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Pharmacy Drug and Supplies Monitoring

Last Name, First Name MI. Task

Group members: Samson, Daniel Luis C. Question 6

Tapalla, Danica

Tolentino, Christine Question 1

Uton, Abby Question 1

Villena, Kenjie J. Question 4 & 5

Yap, Erika Drug 31-35/Question 7

Tura, Nezaren

1. Complete the Identify the generic name, therapeutic classification,

dosage form and dosage strength and if it is prescription drug or

Dosage form
Brand Name Generic Name OTC/Rx and dosage

1. Adalat
2. Rivotril

3. Fluimucil

4. Micardis

5. Co-diovan

6. Glucovance

7. Tenormin

8. Coumadin

9. Bisolvon

10. Cataflam

11. Duphaston

12. Euthyrox

13. Buscopan

14. Kalium

15. Lomotil

16. Cardene

17. Nexium
18. Prilosec

Each film-coated
tablet contains:
Rifampicin 150
mg, Isoniazid 75
Pyrazinamide, Antitubercular
19. Quadtab Rx mg,
Ethambutol and Agents
400 mg,
Ethambutol HCl
275 mg

Gastrointestinal Suspension (oral

20. Restime Simeticone OTC
agents drops) 40 mg

21. Zovirax Acyclovir Rx Antivirals 400mg/5ml

2.5 mg
5 mg
Calcium channel 10 mg
22. Norvasc Amlodipine Rx

1 mg/mL

HMG-CoA 5 mg
23. Crestor Rx Inhibitors, Lipid- 10 mg
Lowering Agents,
Statins 20 mg
40 mg
Lipid regulating Tablet:
24. Lopid Gemfibrozil Rx
agent 600 mg

Opioid injection
Analgesics; solution:
25. Fentanyl Sublimaze OTC Schedule II
Opioids 0.05mg/mL

26. Zenical Orlistat Rx, OTC 60 mg
120 mg

8 mg
27. Serc Betahistine Rx Antivertigo
16 mg
24 mg

angiotensin 25 mg
28. Lifezar Losartan Rx receptor blockers
(ARBs) 50 mg
100 mg

D2 receptor
29. Motillium Domperidone Rx antagonist; 10 mg
Prolactin releaser
20 mg

Tramadol/Paracetamol OTC Opioid Analgesic
30. Dolcet 325 mg
DF: Tablets,
Capsule, Syrup
31. Bonamin Meclizine Antiemetic DS: 25 mg, 32
mg, 50 mg, 100

DF: Tablet,
Rx, Capsule, Syrup
Diphenhydramine Antihistamine
32. Benadryl OTC DS: 12.5 mg, 25

DF: Tablet
Alprazolam Rx Anxiolytics
33. Xanor DS: 1 mg, 2 mg

DF: Tablet, Syrup

DS: 2.5 mg/mL
34. Alnix Cetirizine OTC Antihistamine
5 mg/5 mL, 10

DF: Capsule,
Rx, Injectables
35. Risek Omeprazole Antacid
OTC DS: 20 mg, 40

Antifibrinolytic solution
36. Hemostan Cyklokapron Rx


Rx, Antiplatelet 81 mg
37. Aspilet Asipirin
OTC Agents 325 mg
500 mg

38. Saridon Paracetamol OTC Anilide Tablet:

Propyphenazone 250 mg
Caffeine: 50 mg

Isoxsuprine β-agonist drug Tablet:

39. Duvadilan 10mg

Glipizide Rx Sulfonylurea Tablet

40. Minidiab 5mg

2. Create a standard operating procedure for a pharmacy Make sure to

include procedure in handling expiry, medicine monitoring and
product return process.

3. Draw the paradigm on proper handling of prescription based on

generic Act of Explain dispensing process in actual community
pharmacy and compare to the paradigm.

4. Create a standard operating procedure on proper dispensing process

in the pharmacy
I. Objective:

To provide a standard operating procedure to which the

pharmacist will carry out a routine task to be performed during
dispensing of drugs.

II. Scope:

All drugs including prescription, nonprescription, and generic

equivalent drugs.

