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HR Audit Checklist 2022

Performing the HR Audit Checklist is vital for various segments of an organization. It

increases the chances of employee retention & business success for a long-term period.
Here are the different parts where HR Audit Checklist is performed:

1. Employee Documentation
✔ It checks the overall operations of the HRIS – Human Resource Information System.
Audit reviews this system to ensure that employees’ details are easy to browse & track
whenever required.
✔ In employee documentation, HR audit checklist, personal files & I-9 forms must be
placed systematically. Also, audit checks these I-9 forms to ensure they exist and are
timely filed.
✔ It safeguards each employee’s confidential data. It can be related to health,
background, as well as career history.
2. Employee Handbook
✔ Make sure that company laws adhere to the local, state & national employment laws.
It is done by taking a quick legal consultant glance over it.
✔ It is aiming for the yearly employee handbook scrutiny. It helps to make sure that
there are no loopholes in the system.
✔ They are giving employees the proper knowledge regarding the alterations made in
the handbook. Furthermore, they take their consent before implementing them.

3. Employee Training and Development

✔ It audits the irrelevant content from the training portfolio and also removes it.
✔ The T&D program HR Audit checklist analyses the employee development programs.
Also. It searches for all the existing training gaps, statutory training competition &
whether every training is happening at the right time.
The training portfolio audit takes care of the following questions:
1. What is the employee feedback (whether positive or negative) over the learning
2. What is the total time consumed by these learning training?
3. What is the overall impact of the training on employee performance?
4. What if learning materials from training sessions are not available because of
technological changes?

4. Compensation and Rewards

✔ It is developing a structure to promote competitive salary packages. Also, it is done by
analyzing the national pay scale.
✔ It removes all the pay-related discrepancies due to gender, race, caste, colour, nation,
or physical disability.
✔ It is developing a fair system to specify the suitable alternative for a salary hike.
✔ Analyzing the salary laws for answering questions on minimum wages, average salary,
low salary hikes, etc
5. Selection and Onboarding Process
✔ It is appropriately assessing the ATS – Applicant Tracking System. It keeps track of all
the applicants and selected employees’ data. Furthermore, it ensures the smooth
Selection and Onboarding Process that’s as per the pre-set needs of the company.
✔ They are analyzing all the current recruiting tools utilized by the company for hiring. It
makes sure that all devices are capable enough to meet organizational needs.
✔ The onboarding prices are more effective by allocating a mentor or a buddy to new

6. Performance Review/Analysis
✔ They decide regarding a specific time for evaluating employees’ performances.
✔ They develop a system for specifying the demotion & promotion parameters & real-
time employee performance.
✔ They use the performance appraisal tool to cross-check if set expectations meet the
actual outcomes.
✔ They keep an eye on the existing system to promote equality among employees. It
helps to keep the favoritism & partiality away at the performance appraisal time.

7. Health & Safety

✔ Health & Safety Audit takes place to examine all the existing safety measures.
Auditing allows ensuring that each employee is working in a safe environment and is free
from any threat to their health.
✔ Auditing further checks whether each company is working as per
the OSHA standards or not.
✔ The health, as well as safety auditor, checks the company’s health and safety policies,
strategies, and protocols.
✔ It addresses two things priorly. First is if the company’s policies regarding employee
safety are appropriate. The second is if the company is safeguarding the employee’s
8. Labour Laws
✔ Performing auditing for the labour laws is a recent belief. It came into the picture
because of its nonobedience to various laws made for workers.
✔ The overall motive of the Labor law audit is to maintain the relevant awareness,
examination as well as track it. Moreover, statutory compliance is conserving you by
putting the laws far away.
✔ Labor & Employment law Audit has proven to be a valuable tool for various firms.
Also, it’s highly effective for keeping the compliance related to employment, industrial &
labour laws.
✔ Auditing also helps to highlight all those fields where the employees are not getting
enough benefits from labor laws. It causes the firm to pay huge penalties.

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