Cable Voltage Drop

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Dinesh R

Cable Voltage Drop Manual Calculation with Etap Result

Figure 1:Etap Result

Input Data:

Voltage Rating(kV) = 11kV
Voltage Ratings(kV) = 11/0.415kV
Ratings (MVA) = 2 MVA
Impedance (Z%) = 6%
Dinesh R

Figure 2:Transformer inputs

Cable = 185mm
Length = 100m
No of Run =1
Conductor type = Aluminium
Core = 4/C
Total Derating factor= 0.93(Values are taken as a multiplication factor of

Figure 3:Cable Inputs

Load (Induction motor):

I.M Output Power = 90kW
Consumed power = 97.32kW
Power Factor = 80%
FLA = 169.2 A
Dinesh R

Figure 4:Load Inputs

Let’s Select
➢ 4 Core 185 cable
➢ No of run 1
➢ Length100m
➢ Resistance=0.205Ω/Km
➢ Reactance=0.074 mho/Km
➢ Total De rating Current of 185 Cable= 301x0.93 =279.93 Amp

Voltage Drop of Cable = (1.732x Full Load Current x (RcosǾ+jsinǾ) x Cable Length x 100) /
(Line Voltage x No of Runx1000)
= (1.732 x 169.2 x (0.205x0.8+0.074x0.6) x 100 x100) /(415x1x1000)
Voltage Drop of Cable = 1.8%

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