ even if the same quantity or quality is assessed, hence your
score in the same test may vary when evaluated by different people
 like in testing such as that in a matching type test
 results yield the same values regardless of who is checking the
test say in a matching type of test, your score for that test will be
the same
 more stable and better preferred than subjective measurement
2. ASSESSMENT (Navarro, et al., 2017)
 much broader than measurement, focuses on the total learning of
 measures the total attributes of students’ learning and mastery of skills
(cognitive, affective and psychomotor)
 analyzes and interprets students’ performance towards his attainment of
learning outcomes
 provides clear picture and reliable information to parents and teachers of
students’ progress based on expected learning outcomes
 involves administering different types of measuring tools such as written
tests, observations, checklists, interviews and other alternative forms
of assessment methods for purposes of students improvement in learning

 more on the process on how students could learn

 done for educational improvement , increased school effectiveness for
curricula, teachers and students, policy-making, and educational selection
(Rico, 2011).
 makes judgments on the quality or worth of something like work
performance or proficiency
 asks how good is the performance of the students? or is the work
good enough? how good the level of achievement?
 Focuses more on the product, determines the changes in the
learner as a result of teaching and his experiences (Raagas,
 end result is to adopt, reject or revise of what has been evaluated
 focuses more on instructional programs, school activities,
teachers, students and educational goals (Navarro,R. et al, 2017)
 involves a two-step process; 1) uses measurement/assessment
first to obtain information using one or more tests and 2) once
data are obtained,judgments are made about the adequacy of
students’ performance and made in the context of instructional
Let us explore more on these concepts measurement, assessment and
evaluation using the following links:
1. https://www.slideshare.net/SWATHYMA1/differences-between-

2. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Agogo-assign-1.pdf
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXW15ZQrTio
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhNQCDgJ9Mk

Let’s Try This!

Let us now check your understanding about the lesson presented. Answer
the given questions below.
1. Which of the following activities in dressmaking are associated to
measurement, assessment or evaluation. Explain your answers
1. A dressmaker is tasked to create a wedding gown for her daughter.
These are the things that she has done:
a) She took the length of the dress, bust size, length of sleeves, waist line, etc.
b) She sew the dress and once done asked her daughter to wear the dress to find out
if it fits her.
c) She made adjustments to the dress as it seems big to her daughter

2. Identify 2 classroom activities associated with measurement, assessment

and evaluation.

3. Which of the following activities would involve subjective or objective

a) Liza is doing an impromptu in front of the class
b) Ging weighs the basket of vegetables using weighing scale
c) Teacher Rita gives rating to Mila for her project in making a terrarium

Let’s Do It !

Answer now the following questions:

1. Distinguish the following whether it involves subjective or objective
________________1) Age of students
________________2) Length of the table
________________3) Cooperation in group activity
________________4) Attitude of the pupils
________________5) Debate
________________6) Oral participation
________________7) Reading an article
________________8) Test score
________________9) Project of students
________________10) Aptitude test result
2. Identify the following activities whether it is measurement,
assessment or evaluation
_____________1. Joy determines the length of the table in the room
_____________2. Checks learning outcome of students at end of the lesson
_____________3. Give grade students at the end of the course
_____________4. Makes adjustments to instruction to fit the level of
understanding of the students
_____________5. Conducts remedial instruction to improve performance of
______________6. Gives a quiz on lesson about improper fraction.
______________7. Adjusts the dress to make it fitting to the child
______________8. Teacher X conducts new lesson since the lesson
objective is carried out.
______________9. Nena’s height measures 5 feet and 2 inches
______________10. Mrs Paz monitors the progress of the students on the
lesson taught.


Write your reflections about this lesson by answering the following

questions. You may use separate sheets of paper for your answers
1. What important learnings have you learned on the basic concepts of
assessment ?
2. What aspects of the lesson you have difficulty comprehending?
Lesson 1.2. Roles of Assessment in the Classroom
Learning Outcome: Distinguish the different roles of evaluation in the
educative process

Who Am I!!!!
Consider the list of words shown above to answer the given questions that follow
_______________1. What type of evaluation is used to check errors in learning
of students?
_______________2. What type of evaluation is used when the purpose is to
monitor the progress of students in a lesson?
_______________3. What type of evaluation is a periodical exam?
_______________4.What type of evaluation is similar to assessment of?
_______________5.What type of evaluation is similar to assessment for?
_______________6.What type of evaluation is done at start of the lesson?