III. Responsibility:
 Pharmacist
 Pharmacy assistant

IV. Procedure:

1. Greet the patient/consumer with a smile

2. Receive the prescription in kind manner
3. Read the prescription and its contents very carefully
4. Confirm the legality with the patient/consumer and the legibility
of the prescription
5. If in doubt with the prescription or patient, confirm by calling the
doctor over the phone. Do not dispense when drug is illegible or
when in doubt.
6. Once prescription is confirmed, check for the availability of the
drug in the stock and ensure if the product is exactly the drug
that is being ordered.
7. Check the product condition and expiration date to ensure
stability of the drug.
8. Allow the patient/consumer to choose what drug product is
cheap but quality and effective use as an alternative.
9. Acquire the drug from the gondola, double check if the drug is
the same on what is written in the prescription and ask for
quantity to be bought.
10. Provide product information to the patient/consumer and
interpret the instruction regarding the drug storage,
administration, frequency and time, and further instruction of the
11. Proceed to payment and billing. Provide the official receipt to
the patient/consumer with exact amount of change.

V. Quality of Records:

All fully filled prescriptions shall be kept confidential and

compiled in the prescription book.

The pharmacy will keep the record book for 2 years.

VI. Forms:

 Prescription order
 Prescription record book

5. Identify the step on identifying and verifying counterfeit medicines

available in the Make a plan how to inform the customers about
the counterfeit products.
Steps on how to identify counterfeit drugs

1. CHECK THE PACKAGING – Unusual details such as fonts, color, and

spelling errors.
2. DRUG DETAILING – check expiry, batch number, manufacturer, etc. of
the drug container and compare to the secondary package.
3. NO BREAKAGE IN THE SEAL – the security seal should not
be damaged. Look for crack or breaks in the sealing tape.
4. CHECK THE DOSAGE FORM – dissimilarities in color, size, uniformity,
consistency of previous taken drug to the new one.
5. CHECK PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES – for example, small pieces of tables
might cause excessive powder at the medicine container, or crack in
the tablets.
6. CHECK PRICE – a way more cheaper drug product than the regular drug
is a suspicious drug and might be a counterfeit drug.
7. CHECK VENDORS/SELLER – authenticity of the product can come
across the environment in which it is sold. Buying medicines from a
reputable pharmacy will greatly reduce risk of counterfeit drugs.
8. UNEXPECTED SIDE EFFECTS – certain unexpected occurrence of side
effects or adverse reaction, consult to doctor immediately.

How to avoid purchasing counterfeit drugs?

o The best way to avoid counterfeit drug is to buy from a pharmacy
itself. However, make sure the pharmacy is a legitimate and
licensed pharmacy to avoid risk of counterfeit drugs.
o As you buy medication, always ask for receipt.
o Avoid buying medicines in open markets
o Ask for an assistance from a pharmacist. If possible, bring your
regular and previous medication and allow the pharmacist to
confirm the ingredients whether if both contain the same.
o If you wish to purchase drugs online, make sure that you are
browsing through a legitimate seller of a drug. Online procurement of
drug is now regularly used by many consumers, thus, an increase in
fake seller and counterfeit drug in the online market might have
increased as well.


 CDC. (2021). Counterfeit Medicines | Travelers’ Health | CDC. CDC.Gov.

6. Draw a schematic diagram on how to dispensed medicine for PWD,

senior citizen and What is the importance of identifying these
types of patients? What are the requirements needed to avail the senior
citizen/PWD/ athletes discount? Give the steps in computing amount
billable to senior citizen/PWD /athletes.

A. Schematic Diagram

Receive Prescription
Analyze, Number and date the prescription
Validate the prescription and ask for necessary requirements

Compute for the discounted price and inform the Prepare and pack the drug product
cMusatkoemaerfinal check

Deliver product and provide patient couRnesceollridngand file the prescription

B. Importance of Identifying Special Types of Patients

It is vital to acknowledge these special types of patients in order to give
full support on the improvement of their total well-being by providing them the
benefits they are entitled to have. Just like the discounts that can enable them to
sustain their living despite of their condition. In addition, this will also provide
specific needs for them to attain a more meaningful and productive life. With this,
we can be able to minimize the risk of medication errors that could result to a
more serious effect.

