Pre Final Defense 4

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University of the Immaculate Conception | 2022




The importance of employee performance for an organization's success
today cannot be emphasized (Periyasamy, 2021). Employees constitute a
business's human capital, and their performance is a critical indicator of
whether or not the organization will meet its objectives (Chang and Chen,


of the

study Leadership style is another important factor that can impact

employee performance in a business (Iqbal, et. al, 2015). A
company's or organization's success or failure is determined by its
leadership, and successful leadership has an impact on the
company's or organization's development in dealing with
difficulties and changes (Razak, et. al, 2018).
statement of the problem
1. What is the status of Quality of Work Life (QWL) of the employees in terms of:
1.1. Work environment;
1.2. Organizational culture and climate;
1.3. Relation and co-operation;
1.4. Training and development;
01 1.5. Compensation and rewards;
1.6. Facilities;
1.7. Job satisfaction and Job security;
1.8. Autonomy of work; and
1.9. Adequacy of resource?

2. What is the status of the following leadership styles as experienced by the employees:
2.1. Aversive leadership;
2.2. Directive leadership;
02 2.3. Transactional leadership;
2.4. Transformational leadership; and
2.5. Empowering leadership?
statement of the problem
3. What is the level of performance of the employees of BIR XI in terms of:
3.1. Task performance;
03 3.2. Adaptive performance; and
3.3. Contextual performance?

4. Is there a significant relationship between:

04 4.1. QWL and the performance of employees?

4.2. Leadership style and the performance of employees?

5. Which between quality of work life and leadership styles significantly influence employee’s

05 performance?
results and
Status of the Quality of Work-Life of the Employees

This result means

that the status of

quality work-life of

the employees is

Status of the Leadership Styles as Experienced by the Employees

This result means that

Directive Leadership Style,


Leadership Style, and

Empowering Leadership

Style is oftentimes

practiced, Transactional

Leadership Style is

sometimes practiced,

and Aversive Leadership

Style is rarely practiced.

Level of Performance of the Employees

This means that the

adaptive performance of

the employees is very

satisfactory and the task

performance and

contextual performance

are satisfactory.
Relationship between the Variables

There is a significant relationship between the quality of work life of

the employees and their performance as well as leadership style and

their performance.
Determinants of Employee Performance

Of the two independent

variables, only quality of work-
life (QWL) can significantly
influence the performance of
BIR employees on its
independent capacity (p<.05).
It means that leadership
needs the assistance of QWL
to affect performance.

With regards to the regression model, the r2 of .260 inferred that 26 percent of the variation
in employee performance is associated to the combined influence of quality of work-life
and leadership. This means that there are other factors comprising 74 percent that may
influence employee performance, which were not covered in this study.


1 The status of Quality

of Work-life of the

employees is very

2 Most of the


3 Adaptive performance

yielded the highest level of

mean which implies that

favorable as to their supervisors and

employees in the Bureau

work environment,
managers in the
adapt easily to the

relation and
Bureau are practicing
demands of the tasks at

an empowering
hand especially when they

cooperation, and
are well-versed in

leadership style.
training and
performing it.

4 There is a significant

5 Of the two independent

variables, only quality of

work-life (QWL) can

6 The results support the

contingency theory of

Fiedler's Contingency

significantly influence the

performance of
theory of Fred Fielder

between the quality

government employees

of work life of the

on its independent

capacity which means

Also, on Campbell’s

employees and their

Theory of Performance by

that leadership needs

performance. the assistance of QWL to

John P. Campbell (1900)

affect performance.
The Bureau shall maintain its good practices in providing the needed support of the
employees through their existing programs and activities that are deemed fit for their
quality of
employees. The Human Resource Management Office of the Bureau may also continue
work-life to conduct surveys on the quality of work life of its employees and provide wellness
programs to ensure the healthy lifestyle of its employees especially in times of
pandemic and other health and environment-related hazards.

The supervisors are encouraged to continuously empower their

leadership subordinates to ensure the best performance.

In addition, since the regression model of this study revealed only 26 percent of the
variation of the performance of government employees, future researchers may
conduct another research that may explore the other factors equivalent to 74 percent
researches that may determine the performance which was not covered with this study. Likewise,
researchers may also consider employing other research designs.

Thank You
so much!

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