Drop it! Explain it!
In this activity, you will be given a scenario to which a
question is given below for you to answer.
Scenario. Before a student is admitted in College in any
learning institution, he is subjected to evaluation. He has to submit for an
interview, takes an entrance exam and his documents are scrutinized. He has to
pass the necessary requirements for him to qualify in that particular school. The
type of evaluation given to him prior to entry in school is called placement

You will answer the question;
Why it is necessary for schools to check the qualification of the students
prior to admittance?
Great! Let’s analyze here your answers…

Let’s Read and

Let us now explore the different roles of assessment in learning.

Roles of Evaluation
1. Placement - called pre-assessment, takes place before instruction.
 Checks for mastery of the students prior to instruction
 Determines how much a student knows, what his interests and habits
 Places students in specific learning group
Examples: entrance exams, pre-tests, board exams, observations,

2. Diagnostic – done before, during or after instruction.

 Determines level of competence of the students
 Identifies students who have knowledge about the lesson
 Discovers the causes of students’ learning problems for remedial
Instruments used; published and teacher-made diagnostic tests,
interviews, anecdotal records, observations
3. Formative – done regularly during or after instruction (Guyot, 1978).
 Monitors the instructional process whether learning has FORMED or
taken place
 Determines mastery of learning tasks
 For immediate feedback of performance/progress of the students
based on expected learning outcomes.
 Identifies the learning errors committed by students in the course of
 Modifies instruction to improve learning
 Focuses on the process, on how well the objectives are attained
Instruments used; Teacher-made tests, quizzes, observations and
4. Summative evaluation – done at end of unit or a given period of time
say a unit test or long test (Scriven, 1967)
 For grading purposes
 Determine whether the instructional objectives are met and students
could move to the next level of instruction
 Evaluates teacher’s as well as school performance
 Focuses more on the result/outcome
Instruments; Teacher-made tests such as unit tests, log tests periodical
(Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation at Carnegie
Mellon University; 2017)
1.Assessment For Learning
 Also known as formative assessment
 Given while the student is in the process of student formation(learning)
 Checks students understanding of students learning to track down if
learning is taking place
 Occurs throughout the entire learning process
 Identifies students’ learning difficulties
 Gives ideas to teachers to adopt teaching strategies and learning
opportunities towards improvement of learning
 Motivates students to learn more and have commitment learning
Tools used: Pre-test, posttest, quiz, oral recitation
2. Assessment As/Us
 Considered as self-assessment
 Allows students to learn with their own learning
 Provides peer assessment with the assistance of the teacher
 Makes students become responsible of their own learning
 Makes students reflections of what they are learning
Examples: Portfolios, journals
3. Assessment OF
 Also known as summative assessment
 Done at the end of the unit, semester
 Becomes basis of grading and reporting of students’ performance
 Provides information on the performance of the students
Examples: Long test, units test, periodical test
To know more about these types of assessment, you may further read using
the following links
1. file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/assessment_of_for_as_learning.pdf
2. https://www.slideshare.net/gurkirat.kaur80/eval-types
3. https://www.slideshare.net/flairaysheabeliso/types-of-evaluation-
4. https://bizfluent.com/info-8411853-different-evaluation-techniques.html

Let’s Try This!

Explain the following:

1. Formative assessment is likened to a chef who tastes the soup while
summative is when the visitors taste the soup.
2.Formative is not graded or recorderd while summative is graded.

Let’s Do It !

Answer what is asked in the table.

Item What type of What is it for?

1. Licensure
examination for

2. Achievement Test
in Grade VIII in

3. Aptitude test

4. Quiz on the
terrestrial planets
5. Review Test on
6. Unit test on
principles of

7. Assessment of

Let’s Reflect
Use another sheet of paper for your answers.

1.What important learnings have you learned from this lesson?

2.If you will be a teacher, what assessment mode will you employ to track the
learning of students? Why

Raagas, Ester Lara (2011). Assessment and Evaluation of Student
Learning: Concepts and Application. 3LR Datstat Analysis Center. Cagayan De
Oro City. Anvil Publishing Inc. Mandaluyong City. 2011
Navarro, Rosita L.et al (2017). Assessment of Learning 1. LOrimar
Publishing, Inc. Quezon City
Rico, Alberto A (2011). Assessment of Students’ Learning. A Practical
Guyot, W.M. (1978). Summative and Formative Evaluation. The
Journal of Business Education. 54(3):127-129
Santos, Rosita de Guzman (2007). Advanced Methods in Educational
Assessment and Evaluation.Lorimar Publishing Incorporated.
Scriven, M. (1967). The methodology of evaluation. R.W. Tyler, R
M. Gagne, M. Scriven (eds.), Perspectives of curriculum evaluation,
pp.39-83. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation at Carnegie
Mellon University. “What is the difference between formative and summative
assessment?” Accessed May 3, 2017.

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