C. Requirements to Avail Discounts

C.1 Senior Citizens

✓ National Identification Card
 Purchase slip booklet approved by Office for the Senior Citizen's
Affairs (OSCA) Chairman.
 Except for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, a prescription which includes
patient name, age, address, date, as well as the generic name of
medicine prescribed and prescriber’s information is required.
C.2 Person’s with Disability (PWD)
 PWD identification card (ID) issued by Local Government Unit (LGU)
or Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO)
 Purchase booklet issued by the local social/health office to PWDs
 Except for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, a prescription which includes
patient name, age, address, date, as well as the generic name of
medicine prescribed and prescriber’s information is required.
C.3 National Athletes
 Athlete’s identification card (ID) issued by Philippine Sports
Commission (PSC)
 Purchase booklet issued by Philippine Sports Commission (PSC)
 Except for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, a prescription which includes
patient name, age, address, date, as well as the generic name of
medicine prescribed and prescriber’s information is required.

D. Steps in Computing Discounts

1. Determine the amount of VAT Exempt Sale
- Divide the total price to 1.12 (the VAT rate in the Philippines) to
get the VAT Exempt Sale

2. Deduct the 20% discount

- Multiply the VAT Exempt Sale to 0.20 to get 20% discount.

3. Compute the billable amount

- Subtract the amount from VAT Exempt Sale to amount from the
discounted price.

Administrative Order No. 2017-0008 (2017) “An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of
Persons with Disability”, for the Provision of Medical and Health-related Discounts and Special
Privileges. Retrieved from
MSH (2012) Ensuring Good Dispensing Practice. Page 30. Retrieved from
Department of Health (DOH) Requirements to avail of the 20% discount. Retrieved from
Yanuaria, M. (2011) How to Compute for Discount in the Philippines? Retrieved from

7. Identify the different parts of the prescription and define

Parts of a Prescription


Patient’s Information



Refill Instructions Transcription

1. Prescriber’s Information - the prescription must bear the signature of the prescriber
along with its registration number and address.
- It is very important particularly in the prescription containing the narcotic and habit
forming drugs to prevent its misuse.

2. Patient’s Information - must be written in the prescription because it serves to identify

the prescription.
- In case, if any of this information is missing in the prescription, the same may be
included by the pharmacist after proper enquiry from the patient.  Also used in
dose calculation of children

3. Date - it helps a pharmacist to find out the date of prescribing and date of prescription
for filling the prescription.
- The prescription which prescribe narcotic or other habit forming drug, must bear the
date, so as to avoid the misuse of prescription if it is presented by the patient, a
number of times for dispensing.

4. Superscription - it is represented by Rx symbol. It is Latin word. It means you take.

- In older days, the symbol was considered to be originated from the sign of Jupiter,
god of healing. This symbol was employed by the ancient in requesting god for
the quick recovery of the patient.

5. Inscription - this is the main part of the prescription order, contains the names and
quantities of the prescribed ingredients.

- The name of each ingredient is written on a separate line along with its quantity. In
complex prescription in divided into following parts
 Base - the active medicaments which are intended to produce the therapeutic
 Adjuvant - it is included either to enhance the action of medicament or to
improve the palatability of the preparation.
 Vehicle - it is included in the prescription either to dissolve the solid ingredients
or to increase the volume of the preparation.

6. Subscription - this comprises direction to the pharmacist for preparing the prescription
and number of doses to be dispensed.

7. Transcription – also known as Signa.

- This consists of the direction to be given to the patient regarding the administration of
- It is usually written as ‘Sig’ on the prescription.
- The instructions given in the prescription are required to be transferred to the
container in which the medicament is to be dispensed, so that the patient can follow
it. The instruction may include:
 The quantity to be taken or amount to be used.

8. Refill Instruction - the prescriber indicate on every prescription order, whether it may be
renewed and if so, how many times.

Bhati, V. (2016). The Prescription. Retrieved from:

Mims Philippines. (2021). Retrieved from:

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