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Accounting is in high demand all over the world since it provides a variety of job options
in fields such as public, private, and government. As a result, many students seek this
degree because there are various complex professions to finish, which can lead to
financial security because they pay well and can support a family's requirements and
wants. As a result, many students choose this course as a choice since, in addition to
providing a diverse range of work chances, it also allows them to find the ideal pace for
them in searching for the differences among the various job opportunities that this
course may provide. However, in deciding what career path are they going to take there
are a lot of factors that need to be consider such as the intrinsic, extrinsic, third party
influence and the career exposure. Thus, the fundamental purpose of this research is to
uncover the characteristics that influence accounting students' career choices and how
these aspects influence their decision-making, as these elements are crucial in
determining what type of employment best suits their requirements and wants, as this
will be their lifelong job. The design of the study is descriptive, using a survey
questionnaire, on 100 participants, which were chosen through purposive sampling.
This study was guided by the Choice Theory, The Social Cognitive Career Theory and
the Theory of Career Choice are two theories that the former focus on the six primary
needs of everyone: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun, which a
person must consider when looking for a work to reach their desired degree of
employment. In the latter notion, it is mostly based on such traits, whereby a person
may be aided by looking at such characteristics that best match his or her description to
a specific sort of profession, in which case it may be a significant assistance in terms of
making career decisions. The findings revealed that most participants preferred a career
in commerce and industry as a job since there are many benefits and the stress level is
lower than other jobs, which is essential because many employees leave their jobs due
to stress, low pay, and non-payment of their salaries. They can be certain that their
benefits as employees will be met and that their compensation will be commensurate
with the work that they provide in the sector of commerce and industry. They also
consider the quality of their lives and job flexibility. In addition, criteria such as age, sex,
monthly income, and others have a significant impact on their career choice because
these factors are used to make decisions about which career route to pursue. Future
research should clarify whether there are other ways for these students to have a better
understanding of what type of career path awaits them, improve the survey questions in
determining other factors that may influence or affect their career choice, and, if
possible, use mixed design research.

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