BajajAutoProject - Tanushri Neware

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Name: Tanushri Neware

Q1. What are the key communication objectives for the website? (List down any 5 areas).
(For example - if Bajaj Auto has a marketing objective of highlighting its technology as a key
USP, then the communication objective for the website would be to have a tab on the
navigation bar named as ‘Technology’).
Enter your response
1) To highlight that the most trusted player in the Indian two wheeler market is coming up with a range of electric
vehicles. Website will have a separate introductory video for all three new products.

2) Navigation bar: Tabs on portfolio, technology, dealer network, charging pods, about us and Triumph Motorcycles
partnership. This will help in getting the attention of the customer on the five major USPs.

3) Sub Footer: Tabs directing or linked to social media (Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc), download brochure, and call for
Footer: Leading to terms and condition, private import policy, sitemap, cookies and privacy policy.

4) To highlight what the product can offer the customer, the cover image that is placed below the header and sub-header
will have a call to action button that will lead to finding out more about the various product portfolio. Like: Explore / View
more / read more.

5) Body content: Talks about the brand, it being the most trusted player and technology with text, images and videos.
Q2. Based on the critical areas identified, create an information architecture for the home
page for the Bajaj Electric Vehicle’s website.
Enter your response
Q3. Create a wireframe for the home page. You may use the website -
Alternatively, you may draw it using pen and paper and attach a photo of the same. Attach a
screenshot of your wireframe in your submission PDF.
Enter your response

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